American Life League's

Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia


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Chapter 120 Table of Contents Index Chapter 122



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Chapter 121
Homosexuals: A Clear And Present Danger To Our Children

(1997 Revision)


"The love between man and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality. For the gay community to imply that boy-love is not homosexual love is ridiculous."

- Point of View. "No Place for Homo-Homophobia." San Francisco Sentinel [homosexual newspaper], March 26, 1992.



Warning!  WARNING!  Warning!  WARNING!  Warning!  WARNING!


Some of the material described in this chapter is extremely offensive in nature.


What the Anti-Lifers Say

"There is no age at which a person becomes capable of consenting to sex. The age of sexual consent is just one of many ways in which adults impose their system of control on children ... Amazing as it may seem in this child-hating and homophobic society, boy lovers [pederasts] find boys attractive and like their spontaneity and openness."

-- The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).1


The Allegation. There can be no doubt that homosexuals are addicted to their perversions, as described in Chapter 116, "Homosexual Orientation."

The almost unspeakable activities routinely practiced by homosexuals are so hideously unnatural, and have such an incredibly wide range, that most normal people simply cannot deal with the reality that they represent.

And so, the words "alternative lifestyle" conjure up nothing more than a vaguely sinister but very fuzzy picture for most Christians.

Though the general term "lifestyle" is very difficult to quantify or measure, there is one specific area in which most normal people have defined a large percentage of promiscuous homosexuals perfectly: In their wretched longing for sex with young children - the younger the better.

The homosexual strategists are acutely aware of widespread public revulsion towards pederasty and pedophilia, and know that they must somehow `defuse' the immense potential for damage to the "gay rights" movement that these perversions represent.

They do this primarily by alleging that 90 percent (95 percent, 97 percent, pick a number) of all child sexual molestation is committed by heterosexuals.

The purpose of this lie, of course, is to make homosexuals look like "just plain folks," with the same occasional weaknesses as heterosexuals.

Definitions. People often equate the term "child molestation" with "pedophilia," but, in order to understand the differences between homosexual and heterosexual child molestation, a distinction must be made between the sexual abuse of boys and girls.

In general, pederasty is the crime of sexually molesting a young person of the same sex, while pedophilia is the crime of sexually molesting a child of the opposite sex. Paraphilia refers to the general class of child molestation, and includes both pederasty and pedophilia.

Manipulating The Definition. Another way in which homosexuals use words to deflect criticism is simply by defining homosexual pederasty out of existence.

According to most "gay rights" propagandists, a 50-year old man who sodomizes a 12-year old boy is not engaging in homosexual activity. Therefore, by default, such an event would be an incident of heterosexual child molestation.

This is the same type of statistical chicanery used by pro-abortion propagandists who claim that "88 percent of Americans are pro-choice." What they don't tell you, of course, is that even pro-lifers who would allow only an exception to save the life of the mother are lumped in with those who accept third-trimester sex selection abortions of healthy preborn babies.

The Bottom Line. The sexual abuse of young children is a perversion, regardless of whether homosexuals or heterosexuals participate in it. The critical difference here is that child sexual molestation is a defining characteristic of the homosexual lifestyle. As the opening quote to this chapter (made by a homosexual) asserts, sex with kids is "at the foundation of homosexuality."

Figure 121-1 shows just a very few of the quotes that have been made by homosexual activists who support the theory that pederasty is at the very heart of homosexual behavior.

By vivid contrast, child molestation is not an accepted or integral part of heterosexual behavior. Heterosexual men who molest underage girls are engaging in perverted and illegal acts, to be sure, but these people are the exception to the rule.

And it is important to note that those men who molest small boys and appear to be heterosexual are generally `closet bisexuals' or `closet homosexuals' who have married, fathered children, and set up the appearance of being normal as a cover for their secret perversions.

Why Do Homosexuals Molest Children?

Introduction. Homosexuals molest young children for two primary purposes: To continue the `species' and, of course, for sexual gratification.

Perpetrating the `Species.' The first reason that homosexuals molest young boys is to carry on the perpetuation of their `species.' Since homosexuals do not reproduce, they must recruit.

This sounds suspiciously like a slogan that "far-right homophobes" might use, but it is backed up with facts and figures.

Quite simply, the most effective method for homosexuals to recruit is to molest young boys. A truthful presentation at a school is obviously not going to do the trick: "How would you like to have people defecate on you, whip you, shove various large items up your rear end, have a 1,000% greater chance of contracting dangerous and often fatal venereal diseases, and chop thirty years off your life? If you're interested, sign up here!"

No, the approach must be much more subtle and deceptive. Boys who are molested when they are young and still defining their sexual identities are much more likely to evolve into homosexuals. David Finkelhorn, in his book Child Sexual Abuse, notes that boys victimized by adult male homosexuals were four times more likely than non-victims to engage in adult homosexual behavior themselves.

And a major survey that asked homosexuals why they were oriented towards men found that 22% said that they had been molested by older homosexuals themselves when they were children.2

Finally, Alfred Kinsey (the originator of the notorious "ten percent" myth, found in his surveys of thousands of homosexuals that the leading cause of homosexual orientation was, as he phrased it, "Early homosexual experience with adults or peers."3

Sexual Gratification. Recruitment of children into homosexuality is an indirect objective of the "gay rights" movement. Homosexuals rarely say to themselves "I'm going to strike a blow for gays everywhere and do a little recruiting today!"

The most important reason that homosexuals molest young children is for sexual gratification.

Studies have shown repeatedly that many homosexuals relentlessly pursue young boys for sexual gratification. In the homosexual jargon, young boys are known as "chickens," homosexuals with a taste for them are called "chicken hawks," and sex with a young boy is referred to as a "chicken dinner."

The general homosexual term for incest and pedophilia is "intergenerational love," which may in many cases be taken to mean sodomy between father and natural or adopted son.

Prevalence of the Threat

Overview. Most Christian parents have no idea whatever of the magnitude of the violent sexual threat that is arrayed against their children.

So-called "gay rights" groups know very well that their most damaging enemies are the pederasts who lurk within their own ranks. If homosexual pederasts were systematically exposed to the public, the entire homosexual movement would be discredited, and its carefully-cultured "victim" persona would be destroyed or heavily damaged.

Whenever he is confronted with evidence of homosexual child molestation, the homophile propagandist will take on his most indignant demeanor and will strenuously insist that he and all of his "gay" friends have absolutely nothing to do with the sexual seduction of young children. He will also allege that the "gay rights" movement is doing everything it can to dissociate itself from organized pedophiles.

He will be lying in his teeth, as the following paragraphs decisively demonstrate. Not only do mainline homosexual groups casually accept child molesters, they vigorously defend them as well.

