American Life League

Sexual science is of two kinds, that which is used for controlling or overcoming the sexual passion, and that which is used to stimulate and feed it. Instruction in the former is as necessary a part of a child's education, as the latter is harmful and dangerous, and fit, therefore, only to be shunned.

The sex education that I stand for must have for its object the conquest and sublimation of the sex passion. Such education should automatically serve to bring home to children the essential distinction between man and brute, to make them realize that it is man's special privilege and pride to be gifted with the faculties of head and heart both, that he is a thinking no less than feeling animal, and to renounce the sovereignty of reason over the blind instincts is, therefore, to renounce a man's estate. In man, reason quickens and guides the feeling; in brutes, the soul lies ever dormant.

                                                                                                 Mahatma Gandhi.[1]

Anti-Life Philosophy.

[Question] 14. Will sex education in the schools encourage kids to be sexually active?

[Answer]: By the best evidence, that is a myth. Or an invention to use a charitable term designed to prey on the fears of anxious parents.

Irving R. Dickman, of the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS).[2]

Discussing contraception which is vitally important, we stress again does not mean and is seldom interpreted by teenagers to mean that you have given permission for them to have intercourse...

Faye Wattleton, former president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA).[3]

It is essential that every child be instructed in all aspects of human sexuality at the very first opportunity. Comprehensive sex education is the only answer to such sex-related ills as abortion, venereal disease, teen pregnancy, and homophobia.

Those parents who oppose this type of necessary training are naive and want to shelter their children from the imaginary evils that their paranoid minds seem to constantly generate. This reclusive and antisocial attitude will only hurt their children in the long run, and the parent's ignorance will only make their children susceptible to unwanted pregnancies, abortions, and sexually-transmitted diseases.


[Being a virgin] is nothing to be ashamed of. It's sacred ... sex is the ultimate gift a woman can give a man ... sex is meant for procreation, and I want to consummate a relationship with a man who's going to be the father of my children.

                                                                                                   Brooke Shields.[4]

Sex Education is a Necessity.

Every Christian parent knows that sex education is a necessity for everyone, even those who choose to remain chaste throughout their lifetimes. Christians believe that God would not have given us the marvelous gift of reproduction if He had not wanted us to know about it and use it wisely.

Committed Christians and secularists agree on very little beyond this fundamental point.

The method by which sex-related information is presented is the primary point of disagreement, and is usually the source of the friction that takes place between Christian parents and secular school authorities when discussing sex education programs.

The Bottom Line for Christians.

This chapter uses quotes and studies provided by the secular sex educators themselves to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that comprehensive sex education leads to increased premarital sex and use of contraception; that this contraception fails at an astonishing rate especially for teenagers and therefore leads to more, not less teen pregnancy and abortion; and that premarital sex leads to loss of self-esteem and other self-destructive behavior in teenaged boys and girls.

The Two Types of Sex Education.

No matter what fancy names are applied to them, there are basically only two types of sex education;

(1) Biological sex education, which merely presents information on the functioning of the human reproductive system. This information is pure data and, like all pure data, is 'value-free,' because it is literally impossible to attach values to pure biological instruction, if the teaching is done correctly.

(2) Comprehensive sex education, which not only addresses the biological facets of sex, but also teaches children about birth control, abortion, masturbation, homosexuality, and other evils. This type of sex education alleges to be value-free, but this is of course impossible. When a class teaches that no sexual behavior is immoral, and that we should not judge others who happen to have 'different sexual lifestyles' than ourselves, this by definition teaches an amoral set of values.

Planned Parenthood's Definition.

Planned Parenthood, the country's leading expert in comprehensive sex education, defines sex ed as a course of instruction that includes at least four of the following six topics;[5]

(1) Biological facts about human reproduction;
(2) Information on sexual development;
(3) Information on preventing sexual abuse;
(4) Comprehensive birth control information;
(5) Information on abortions and how to obtain them; and
(6) Information on contraceptives and how to obtain them.

Strictly biological sex education would contain only points (1) and (2), above.

The Basic Problem With Comprehensive Sex Ed.

But as losing causes go causes that someone still must fight for I read a new Census Bureau report the other day and found myself wishing that we had armies of people telling our teenagers that they ought to shun sex and childbirth out of wedlock, that they ought to take marriage as a serious, long-lasting commitment.

                                                                       Neoliberal columnist Carl Rowan.[6]

The Messages.

The (non)values transmitted to children during a course of comprehensive sex education are contained within a larger framework of values that are not only secular, but anti-Christian.

Reviews of all secular comprehensive sex education programs have shown that they bear certain common traits. All such programs subtly and progressively displace the God-given authority of parents by suggesting to children that sexual decisions are theirs alone to make. The programs also teach 'situational ethics;' i.e., that there are no absolute standards of behavior, and that such activities as abortion and fornication are acceptable if certain very minimal conditions are met usually that both (or all) parties consent, and that nobody is hurt.

Finally, the overall implicit message given to children in matters of sex is "if it feels good, do it."

This is the type of sex education that is fully supported by the National Education Association (NEA), the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), and every one of the more than 200 national affiliates of Planned Parenthood.

The Objective.

Sex education expert David Perkins summed up the attitude of the comprehensive sex educators nicely at the 1987 University of Maine conference entitled "A Strategy for Preventing Teenage Pregnancy" when he said that "Stopping teenage sex is not our objective. Stopping teen pregnancy is."[7]

And Faye Wattleton, former president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the country's premier abortion and birth-control pusher, says that;

Too many of us are focused upon stopping teenage sexual activity rather than stopping teenage pregnancy ... Sexuality education must be a fundamental part of the school curricula from kindergarten through twelfth grade in every school district in the country ... Easier access to contraception must be another priority access without any barriers. We must establish many more school-based health clinics that provide contraceptives as part of general health care.[8]

For more detailed information on school-based health clinics (SBCs), see Chapter 82 in Volume II.

