American Life League

AIDS, for some reason, is different. It is like a basilisk. Both the public and the medical profession stare at it in fascination, but seem unable to protect themselves.

                                                                                              Dr. Leon J. Podles.[1]

Anti-Life Philosophy.

AIDS is NOT a 'gay disease.' The Far Right has deliberately exploited this plague to advance its reactionary agenda, and will stop at nothing to drive gays and lesbians back 'into the closet.' A wide range of people suffer from AIDS, and only a relatively small percentage of worldwide cases are due to gay sex.

All people suffering from AIDS are entirely innocent, so it is discriminatory and homophobic to refer to such an entity as an "innocent" victim of AIDS.


Despite the best efforts of the homopropagandists in the so-called 'gay rights' movement, the AIDS plague will always be linked to homosexuals in the public mind. AIDS originated with homosexuals, and eighty percent of all new cases still occur in sodomites and bisexuals.

This chapter covers the basic aspects of the virus and shows how the homosexual movement has virtually doomed itself with its fixation on absolute individual privacy and privilege.


Know Your Terminology.

In order to intelligently discuss this disease, anti-"gay rights" activists must be familiar with a number of basic technical terms, as listed below.[2]

AIDS. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This is a disease characterized by the presence of infections not normally found in healthy people. The infections are caused by damage to the body's autoimmune system by the virus known by the following names;

• HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus),
• HTLV-III (Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus),
• LAV (Lymphadenopathy Virus),
• ARV (Aids Related Virus),
• GRID (Gay-Related Immune Deficiency). The use of this
   original name for the virus, and the slang "gay cancer," were
   quickly quashed by the homosexual-rights movement for
   obvious public relations reasons.

Antibody. This is a substance produced by the body in response to a viral infection. It often indicates that the immune system has successfully resisted an infection and that the body is now immune to the infection. Antibodies are formed against the HIV virus, but their presence does not indicate immunity to HIV.

Antibody Test. This is a test used to screen the blood supply for evidence of HTLV-III contaminated blood. The test measures the presence or absence of antibodies to a virus, and is sometimes erroneously referred to as the "AIDS test."

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are used as an initial indication of HIV, which is confirmed by Western Blot and fluorescent antibody tests.

The HIV virus has been isolated from every human fluid, including blood, cerebrospinal fluid, neural fluid, human milk, semen, cervical secretions, saliva, urine, and tears.

ARC. Aids Related Complex. A condition that affects the person with symptoms associated with AIDS, but with no opportunistic infections.

Symptoms may include one or more of the following;

• sudden loss of 10 percent or more of body weight without
• a fever of 100 degrees or more that persists for two weeks;
• swollen glands in the neck, armpits, or groin;
• drenching night sweat that persists for a month or more;
• severe diarrhea that persists for three months or more, and
• fatigue or malaise representing a significant change in energy

These ARC symptoms must be unrelated to another disease or condition. In many or most persons with ARC, the disease progresses to AIDS. As of this time, according to medical and legal definitions, a person with ARC does not technically have AIDS.

Clinically Diagnosed. A person who is judged by competent medical personnel to have a certain disease or syndrome when such condition lacks a definitive laboratory standard for infection. Diagnosis is reached when certain signs and observable symptoms are present. AIDS is such a clinically-diagnosed disease.

Immune System. This is the body system that defends against external infections. The immune system has the ability to recognize foreign materials or agents and can neutralize, eliminate, or metabolize them with or without injury to the host's tissues.

Incubation Period. The time that passes between exposure to a disease-causing agent and the onset of the symptoms that define infection with the disease. According to current knowledge, the incubation period for AIDS ranges from six months to five years.

Kaposi's Sarcoma. This is a type of cancer identified by dark blue or purplish-brown nodules. This sarcoma is the second most frequently diagnosed disease among persons infected with AIDS.

Lymphadenopathy. Swollen glands in the neck, throat, and groin, frequently one of the early signs of AIDS infection.

Lymph Nodes. Oval structures distributed throughout the body. During many infections, the lymph nodes enlarge and become palpable, providing a useful symptom for diagnosis. Lymph nodes circulate lymphocytes and filter foreign material from body fluids.

Lymphocytes. Cells that originate in the bone marrow and pass through the bloodstream to enter other organs, where they are modified into T- and B-lymphocytes.

Opportunistic Infections. A group of fungi, viruses, parasites, and bacteria which infect a host whose immune system is inhibited in some manner and cannot properly resist. These infections are frequently the direct cause of death of AIDS-infected people.

Pneumocystic Carinii Pneumonia. PCP is caused by a protozoan parasite, and generally does not cause an infection in a host whose immune system is healthy. This organism is quite deadly for a person with a depressed immune system, and is the most common bacteria isolated in persons with AIDS.

T-Helper Cells. One of the subpopulations of T-lymphocytes that aid in the cytotoxic, or killing, function of T-lymphocytes. People with AIDS experience a lowering in the number of T-helper cells and an inverted ratio of helper-to-suppressor cells.

The Supreme Power of the "Right to Privacy."


The supreme law of the land is undoubtedly the right to privacy. It has totally overshadowed the paramount right to life that God bestowed upon every human being.

