American Life League's

Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia


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Chapter 119 Table of Contents Index Chapter 121



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Chapter 120
Homosexual Practices: Self-Loathing In Action

(1997 Revision)


"To the pervert, normal love, when it does not appear simply repulsive, appears at best a mere milk and water substitute for that ghastly world of impossible fantasies which have become to him the `real thing.'"

- C.S. Lewis.1




Warning!  WARNING!  Warning!  WARNING!  Warning!  WARNING!


Some of the material described in this chapter is extremely offensive in nature.


What the Anti-Lifers Say

"We believe every adult and child has the right to decide for themselves their own sexual orientation ... We define sexual orientation as any and every inclination or impulse which nature bestows upon a person ... We reject the notion that any private act or behavior between consenting adults or children is unnatural or disordered ... We assert there is nothing higher than man himself to decide moral and ethical values and that god made man supreme."

- "This is Our Creed." The National Committee for Gay Civil Rights, 1984.

What gays and lesbians do in private is their own business, and nobody else's. To intrude upon the sex lives of others is an outrageous invasion of everyone's right to privacy. Any act between consenting adults is all right, and nobody, including the government and the church, has any right to interfere.

If we allow the government and the church to dictate to gays and lesbians what we can and cannot do in our own bedrooms, soon they will be dictating to everyone their narrow view of what acceptable sexuality is.


Believe It Or Not ... Promiscuous homosexuals participate in an incredible array of activities most people have never heard of and consider unimaginable even when they do hear descriptions of them. The practices described in this chapter are perhaps the most virulent expressions of a person's loathing for himself, for society, and, ultimately, for God.

Essentially, the promiscuous homosexual is driven by guilt, as described in Chapter 2 of Volume I, "The Anti-Life Mentality." He knows that what he is doing is wrong, but literally becomes addicted to it. He is in every sense of the word a sexual addict, as described in Chapter 116, "The Homosexual Orientation."

The remainder of this chapter describes the various perversions that homosexuals commonly practice.

If you are easily shocked or disgusted, please do not read any further. These descriptions are not sick fantasies; they are standard homosexual practices, advertised and described in virtually all homosexual publications, most of which can be picked up in any left-wing bookstore, and most of which are completely accessible to your children through the Internet and other electronic media.

The Queer's Vernacular

Introduction. The unnatural and deadly practices that promiscuous homosexuals participate in are cloaked in a bewildering array of Newspeak - an arcane vernacular that is virtually incomprehensible to normal people upon first sight. The homosexuals have created, in essence, an entire separate language that is far deeper and wider in meaning than even the trucker's citizen band (CB) language.

Purpose of the Newspeak. There are two purposes for such a language: (1) To create a sense of homosexual `community' and (2) to conceal information from the public. The use of Newspeak has always been a warning sign of evil being performed on a vast scale, whether it be genocide, abortion, or homosexual activity.

Some idea of the extent of this separate language can be gleaned from the fact that the authoritative lexicon on homosexual jargon, Bruce Rodgers' The Queen's Vernacular, boasts over 12,000 entries!2 This `vernacular' is not just for show; it becomes second nature to promiscuous homosexuals and is used especially in conversations and in sex-related want ads.

Consider an actual typical personal ad in a homosexual newspaper; "Leather freak seeks receptive bottom for long, hot 69 sessions and water games. Flat stomach and blue eyes a must. Children a plus. I like discipline, sex toys, and bondage. Reply to Blind Box 47."

Homosexual magazines usually carry a list of standard abbreviations used to describe the writer's (or advertiser's) sexual proclivities. These acronyms usually include one or more of those listed below.

Examples of Typical Homosexual Shorthand

These and many other initials can be combined to create an almost infinite universe of shorthand symbols for various perversions.

Should a Christian Describe These Practices?

It's Going to Hurt ... To begin with, any Christian who intends to actively oppose the coercive "gay rights" agenda should know up front that he is going to experience a considerable degree of spiritual pain and scandal in learning about and describing the various perverted homosexual practices.

It is going to deeply sicken a true Christian to know that God's natural law is being perverted in such disgusting ways. It is going to hurt to realize that perhaps a million people feel a compulsion to act in this way. And it will hurt to know that so many people have such little respect for themselves and for their "partners" that they will sink to such abysmal depths.

It will especially hurt to contemplate how terribly these acts must offend and injure God.

For these reasons, any Christian who is not strong in the Faith and extremely resistant to various perverted `occasions of sin' should not be involved in anti-"gay rights" activism.

Accuracy or Discretion? Those who have been fighting the radical homosexual agenda for any length of time know that the discussion of the homosexual's deathstyle leads to a difficult ethical question. Is it necessary to actually describe their hideous practices in graphic and accurate detail, thereby disgusting and scandalizing people, or should one refrain from such descriptions in the name of decency?

The answer to this question really depends on the target audience one is addressing. If the audience can take the shock, a Christian activist really has a duty to lay out the full details of homosexual behavior. If these details are not described, then everyone involved is accepting the pretty homosexual package of propaganda that portrays their lifestyle as "mainstream" and healthy. This is a tacit acceptance of their lifestyle, and is precisely what got our nation into this mess in the first place.

After all, the reason that people are sitting still for the homosexuals is that they simply do not understand what homosexuals do - and what they desire to do if they get their way!

Describe in Disgusting Detail. If at all possible, the anti-"gay rights" activist should try to describe homosexual behavior in as much accurate detail as possible, prefaced with a warning about its nature. Any debater who simply uses the media and gay-rights euphemisms is lending credence to homosexual allegations of a "perfectly acceptable alternative lifestyle." And, let's face it, the only way to accurately describe bizarre practices is with clinically accurate words.

It is amusing indeed that the homosexuals are attempting to legitimize and legalize behavior that cannot be described in detail in public, because its very description is legally pornographic.