Constructing the Desired Image. In keeping with their media image as "gentle but angry people," homosexuals have teamed up with "mainline" sex education organizations to present a propaganda picture that consists of both homosexual and heterosexual child molesters as gentle and kind people who just happen to express their love in a sexual way with small children. Some of the resulting statements are simultaneously comical and absurd.

For example, Wardell Pomeroy, who was one of Alfred Kinsey's main researchers, claimed that "We find many beautiful and mutually satisfying [sexual] relationships between fathers and daughters. These may be transient or ongoing, but they have no harmful effects ... Incest between adults and younger children can also prove to be a satisfying and enriching experience ... When there is a mutual and unselfish concern for the other person, rather than a feeling of possessiveness and a selfish concern with one's own sexual gratification, then incestuous relationships can - and do - work out well. Incest can be a satisfying, non-threatening, and even an enriching emotional experience, as I said earlier."4

And SIECUS (the Sex Education and Information Council of the United States) alleges that "Most pedophiliacs (people who are sexually interested in minor children) are gentle and affectionate, and are not dangerous in the way child molesters are stereotypically considered to be."5

This vague and unsupported statement is in direct contradiction to established research that shows that nearly two-thirds (58%) of child molesters are violent when they assault children, and that 42% of their child victims are physically injured during the sexual abuse.6

"Disavowing" the Child Molesters ... Homosexual strategists Marshall K. Kirk and Erastes Pill recognize the importance of "hiding" the presence of the organized child molesters, and simultaneously acknowledge their strong connection to the "gay rights" movement; "Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers. In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector ... jaunty mustachioed musclemen would keep a very low profile in gay commercials and other public presentations, while sympathetic figures of nice young people, old people, and attractive women would be featured (it goes without saying that groups on the farthest margin of acceptability, such as NAMBLA, must play no part at all in such a campaign: Suspected child-molesters will never look like victims."7

It would be a grave mistake to disassociate homosexual activity from pedophilic activity. The laws that the pedophiles want could only be formulated, enacted, and enforced after society had been sufficiently numbed to the heinous activities of adult homosexuals.

Individual homosexual activists will quickly and vehemently declare that NAMBLA is an outlaw group, and that they do not under any circumstances condone pederasty (defined in this instance as sex between grown men and young boys).

This assertion is purely a propaganda ploy, because the homosexual strategists recognize that NAMBLA and similar groups are their Achilles' heel. NAMBLA is routinely welcomed into high-visibility Gay Pride parades in New York City, San Francisco, and other major cities, and the organization is a member in good standing of the worldwide umbrella group International Gay Association (IGA).

The obvious and inescapable conclusion is that homosexual organizations heartily and proudly approve of pedophilia - except when it does not serve their political purposes.8

... While Defending Them. In 1982, convicted child molester David Thorstad, who is a self-professed Marxist-Leninist and spokesman for NAMBLA, defended some members of his group that had been arrested for pedophilia as he spoke at a press conference. These members had been convicted of kidnapping small boys and taking them to a Massachusetts cottage for molestation. Thorstad claimed that the young boys were not being molested - they were being "liberated!" He also said "I think that pederasty should be given the stamp of approval. I think it's true that boy-lovers [pederasts] are much better for children than the parents are ..."9

Thorstad shows us what the future holds if we relax our vigilance for just an instant; "Man-boy love relationships are a happy feature of the rebellion of youth, and of its irrepressible search for self-discovery ... Most of us, given the opportunity and the assurance of safety, would no doubt choose to share our sexuality with someone under the age of consent."10

"It's Not Our Fault ..." Homosexuals, in keeping with their policy of blaming everyone else for all of their problems, have been known to allege that pedophilia is the fault of normal people!

For example, two homosexual authors, in an article entitled "Homophobia and the Berean League Report," stated that "If it were not for our society's almost psychotic fear of sex, no one would get upset about a consensual sexual relationship between an adult and someone who is underage."

A Mathematical Analysis of the Frequency of Molestation

Who Is Molesting? Because they are well aware of the threat that NAMBLA and other organized pederasts present to their movement, homosexuals incessantly claim that they are not child molesters. They also commonly allege that "97 percent of all child sexual abuse occurs at the hands of heterosexuals."

A simply mathematical analysis proves that this is a gross and blatant lie.

Background Studies. A number of studies - all performed by homosexuals or their sympathizers - have shown that an extremely large percentage of homosexuals have participated in child molestation.

Homosexual activists Karla Jay and Allen Young revealed in their 1979 Gay Report that 73% of all homosexuals have acted as "chicken hawks" - that is, they have preyed on adolescent or younger boys.11

Alfred Kinsey, the greatest friend the homosexuals ever had, found even as far back as 1948 that 37 percent of all male homosexuals admitted to having sex with children under 17 years old.12

The following paragraphs calculate the actual percentage of child sexual abuse that can be `credited' to homosexuals.

Sexual Abuse. According to the United States Census Bureau, an estimated total of 33,991,000 instances of child abuse and neglect were reported during the 17-year period 1980 to 1996 inclusive. It is estimated that 40 percent of all serious child abuse is not reported, so the actual number of instances of child abuse is closer to 56,652,000 for the 17-year period.13

Sexual maltreatment of children accounts for about 15% of all cases of child abuse, or about 8,500,000 of the total over the 17-year period.13

Abuse By Gender. Man-hating Neofeminists cling to their stereotype of brutal males abusing helpless women and children, but the plain fact is that women commit most of the serious cases of child abuse (58%). About 45 percent of the victims are boy children, and about 55 percent of the victims are girl children. Finally, about 45 percent of all abuse of children is committed by men, and about 55 percent of all abuse of children is committed by women.13

Therefore, the sexual abuse rates for the 17-year period by gender of both victim and abuser are shown below.

Sexual Abuse of Children by Gender of Victim and Abuser

Sexual abuse of boys by men: (8,500,000) X (0.45) X (0.45) = 1,720,000
Sexual abuse of girls by men: (8,500,000) X (0.55) X (0.45) = 2,105,000
Sexual abuse of boys by women: (8,500,000) X (0.45) X (0.55) = 2,105,000
Sexual abuse of girls by women: (8,500,000) X (0.55) X (0.55) = 2,570,000

The most obvious result of these calculations is that (1,720,000 + 2,570,000)/(8,500,000) = 50.5 percent of all child sexual abuse is committed by male and female homosexuals. This figure agrees closely with the results of several studies that show that homosexuals consistently account for between one-third and one-half of all cases of child molestation.14

Finally, Figure 116-1 of Chapter 116, "Homosexual Orientation," shows the results of nine recent studies on the percentage of homosexuals in society. The percentage of people ever reporting having had even one homosexual experience is 3.45 percent, and the vast majority of these cases involved one-time-only experimentation in the teenaged years. People who are exclusively homosexual make up about half of this figure, or about 1.7 percent.