This privacy 'right' was used by the United States Supreme Court as the legal basis for allowing artificial contraception for married couples (Griswold v. Connecticut, 1965) and abortion on demand (Roe v. Wade, 1973). The right to privacy has been used to deprive thousands of handicapped newborns their very lives. Ultimately, the 'right to privacy' will be the weapon that allows euthanasia to become widespread in our society.

One reason that homosexuals oppose any and all AIDS testing, mandatory or otherwise, is that they can continue to deceive themselves into thinking that they do not have the disease in the absence of hard proof that they do have it. Thus, they can continue to engage in unlimited sexual promiscuity, and disregard the danger to others in "good conscience."

Garbage In, Garbage Out.

No effective public health effort can occur in the total absence of reliable epidemiological data on AIDS. Every effort made to trace the spread of the disease by identifying sexual 'partners' has been viciously attacked by homosexuals as "scapegoating." Therefore, under current privacy laws, no epidemiological statistic is reliable and researchers must base their work on guesses regarding statistics and trends.

Incredibly, sodomite activists even tried to stop blood screening for AIDS in 1983 on the grounds that it was, according to the lofty opinion of the National Gay Task Force, "scapegoating" and "stigmatizing!"[3] In fact, a blood bank still collects blood in the Castro District of San Francisco, which has the highest density of AIDS carriers in the country, in order not to offend sodomites.

No reputable researcher can possibly hope to achieve meaningful results under such conditions. The result instead is futility: i.e., "garbage in, garbage out." As long as researchers only possess information on those persons who have died of AIDS, their most current information is at least five years out of date.

Because homosexuals participate in activities that are utterly revolting to the public, the 'right' to privacy is tailor-made for the 'gays' to advance their perverted agenda. Although there are hundreds of examples of this kind of skulduggery, several instances stand out, as described below.

The "Columbus of AIDS."

Ironically, the "right to privacy" contributed heavily to the 'jump-starting' of the AIDS epidemic in the United States.

According to Randy Shilts in his book And the Band Played On, the person responsible for bringing the AIDS virus to the United States was the French-Canadian airline steward Gaetan Dugas. Dugas had picked up the virus in Europe by having sex with Africans and, extensively using his airline travel privileges, proceeded to spread AIDS from San Francisco to New York City.

It is estimated that he had sex with at least three thousand men, and his sexual activity did not slow down a bit after he was diagnosed with the AIDS virus in 1980. Dugas justified his continuing sodomy with the excuse that he was free to do what he wanted to with his own body.

When he was in the final stages of AIDS, he would have anonymous sex with men in homosexual bathhouses, and then show his sexual partners his purple Kaposi's Sarcoma blotches, saying "Gay cancer. Maybe you'll get it."[4]

Dugas, labeled "patient zero" by health care authorities, died of AIDS in 1984.

It is very interesting to note that the homosexual strategists attempted to dilute their responsibility for the disease by first successfully quashing the name GRID (gay-related immune deficiency), and then expanding the list of "victims" into the so-called "4-H Club:" Haitians, hemophiliacs, heroin users, and homosexuals (notice who is last on the list).

Eventually, the sodomites recognized that they could divert blame for the disease entirely by focussing attention on true victims like Romanian infants and Ryan White.

A Genuine Victim.

We hear much homosexual propaganda about how everyone should care for AIDS sufferers, but this phony facade slipped a little when the sodomites demonstrated nothing but contempt and hate towards a genuinely innocent AIDS victim Kimberly Bergalis.

Bergalis was a 22-year old woman who was a virgin, but had contracted AIDS from her dentist, Jeffrey Acer. She was enraged because she believed the propaganda that there was "absolutely no way" to contract the disease from health-care workers, so she began a crusade in support of mandatory AIDS testing for them.

In September of 1991, Bergalis testified before Congress in support of mandatory testing. She was originally scheduled to testify on the 12th of the month. Rabid pro-abortion and pro-homosexual Congressman Henry Waxman (D.-umb) knew that her testimony would damage the sodomite movement, and also knew that Bergalis was near death. So he rescheduled her testimony for an indefinite later date, saying that he could not "find a room" for her. He obviously hoped that she would die before the reschedule date.[5]

Eventually, she got to testify in favor of mandatory health-care worker testing for a grand total of 30 seconds.

Meanwhile, the homosexuals heaped abuse on her, calling her, among other things, "bigot," "irrational," "filled with hate," and "fear monger."[5]

These are the same 'loving and nonjudgmental' "gays" we hear so much about.

AIDS: Not an STD.

AIDS precisely fits every portion of the classical medical description of a sexually-transmitted disease (STD). However, a New York State Supreme Court justice recently declared that AIDS and HIV are not sexually-transmitted diseases.[6] This is because New York public health workers are permitted to test for STDs and can attempt to contact sexual partners of the infected person if the results are positive. Gonorrhea and syphilis have been in this category for many years. However, the homosexuals didn't like this exposure, and lobbied for special AIDS protection, claiming as they always do that any unfavorable actions against AIDS would drive AIDS 'sufferers' underground.

Insurance Panic.