Congressman William Dannemeyer found this out when he inserted a moderately detailed description of "What Homosexuals Do" in the June 29, 1989 Congressional Record. A number of Neoliberal Democrats, including Andrew Jacobs (D-Ind.) and others, denounced him for including such graphic and disgusting material in "America's tax-paid family newspaper."3

And yet these same censors consistently vote in support of the very activities that they don't want described!

Strange, isn't it - we spend hundreds of millions of tax dollars every year teaching people to be tolerant of activities that are too hideous to be described in the taxpayer-supported Congressional Record!

Beware of Counterattacks! Christian anti-"gay rights" activists who are familiar with homosexual practices are frequently confronted with homosexual hecklers who accuse them of "being fascinated by homosexual erotic literature" and even of being a "closet gay."

In other words, homosexuals will try to "out" a person who opposes them in public.

The responses to these inevitable attacks are varied in nature, but the anti-"gay rights" activist might turn these assaults to his own advantage by making appropriate comparisons. He may admit that he is indeed "fascinated" by homosexual porn, just as any normal person would be "fascinated" by something horrible like a human corpse rotting in his front yard. And the activist might respond to the accusation that he is a "closet gay" by pointing out that, under this flawed logic, members of the audience who are against child abuse are "closet child abusers" themselves. The premise that anyone who opposes something actually practices that activity is appallingly stupid and should be exposed as such.

Descriptions of Common Homosexual Practices

"It is a characteristic common to all perversions that in them reproduction as an aim is put aside. This is actually the criterion by which we judge whether a sexual activity is perverse - if it departs from reproduction in its aims and pursues the attainment of gratification independently. You will understand, therefore, that the gulf and turning point in the development of the sexual life lies at the point of its subordination to the purposes of reproduction. Everything that occurs before this conversion takes place, and everything which refuses to conform to it and serves the pursuit of gratification alone, is called by the unhonored title of perversion and as such is despised."

- Sigmund Freud.4

Introduction. The following paragraphs describe practices that homosexuals commonly engage in. Some of these activities are revolting beyond belief, and many may seem physically impossible to the normal person. However, most or all of these practices are advertised and described in homosexual newspapers that are available in virtually any large American city.

Infrequently in the Bedrooms. One recurring theme that homosexuals persist in bringing up during any discussion of their practices is that the State has no right to regulate sexual behavior.

This is utter nonsense. Every state has laws against or regulating prostitution, polygamy, rape, incest, and who can get married and divorced. These laws are passed in order to protect society and the innocent, and to head off public health menaces.

Homosexuals, like pro-abortionists, also consistently allege that "The government should stay out of the bedroom." After all, any reasonable person would agree with this statement.

However, just like abortions, homosexual behavior rarely occurs in the bedroom.

According to The Gay Report and two other surveys conducted by homosexuals, the results of an intensive survey of a large number of homosexuals reveals that the most popular places for sodomy and other perverted sex acts are essentially anywhere that homosexuals congregate, whether in private or public, as listed below.

Results of a Survey on the Most Popular Places That Homosexuals Have Sex

  1. (1) public rest rooms, where "glory holes" are cut out of stall partitions so that men may anonymously commit sodomy and fellatio on each other;
  2. (2) pornographic movie houses and bookstores and peep shows;
  3. (3) bus stations;
  4. (4) service stations;
  5. (5) public libraries;
  6. (6) highway rest stops;
  7. (7) public parks;
  8. (8) public baths or "health clubs," where men congregate and watch other men sodomize each other;
  9. (9) "gay bars" and night clubs; and
  10. (10) certain street corners where homosexuals "cruise" for anonymous partners

Reference: K. Jay and A. Young. The Gay Report. Summit Books, 1979, page 500. See also Rechy, The Sexual Outlaw. Grove Press, 1977, and the Gayellow Pages, which are compiled by homosexuals for each large city and show exactly where homosexuals congregate, and for what purposes.

It is interesting to note that bedrooms did not even make the top ten!

This is consistent with the fact that promiscuous homosexuals want lots of sex and they want it now, wherever they happen to be at the time. Since homosexuals often commit sex acts with five or more men at a time or consecutively, it is much more convenient to just "get it on" wherever groups of homosexuals congregate. Finally, there are very few promiscuous homosexuals who possess even the slight degree of self-discipline necessary to wait on committing their perversions until they get home.

Any policeman from any medium- to large-sized city can attest to the chronic problems of homosexuals copulating in highway rest stops, in the bushes of public parks, and in homosexual bookstore stalls.


"Interspecies Love." Bestiality is some variety of sex with animals. The homosexual euphemism for intercourse with pigs, goats, and dogs is "interspecies love." It is not hard to imagine the exotic and sometimes deadly diseases that many homosexuals contract from such practices.

Because their lives are centered around their anuses, promiscuous homosexuals are driven to commit literally any act for sexual gratification. Some of their practices would be comical if they were not so hideously repulsive.

Fun With Gerbils. The May 1986 and January-February 1991 issues of The Realist report on one instance of a homosexual practice commonly called "gerbiling;" "A male news anchor on KWY-TV in Philadelphia had to have a live gerbil surgically removed from his rectum. Among macho gay men in the city of brotherly love, the latest way of getting off is to take a gerbil - gender male, we assume - remove his teeth and nails, shave him, grease him and shove him up, up and away. Apparently the turn-on is all in the wiggle. As a precaution, a string is attached to the gerbil's tail. In our newscaster's case, the string broke, necessitating his visit to a hospital. It would seem that what we have here is a clear conflict of competing interests between gay rights and animal rights."

The way the homosexuals deflect criticism of such bizarre practices is by attempting label them "urban legends;" i.e., legends in the same class as those that allege that there is an old guy in the valley who eats stray dogs and cats and the burglar who was forced to retrieve his fingers from the stomach of a Doberman.

No, this is not some "fanatical right-wing lie." One homosexual retailer even sells T-shirts that say "SO MANY GERBILS, SO LITTLE TIME!"