If the 1.7 percent of the population that is homosexual accounts for 50.5 percent of all child sexual abuse, this means that the 98.3 percent of the population that is heterosexual accounts for 49.5 percent of all child sexual abuse.

Therefore, a homosexual is (50.5%/1.7%)/(49.5%/98.3%) = 59 times more likely to sexually abuse children than a heterosexual!

Frequency of Individual Molestation. Studies confirm the above figures by showing that, even among the general class of male sexual deviants (both homosexual and heterosexual), pederasts (boy molesters) are much more prolific in their offenses than pedophiles (girl molesters).

The most extensive study performed on the relative degree of predatory behavior of these two classes of male sexual deviants found that 153 pederasts sexually molested 22,981 boys over an average period of 22 years, while 224 pedophiles molested 4,435 girls over an average period of 18 years.15 This means that each pederast molested an average of 150 boys, and each pedophile molested an average of 20 girls - a ratio of 7.5 to one.

In light of the fact that promiscuous homosexuals have an average of 100 times more adult sex `partners' during their lifetimes than heterosexuals, this conclusion is not at all surprising.

Molestation By Teachers. It is well-known (and logical) that homosexuals with a desire for young children purposefully seek employment that will bring them into proximity with the greatest number of children possible. The most `promising' jobs of this nature include Boy Scout leaders and school teachers.

This is primarily why homosexual teachers have been involved in more than eighty percent of all recorded cases of teacher/pupil sex. And it also explains why homosexuals are trying so hard to force the Boy Scouts to accept practicing homosexuals as leaders.

A nationwide survey of school principals showed that they received 13 times as many complaints about homosexuals sexually molesting students than they did about heterosexuals molesting students.16

If we accept the inflated figure that ten percent of the population is homosexual, this means that a homosexual teacher is ((13/0.10)/(1/0.9)) = 117 times as likely to be involved in sex with a student than a `straight' teacher is. If we use the more realistic figure of two percent of the population being homosexual, then homosexual teachers are ((13/0.02)/(1/0.98) = 637 times as likely to be involved in sex with a student than a `straight' teacher is!

The former figure is almost precisely confirmed by studies showing that homosexual teachers are from 90 to 100 times more likely to molest students than normal teachers.17

A 1977 survey by the Boston Globe found that every national and local poll on the subject indicated that a wide majority of people vehemently opposed hiring homosexuals as school teachers.17 The above figures show that the public has a compelling logical basis for not wanting homosexuals in the schools.

The Child Molestation Industry

"We believe children should begin sex at birth. It causes a lot of problems not to practice incest."

-- Valida Davila of San Diego's Childhood Sensuality Circle.18

The `Culture' is Thriving. Since child molestation is an integral part of the "gay" lifestyle, it is inevitable that it would spawn a devoted following, complete with its own literature, language, and clubs.

Homosexuals have published guides that give details on where to procure young boys inexpensively in Mexico and Thailand and where to find houses of prostitution in South and Central America and Europe that are staffed entirely by boy prostitutes, most or all of whom have been kidnapped and forced into the homosexual lifestyle against their wills.19

In 1984, a Philadelphia homosexual bookstore began selling a book entitled How to Have Sex With Kids, which included a long section on how to entice and kidnap small children, how to have sex with them, and how to intimidate and threaten them into silence. After this book had attracted a considerable amount of unfavorable attention, the homosexual press took the position that the production and sale of such a book was protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.20 The homosexual press did not disavow the contents of the book or criticize its writers, publishers, and distributors in any way.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Bulletin, a guide entitled "Where the Young Ones Are" listed 378 homosexual establishments in 54 major cities where child sex is marketed.21

Lesbian "kiddie porn queen" Kathryn Wilson was arrested in Los Angeles in 1982, while in possession of a mailing list of 30,000 men who sodomize young children.21

Organized Homosexual Child Abuse Groups. Believe it or not, even child molesters have unions! Organizations that openly promote pederasty operate freely and openly in this and other countries. The Rene Guyon Society operates out of California and "boasts" 10,000 members. Its motto is "Sex Before Eight or it's Too Late!"

Its East Coast counterpart is the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), whose membership is concentrated in eleven major Northeastern and Midwestern cities. NAMBLA bills itself as a lobbying group with a "libertarian, humanistic outlook on sexuality."14 David Thorstad, the group's most outspoken leader, claims that he is fighting for "... the rights of children to control their own bodies."22

Does this slogan sound familiar?

The largest British pervert group is the Paedophilic Information Exchange (PIE), which would like to lower the age of consent to four years.

Other pederast organizations include the Lewis Carroll Collector's Guild, the Childhood Sensuality Circle, the Eulenspiegel Society, and PAN.

Pedophile Techniques. Organized child molesters have taken advantage of the latest technology and information management techniques to establish a highly-organized network that poses a grave threat to our nation's children.

Child molesters in these clubs run at least 135 computer "bulletin boards" which exchange the names and descriptions of children who have been brutalized into accepting the sadistic behavior of the predators, usually due to fear of extreme physical and psychological punishment if they do not comply. The information exchanged also includes new techniques for controlling children and destroying their inhibitions and values. One of these techniques includes raping the children with symbols of authority that they have grown used to, including flagpoles (complete with American flag), and Bibles with hard corners.23

According to Dr. Ann Burgess of the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, there are now 275 monthly "kiddie porn" magazines in circulation.23

The specialized, high-quality `molester mags' such as the Netherlands' PAIDIKA: The Journal of Paedophilia routinely include tips on luring children, such as using soap crayons in the bath to get young children to disrobe. Incidentally, the stated purpose of PAIDIKA is "to demonstrate that paedophilia has been, and remains, a legitimate and productive part of the totality of human experience."

Incredibly, these groups also perform studies and publish scientific articles that `support' pedophilia. Some of this propagandist "research" is as laughable as it is hideous. For example, The Rene Guyon Society's proposed revisions to the California Penal Code included the conclusions reached in Figure 121-2.

Try to imagine forcing oral sex on a four-year old in the name of eliminating thumbsucking and providing vitamins! Whoever performed this "research" is either blinded due to his perverted addictions or has a very low opinion of the intelligence of the lawmakers who briefly considered (and promptly round-filed) this trash.

Objectives of the Pedophiles

The Primary Goal. Homosexual pedophile groups such as NAMBLA (the North American Man-Boy Love Association) and the Rene Guyon Society have as their primary objective the elimination of all laws that restrict in any manner sex between pedophiles and children of any age. This, of course, would give the perverts carte blanche to commit any act on innocent children, without any restriction whatever.