In 1985, the District of Columbia caved in to homosexual pressure and adopted an ordinance that prohibited insurance companies from testing prospective applicants for AIDS antibodies or asking any questions whatever about their sexual orientation during the insurance application process. Within twelve months, 41 of the 50 insurance companies doing business in DC quit the area.[7] Prices skyrocketed and what had been a very wide range of insurance choices was suddenly and drastically constricted. Naturally, insurance premiums instantly skyrocketed by more than 50 percent, leaving thousands who could not pay without life insurance.

There was utterly no concern shown by the homosexuals for these victims of their campaign.

Under such conditions, court-ordered confidentiality allows almost unlimited opportunity for homosexuals and other with AIDS to defraud insurance companies. A comprehensive study revealed that 44 percent of those with AIDS took out life insurance policies within two years of death, compared with 8 percent of those who died of all other accidental and natural causes.[7]

The Threat to Health Professionals.

In California, the homosexual lobby has taken the quest for absolute privacy to a life-endangering extreme. A doctor cannot even inform another doctor that a referred patient has AIDS under pain of losing his license to practice. Doctors cannot tell their nurses or any other health care professional that their patients have AIDS. A doctor cannot even tell the person's wife that he has AIDS, thereby directly endangering her life in the name of Almighty Privacy![8]

The Threat to Spouses.

Most local and state health departments vigorously oppose mandatory premarital screening in order to preserve privacy, although this is a certain death sentence to a woman who marries a man with AIDS, and a death sentence for all or most of her children, as well.

Where There Is No Privacy.

By contrast, it is interesting to review the situation in the former Soviet Union, which had the toughest AIDS laws in the world. The responsibility and consequences for homosexual activity rested solely upon the individual.

A person who contracted the HIV virus received an automatic five-year prison sentence for "having perverted sexual relations," unless it could be shown that he contracted the disease from blood products. If the person actually transmitted the virus to another person, the prison sentence was increased to eight years.

Soviet police had the authority to apprehend any suspected homosexual and have him forcibly tested for AIDS. According to the Liberty Report, a majority of Soviet researchers said that they would deliberately slow down their work in search of an AIDS cure so that homosexuals, prostitutes, and drug addicts could "be eliminated."

It is amusing that so many homosexuals in the United States support Communism. This is one perversion that is instantly and ruthlessly crushed when the "Revolution" has taken place, as outlined on page 77 of the Revolutionary Communist Party's New Programme in best jargonistic style; "As for homosexuality, this too is perpetuated and fostered by the decay of capitalism, especially as it sinks into deeper crisis ... Education will be conducted throughout society on the ideology behind homosexuality and its material roots in exploiting society and struggle will be waged to eliminate it and reform homosexuals."

The Communists, as they have demonstrated so many times in the past, have two types of "reform;" individual counseling (execution by rifle) or group therapy (execution by machine gun).

AIDS and Euthanasia.

On Christianity and Isolation.

Darwin's process of natural selection is operating in a truly naked and overt manner now. Intelligence is no longer a survival trait. Neither are trendiness or conformity. Only chastity, monogamy, and common sense will contribute to our survival. If AIDS is truly a "species-threatening" disease, as some so-called 'gays' allege, only those groups isolated from "mainstream America" by traditional morality will be protected to any effective degree.

Therefore, the implications of the AIDS virus for euthanasia are (or should be) literally terrifying to homosexuals. They are a subclass of people who are still considered undesirable by most Americans despite the torrent of media hype and propaganda. They are a group of people who engage in unnatural and reprehensible practices.

Sodomites are concentrated in what society perceives to be 'nonessential' professions (hairdressers, artists, designers, lawyers, food handlers, etc.) and have few or no children or other dependents. Furthermore, AIDS patients are an extreme drain on the health care system, particularly in their last year of life. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, homosexuals believe very strongly in self-determination, and have no particular desire to prolong a life that has lost its 'quality.'

AIDS Dementia.

This attitude was quantified by Dr. Peter Marzuk of Cornell University Medical School's Psychiatry Department, who found that male AIDS patients aged 20 to 59 commit suicide 36 times more often than other men in their age group and 66 times more frequently than the general population. He stated that "We're seeing the same high rates of suicides by AIDS patients that we see among patients with serious mental disorders." The study, reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), said "At some point, the AIDS virus can involve a patient's central nervous system and produce mental disorders, such as dementia, paranoia, depression, psychoses and delirium, all of which have been associated with higher suicide rates."[9]

Another comprehensive study found that at least 80 percent of adults with AIDS will eventually suffer from "AIDS dementia" personality changes, depression, extreme paranoia, and neuromuscular defects.[10]

Euthanasia Target.

The euthanasia movement literally could not ask for a better "test and target" group: Militant homosexual activists, who are loud, obnoxious, selfish, occupy peripheral occupations, and are generally despised by the public.

Figures 122-1 and 122-2 show that the number of persons who have died of AIDS and related complications is now more than twice as large as the total number of servicemen our country lost in Vietnam.

FIGURE 122-1

[A medium text size on your computer's 'view' setting is recommended, otherwise, the tables may be discombobulated.]