As repulsive and bizarre as sex with animals may be, it is no longer confined to a small group of sick people. many well-known sex educators and `sexologists,' who have access to our children, are trivializing and even recommending it. For example, in an address to the American Library Association (ALA), Sol Gordon said that "I have all kinds of [sexual] thoughts about men and women -- and animals [laughter from the audience]. Why is that funny? Who has never had a thought about an animal, stand up!"5

Is This For Real? In considering whether or not such bizarre practices actually take place, one should use common sense. A thinking person should consider all of the other things that homosexuals do, and then ask themselves if "gerbiling" is really something that they would shy away from.

The answer is obvious: Of course not!

After all, a sexual addict is like any other addict - he will do literally anything to satisfy his unnatural cravings.

The world of the homosexual revolves around one thing only: Immediate sexual gratification. If a willing partner is not available, the homosexual will insert virtually any handy object up his rear end for sexual gratification: Carrots, potatoes, baseballs, even light bulbs!

For example, in February 1989, a PWA (person with AIDS) checked in to the emergency room at Houston's Hermann Hospital and complained of constipation. The situation was serious enough to merit surgery, and the attending physician removed a huge, rotting sweet potato from the homosexual's rear end!

The doctor remarked that this was "absolutely the most revolting operation in which I have ever participated." The homosexual complained, "But I was practicing safe sex! No one ever gave AIDS to a passionate sweet potato!"6

Incidentally, this operation cost an insurance company over $20,000.

First homosexuals, then bisexuals, and now vegisexuals! What next?



Introduction. Infantilism is a perversion that is entirely separate in nature from pedophilia, although the two may be practiced by the same person.

Organized infantilists commonly wear baby clothes - especially diapers - and urinate and defecate in them. Many infantilists then participate in "scat games," smearing the feces all over their own bodies and the bodies of others. Spanking and "bondage and discipline" are also favorite infantilist activities.

The catalog of a typical infantilist group, the Sausalito Diaper Pail Fraternity, claims that "[Member's] interests are varied, but primarily in diapers, plastic or rubber pants, wet pants, bedwetting, infantilism, little boy and little girl fantasies, humiliation, spanking, discipline, domination, enemas, W/S [water sports - playing in urine], cross-dressing [transvestitism], S/M [sado-masochism], and catheters."7

Note the infantilist's extremely heavy emphasis on homosexual activities, including transvestitism, insertion of objects up the anus, torture, "water sports," and even the use of catheters.

A Good Infantilist. Mississippi abortionist Milan D. Chepko, who killed children at the amusingly-named New Woman Medical Center, is an example of an good upstanding infantilist.

Chepko was arrested and charged in Federal court with forcing minors to engage in "kiddie porn" movies, producing the movies, conspiracy with others to produce the movies, and shipping them across state lines. The movies involved children of four years of age in many cases being sodomized by adults, having sex with adult men and women, and also depicted oral sex between men and very young boys.8

According to an affidavit filed in Federal court, Chepko's van contained evidence that he and his correspondents "... are members or supporters of the National and International Diaper Pail Foundation, in which the members are infantilists who enjoy wearing diapers, defecating in the diapers, and smearing the defecation on the body. They are also interested in the defecation of small children."8

Mass Murder and Serial Killing

"Many of the most violent multiple murders have been committed by homosexual males."

- New York Times editorial, January 21, 1984.

Self-Hate --> Other-Hate. It is obvious that a group of people who enjoy - or who are truly addicted to - being sodomized, tortured, and degraded have extremely low self-esteem. These people belong to the "I'm not OK - you're not OK" category, and their activities and publications clearly show that they are filled with rage and self-hate.

Examples of Homosexual Murderers. It is not possible for a relatively large group of human beings who despise themselves to keep this loathing internalized forever. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that homosexuals occasionally erupt in explosions of extreme violence against others.

It is necessary at this time to distinguish between the terms "mass murder" and "serial killer."

A mass murderer generally lives a relatively normal existence until, one day, he just "snaps." He will then usually grab whatever lethal weapon is at hand, travel to the nearest heavily-populated area, and open fire. These murders are almost always unplanned, and the killer is usually gunned down in his subsequent "last stand" with police.

By comparison, a serial killer will murder one or two people at a time over a long period. Each murder is carefully planned, and the perpetrator makes sure that he covers his tracks in a deliberate attempt to avoid being caught.

As shown in Chapter 116, "Homosexual Orientation," practicing homosexuals make up about two percent of the population. However, they are responsible for 68 percent of all of the mass murders and 41 percent of the murder `sets' in this country over the last 17 years!9 Additionally, homosexuals are responsible for nine of the worst eleven cases of serial killing in the country's history.

This means that the average homosexual male is 34 times more likely to commit mass murder and 196 times more likely to be a serial killer than a heterosexual male (see Figure 120-3).

The worst cases of homosexual serial killing, and some typical examples of homosexual mass murders, are shown in Figure 120-1.

The Sexual Basis for Murder. Criminal psychologists agree that homosexual mass murderers and serial killers act out of a sense of rage, guilt, and shame due to their innate knowledge that their lifestyle is morally repugnant.

A psychologist interviewed in the January 21, 1984 New York Times said that "Detectives who have worked on several of these cases, many of which have involved especially vicious mutilations and tortures of victims, theorize that killers acted out of rage in unresolved guilt about their own homosexuality. Based on interviews after their arrests, the detectives say, the killers have been motivated by a sense of shame after having sexual relations with their victims."

And Bob Ressler, who for years developed profiles of serial killers at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Academy at Quantico, said that "I have never seen a serial killer who is a happily married family man, or who had a long-term successful relationship with a woman."9


More Counterattacks. During a debate or presentation, there is no quicker way to enrage and embarrass homosexuals than to wave around a few color pictures depicting the sods in various perverted sex acts, including bloody, extreme sado-masochism and sex with animals and small children. This material is surprisingly easy to purchase in any city of moderate to large size - all that is required is a very strong stomach and a few dollars.