Of course, the child molesters cannot possibly attain this ultimate goal in one huge leap, so they must advance one step at a time, as all amoral social revolutionaries must. This is the principle of gradualism or incrementalism which succeeded so well for the abortionists and the homosexuals, and which is now being used by the euthanasiasts.

The Neoliberal strategy of incrementalism is described in Chapter 7 of Volume I.

No Fringe Elements Here. Pedophile groups like NAMBLA must not be dismissed as a `fringe element' of the "gay rights" movement, because they represent some of the most important core values of most homosexuals. In fact, most "mainstream" homosexual groups fully support the elimination of any laws restricting sexual activity between men and young boys.

For example, The National Gay Task Force (NGTF) has as one of its primary goals the removal of all age of consent laws.24 And as far back as February 1972, the National Coalition of Gay Organizations (NCGO) demanded the "... repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent."23 And the July 5, 1979 New York Post reported that New York homosexuals strongly support sex between teachers and students "as long as it occurs outside the classroom."23

Perhaps in the boy's room?

NAMBLA is not some far-Left nutcase group that has no clout. The organization boasts a national membership of more than 5,000, and publishes three major national periodicals, the NAMBLA Bulletin, the NAMBLA News, and the NAMBLA Journal.

In its literature, NAMBLA baldly states that "There is no age at which a person becomes capable of consenting to sex. The age of sexual consent is just one of many ways in which adults impose their system of control on children."2

Does this sound familiar? Even organized pedophiles are getting into the "victim" act, along with the Neofeminists and the homosexuals!

Figure 121-3 lists verbatim the philosophy and goals of the North American Man-Boy Love Association.

The phrase "children a plus," which is common in the sexually oriented want ad section of homosexual magazines, means that the writer is seeking children (the younger the better) who have been brutalized into accepting any perverse sexual act as normal, usually to avoid severe and painful physical and/or psychological punishment.

It is curious and hypocritical that the same people who go after parents for spanking their children simply ignore the gross (and sometimes fatal) tortures inflicted upon young children by homosexuals.

An extract from the NAMBLA resolution calling for the repeal of all age of consent laws is shown below.

Extract From the NAMBLA Resolution Calling for the Repeal of All Age of Consent Laws

"Whereas it is impossible to say at what age a person is capable of consenting to sex because every individual and every case is different; and therefore any attempt to set an age is capricious, arbitrary, and unfair; and

"Whereas any attempt to set an age would weaken NAMBLA's identity as a sexual freedom organization, and limit it to advocating the point of view of only a segment of its membership and youth; and

"Whereas the state has no business intervening in any mutually consensual relationship, and NAMBLA has correctly refrained from asking it to do so;

"Be it resolved that NAMBLA reaffirms its position of abolition of all age of consent laws and other laws that violate the freedom of young people to control their own lives."

Reference. "Motion Approved By the 7th NAMBLA General Membership Conference, Boston, December 3-4, 1983." Presented by David Thorstad. NAMBLA Bulletin, January-February 1984, page 8.

Access to organized pederast groups is ridiculously easy. NAMBLA publishes porn-line numbers in homosexual newspapers all over the country for the express purpose of making new `contacts.'

For example, Portland, Oregon's periodical Willamette Week has, on its dial-a-porn pages, advertised a heading entitled "Your Secret Meeting Place," under which the number for NAMBLA is listed as 1-976-MATE, extension 955. This porn line operates 24 hours per day.25

Results of the Surveys. Of course, homosexual men often attempt to adopt young boys, as demonstrated in the sexually-oriented want ads in national homosexual publications. And lesbians are now organizing sperm banks so that they may employ the "turkey-baster" method of self-insemination in order to avoid involving themselves with men.

The general public seems to be at least vaguely aware of homosexual child-abusing activities. A June 1992 Gallup poll and an August 1992 Yankelovich Clancy Shulman survey showed that nearly two-thirds of all those questioned (63%) responded negatively to the inquiry "Should homosexual couples be legally permitted to adopt children?"26

Figure 121-4 shows a few very typical ads in homosexual magazines that deal with pederasty.

A Wide Constituency. The drive for `pedophile rights' is not restricted to the well-known pedophile groups, or even to the "gay rights" movement as a whole. Many other far-Left organizations push agendas that include calls for recruiting children in the public schools. These groups proclaim loudly that "homosexuals don't recruit," but a quick glance at a typical list of their demands puts the lie to this claim.

The following list of "guidelines" (demands) was written up by a pro-sodomy group that insists that it is "mainstream." The National Organization for Women (NOW) advertises in the Combined Federal Campaign and other major fundraisers that it merely works for "job equity for women" and other fuzzy, feel-good objectives.

NOW obviously doesn't have the courage to reveal its real agenda, because its public relations strategists know that it wouldn't collect ten percent of what it would otherwise. This is just another indication that NOW really doesn't believe its own rhetoric.

National Organization for Women (NOW) Guidelines for Schools Sanction of Homosexuality and Lesbianism

Reference. Jean O'Leary and Ginny Vida. "Lesbians and the Schools." This article appeared in the New York National Organization for Women (NOW) Newsletter under the title "Struggle to End Sex Bias -- Report on Sex Bias in the Public Schools."

Defending the Child Molesters

Perverts to the Rescue. If the "gay rights" movement was really serious about dissociating itself from child molesters, perhaps it would not rush to their defense so quickly when they were caught having sex with underage children.

The pederast groups themselves, of course, take care of their own. Members of the North American Man-Boy Love Association contribute one percent of their annual incomes to the NAMBLA Emergency Defense Fund, which defrays the legal expenses of members who have been charged with child molestation.27

Perhaps the most revealing incident regarding the endorsement by "mainstream gay rights" groups of pederasty occurred when Congressman Gerry Studds [D.-olt] was caught operating a sodomy ring out of his Washington, D.C. apartment. One major newspaper described Studds as "The avowed homosexual who was censured by the House of Representatives for having had sex with a teen-age male Congressional page. In fact, Studds had seduced the page, after giving him dinner and drinks at his apartment, and tried to seduce two others. Studds showed no remorse over his behavior."28

After this disgusting episode, one homosexual political action committee (PAC) poured $10,000 into Studds' reelection fund and urged voters to "reward his courage" and "help make Gerry Studds a symbol of hope for all gay men and lesbians."28

Hitting the Mainstream. Our society seems to have hit the bottom of the `slippery slope' in certain very critical moral and ethical areas. The United States, defender of foreign governments, can't even protect its own children from sexual predators.

Pedophilia is becoming truly mainstream.