                                                                                           AIDS Deaths
                         AIDS Cases                                                                 Caused by
                                                Annual                                      Annual   Homosexual
Year          New*       Total    Increase      New*       Total    Increase    Behavior

1979              10              10                              5                5       100%
1980              80              90      700%             45              50       800%          98%
1981            250            340      210%           124            174       180%          97%
1982            503            843      100%           630            804       400%          95%
1983         2,221         3,064      340%        1,475         2,279       130%          88%
1984         4,635         7,699      110%        2,330         4,609         60%          77%
1985         8,249       15,948        80%        3,673         8,282         60%          69%
1986       13,055       29,003        60%        5,967       14,249         90%          67%
1987       20,740       49,743        60%      11,182       25,431         60%          66%
1988       32,933       82,676        60%      19,886       45,317         80%          65%
1989       52,700     135,376        60%      24,264       69,581         60%          63%
1990       84,300     219,676        60%      31,196     100,777         60%          61%
1991     134,900     354,576        60%      46,800     147,600         60%          60%
1992     215,800     570,376        60%      70,200     217,800         60%          60%
1993     300,000     870,000        60%      98,000     315,800         60%          60%


* Figures for 1979, 1980, and 1981 are estimates. It is assumed that the spread of AIDS and deaths resulting from AIDS-related complications will continue to increase at a uniform rate for a short period of time into the future. Therefore, future statistics are based upon the average historical rate for the last several years. This assumption is considered valid in light of the fact that the virus still affects only a small part of the 'target' population homosexual males and therefore has not yet encountered epidemiological limits in terms of target population saturation.

** According to the Centers for Disease Control, new AIDS cases in 1990 were distributed as follows: homosexual or bisexual men, 66%; drug addicts, 16%; homosexual/bisexual men who are also drug addicts, 8%; hemophiliacs, 1%; heterosexuals 4%; and undetermined categories, 5%.

FIGURE 122-2
1979 TO 1993

[Because some graphics were lost in this file's conversion from text documentation, we are only able to provide roughly estimated figures for the following table, the original of which can be found in the American Life Leagues Pro-life Encyclopedia.]


1982                     8,000
1983                   10,000
1984                   12,000
1985                   15,000
1986                   20,000
1987                   35,000
1988                   50,000
1989                   80,000
1990                 120,000
1991                 160,000
1992                 220,000
1993                 320,000

Our Salvation: King Kondom?

Prescription for Doom.

One outstanding feature of the AIDS panic is the fanatical way that the Planned Parenthood types insist that "safe sex" is still possible in the face of this menace.

Their prescription for "safe sex" is almost always condoms.

AIDS Transmission Rates.

The February 6, 1987 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association dealt with a study of AIDS transmission between infected and uninfected sexual partners.[11] The study included 32 heterosexual couples, each of which included one infected male and one noninfected female. After a period of from one to three years, the following rates of AIDS transmission were noted;


• 12 of 14 women not using condoms were infected               (86%)
• 3 of 10 women using condoms consistently were infected    (30%)
• 0 of 8 women abstaining from sex were infected                    (0%)

Condoms Don't Do the Job.

The most significant result of this study is that consistent condom use does not prevent AIDS transmission. In a period of three years, infected partners transmitted the AIDS virus to their spouses at an annual rate of 11.2 percent. This means that, during a period of six years, more than half of the uninfected partners of AIDS patients will become infected themselves despite 100% use of condoms.

According to virtually every source, the failure rate for condoms during anal sex is approximately three times that for heterosexual intercourse, because of the very heavy stresses placed on the material of the condom. This results in the following rates of AIDS transmission for anal and natural sex;


                               Average Rate of AIDS Transmission
                                      When Condoms Are Used for;

 Time                       Natural Sex                           Anal Sex

   1 year                      11 percent                             30 percent
  2 years                      21 percent                             51 percent
  3 years                      30 percent                             66 percent
  4 years                      38 percent                             76 percent
  5 years                      45 percent                             83 percent
10 years                      70 percent                             97 percent

In view of the extremely long latent period for AIDS (and the many sexual partners that homosexuals have), these statistics should be frightening to all sexually active homosexuals who think they are safe with condoms.

The "Safe(r) Sex" Myth.

"Safe(r) sex" is a dangerous myth. Virtually any kind of contact with an AIDS carrier carries some definite risk, because the people who come in contact with them will probably not be aware that they have the virus and will probably be ignorant of the many factors that can aid the transmission of the virus.

For example, even passionate kissing does not qualify as "safe(r) sex." Researchers at the Infectious Disease Clinic in Naples, Italy, have found that the fragility of the mouth's mucus membranes make it possible to transmit HIV by passionate kissing and by sharing toothbrushes. Even "safe(r) sex" brochures distributed by sodomite groups warn against "French kissing."

Page 25 of Surgeon General C. Everett Koop's Report on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome assured the public that, "Although the AIDS virus has been found in tears and saliva, no instance of transmission from these body fluids has been reported." This was in spite of a report by the British medical journal Lancet as far back as 1984 that a man had transmitted AIDS to his wife through his saliva.[12]

A second case of non-sexual AIDS transmission was reported by the September 20, 1986 Lancet more than a month before Koop's report was released. Harvard Medical School's Dr. William Haseltine said that "Anyone who tells you categorically that AIDS is not contracted by saliva is not telling you the truth."[13]

Koop's Report also states on page 22 that "There is no danger of AIDS-virus infection from visiting a doctor, dentist, hospital, hairdresser, or beautician ... " In July of 1991, Congress debated a mandatory AIDS-reporting bill for infected medical professionals, because at least five persons had been infected through this route, including Kimberly Bergalis, whose case is described above.