The inevitable homosexual knee-jerk reaction to such an action on the part of an anti-"gay rights" activist is to point out that heterosexuals have more porn magazines than homosexuals do. They will generally mention Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler Magazines by name.

Of course they are correct. However, the logic behind attempts to divert attention in this manner is fundamentally flawed because hard-core porn is an integral part of the homosexual lifestyle. The vast majority (80 to 90 percent) of promiscuous homosexuals use this material.

On the other hand, hard-core porn (or soft-core porn, for that matter) is not an integral part of the average heterosexual lifestyle. Although "hetero" porn magazines like Playboy do have a large circulation, less than ten percent of adult heterosexual males read such material on a regular basis. And those heterosexual males who are heavily into hard-core porn are themselves sexual addicts of a type and are maladjusted.

Therefore, what the homosexuals are trying to do is compare an average homosexual to a maladjusted "straight," a bogus tactic if ever there was one. The anti-"gay rights" activist must insure that a proper comparison is made between an average homosexual and an average "straight."

Unholy Marriage. As mentioned above, hard-core porn is an integral and inseparable part of the homosexual deathstyle. It is only one more tool that the homosexual uses to heighten his unnatural passions, and it is logical to expect that he will want to have high-quality literature that graphically depicts his activities.

The various aspects of homosexuality are dominant and recurring themes in the majority of all hard-core pornography. Transvestitism, bondage and torture, pedophilia, incest, and same-sex rape account for more than half of the total volume of hard-core porn, and all of these perversions are subsets of the complete range of homosexuality activity.

The homosexual `community' vigorously fights any attempts to limit the production and distribution of any kind of pornography - including "kiddie porn." As San Francisco lesbian Laura Thomas says, "Historically, radical feminism portrayed pornography as exploitative. Now we're saying it can be beautiful."10

The second Attorney General's Commission on Pornography uncovered homosexual films, books, and magazines dealing with the themes of transvestitism and sodomy including those listed in Figure 120-2.

Chapter 133, "Types of Pornography," elaborates further on the intimate connection between homosexuality and outright hard-core porn.

Homosexual Fetishes. Some of the most bizarre homosexual fetishes imaginable regularly appear in hard-core materials, and are almost always integrated with various other perverted sexual acts, all of which are heavily homosexual in nature.

Popular fixations include leather items; dead persons or animals (necrophilia); pregnant and lactating women; amputees, dwarfs, and those persons with other obvious physical malformations; certain specific areas of the body, usually the anus and feet; and grossly or morbidly obese women.

Other fetishes involve activity in bathrooms and involve urinating on persons (water games), eating excrement ("scatting"), and actual fixations with various plumbing fixtures (usually the toilet). This subcategory of hard-core porn is very popular indeed with homosexuals.

The second Attorney General's Commission on Pornography uncovered homosexual films, books, and magazines dealing with fetishes, including those listed in Figure 120-2.

"Snuff" Films. As described in this chapter, many homosexuals belong to organized sado-masochism (S&M) clubs, which have newsletters, meetings, and even `dungeons' for members to inflict pain on each other. In light of the fact that most homosexuals also have sex with young boys, and commit murder at a rate many times that of the normal population (as shown in Figure 120-3), it is not surprising that the two activities would be blended in homosexual-oriented pornography.

Police experts estimate that about 100 persons per year (almost all adolescent boys) are actually tortured to death while onlookers film their agony. The result is "snuff films" that are clandestinely reproduced, circulated and used for homosexual gratification. Although many police departments have confiscated snuff films, their prevalence is difficult to measure because they are heavily-guarded, usually passed from hand to hand, and only shown at private parties.

For example, in a rare instance of prosecution, two Alexandria, Virginia men were charged in August 1989 with plotting to purchase or kidnap a young boy for use in a videotaped "snuff film." They admitted that their objective was to torture the boy for two weeks and then kill him.11

Fortunately, this plot was stopped in time, but one has to speculate as to how many missing children each year meet with such a horrible end.

Other innocent children are not so lucky. In April of 1985, the San Jose, California Mercury-News reported that a homosexual child molesting ring in that city had kidnapped several children, then forced them to eat pieces of rats and tortured them with knives and blowtorches before killing them. The children were also drugged and forced to engage in sex with adults and to participate in Satanic rituals.12

These, of course, are the types of activity that your local pornographers and the American Civil Liberties Union (as indicated by its vigorous defense of pornographers) heartily approve of.

The second Attorney General's Commission on Pornography uncovered homosexual films, books, and magazines dealing with sado-masochism, including those listed in Figure 120-2.

Homosexuals and Dial-A-Porn. It should not be surprising that homosexuals, whose very lives are pornographic, support all porn enthusiastically - especially that porn which children can easily access. The homosexual defense of porn was exposed when the National Gay Rights Advocates (NGRA) filed a friend of the court brief with the Supreme Court in the case Sable Communications v. FCC, which challenged the 1988 Congressional legislation banning "dial-a-porn" over interstate phone lines.

Speaking of this case, a member of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation commented that "Phone sex is, in fact, an important safe sex outlet for many people."13

Benjamin Schatz, executive director of the National Gay Rights Advocates AIDS Civil Rights Project, stressed in his amicus brief submitted in the above case that; "'Dial-a-porn' can save lives by providing an alternative to unsafe sex. Whether people like it or not, it has important social value, and is entitled to Constitutional protection."14

This `constitutional' argument, of course, is the reddest of red herrings. The real reason that homosexuals fight so hard against dial-a-porn restrictions is because the porn lines are so profitable.