The University of Massachusetts at Amherst now has an "Affirmative Action and Non-Discrimination Policy" that prohibits, among other things, discrimination against "persons whose sexual orientation includes minor children as the sex object."29

A nationally-recognized `sexologist' has predicted that NAMBLA and its fellow perverts may soon be demanding special civil rights, just as "mainline" homosexuals are doing today; "Pedophilia may be a sexual orientation rather than a sexual deviation. This raised the question as to whether pedophiles may have rights."30

Probably the most powerful homosexual recruiting tool of all is the plethora of comprehensive sex education courses that are being shoved down our children's throats in public schools all over the country.

Just as these programs indoctrinate our children to accept homosexual perversions, they will inevitably `progress' to asserting that "intergenerational love" is perfectly fine.

Convicted child molester Dr. Edward Brongersma organized a foundation named after him whose purpose is "... to advance scientific research into the development of the sexual lives of children, with special emphasis upon the phenomenon of erotic and sexual relationships between children and adults."31

Lester Kirkendall, a co-founder of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), predicts that "Sex education programs of the future will probe sexual expression with same-sex [partners] and even across generational lines. With a diminished sense of guilt, these patterns will become legitimate. The emphasis on normality and abnormality will be much diminished with these future trends."32

Homosexual Child Pornography

"Historically, radical feminism portrayed pornography as exploitative. Now we're saying it can be beautiful."

-- San Francisco lesbian Laura Thomas.33

Chester the Molester. Homosexuals like to point out that heterosexuals publish a greater variety of porn magazines than homosexuals do.

This is debatable, but the argument misses the point.

It is true that both homosexuals and heterosexuals produce and read hard-core pornography. However, the primary point to remember is this: As with child sexual molestation, pornography is an integral part of the homosexual lifestyle. It is a defining aspect of the way homosexuals live. The consumption of hard-core porn is not typical of the average heterosexual, and any heterosexual who is obsessed with hard-core porn is a disturbed individual.

Many homosexual perversions overlap others, and pedophilia is certainly no exception. There is a large market for homosexual pornography depicting sex acts between children and adults, and this market extends into `heterosexual' hard-core porn magazines such as Hustler, which commonly features cartoons under the byline "Chester the Molester," drawn by homosexual Dwayne Tinsley. These cartoons depict the torture, degradation, and murder of small children.

A typical "Chester" cartoon (Hustler, October 1977) showed a leering Chester sitting naked in an easy chair, with three frightened and bound girls of about 8-10 years old firmly in his grasp. Meanwhile, a television voice asks, "It is eleven o'clock ... do you know where your children are?"

It is amusing to note that the publishers of Hustler vehemently denied any connection between their depictions of child abuse and the commission of actual sexual crimes against children. They continued to play the victim even after 44-year old Tinsley was arrested in May of 1989 for allegedly molesting a teenage girl for several years.

Tinsley was employed by LSP Inc., the parent company of Hustler magazine.34

Tinsley was charged with felony incest, sodomy, child molestation, rape and oral copulation. His own 18-year old daughter testified during his trial that he molested her up to three times a day for five years.35

The cartoonist was convicted by a Southern California jury of five counts of child molestation. He was also convicted of three counts of "having substantial sexual contact" with the 13-year old girl whose accusations led to his arrest. According to evidence presented at his trial, Tinsley explained that "You can't write about this stuff all the time if you don't experience it."35

The Attorney General's Findings. A sampling of the titles of the films, books, and magazines dealing with the theme of child sex unearthed by the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography are listed below.

These materials are available in most homosexual and `straight' pornographic bookstores. It takes little effort to imagine how many small children have been ruined by the heavy demand for such materials. The number is, by now, certainly in the hundreds of thousands.

Titles of Motion Pictures Focusing on Child Sexual Molestation

Reference. The Attorney General's Report on Pornography. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1986. 711 pages. This report lists 5,420 titles of hard-core pornographic books, magazines and movies found in a sampling of porn shops across the United States.

General Conclusions. The information presented in the above paragraphs shows that the constant depiction of children in soft-core pornography magazines blurs the line between adults having sexual activity with other adults and adults having sexual activity with children.

The ultimate effect is inevitable and devastating: children are portrayed as desirable sex partners and early sexual activity is depicted as harmless to them.

References: Homosexuality and Child Molestation

[1] North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) flyer, quoted in Shirley J. O'Brien. "The Child Molester: Porn Plays a Major Role in Life." National Federation for Decency Journal, May/June 1987, pages 9 to 11. Also see a flyer distributed by NAMBLA described in "NAMBLA Cancels Meeting Following NFD Protest."

[2] Gene Abel, "Self-Reported Sex Crimes of Nonincarcerated Paraphiliacs." Journal of Interpersonal Violence. March 1987, pages 5 to 25.

[3] (1) A.P. Bell. "Homosexualities: Their Range and Character." Paper in Nebraska Symposium on Motivation. J.K. Cole and R. Dienstbier (editors). Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1973.

(2) Paul Cameron. What Causes Homosexuality? Lincoln, Nebraska: Institute for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (ISIS), 1984.

[4] Wardell Pomeroy. "A New Look at Incest." Variations, 1977, pages 86 to 88.

[5] Robert O. Hawkins. "The Uppsala Connection: The Development of Principles Basic to Education for Sexuality." SIECUS Report, January 1980.

[6] M. Christie, W. Marshall, and R. Lanthier. "A Descriptive Study of Incarcerated Rapists and Pedophiles." Report to the Solicitor General of Canada, Ottawa, 1979. As described in Sheldon Travin, Harvey Bluestone, Emily Coleman, Ken Cullen, and John Melella. "Pedophilia: An Update on Theory and Practice." Psychiatric Quarterly, February 1985, pages 89 to 103.

[7] Marshall K. Kirk and Erastes Pill. "The Overhauling of Straight America." Guide Magazine, October and November 1987.

[8] James Hitchcock. "No Dignity in This Agenda." Catholic Twin Circle, June 3, 1984, page 4.

[9] As described in Joseph Sobran. "The Moderate Radical." Human Life Review, Summer 1983, pages 59 and 60.

[10] David Thorstad. Quoted in Richard Goldstein, "The Future of Gay Liberation: Sex on Parole." The Village Voice, August 20-26, 1980.

[11] Karla Jay and Allen Young (both homosexual activists). The Gay Report. Page 275. This and the other noted incidents are described in the Bruce W. Frazer. "Homosexuals, AIDS, and Christian Responsibility." American Family Association Journal, February 1988, page 10.

[12] Alfred Kinsey data described in P.H. Gebhard and A.B. Johnson. The Kinsey Data. Saunders Publishing, 1979.