Money Spent On AIDS.

A death is a death. We are getting less return for the money than if we left it in the research of cancer and other diseases. People will die of those diseases because of the shifting of money to AIDS. We will never know their names, and no one will ever knit them a quilt or block the Golden Gate Bridge for them.

                                                                                              Michael Fumento.[14]

Homosexual Complaints.

Much to the disgust of the general public, the homosexual lobby repeatedly accuses the government of so-called "AIDS genocide," and asserts that the Feds "have blood on their hands." This attitude is in keeping with the sodomite's compelling need to shift the blame for their sorry predicament onto anyone other than themselves.

In perhaps the most extreme statement of self-excusal, Harry Hay, founder of the first homosexual organization in the United States (The Mattachine Society) accused Ronald Reagan of developing and spreading the AIDS virus. Hay claimed that "I share with many people the secret, sneaking sensation that, on one level or another, it [AIDS] may have been introduced by reckless Republican reactionaries of the stripe of Ronald Reagan. Not Reagan himself he's too stupid."[15]

Hay didn't comment on the fact that Reagan, as "stupid" as he was alleged to be, managed to avoid contracting the AIDS virus himself, unlike many of Hay's friends.

The facts show that Federal expenditures on AIDS research, education and prevention are much greater than that for heart disease or cancer, even though the latter diseases cause many more deaths.

One indicator of the priorities our country sets on health care is the amount of money spent on disease prevention relative to the impact that disease has on the general population in terms of deaths, days of sickness, and other measures.

AIDS now claims an extremely high and disproportionate share of limited research and preventions funds. Annual expenditures per death for AIDS are now 48 times that for heart disease and 23 times that for cancer, as shown below.


                                            Annual                       1989 Federal
  Disease                             Deaths                       Expenditures

Heart disease                       770,000                         $1.0 billion
All cancers                           500,000                         $1.4 billion
Diabetes                                36,000                        $295 million
Alzheimer's                          100,000                        $243 million
AIDS                                    35,000                        $2.2 BILLION

         Expenditures Per Death

Heart disease                         $1,300
All cancers                             $2,800
Alzheimer's                            $2,430
Diabetes                                $8,200
AIDS                                  $63,000

NOTE: These figures do not include the substantial amount of money spent on income subsidies for patients and for direct patient care.

Reference. Max Gates, Newhouse News Service. "Federal Spending on AIDS Near Sum Spent for Cancer." The Oregonian, June 15, 1989, page E3. Also Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress.

Total spending on AIDS from all Federal, state, local and private sources in 1989 was $4.4 billion, about one percent of the total $542 billion spent on health care in that year. Figure 122-3 shows the history of Federal government AIDS expenditures.

FIGURE 121-3

(all figures in $millions)
                                  Education and     Medical          Cash          Annual
Year      Research       Prevention          Care         Assistance      Total

1982                 3                     2                      0                    0                   5
1983               22                     7                    15                    0                 44
1984               59                     4                    35                    6               104
1985               86                   25                    83                  13               207
1986             204                   73                  199                  33               509
1987             345                 172                  331                  51               899
1988             626                 354                  380                  88            1,448
1989             856                 450                  751                138            2,195
TOTALS   2,201              1,087               1,794                329            5,411

Note. These figures refer to Federal AIDS expenditures only. They do not include state, local, and private expenditures, which are at least equal to the above figures.

Reference. William Winkenwerder, M.D., Austin R. Kessler, M.B.A., and Rhonda M. Stolic, B.S.E.. New England Journal of Medicine. Subject of an Associated Press article in the June 15, 1989 issue of The Oregonian, page E3, entitled "Federal Spending on AIDS Near Sum Spent On Cancer."

All of this shows the power of the homosexual lobby as it greedily consumes all the money it can for its very small percentage of the population, thereby depriving others of badly-needed assistance and doing very little to amend its own very efficient disease-generating behavior.

Christopher H. Foreman, a political analyst with the Brookings Foundation, says that the sodomite demands for unlimited AIDS money constitute "... a remarkably successful lobby. In an era of diminished budgetary resources, many other things in the public health sector will not get money."[14]

Other Diseases in Homosexuals.

I've had over 1,000 sexual partners. I forget where my thought's gone ... I've had gonorrhea probably 40 times, and I've had syphilis about four or five times.

                                                                   Homosexual actor Douglas Lambert.[16]

Promiscuous Sexual Addicts.

A 1982 study by the Atlanta Centers for Disease Control showed that homosexual men infected with the AIDS virus had committed sodomy with an average of 1,000 different partners. A study of San Francisco homosexuals revealed that 98 percent of homosexuals have had sex with more than 50 other men, and 28 percent have had sex with more than one thousand other men.

"Unsafe Sex" Is Still the Norm.