A major homosexual periodical, The Lavender Network, confirmed this fact when it editorialized that "A sharply curtailed telephone sex industry could harm gay newspapers and magazines, about half of which derive substantial revenue from the industry."15 And another editorial in Outweek Magazine a year later went even further when it claimed that "The lesbian and gay press is heavily dependent on revenues from phone-sex advertising ... Outweek [Magazine] last year found that in the absence of phone-sex advertisers, many of the [homosexual] community's newspapers and magazines would simply go out of business."16

This money-grubbing, self-centered attitude ignores the causal relationship between porn and violence. Instead of being an alternative to unsafe sex, `dial-a-porn' undoubtedly causes a greater incidence of unsafe sex - and violence, as shown above.


Introduction. Sodomy in the homosexual sense consists of anal intercourse between two men. Sodomy is probably the most common homosexual activity next to fellatio, and is the primary transmitter of AIDS.

Years of "safe-sex" and "safer-sex" propaganda campaigns have done little to alter homosexual behavior. Of the estimated 446,000 sex advertisements contained in The Advocate Magazine from July 5, 1972 to July 2, 1991 - a full two decades - exactly eighteen contained references to condoms or "safe sex."17 Keep in mind that The Advocate (originally The Advocate: Newspaper of America's Homophile Community) is not a fringe-type homosexual paper, but the periodical read by most `mainline' homosexuals. In fact, it bills itself as "The National Gay and Lesbian Magazine."

Yet More Diversity. Homosexual sodomy is not restricted to the human species, nor even to living creatures. Emergency room physicians have described the extraction of various fruit, softballs, and even light bulbs from the gastrointestinal tracts of homosexuals. There have been numerous reported cases of homosexual mortuary workers sodomizing corpses (an extreme form of necrophilia).

This practice is so common that homosexuals who sodomize the dead have their own special label: "Coffin queens."

Other Common Homosexual Practices

Introduction. The complete range of perverted homosexual activities is virtually unlimited, and there is no way to describe all of it in a single publication.

However, some of the more common manifestations of "homosex" are described below.

"Fisting." Fisting is the insertion of the hand (or fist) into the rectum, usually done while the recipient is masturbating. As can be imagined, severe damage to the gastrointestinal tract can result from this practice.

After participating in this activity for a period of time, total loss of muscle tone at the rectum results, causing continual incontinence. To `remedy' this condition, most homosexual bookstores and paraphernalia shops sell "butt plugs" in diameters of up to an incredible four inches.

"Leather." This particular band of perverts has their own national group, the National Leather Association. Leather `studs' are not necessarily into sado-masochism, although this practice is far more common among those who are `into' leather. An ironically apt symbol of the leatherman in `civvies' is a leather thong in the shape of a hangman's noose around the neck. There are numerous Leather publications, including the magazine Bear, which is dedicated to "Those men who like hairy men."

"Rimming." Rimming involves insertion of one person's tongue directly into the anus of another. The ultimate in rimming is to have one person defecate into the other person's mouth. This practice is becoming more common, and exotic (and often incurable) diseases are the inevitable result.

Homosexuals, because of this revolting practice, have a Hepatitis B infection rate from five to thirty times that of the general public. This is not reassuring, in light of the fact a large number of homosexuals work in restaurants so they can `meet people.'

Sado-Masochism (S&M). Also known as "bondage and discipline (B&D)," sado-masochism consists of the intentional torture or infliction of pain upon oneself and/or upon others.

After studying the practices of more than 5,000 New York City homosexuals, Dr. Charles Socarides concluded that "In masochists, strong homosexual tendencies are readily observed. All homosexuals suffer from a severe degree of psychic masochism."18

S&M has several distinct and separate categories, each with a core group of dedicated followers. These S&M practices include branding (the burning of the skin with actual brands, cigarettes, or other burning objects), bondage, whipping, spanking, and urinating or defecating upon other persons. Groups of S&M freaks band together in "Dungeon Guilds," which construct "dungeons" equipped with tools designed to inflict pain and punishment of all kinds. A typical guild name is "Oregon Guild Activists in S&M" (ORGASM).

S&M magazines include Dungeon Master (for those into `heavy' and occasionally fatal S&M) and Sandmutopia Guardian (for men who like to beat up women). `How-to' S&M books include Macho Sluts. The current homosexual euphemism for S&M is "consensual exchange of power."

A survey performed by homosexuals revealed that 37% of all homosexuals have taken part in S&M.19

"Scat Games." Some homosexuals enjoy defecating on each other and smearing feces into each other's faces and hair. Those who participate in this kind of activity refer to themselves as "mudmen." This activity is also commonly referred to as "wallowing," and is usually accompanied by "rimming," where one homosexual inserts his tongue directly into the other's anus.

`69.' Simultaneous oral-genital contact between two persons. This is certainly the most common (and relatively pedestrian) of all homosexual activities.

Transvestitism. Transvestitism involves people (almost always men) dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex. In many cases, such behavior is not just restricted to the home; large homosexual functions feature `drag queens' (men dressed as women), and most large cities have several bars where transvestites (he-shes and `shemales'), or female impersonators, hang out regularly.

It seems that even transvestites ("cross-dressers," or CDs) in PC parlance, are going mainstream. They hold major conventions at the most exclusive hotels, such as the "BE ALL" gathering at the Pittsburgh Hotel Sheraton from June 6 to June 10, 1990 and at The Tiffany Club of New England at the exclusive Boatslip Beach Club of Provincetown, Massachusetts, from May 29 to June 4, 1990.

These gatherings attract hundreds of CDs and feature workshops, manicurists, hairdressers, `makeup artists,' and clothiers specializing in making women's clothes that fit men's bodies. There are also "Big Sister" programs where experienced CDs help out new ones.20

Transsexuals and transvestites even have their own beauty contests. A former male who now calls him/her/it?self "Raquel Cruz" won the 1986 "Miss Man Made of 1986" beauty contest in (where else?) San Francisco.21

The most extreme expression of transvestism is autoerotic asphyxiation. The person, invariably a male, dresses in women's clothing, suspends his weight primarily by placing his neck in a noose, and masturbates. Supposedly, this leads to a very intense orgasm. Syndicated advice columnist Ann Landers believes that as many as 300 young men die from this practice every year, but such incidents are understandably under-reported.