[13] United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Reference Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States [Annual Series]. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office. 1990 Edition, Table 296, "Reported Child Neglect and Abuse Cases, By Division: 1980 to 1987," shows a total of 10,010,400 reported child abuse and neglect cases for the years 1980-1987 inclusive. 1995 Edition, Table 347, "Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Reported and Investigated, by State: 1992 and 1993," shows 5,701,778 reported child abuse and neglect cases for those years. Since these tables (and the 1991 through 1994 Editions of the Statistical Abstract) do not show reported abuse and neglect figures for the years 1988 to 1991, the figures for these years are arithmetically interpolated between the 2,025,200 cases shown for the year 1987 and the 2,876,184 cases shown for the year 1992. This results in an estimate of 9,802,768 reported abuse and neglect cases for the years 1988 to 1991. If the figure of 2,825,594 reported abuse and neglect cases for the year 1993 is taken as the average of the years 1994 to 1996, a total of 8,476,782 cases would have been reported during this period, and a total of 33,991,000 cases of abuse and neglect would have been reported during the years 1980 to 1996 inclusive, a 17-year period. During the time period 1990 to 1993, about 15 percent of all abuse and neglect cases were sexual in nature (1995 Edition, Table 346, "Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Substantiated and Indicated - Victim Characteristics: 1990 to 1993"). Neglect and abuse by gender of victim is contained in the 1995 Edition, Table 346. Neglect and abuse by gender of abuser is contained in the 1990 Edition, Table 297, "Child Maltreatment Cases Reported - Summary: 1976 to 1988."

[14] John Leo. "A New Furor Over Pedophilia." Time Magazine, January 17, 1983, page 47. Also see Institute for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. "Child Molestation and Homosexuality." Lincoln, Nebraska, 1984.

[15] Paul Cameron. "Homosexual Molestation of Children/Sexual Interaction of Teacher and Pupil." Psychological Reports, 1985, 57, pages 1,227 to 1,236.

[16] Institute for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. "Homosexuality: Everybody's Problem." Lincoln, Nebraska, 1984. Also see the results of the survey in G. Hechinger and F.M. Hechinger. "Should Homosexuals Be Allowed to Teach?" McCall's Magazine, June 1978, page 100. As far as the frequency of molestation is concerned, if ten percent of the population of teachers commits 13 molestations, and 90 percent commits one molestation, the comparative ratio is therefore ((1.3)/(1/90)) = 117 to one.

[17] J. Dressler. "Gay Teachers: A Disesteemed Minority in an Overly Esteemed Profession." Rutgers/Camden Law Journal, 1978, 9(3), pages 399 to 445.

[18] Valida Davila of San Diego's Childhood Sensuality Circle, quoted in John Leo. "Cradle-to-Grave Intimacy." Time Magazine, September 7, 1981, page 69.

[19] "Traveling in Mexico," in Bob Damron's Address Book. San Francisco: The Damron Company, 1992, page 585.

[20] John P. Hale. "Gay Rights: Where it Stands and What's to Come." Fidelity Magazine, November 1987, page 15.

[21] Gary Bullert. "Homosexuals and the Homosexual Rights Movement." American Family Association Journal, April 1990, page 14. See also the related article in the February 1990 Conservative Review.

[22] David Thorstad of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), quoted in John Leo. "Cradle-to- Grave Intimacy." Time Magazine, September 7, 1981, page 69.

[23] National Federation for Decency Journal, November/December 1987, page 5. Also see Gary Bullert. "Homosexuals and the Homosexual Rights Movement." American Family Association Journal, April 1990, pages 13 to 15.

[24] "Child Sexual Abuse Fueled By Adult Pornography." National Federation for Decency Journal, May/June 1985, page 3.

[25] Willamette Week [Portland, Oregon], May 10-16, 1990, page 42.

[26] Yankelovich Clancy Shulman survey of August 19-20, 1992, of 1,250 adults and Gallup survey of June 4-7, 1992 of 1,002 adults. As reported in "Realpolitics: A Weekly Report on Campaign "92." The Oregonian, August 30, 1992, page A18.

[27] Father Enrique T. Rueda. The Homosexual Network: Private Lives & Public Policy. 1982: Old Greenwich, Connecticut; Devin Adair Publishers. Page 177.

[28] "Gays Step Up Efforts." Human Events, November 3, 1984, page 8.

[29] "Heterodoxy." The Washington Times, May 27, 1992. Also cited in "Child Molesters OK at U Mass." Family Research Report, May-June 1992, page 7.

[30] Nationally-recognized sexologist, quoted in Behavior Today, December 5, 1988, page 5.

[31] The Edward Brongersma Foundation, "Statement of Objectives." Tetterodeweg I, 2051 EE Overveen, The Netherlands. Described in Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel. Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990. 237 pages. Pages 20 to 23 and 40.

[32] Lester Kirkendall, co-founder of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). "Sex Education in the Future." Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, Spring/Summer 1985.

[33] San Francisco lesbian Laura Thomas, quoted in Eloise Salholz. "The Future of Gay America." Newsweek Magazine, March 12, 1990, page 23.

[34] "Cartoonist in Custody in Sex Case." Associated Press report in The Oregonian, May 21, 1989, page A24.

[35] "Hustler Artist Convicted of Molesting Child." Focus on the Family Citizen, April 1990, page 5. Also see: Shirley J. O'Brien. "The Child Molester: Porn Plays a Major Role in Life." National Federation for Decency Journal, May/June 1987, pages 9 to 11.

Further Reading: Homosexuality and Child Molestation

Shirley J. O'Brien. Why They Did It: Stories of Eight Convicted Child Molesters. $24.00. Order from Charles C. Thomas, 2600 South First Street, Springfield, Illinois 62794-9265. The detailed stories of the origins of child abuse in eight molesters, how the perversion evolved in them, how they entrapped children, and how they were caught. These men give extremely valuable advice on how children can avoid being molested or being trapped in dangerous situations with molesters.

Dr. Judith Reisman, president of the Institute for Media Education. "The Role of Pornography and Media Violence in Family Violence, Sexual Abuse and Exploitation, and Juvenile Delinquency." Study sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention at American University in Washington, D.C. The 24-page executive summary of this 2,000 page report and a packet of material on the exploitation of children in Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines may be obtained by sending a large, self-addressed stamped envelope and $6.95 to Dr. Judith Reisman, Institute for Media Education, Post Office Box 7404, Arlington, Virginia 22207, telephone: (703) 237-5455. The Executive Summary, which is ideal for giving to store managers who might be carrying this soft-core porn is available by itself (without the additional materials) from the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. Price ranges from $2 for one copy to 50 cents each for 50 or more copies.

Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel. Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990. 237 pages. An excellent and detailed examination of the background of the Alfred Kinsey sexual studies that "showed" that children are sexual from birth and that ten percent of the population is exclusively homosexual. This book examines in detail the flaws in Kinsey's studies, and looks at the machinations of modern-day `sexologists' who build their work on his studies. Reisman also details the impacts that Kinsey-style sex education has had on our country.