By 1984, the fear of AIDS had lowered these rates considerably. An American Psychological Society study was quoted in the November 21, 1984 USA Today, concluding that homosexuals had lowered their sodomy rate from 70 different partners a year in 1980 to "only" 50 different partners a year in 1984.

A 1989 survey of 823 Los Angeles homosexuals revealed that nearly two-thirds (64 percent) had had "unsafe sex" during the previous two months. Of these, 51 percent of all homosexuals testing HIV positive still practiced "unsafe sex." Of all respondents, 17 percent had engaged in "possibly unsafe sex;" and only 19 percent had practiced "safe sex" at all times during the previous two months.[17]

AIDS-infected homosexual Wally Hansen of San Francisco revealed the utterly selfish character of the typical promiscuous sodomite's personality when he described why he doesn't use a condom or notify his 'partners' that he has the AIDS virus: "It basically comes down to what you think it's worth. I can only think positively. I do anything I want. I feel like I'd do more damage to myself by stressing my system out of worry."[18]

Epidemiologist Dr. Robert C. Noble confirmed this callous disregard for the lives of others when he described a conversation he had with another AIDS-infected homosexual; "At our place [University of Kentucky Medical School] we were taking care of a guy with AIDS who is back visiting the bars and having sex. 'Well, did your partner use a condom?' I asked. 'Did you tell him that you're infected with the virus?' 'Oh, no, Dr. Noble,' he replied, 'it would have broken the mood.'"[19]

And a homosexual radio spokesperson summed it all up when he said that "In 1981 we drew back and became more sexually conservative because of fear of the AIDS epidemic. Now we have decided that certain death is preferable to dull sex lives."[20]

This uncontrollably promiscuous conduct in the face of certain infection by various painful and incurable venereal diseases and possible infection by the fatal AIDS shows that homosexuals are truly addicted to their sexual practices, as described in Chapter 116, "The Homosexual Orientation."

The (Un)natural Result of Promiscuity.

Figure 122-4 shows the logical results of this extreme and compulsive promiscuity. The average promiscuous homosexual carries two venereal diseases and at least three other diseases. FIGURE 122-4

Relative incidence of sexually transmitted diseases among homosexual men as compared to the general male population in the United States.

AID'S           171 times more likely
Syphilis           14 times more likely
Hepatitis           8 times more likely
Scabies            5 times more likely
Gonorrhea        3 times more likely
Genital Warts   3 times more likely
Lice                  3 times more likely

References. H.W. Jaffe and C. Keewhan, "National Case-Control Study of Kaposi's Sarcoma and Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia in Homosexual Men; Part I, Epidemiological Results." Annals of Internal Medicine, February 1983, pages 145 to 157. H.H. Hansfield. "Sexually Transmitted Disease in Homosexual Men." American Journal of Public Health. September 1981, pages 989 amd 990. Karla Jay and Allen Young. The Gay Report. New York City: Summit Publishers, 1979. Janet E. Gans, "America's Adolescents: How Healthy Are They?" Journal of the American Medical Association, January 1990, page 31.

Hepatitis A, amebiasis, shigellosis and giardiasis are so prevalent among sodomites that they are collectively known to physicians as "gay bowel syndrome." In San Francisco, "the gay capital of the world," 80 percent of the people who visit the city's venereal disease clinics are homosexuals. 20 percent of these patients suffer from deadly and painful rectal gonorrhea.[17]

It is interesting to note the impact that pro-homosexual laws have on the local VD rates. During the first decade the San Francisco homosexual rights law was in effect, Hepatitis A rose 100 percent; infectious Hepatitis B escalated 300 percent; and amoebic colon infections exploded by an incredible 2,500 percent.[17] And when these epidemics overload and overwhelm these city's health care systems, you can bet that they will be the first to scream for federal aid.

Homosexual men are by no means alone in their diseases; homosexual women ('lesbians') are 19 times more likely to have had syphilis than normal women; 2 times more likely to have had genital warts; 4 times more likely to have had scabies; 7 times more likely to have had an infection from vaginal contact; 29 times more likely to have had an infection from oral-vaginal contact; and 12 times more likely to have had an infection caused by penile contact.[21]

As professor Jerome Lejeune of Descartes University, Paris, says of AIDS: "Only God can truly pardon the one who violates His laws; man pardons at times; Nature never pardons at all: She is not a person."[22]

References: AIDS.

[1] Dr. Leon J. Podles. "Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad." Fidelity Magazine, October 1987. Page 20.

[2] "Glossary," New York Gay Men's Health Crisis. Also, "Glossary," Engage/Social Action, United Methodist Church, Washington, DC, February 1986, page 8.

[3] Journal of the American Medical Association, February 4, 1983. Also described in New Dimensions Magazine, March 1990.***

[4] "The Columbus of AIDS." National Review, November 6, 1987, page 19.

[5] W. Shephard Smith, Jr. "The Politics of AIDS." Reprint offered by the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. Also see Malcolm Gladwell, LA Times-Washington Post Service. "Last Crusade for Bergalis Set to Begin." The Oregonian, September 26, 1991, page A3.

[6] Mona Charen. "There's Poison Here All Right!" American Family Association Journal, February 1989, page 12.