Water Games. These `games' include drinking urine or having one person urinate on another (the so-called "golden shower"). A homosexual who is sexually aroused by having someone pee on him is called a "golden queen."

Frequency of Homosexual Practices

Overview. Some homosexual groups condemn even the discussion of their practices as "negative publicity," and state as fact that any such discussion is bigoted, since only a few homosexuals are involved.

This is no surprise, since the uncompromising glare of publicity, if turned onto the homosexual lifestyle, would utterly destroy the "gay rights" movement.

On `Gay' Marriages. The image of the contented, settled-down `gay' person is propaganda fiction for `straight' consumption only. The homosexuals know that, if they can appear relatively `normal' to ordinary family members, they will have accomplished a major propaganda coup.

The frequency of various homosexual activities is one of the keys to understanding the homosexual mentality. When closely examining the homosexual deathstyle, one is immediately reminded of a laboratory rat continually pressing a lever for shots of electrically-induced pleasure to the exclusion of all else - food and water included - until it literally drops from exhaustion.

Charles Silverstein and Edmund White, in their book The Joy of Gay Sex, buttress this theory by saying that "Gays today represent the tendency toward hedonism in one of its most extreme forms. Many homosexuals seldom or never settle down with lovers; and endless rounds of one-night stands or short affairs provide gay men with constant novelty and excitement."

In their book Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women, published by the Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender, and Reproduction, Alan Bell and Martin Weinberg lay to rest the myth of homosexual `true love and affection.'

They reported that only nine percent of all homosexuals have had less than 25 sexual partners in their lifetimes. 43 percent reported more than 500 `partners,' and 28 percent reported more than 1,000.

In line with the concept of sexual addiction, 70 percent of all homosexuals confine their sex to impersonal, anonymous one-night stands, and 71% expressed no feelings whatever for their partners.22

Only two percent of all sexually active homosexuals are involved in a monogamous or "semi-monogamous" relationship, defined as ten or fewer lifetime sexual partners.23 Of the very few homosexual "marriages" or formal "domestic partnerships" that exist, half of the `partners' cheat, and the average lifespan of such ersatz `marriages' is less than two years.22

Propaganda-minded homosexuals play heavily on the image of the "committed and loving" pair of homosexuals when they agitate for marriage rights and domestic partner benefits, but such `bonding' is extremely rare. A detailed, multi-year analysis of personal advertising in The Advocate showed less than one percent looking for a monogamous relationship.17

These statistics obviously highlight the compulsive and addictive nature of homosexual activity and put the lie to the useful and effective homosexual propaganda myth of "loving homosexual relationships."

The Logic and Strategy. Homosexual strategists Charles Kirk and Erasmus Pill correctly recognize that "In the early stages of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by any premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible."24

However, sodomy, fisting, rimming, `water games,' and all of these other hideous actions are not rare or unusual; they are the rule, not the exception.

The Statistics. The top half of Figure 120-3 shows the average sexually active homosexual's activities during periods of one month and one year. Note the references at the bottom of the table. These numbers are not the result of anti-homosexual propaganda - they are the results of rigorous studies carried out by prestigious research organizations and by the homosexuals themselves.

It is extremely important to note that there are a vast number of homosexuals in this country - perhaps millions - who do not participate in these activities, but instead lead a chaste lifestyle. These figures apply to sexually active homosexuals only.

The lower half of Figure 120-3 shows that homosexual men and women participate in violent, exploitative, and perverted behavior at a much greater rate than normal people. Homosexuals have set no ethical limits upon their activities, and so feel free to rape others, have sex with animals, cheat on income tax and on their spouses, deliberately infect others with sexually-transmitted diseases, and in general just act like spoiled children.

The Impacts on Life Span. By their very nature, homosexual acts do violence to nature and to the human body. Homosexuals are infected with a wide variety of deadly and crippling diseases, are prone to extreme violence, and are true sexual addicts. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that this violent and sick deathstyle should have a profound impact upon the length of the average promiscuous homosexual's life.

Recent health studies have shown that homosexuals are 23 more times likely than heterosexuals to contract venereal diseases, including a syphilis rate 1,400% higher. Lesbians are 19 times more likely to have had syphilis, four times as likely to have scabies, and twice as likely to have genital warts.25

The National Lesbian-Gay Health Foundation found that homosexuals are three times as likely as heterosexuals to have an alcohol or drug abuse problem.26 Incredibly, homosexuals are 87 times more likely to be murdered than normal people; 25 times more apt to commit suicide; and even 18 times more likely to die in a traffic accident!27

All of these factors, and many others, combine to carve years off of the life of anyone who enters the homosexual lifestyle.

In order to determine the impacts of homosexual practices on lifespan length, the Family Research Institute analyzed and summarized lifespan data found in the obituaries of one of the largest homosexual newspapers in the United States - the Washington Blade - from March 21, 1986 to April 19, 1991. The results of these data analyses are shown below.

This study showed that the average homosexual person died at the age of 41. The average age of death for all people in the population was 73. Therefore, this study showed that the promiscuous homosexual lifestyle, on the average, subtracts 32 years from a person's life.

Another more extensive study confirmed the results of the Washington Blade survey by reviewing a total of 5,246 obituaries in 16 homosexual newspapers scattered all over the country. This survey showed that the average homosexual died at the age of 39.28 Therefore, this second study showed that the promiscuous homosexual lifestyle, on the average, subtracts (73-39) = 34 years from a person's life.

A sampling of 5,890 deaths in two studies is statistically solid enough to insure that the above conclusion is correct to within plus or minus two years. In other words, a person entering into the promiscuous homosexual deathstyle can expect to lose, on the average, 32 to 36 years from his or her life.

