American Life League's

Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia


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Chapter 127
The Media's Pro-Sodomite Bias


"Do you know the most powerful lobby in the entertainment business? Bigger than blacks or women's lib or any nationalist or racist group. It's the gays. If you don't have the approval of the Gay Media Task Force, you don't go on the air."

-- Television producer James Komack.[1]



Anti-Life Philosophy.

The news media and the entertainment media have been beating up on lesbians and gays for long enough. It is about time the leaders of the media jettisoned their narrow homophobic prejudices and stereotypes and caught up with the real world by portraying us just as we really are -- like everyone else, except for our choices of sexual partners.


Bad Guys But No Bad Gays. Individual members of virtually every social, ethnic, financial or geographic group of any imaginable description are at least occasionally identified on television as "bad guys." This is not necessarily an evil trend, since "bad guys" do, indeed, come from every group in society. We have Jewish bad guys, Catholic bad guys, black, red, yellow, white, even extraterrestrial bad guys -- but there is one group that is automatically and completely exempted from any negative connotation whatever in the media, even on a purely individual basis.

You will never see a homosexual "bad guy" in the media.

Why is this?

A Heavy Hand. This is because homosexuals have a very heavy influence in the media, and they know that it is absolutely vital to their cause to convince the public that their condition is genetic and not acquired. It is also absolutely essential to ensure that no homosexual is ever depicted as having any character flaw or undesirable characteristic, so that the public will be lulled into believing, perhaps subliminally, that all homosexuals are sweet-natured, basically harmless folks who should be fully integrated into society without delay. This type of media manipulation is fully recognized by the sodomites as an essential means to convincing the American public that sodomy is "just another lifestyle."

Marshall K. Kirk and Erastes Pill authored a series of strategy articles entitled "The Overhauling of Straight America." This series appeared in the October and November 1987 issues of Guide Magazine. The following quotes outline the homosexual strategy for the media;

"The first order of business is the desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights ... You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing, with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won ... A large-scale media campaign will be required in order to change the image of gays in America.

"In the early states of any campaign to reach straight America, the masses should not be shocked and repelled by premature exposure to homosexual behavior itself. Instead, the imagery of sex should be downplayed and gay rights should be reduced to an abstract social question as much as possible. First let the camel get his nose inside the tent -- and only later his unsightly derriere!

"The visual media, film and television, are plainly the most powerful image-makers in Western civilization. The average American household watches over seven hours of TV daily. Those hours open up a gateway into the private world of straights, through which a Trojan horse might be passed ... So far, gay Hollywood has provided our best covert weapon in the battle to desensitize the mainstream."

"Without access to TV, radio, and the mainstream press, there will be no [homosexual] campaign ... For openers, naturally, we must continue to encourage the appearance of favorable gay characters in films and TV shows. Daytime talk shows also remain a useful avenue for exposure" [emphasis added].

No Cure. As an example of such domination, the powerful homosexual lobby will never permit the release of any Hollywood or television movie or show that features any homosexual being "cured" or turning away from his perverted deathstyle. In a 1987 series of TV Guide articles, a large group of television executives agreed that it would be literally impossible to produce a show with this theme.[2]

For information on how the homosexuals manipulate the media to achieve their own ends, see Chapter 118, "Homosexual Tactics."

The Homosexual Reality -- A Big No-No.

Crushing Dissent. Homosexuals will ruthlessly crush any free expression that is not in lockstep with their peculiar worldview, particularly if that expression is intended to be shared with others.

For example, a summer 1988 episode of NBC's "Midnight Caller" originally portrayed a homosexual in less than glowing terms, so a handful of sodomites quickly organized and loudly demonstrated outside the set. The script was immediately changed, and the program executives bowed and scraped and apologized profusely.[3]

Anita Bryant had been the Orange Bowl Parade commentator for NBC for nine years, until she "came out of the closet" to fight the radical homosexual agenda. NBC immediately dumped her and hired Rita Moreno, who had always been sympathetic towards homosexuals, and had starred in the first widely-distributed major movie about homosexuality, The Ritz. Time Magazine, in its August 30, 1976 issue, flatly labeled it "a gay movie."

Moving On to Violence. Promiscuous sodomite activists are the most violent and irrational group of people on earth, as described in Chapter 118, "Homosexual Tactics."

Homosexuals by no means restrict themselves to loud and obscene protests when they are displeased with someone who has spoken out against them. They have shown their displeasure in hundreds of instances by physically destroying property and assaulting those who disagree with them.

The Sacramento Union learned this lesson after it published several editorials against pro-abortion and pro-homosexual initiatives during the summer of 1990. Shortly thereafter, vandals destroyed more than a hundred of the paper's vending machines, causing more than $45,000 of damage. The wrecked machines were plastered with ACT-UP stickers. ACT-UP is the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power, a sodomite activist group which physically and violently attacks those who dare to oppose its perverted agenda in any way.[4]

Even churches are not safe from the new legions of sodomite Brownshirts. In December of 1989, four Los Angeles area Catholic churches were defaced and vandalized by homosexual activists. Red paint was splashed everywhere and the words "Mahony murderer " were spraypainted on the church walls. ACT-UP posters were plastered on many windows.

Roger Mahony was the Archbishop of Los Angeles.

The response by the Los Angeles Times ? The paper not only did not condemn the attacks, but publicized future activities of the Los Angeles chapter of ACT-UP with the dates, places, and names of Catholic parishes to be targeted by the vandals![5]

Even Hollywood is Fed Up. Even some of Hollywood's finest are becoming fed up with this glaring double standard and Nazi-like censorship. In addition to James Komack's statement above, screenwriter Earnest Kinov complained in 1985 that "You can handle homosexuality -- as long as you handle it in a lovely, tolerant fashion that will not upset the gay liberation lobby."[6]

In June of 1990, none other than The Wall Street Journal editorialized that it seems to be entirely permissible to discuss homosexuality, race, or gender, but only if you hold "the approved point of view."[7]

This restrictive policy is precisely the one held by sodomite groups. You can say whatever you want to about "Gay Rights," as long as you are in favor of them .