[7] K. Clifford. "Insurance Attorney Alleges Fraud With AIDS Coverage." American Medical Association News, May 8, 1987, page 2. Also described in Father Richard Butler, O.P. "Are They Really "Gay?"" Fidelity Magazine, October 1987, page 12.

[8] Senator H.L. Richardson of the California State Assembly. "AIDS Deadly Disease With Civil Rights." National Federation for Decency Journal, August 1987, page 13.

[9] News of Interest. "AIDS Suicide Rates Higher." American Family Association Journal, August 1988, page 17.

[10] M. Dalakas, "AIDS and the Nervous System." Journal of the American Medical Association, 261:2,396, 1989.

[11] James G. Bruen, Jr. "Koop de Theatre." Fidelity Magazine, April 1987, page 15.

[12] C. Everett Koop, M.D., Sc.D. The Surgeon General's Report on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. United States Department of Health and Human Services, 1986, 36 pages. Free to the public. Reviewed by Wayne Lutton on pages 54 to 56 of the January 30, 1987 issue of National Review.

[13] Dr. William Haseltine of Harvard Medical School, quoted in the March 18, 1986 issue of the New York Times.

[14] Michael Fumento, author of The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS. Quoted in Alan K. Ota. "Outing." The Oregonian, June 24, 1990, page M1.

[15] Harry Hay, quoted in Outweek Magazine, June 27, 1990, page 95.

[16] Homosexual actor Douglas Lambert, who died of AIDS in December 1986, quoted in the Toronto Daily Sun of March 1, 1987. Also quoted in a letter to Fidelity Magazine by James H. Cotter of Barrie, Ontario, April 1987, page 9.

[17] Brad Hayton and John Eldredge. "Homosexual Rights: What's Wrong?" Focus on the Family Citizen, March 18, 1991, pages 6 to 8. Also see Joyce Price. "High-Risk Sex Acts Still Common Among Gays, Bisexuals." Washington Times, December 28, 1989.

[18] AIDS-infected homosexual Wally Hansen of San Francisco, Barbara Kantrowitz "Teenagers and AIDS." Newsweek Magazine, August 3, 1992, pages 45 to 49.

[19] Robert C. Noble, M.D. "There is No Safe Sex." Newsweek Magazine, April 1, 1991, page 8.

[20] David A. Noebel, Wayne C. Lutton, and Paul Cameron. AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Summit Ministries Research Center, Manitou Springs, Colorado, 80829. 1985, 149 pages. Reviewed by Chilton Williamson, Jr. on page 58 of the April 11, 1986 issue of National Review. A review of the literature that has been written about AIDS, and an examination of the tactics used by homosexuals to take advantage of the plague to further their own goals.

[21] H.J. Jaffe and C. Keewhan, "National Case-Control Study of Kaposi's Sarcoma and Pneumocystic Carinii Pneumonia in Homosexual Men; Part 1, Epidemiological Results." Annals of Internal Medicine, 1983, 99(2), pages 145 to 157.

[22] "Tromperie Sur L'Amour." The Religion & Society Report, January 1990, page 3.

Further Reading: AIDS.

Gene Antonio. The AIDS Cover-Up?: The Real and Alarming Facts About AIDS.
270 pages. Order from Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528. This book presents the true nature of AIDS, free of media glamorization and euphemisms. What danger does it pose? How is it really transmitted? How safe are we? All material is documented from primary medical sources and is unassailable.

Paul Cameron. Exposing the AIDS Scandal.
Huntington House Publishers, Post Office Box 53788, Lafayette, Louisiana 70505. 1988, 151 pages. The author, who is universally hated by homosexuals because he pulls no punches, certainly does not do so in this book, which blasts C. Everett Koop, a cowardly government, and the sodomites themselves. Cameron also reveals the magnitude of the AIDS threat and describes how current policies help to spread instead of retard the disease.

Nancy Dubler and David Nimmons. Ethics on Call: A Medical Ethicist Shows How to Take Charge of Life-and-Death Choices.
Harmony Books, 210 East 50th Street, New York, New York 10022. 1992, 405 pages. Reviewed on page 2,819 of the May 27, 1992 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. A revealing look at the day-to-day decisions that go on in a large hospital. The author, who has advised medical personnel on many occasions, describes specific cases, including passive euthanasia, making critical decisions for newborns, notification of a person whose spouse tests HIV-positive, and questions of sustained care. The author also examines the agendas, habits, and "circles of consent" that interact in such decisions.

Victor Gong, M.D., and Norman Rudnick (editors). AIDS Facts and Issues.
New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. 1987, 390 pages. A book from a "neutral" perspective (i.e., mildly pro-homosexual) that addresses the major components of the ethical and practical dimensions of the AIDS "epidemic:" The clinical spectrum, at-risk groups, our response to AIDS, and research and avoidance of AIDS.