And this is the lifestyle that is defended by homosexual activists as both morally and practically equal to heterosexuality!

References: Homosexual Practices

[1] C.S. Lewis, quoted in David A. Noebel. The Homosexual Revolution, page i.

[2] David A. Neobel. The Homosexual Revolution. Tulsa, Oklahoma: American Christian College Press. 1977, 192 pages, $1.95 paperback. Pages 81 and 159.

[3] Ignatius Press. "The Serious Reader's Guide to Good Catholic Literature." Winter, 1989-1990.

[4] Sigmund Freud. A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Quoted in the January 31, 1991 issue of The Wanderer, page 3.

[5] 'Sexologist' Sol Gordon, "It's Not Okay to Be Antigay." Address to the American Library Association, The Sexual Adolescent, 232. Originally appeared in The Witness, Episcopal Church Publishing, October 1977.

[6] "Safe-Sex Alert: Watch Out for Depraved Sweet Potatoes!" Family Research Newsletter, April-May 1989, page 7.

[7] Doug Oakley. "Diaperful of Love: The Shocking True Story of Sausalito's Adult Diaper Fraternity." Nose Magazine ("the seventh one"), pages 28 to 31.

[8] As described in "Just a Coincidence?" Focus on the Family Citizen, February 1990, page 5.

[9] These figures are gleaned from AP and UPI news reports from 1983 to 1981, inclusive. Of 77 mass murders committed during this time period, 31 were by homosexuals. And these were only by persons identified as homosexuals - the actual percentage is probably closer to 50 or even 60 percent. `Mass murder' is defined as the systematic killing of three or more persons at one point in time, as opposed to killing people one at a time over a longer period, which is generally referred to as "serial killing." The figure of 40 percent is remarkable consistent, and holds true over the longer 17-year period cited in the text. This latter period is referred to and documented in "Murder, Violence and Homosexuality." Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality, 1987. Also see C. Allen. A Textbook of Psychosexual Disorders (2nd Edition). Oxford University Press, 1969, and J.P. de River. The Sexual Criminal (2nd Edition). C.C. Thomas, 1956.

[10] As quoted in Eloise Salholz. "The Future of Gay America." Newsweek Magazine, March 12, 1990, page 23.

[11] As described in USA Today, August 22, 1989, page 3A.

[12] "Snuff Film Ring Uncovered." National Federation for Decency Journal, July/August 1985, page 14.

[13] Just Out Magazine, April 1989, page 4.

[14] National Newsline. "Supreme Court to Hear Arguments on Phone Sex." The Lavender Network May 1989, page 57.

[15] National Newsline. "Adult Phone Lines Under Attack." The Lavender Network, April 1990, page 50.

[16] Editorial in Outweek Magazine, April 10, 1991, page 26.

[17] The Institute for Media Education. A Content Analysis of Two Decades of The Advocate (July 5, 1972 - July 2, 1991) and The 1991 Gayellow Pages. June 1991.

[18] Dr. Charles Socarides. "Homosexuals and the Homosexual Rights Movement." American Family Association Journal, April 1990, page 13.

[19] The First National Gay and Lesbian Sex Survey, as described in the Summer 1989 Family Research Newsletter. Also see Karla Jay and Allen Young. The Gay Report. New York City: Summit Publishers, 1979.

[20] "New Sexual Victims: Cross Dressers." Family Research Newsletter, January-March 1991, page 5.

[21] "The Week." National Review, April 11, 1986, page 16.

[22] L. McKusick, "AIDS and Sexual Behavior Reported By Gay Men in San Francisco." American Journal of Public Health, 1985, 75, pages 493 to 496. Also see P.H. Gebhard and A.B. Johnson. The Kinsey Data. Saunders Publishers, 1979.

[23] A.P. Bell, M.S. Weinberg, and S.K. Hammersmith. Sexual Preference. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1981. Pages 308 and 309.

[24] Charles Kirk and Erasmus Pill. "Overhauling Straight America." Guide Magazine, November 1987.

[25] H.W. Jaffe and C. Keewhan, "National Case-Control Study of Kaposi's Sarcoma and Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia in Homosexual Men; Part I, Epidemiological Results." Annals of Internal Medicine, February 1983, pages 145 to 157. H.H. Hansfield. "Sexually Transmitted Disease in Homosexual Men." American Journal of Public Health. September 1981, pages 989 amd 990. Karla Jay and Allen Young. The Gay Report. New York City: Summit Publishers, 1979. Janet E. Gans, "America's Adolescents: How Healthy Are They?" Journal of the American Medical Association, January 1990, page 31.

[26] "Gays Are More Prone to Substance Abuse." Insight Magazine, November 5, 1990.

[27] "Overview of the Simmons Gay Media Survey." Rivendell Marketing Company, Plainfield, New Jersey, undated, page 1. Also see Dennis Kneale. "Gay Consumer Spending." The Wall Street Journal, February 10, 1989.

[28] Paul Cameron, William I. Playfair, and Stephen Wellum. "The Homosexual Lifespan." Family Research Institute, Washington, D.C., 1992.

Further Reading: Homosexual Practices

A.P. Bell, M.S. Weinberg, and S.K. Hammersmith. Sexual Preference: Statistical Appendix. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1981. Some of the results of this survey on sexual practices were tabulated from a 550-item questionnaire answered by 4,340 adults from Los Angeles, Denver, Omaha, Louisville, Dallas, and Washington, DC in 1983 and 1984. This survey was conducted by the Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality.

Dick Hafer. Homosexuality: Legitimate, Alternate Deathstyle. $7.95, 204 pages. The "comics commando" strikes again with a comic-book style book on the various aspects of homosexuality: Homosexual practices, including pedophilia; AIDS; the "gay agenda;" and facts about homosexual orientation. This book is not only easy to read because of its format, but also full of well-documented and footnoted information.

Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel. Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990. 237 pages. A fine examination of the background of the Alfred Kinsey sexual studies that "showed" that children are sexual from birth and that ten percent of the population is exclusively homosexual. This book examines in detail the flaws in Kinsey's studies, and looks at the machinations of modern-day `sexologists' who build their work on his studies. Reisman also details the impacts that Kinsey-style sex education has had on our country.

FIGURE 120-1

Examples of Homosexual Serial Killers and Mass Murderers

Nine of the Top Eleven U.S. Serial Killers of All TIme Were Homosexuals

Homosexuals Are Responsible for 68 Percent of All Mass Murders


[A] The New York Times, August 20, 1987 and August 17th, 1991.

[B] The New York Times, February 22, 1980.

[C] The New York Times, July 27, 1977.

[D] The New York Times, January 21, 1984.

[E] The New York Times, October 4, 1972.

[F] Michael Gougis, Associated Press. "Man Admits 21 Killings Before Dying of AIDS." The Oregonian, March 9, 1994, pages A11.

[G] Michael C. Buelow. "Police Believe Suspect Killed 17." The Oregonian, July 26, 1991, pages A1 and A24. Also: "Relative in Dahmer Case Sues." USA Today, August 6, 1991, page 3A. Also see the October 1991 Focus on the Family letter.

[H] All of these murders are listed and discussed in Robert L. Mauro. "The Nation's Leading Serial Killers." The Wanderer, October 31, 1991, page 11.

[I] The New York Times, July 27, 1974.

[J] David Kupelian. "Should "Assault Weapons" Be Banned?" New Dimensions Magazine, December 1989, page 14.

[K] Robert Becker and A.J. Plunkett. "Spectre of Sailor Haunts Questionable Iowa Investigation." The Oregonian, September 25, 1989, page A2.

[L] John Snell. "Dodd Enters Guilty Pleas in Killings of Three Boys." The Oregonian, June 12, 1990, pages A1 and A9.

[M] The Oregonian, January 10, 1990, page A10.

[N] "Woman Found Guilty in Patient's Deaths." The Oregonian, September 22, 1989, page A22.

[O] "The Columbus of AIDS." National Review, November 6, 1987, page 19.

FIGURE 120-2

Typical Titles of Homosexual Pornographic Films

Sodomy/Transvestitism Fetishes/Infantilism Sado-Masochistic

"Anal Masturbation" "Amputee Times" "Anal Agony"

"Anal Sweat" "Busty Milkers" "Body Torture"

"Bisexual Lust" "Diaper Time" "Dorothy, Slave to Pain"

"Boys Will Be Girls" "Enema Fantasies" "Hot Nazi Master"

"Cult of Sodomy" "Fat & Horny Mamas" "Jap Sadist's Virgin Slave"

"Drag Queen Marine" "Foot Worship" "Maimed Women"

"Gourmet Anal Collection" "Fresh Milk & Big Tits" "Make Her Yell"

"High School Transvestites" "Lust for Leather" "Night of Agony"

"Incurably Anal" "Piss Service" "Pregnant Bondage"

"Joys of Masturbation" "Pregnant Babysitter" "Sally's Anal Punishment"

"Lesbian Foot Lovers" "Pregnant Milk Mamas" "Spanking Video"

"Lust of Lesbian Seduction" "Thunder Thighs" "Taste the Lash"

"Scatman" "Toilet Orgy" "Tied and Tortured"

"She-Male in Bondage" "Transvestite Bondage"

"Transsexual Temptation" "White Masters, Black Slave Girls"

"What Bottoms Are For" "Woman's Torment"

"Women in Pain"

Reference. The Attorney General's Report on Pornography. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1986. 711 pages. This report lists 5,420 titles of hard-core pornographic books, magazines and movies found in a sampling of porn shops across the United States.

FIGURE 120-3

Average Frequency and Type of Homosexual Activities

Sexual Practices of Promiscuous Homosexuals

Description of Homosexual Activity

Per Month

Per Year

`Rimming' and eating fecal material



Drinking urine



`Fisting' (closed fist up the rectum)



Fellatio and swallowing semen






Anonymous, multi-partner contact



Extreme forms of sadomasochism



General Lifestyle of All Homosexuals

Comparison with Normal People

Description of Lifestyle Indicator Homosexual Men Homosexual Women
Committed serial killings 196 times more Unknown
Molested children 90 times more 9 times more
Committed mass murder 34 times more Unknown
Ever committed a sex-related crime 5 times more 23 times more
Ever arrested for a sex-related crime 5 times more 11 times more
Ever had sex with animals 6 times more 11 times more
Ever hired a prostitute 5 times more 11 times more
Ever had group sex 3 times more 8 times more
Ever had sex to deliberately infect others with an STD 7 times more 3 times more
Ever had sex in public 3 times more 6 times more
Ever been raped 4 times more 3 times more
Ever cheated in marriage 3 times more 3 times more
Ever made obscene phone calls 2 times more 4 times more
Ever attempted suicide 4 times more 2 times more
Use illegal drugs regularly 3 times more 2 times more
Physical fight in last year No difference 3 times more
Ever obtained an abortion Not applicable 1.5 times more


(1) New England Journal of Medicine, 1980, 302; American Journal of Public Health 1985; Nebraska Medical Journal 1985, 70.

(2) The First National Gay and Lesbian Sex Survey, as described in the Summer 1989 Family Research Newsletter.

(3) Father Enrique T. Rueda. The Homosexual Network: Private Lives & Public Policy. 1982: Old Greenwich, Connecticut; Devin Adair Publishers.

(4) Paul Cameron, Ph.D. "Homosexual Molestation of Children/Sexual Interaction of Teacher and Pupil." Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, pages 1,227 to 1,236.


The Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia was written by Brian Clowes, and published by American Life League.

© Copyright 1998 American Life League.