Father Enrique T. Rueda. The Homosexual Network. $29.95, 1986, 700 pages. Order from the Devin Adair Company, 143 Sound Beach Avenue, Post Office Box A, Old Greenwich, Connecticut 06870. The author covers every aspect of the homosexual network; its acceptability, tactics, subculture, ideology, goals, everything; this is the most complete book on the subject ever written. The book addresses in detail the homosexual ideology, subcultures, religion, goals, funding, and intimate connections with Neoliberalism. It includes a 72-page section on the influence and role of homosexuality in the Catholic Church. Also covered are the "Gayellow Pages," ties between the movement and the Neoliberals and Neofeminists. The book also deals with the connections between homosexuality and organized pedophile groups.

United States Department of Justice, The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Project No. 84-JN-AX-K007. Images of Children, Crime and Violence in Playboy, Penthouse and Hustler Magazines. This is an extract from the original three-volume, 2,000 page research performed by Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D. Order from the Institute for Media Education, Post Office Box 7404, Arlington, Virginia 22207, telephone: (703) 237-5455.

Dr. Kenneth Wooden. "The Undeclared War on Children." National Federation for Decency Journal, July 1986, pages 6 and 7. Dr. Wooden is a contributing editor for ABC News, and has written a booklet that allows parents to prepare their children for defense against child predators. The booklet, entitled "Child Lures," can be ordered for $3.00 from Child Lures, 4345 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, Vermont 05482.

FIGURE 121-1

Examples of Homosexuals Expressing Their Sexual Desires for Young Boys

"The love between men and boys is at the foundation of homosexuality. For the gay community to imply that boy-love is not homosexual love is ridiculous. We must not be seduced into believing misinformation from the press and the government. Child molesting does occur, but there are also positive sexual relations. And we need to support the men and the boys in those relationships."

- Point of View. "No Place for Homo-Homophobia." San Francisco Sentinel, March 26, 1992.

"We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of you shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all-male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us."

- Michael Swift. Gay Community News, February 15, 1987. Reprinted in the Congressional Record, February 15-21, 1987.

"If I were to see the case of a boy aged 10 or 11 who's intensely attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual, then I would not call it pathological in any way ... When the gay rights activists began being politically active, there wasn't a sufficient body of scientific information for them to base their gay rights activism on. You don't have to have a basic body of scientific information in order to decide to work actively for a particular ideology, as long as you're prepared to be put in jail. Isn't that how social change has always taken place, really?"

- John Money, Ph.D., retired professor of medical psychology and pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University and Hospital. Quoted in "Interview: John Money." Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia, The Netherlands, 2(7), pages 5 to 9.

"One thing is certain, in any cases of sexual contact between a child and an adult where there has been no force or violence, the greater the fuss and uproar the greater the possible damage to the minor."

"The major effects of such incidents are caused not by the event itself but by the outraged, angry, fearful, and shocked reactions of the adults who learn of it, whether they be parents, relatives, or police. It is these immoderate reactions which may cause whatever psychological damage occurs."

- Mary S. Calderone, M.D., and Eric Johnson. The Family Book About Sexuality (New York: Harper and Row, 1981), page 178.

"I guess it shows how far we've traveled from reality that people don't realize that an intergenerational sexual relationship could be and should be character building. [I am] not sure that a 7-year-old can give informed consent. That doesn't mean that one should necessarily exclude sexual relations with them."

- Wayne Dynes, Ph.D., quoted in Michael Ebert. "Pedophilia Steps Into the Daylight." Focus on the Family Citizen, November 16, 1992, pages 6 to 8.

"People seem to think that any [sexual] contact between children and adults has a bad effect on the child. I say that this can be a loving and thoughtful, responsible sexual activity."

- Wardell Pomeroy, quoted in Michael Ebert. "Pedophilia Steps Into the Daylight." Focus on the Family Citizen, November 16, 1992, pages 6 to 8.

"There is no age at which a person becomes capable of consenting to sex. The age of sexual consent is just one of many ways in which adults impose their system of control on children."

- The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). Quoted in Shirley J. O'Brien. "The Child Molester: Porn Plays a Major Role in Life." National Federation for Decency Journal, May/June 1987, pages 9 to 11.

"I think that pederasty should be given the stamp of approval. I think it's true that boy-lovers [pederasts] are much better for children than the parents are ... "

- Convicted pedophile and NAMBLA member David Thorstad. Quoted in Joseph Sobran. "The Moderate Radical." Human Life Review, Summer 1983, pages 59 and 60.

"Amazing as it may seem in this child-hating and homophobic society, boy lovers [pederasts] find boys attractive and like their spontaneity and openness."

- Flyer distributed by NAMBLA, described in "NAMBLA Cancels Meeting Following NFD Protest." National Federation for Decency Journal, November/December 1987, page 5.

"You look like a cherub, but you're worldly-wise.
You'd love to have me think you're newly-born,
but I can spot the twinkle in your eyes;
you know damned well how much you turn me on.
Between us, you're the satyr - I'm the saint,
so shed your sacred robe and bare your skin,
surrender to my touch without restraint,
and later, put your halo on again."

-- Pedophile Philip Hutchinson's poem entitled "Choirboy."

NAMBLA Bulletin, January-February 1984, page 14.

FIGURE 121-2

California Penal Code Revision Sought by the Rene Guyon Society

HOMOSEXUALITY (Anal Copulation, PC 286).

We Suggest: At age 4, and sometimes sooner, both male and female children want, can easily hold after massage, and will be allowed to have a teenager or older male's condom-covered penis in their anus. Tiny children will be required to wear a small "finger stall" or "finger cot" (obtainable from a drug store) condom from age 4 or any earlier age that they start penetrating male and female anuses. 99% of the day there is no fecal matter in the anus. No enema is required.

Reasons: Makes child aware of anal venereal disease and its prevention. [Anal copulation is] part of the natural progress of development to heterosexuality.


We Suggest: At age 4, and sometimes sooner, both male and female children want, can easily hold, and will be allowed to have a tiny child, teenager, or older male's penis in their mouth. This will bring an end to thumbsucking. The child will at last get valuable hormones that appear in the mature male's ejaculate that have been denied children in the past. Very young, teenage and adult females will be allowed to provide sexual satisfaction with their mouths and tongues to the penis and clitoris of young children.

Reasons: Trains for heterosexuality. No data exists showing that any harm is done. [Oral copulation is] part of the natural progress of development to heterosexuality.

HETEROSEXUALITY (Penis-Vagina Copulation (PC 261.1)).