Our Media Hero -- The Sodomite.

Evidence of Prevalent Bias. The American Family Association has monitored television shows dealing with homosexuality and has found that, with a single possible exception, every one of the more than 700 television shows dealing with the subject of sexual perverts over the last five years has portrayed homosexuals as heros or sensitive, caring people without a single character flaw.[2]

A 1987 study by The Center for Media and Public Affairs noted that only nine percent of the persons depicted on television with AIDS are identified as homosexual or bisexual, when in reality, 73 percent of such persons have AIDS. One shining example was Ryan White, whose death by AIDS caused by a blood transfusion was a godsend for the homosexuals, who milked his memory for all it was worth. This is in keeping with the homosexual lobby's attempt to define AIDS as anything but the "gay disease" it is.

Extension of a Trend. All of this is just an extension of a trend that has been accelerating in the printed media since the turn of the century: The replacement of the worship of God with the worship of the sodomite.

The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature indexes the "most significant" articles culled from leading national periodicals each year and compiles them by topic. The chart below summarizes the Guide's findings regarding two specific topics: Major articles dealing with Jesus Christ and articles that cover prominent sodomites.

It is obvious that Our Lord is losing the media's attention, which is increasingly wandering from moral standards to whatever cause happens to be trendy at the moment.



Major Articles On;

Time Period Jesus Homosexuals

1900 to 1921 237 (100%) 0 (0%)

1922 to 1941 411 (98%) 7 (2%)

1942 to 1961 344 (87%) 53 (13%)

1962 to 1981 586 (54%) 495 (46%)

1982 to 1988 243 (43%) 326 (57%)

Reference. Family Research Newsletter, Fall 1989, page 7.

The Reason.

Introduction. As the Lichter-Rothman studies have shown, most members of the media feel that they should not only provide entertainment, but work for social change. This is evident in many recent depictions of homosexuals. Just three of the more blatant examples are described below.

"Welcome Home, Bobby." The February 22, 1986 prime-time CBS special "Welcome Home, Bobby" begins by showing a 16-year old who believes that he is 'sick' because he is homosexual. Bobby is then seduced by a 35-year old homosexual, and the rest of the movie shows their courtship, with dates, tender words and gestures, and expensive gifts. Literally everyone supports Bobby's homosexuality -- his teachers, businessmen, even a Catholic priest -- and they all tell him how perfectly normal this lifestyle is. These people are portrayed as intelligent, loving, and caring. The only holdout is Bobby's father, who is portrayed as a selfish, narrow-minded, judgmental bigot. But even he 'becomes enlightened' and "comes to accept Bobby just the way he is."[8]

My Two Perverts. The April 7, 1986 television movie "My Two Loves" presents lesbianism as a perfectly normal lifestyle for a widow. She meets Marjorie, a veteran lesbian, who is given plenty of air time to extol the "many virtues of bisexuality." The numerous scenes of lesbianism include the two women in bed and strolling hand-in-hand down a street, happy as can be. ABC had hired veteran lesbian/feminist writer Rita Mae Brown, and TV scriptwriter Reginald Rose revealed that the network was not only willing but "eager" to air "My Two Loves."[9]

"The Women of Brewster Place." The ABC March 19-20, 1988 special "The Women of Brewster Place," produced by Oprah Winfrey, centers around the lives of seven black women living in a ghetto. Naturally, a minister is depicted as a lecher who uses his influence to take women members of his congregation to bed. Miss Sophie, another Christian, is a hateful busybody who snoops and lectures, judges and gossips about everyone. She shouts at a caring, gracious, kind and humble lesbian at a meeting, and the lesbian runs out, crying. Sophie, of course, has a perpetual frown on her wrinkled face and the lesbian is a beauty who is always kind and nonjudgmental.[10]

References: Media Pro-Homosexual Bias.

[1] Television producer James Komack, quoted in David A. Noebel. The Homosexual Revolution . Tulsa: The American College Press. 1978, 190 pages.

[2] Joseph Farah. "Liberation From Homosexuality: TV's Taboo Subject." American Family Association Journal , February 1988, page 12.

[3] Tim Wildmon. "Networks Practice Double Standard." American Family Association Journal , May 1989, page 2.

[4] Newspage. "Did Homosexuals Vandalize Pro-Life Newspaper's Machines?" Focus on the Family Citizen , November 19, 1990, page 5.

[5] "Mahony and the Times ." National Catholic Register , February 11, 1990, page 4.

[6] Randall Murphree. "AIDS and the Media: Whitewashed Tombs." National Federation for Decency Journal , July 1987, page 16.

[7] Paul Harvey. "Name of the Game is Intolerance." Conservative Chronicle , June 20, 1990, Page 27.

[8] "AIDS, Gays, and the Media." American Family Association Journal , February 1988, page 17.

[9] "ABC Pushes Lesbian Love in Movie."National Federation for Decency Journal , May/June 1986, pages 21 and 22.

[10] "Adulterous Preacher, Illicit Sex Are in NBC Special Movie." American Family Association Journal , May 1989, pages 4 and 5.

Further Reading: Media Pro-Homosexual Bias.


The Pro-Life Activist's Encyclopedia was written by Brian Clowes, and published by American Life League.


Chapter 126 Index Chapter 128

© Copyright 1998 American Life League.