Greenhaven Press. AIDS: Opposing Viewpoints.
Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1988, 223 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue. The questions asked are: "How Serious is AIDS?;" "How Can AIDS Be Controlled?;" "Will Controlling AIDS Undermine Civil Rights?;" "Is the Government's Response to AIDS Adequate?;" and "How Will AIDS Affect Society?" Authors include Surgeon General C. Everett Koop and Congressman William E. Dannemeyer. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

C. Everett Koop, M.D., and Timothy Johnson, M.D. Let's Talk: An Honest Conversation on Critical Issues.
Zondervan Press, 1992, 144 pages. Reviewed by William Griffin on page 8 of the November 8, 1992 issue of Catholic Twin Circle. A former Surgeon General of the United States and ABC-TV's medical editor discuss the critical issues of abortion, euthanasia, AIDS, and health care. Both writers are Christians who disagree on some of the issues, and this book, which is a published version of their informal debates, helps Christians examine some of the more arcane and complicated aspects of the above issues.

William H. Masters, M.D, Virginia E. Johnson, and Robert C. Kolodny, M.D. Crisis: Heterosexual Behavior in the Age of AIDS.
Grove Publishers, 1988. 243 pages. Reviewed by Wayne Lutton on pages 48 and 49 of the May 27, 1988 issue of National Review. The authors show how the AIDS virus has 'broken out' of its original target population and is now heavily striking at the heterosexual population and at drug users. The book ranges over many topics, including the failure of promiscuous homo- and heterosexuals to resort to 'safe sex' in significant numbers, the underestimation of AIDS cases by the government, and the doubtful safety of the nation's blood supply.

Lawrence J. McNamee, M.D. and Brian F. McNamee, M.D. AIDS: The Nation's First Politically Protected Disease.
La Habra, California: National Medical Legal Publishing House. 1988. 182 pages. Reviewed by Michael D. Collins in the June 1989 Fidelity Magazine. The authors focus on the social impacts caused when marital fidelity and monogamy are replaced with bestiality and anal sex. The politicians have come to see homosexuals as a protected group that require special privileges that are absolutely immutable and transcendent of all other person's rights and privileges (rather like the abortion "right").

David A. Noebel, Wayne C. Lutton, and Paul Cameron. AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Summit Ministries Research Center, Manitou Springs, Colorado, 80829. 1985, 149 pages. Reviewed by Chilton Williamson, Jr. on page 58 of the April 11, 1986 issue of National Review. A review of the literature that has been written about AIDS, and an examination of the tactics used by homosexuals to take advantage of the plague to further their own goals.

Father Enrique T. Rueda and Michael Schwartz. Gays, AIDS, and You.
130 pages, paperback. 1987. Order from the Devin Adair Company, 143 Sound Beach Avenue, Post Office Box A, Old Greenwich, Connecticut 06870, or from Our Lady's Book Service, Nazareth Homestead, R.D. 1, Box 258, Constable, New York 12926, telephone: 1-800-263-8160. The writers characterize AIDS as a "politically-protected plague," and show how society has disarmed itself against AIDS. The authors show how homosexuals are exploiting the virus for sympathy and as a coverup to pursue their own perverse goals. The homosexual movement refuses to call for chastity and it rejects any sort of morality, instead fervently hoping that the government will bail it out with some miracle cure. Meanwhile, they carelessly and recklessly endanger all of society.

Charles F. Turner, Heather G. Miller, and Lincoln E. Moses (editors). AIDS: Sexual Behavior and Intravenous Drug Use.
National Research Council, Committee on AIDS Research and the Behavioral, Social, and Statistical Sciences, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1989, 575 pages. More than fifty experts on AIDS contributed to this massive volume, which covers just about all aspects of the disease, from behavior to epidemiology to the problems that now obstruct effective research in this area.

United States Government. Acquired Immune Deficiency and Chemical Dependency.
A report on a national meeting held in San Francisco in April 1986 on the role of alcohol and other drugs on AIDS. Topics include the nature of AIDS, chemical dependency and AIDS, alcohol and the immune system, AIDS and alcoholism, and related topics. Serial Number 017-024-01320-0, 1987, 82 pages. Order by mail from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, or by telephone from (202) 783-3238.

United States Government. AIDS: A Public Health Challenge; State Issues, Policies, and Programs.
Volume 1: Assessing the Problem.
Information on administration and organization, screening and testing, surveillance, confidentiality, and potential for discrimination. Serial number 017-024-01339-1, 1987, 322 pages.
Volume 2: Managing and Financing the Problem.
Information on financing care and service programs, medical care, support services, education, and research. Serial number 017-024-01340-4, 1987, 144 pages.
Volume 3: Resource Guide.
Bibliography, terminology, CDC recommendations and guidelines, education and training centers, and other related information on AIDS. Serial number 017-024-01341-2, 1987, 132 pages. AIDS and the Education of Our Children. This is the Federal AIDS pamphlet sent to every household in the country. Serial number 065-000-00333-3, 1988, 34 pages (sold in packages of 25 only).

United States Government. AIDS Bibliography.
A monthly subscription service on the newest articles published about all aspects of AIDS. Serial Number 717-123-00000-0, monthly. Order by mail from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, or by telephone from (202) 783-3238.

United States Government. Secretary's Work Group on Pediatric HIV Infection and Disease: Final Report.
Defines the scope of the problem of HIV infection among infants, children, and adolescents, and provides recommendations for action, study, research, care, financing, and prevention. Serial Number 017-024-01369-2, 1988, 94 pages. Order by mail from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, or by telephone from (202) 783-3238.

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This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia published by American Life League.