We Suggest: At age 10, 11, or 12, females want, can easily hold, and will be allowed to have a teenager or older male's condom-covered penis in their vagina. From the earliest age of desire, a very young female will be allowed to have a tiny male's penis in her vagina if the penis is covered with a "finger stall" or "finger cot" (obtainable from a drug store). At all ages prior to age 18 for the female, the female is required to have vaginal foam inserted before penetration of the covered penis.

Reasons: Prevents venereal disease and pregnancy. Older person passes on tender, loving mannerisms. Lack of premarital sex leads to divorce, crime, and suicide.


We Suggest: No restrictions will be on the masturbation of a child so that such enjoyment will be provided by family, friends, or neighbors so that the child will no longer seek out strangers for this satisfaction. Self-masturbation, from crib age on, not to be discouraged.

Reasons: Parents and nonparents help a child toward good mental health by masturbating it or encouraging it to masturbate. Lack of premarital sex leads to divorce, crime, and suicide.


We Suggest: No restrictions; thus freeing Law Enforcement to tackle disease-spreading and unwanted- pregnancy activity and photos. Almost all American children have seen an erect male penis and an adult spread-eagle vagina or pictures thereof" [emphasis in original].

Reference: Rene Guyon Society promotional/information package distributed in Beverly Hills, California, on March 20, 1981. Also reprinted in Father Enrique T. Rueda. The Homosexual Network: Private Lives & Public Policy. 1982: Old Greenwich, Connecticut; Devin Adair Publishers. Pages 178 and 179.

FIGURE 121-3

Official Philosophy and Goals of the North American Man-Boy Love AssociationA

"The North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is an organization founded in response to the extreme oppression of men and boys involved in consensual sexual and other relationships with each other. Its membership is open to all individuals sympathetic to man/boy love in particular and sexual freedom in general. NAMBLA is strongly opposed to age of consent laws and other restrictions which deny adults and youth the full enjoyment of their bodies and control over their lives. NAMBLA's goal is to end the long-standing oppression of men and boys involved in any mutually consensual relationship by;

  1. building a support network for such men and boys;
  2. educating the public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love;
  3. aligning [sic] with the lesbian, gay, and other movements for sexual liberation; and,
  4. supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual prejudice and oppression."

Social Action Agenda of NAMBLA's "Task Force on Child-Adult Relationships"B

General Objective: "To improve the social status and public image of pedophiles, to eliminate the legal sanctions against pedophile behavior, and to increase public awareness of children's emotional and sexual needs by;

1. Seeking to improve the public image of pedophiles through;
A. Oversight of sex-education and psychology curricula in public schools, colleges and universities, seeking to eliminate old stereotypes and falsehoods regarding pedophilia and children's sexuality.
B. Consultation with authorities on mental health and human sexual behavior to encourage a humane attitude toward pedophilia.
C. Legislative lobbying to reduce legal sanctions against pedophile behavior in particular and all consensual sexual behavior in general, and to increase children's rights to self-determination.
D. Liaison with feminist and other groups to establish the principle that the goals of all liberation groups are essentially the same: the elimination of sexist, authoritarian regimentation of human lives; and that the liberation of children is the sine qua non [essential essence] of all human liberation.
2. Publication and dissemination of literature supporting the goals of pedophile liberation.
3. Publication and dissemination of literature to increase public awareness of children's sexual and emotional needs, especially in the light of research on cognitive development.


[A] "Introducing the North American Man-Boy Love Association." Undated basic promotional brochure of NAMBLA National Headquarters in New York City. Reproduced in Father Enrique T. Rueda's The Homosexual Network: Private Lives & Public Policy. 1982: Old Greenwich, Connecticut; Devin Adair Publishers. Page 177.

[B] Richard C. Bishop. "A Proposal for Pedophile Groups." NAMBLA Journal, New York, New York, July 1, 1979, page 5. Reproduced in Rueda, pages 214 and 215.

FIGURE 121-4

Typical Examples of Pederast Advertisements in the 'Mainline' Homosexual Magazine The Advocate

Penetrable Boy Doll Available in 3 Provocative Positions. Choose the Model That Will Fill Your Needs.

Always Up and Ready!

Every doll Features: Durable, flesh-like, soft vinyl body to yield pleasure galore!

He Can Ejaculate and Vibrate and He's All Yours to Love!


"NEWSLETTER FOR PEDERASTS: Responsible persons, details, sample. Better Life. 256 S. Robertson, Beverly Hills, CA. 90211."

"S&M EQUIPMENT: Dungeon equipment and small toys, racks, pillories, whipping horses, small restraining devices and novelties ... thoroughly field tested & guaranteed. Polaroid pictures $10."

"CHICKEN BONDAGE: Photo set of prime quality. Kids are inventive, WOW! Young Gay Loves Spanking."

"CHICKEN! Choice Tenderlings of great beauty! Golden peach fuzz on tan cheeks, long eyelashes, that warm sun tan smell ... We offer you the largest selection of Chicken in the world."[A]

"BOYS OF HOLLAND: HAWK PRODUCTIONS. Over 30 beautiful young men to bring you loads of pleasure" [film].[A]

"BOY FILMS: The Quality Magazine from Denmark ... Euromag ... Life Boy ... Beautiful Boys of all ages [includes 16 photos of boys 6, 8, and 10 years old]."

"BOYS AND THEIR TOYS: A Must for the Connoisseur of Male Youth and Beauty" 15 ... 15!!! ... With an emphasis on dildo play" [film].

"Dissatisfied at home? Tired of hassling with parents? Lonely traveling exec wants nice looking boy for perm. relationship and his heir. Offering fine new Fla. home, clothes, good time, no fin. cares or worries. Must be butch ... no fats, fems, hustlers ... send photo."

"Looking for young guy -- 14-22 for fun times." "Pre-teens -- Girls or boys, nude ... photos, $5.00."

"Want guys -- the younger, the better."

"Western Style Chicken: New sources -- fresh from 4 of the world's great collectors."[A]

"Seek white/chicano boy 13-16. Longhair orphan fine."

"Seeking Teen Youth who is lonely, lost, runaway."

"WANTED! Teen Boy to Bare Bottom Spank/Strap & Use [anally]."

Note. [A] The term "hawk" refers to a homosexual pederast and a "chicken" is a young boy who is sold as merchandise and "used" by homosexuals for sex. References. The July 5, 1972, August 16, 1972, August 13, 1975, July 16, 1991, and August 13, 1991 issues of The Advocate Magazine. As described in The Institute for Media Education. A Content Analysis of Two Decades of The Advocate (July 5, 1972 - July 2, 1991) and The 1991 Gayellow Pages. June 1991.


The Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia was written by Brian Clowes, and published by American Life League.


Chapter 120 Index Chapter 122

© Copyright 1998 American Life League.