The Roots of Secular Sex Education.

Planned Parenthood programs of sex education in no way resolve the problem of teen-age pregnancies, but rather increase it by encouraging promiscuity.

Edouard Cardinal Gagnon, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family.[9]

Amoral sex education and school-based clinics are, of course, only two small symptoms of a culture infected with a larger and deadlier virus the so-called Sexual Revolution (which is, itself, a significant and fundamental portion of the "Humanist Revolution").

"Sex reformers" have always been active in this country. In the late 1800s, they consisted of a motley and disreputable gaggle of anarchists, neo-Malthusians, sex educators, self-appointed "researchers," and eugenicists.

They raved pointlessly and harmlessly about "selective breeding" and "life devoid of value" until their fondest dreams became shockingly true in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.

The history of eugenics and the role played by the early sex educators are described in Chapter 105. A detailed history and explanation of the Humanist philosophy, which leads inevitably to the anti-life mentality, is provided in Chapter 2 of Volume I.

The Goals of Secular Sex Education.

Try this: A high school principal tells his assembled students that shoplifting is risky, both for its moral implications and because of the prospect of jail, and he wishes they wouldn't do it. "But if you think you might shoplift anyhow, we have a visiting team of experts in Room 301 who will tell you how to avoid getting caught ..."

Washington Post syndicated columnist William Raspberry.[10]


After the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps were revealed to the world, the ideas of the sex reformers were not so easily ignored. Because such a movement can only operate under a curtain of secrecy and covert activity, it became quiescent for a while.

When the sex reformers re-emerged under the umbrella organization "National and World Sex Reform Leagues" after World War II, they listed four prime objectives essential to their self-proclaimed mission, as listed and described below.


Goal #1: Self-perpetuation.
Goal #2: Transform private vice into public virtue.
Goal #3: Eliminate restrictive laws.
Goal #4: Neutralize the enemy.

Goal #1: Self-Perpetuation.

The foremost objective of the sex reformers, as with any movement or organization, was survival or self-perpetuation. After all, without a strong foundation to work from, none of the sex educator's goals beyond survival would be accomplished.

In order to not only survive but flourish, the sex reformers had to sanitize their image.

They succeeded in this quest brilliantly. The birth controllers eventually became so skilled with euphemisms that they put an entire nation to sleep. Some of the necessary changes in terminology that they effectively instituted are listed below.


[A medium text size on your computer's 'view' setting is recommended, otherwise, the tables may be discombobulated.]


Fornication, 'shacking up' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "cohabitation"
Contraception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."responsible family planning"
Abortion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."women's rights"
Euthanasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "death with dignity"
Pornography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."sexually explicit material"
Promiscuity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "serial monogamy"
Sexual perversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."alternative lifestyles"
Sodomites, homosexuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "gay" people
Adultery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."flexible monogamy"
Partner in adultery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."significant other"
Bestiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."interspecies love"
Sado-masochism (S&M) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."exchange of power"
Child molestation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "intergenerational love"
Modesty, chastity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "sexual hangups"
Self-discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "unhealthy repression"
Moral irresponsibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."freed up"

For a detailed explanation of how the sex reformers helped warp our language to suit their own purposes, and for a "dictionary" of more than 100 anti-life words and their true meanings, see Chapter 15 in Volume I, "Newspeak."

Goal 2: Vice to Virtue.

The sex reformers had to transform private vice into public virtue. In order to accomplish this objective, they had to first couch their vices in terms of "freedom" and "rights," a philosophy that appeals strongly to Americans (and, much more fundamentally, to our basic fallen human nature). The rights that the World Sex Reform League (and later, Planned Parenthood and SIECUS, the Sex Information and Education Council of the United States) specifically support are listed in Figure 139-1. The accomplishment of these objectives are backed by a variety of prominent sex educators and sex researchers, as shown by the quotes in Figure 139-2.

The organizations that have officially gone on record as supporting some or all these goals are listed in Figure 139-3.

FIGURE 139-1

(1) Fornication
(2) Adultery
(3) Divorce
(4) "Trial marriages" (shacking up)
(5) Commercial sex (prostitution)
(6) Sodomy
(7) Euthanasia
(8) Suicide (individual or assisted)
(9) Masturbation
(10) Infanticide
(11) Pedophilia and pederasty
(12) Sado-masochism
(13) Bestiality
(14) Incest
(15) Unlimited free (tax-paid) contraception
(16) Unlimited free (tax-paid) abortion on demand, for any reason
(17) Unlimited free (tax-paid) sterilization
(18) Eugenic breeding, sterilization, and abortion to "improve the human
        race" (all mandatory, if necessary)
(19) Unlimited access to pornography of all types, including that porn which
        depicts torture, rape, homosexual perversions, and sex with children
        and animals
(20) State-mandated programs of compulsory birth control, sterilization, and
        abortion for 'selected groups' (purportedly for the purposes of
        population control, actually for negative eugenics)

References: Quotes by prominent sex educators as listed in the body of Chapter 139 and in Figure 139-1.

FIGURE 139-2

Our alternative solution is to be ready as educators and parents to help young people obtain sex satisfaction before marriage. By sanctioning sex before marriage, we will prevent fear and guilt. We must also relieve those who have them of their fears and guilt feelings, and we must be ready to provide young boys and girls with the best contraception measures available so they will have the necessary means to achieve sexual satisfaction without having to risk possible pregnancy. We owe this to them.

Dr. Lena Levine. "Psychosexual Development." Planned Parenthood News, Summer 1953, page 10.

Too many of us are focused upon stopping teenage sexual activity rather than stopping teenage pregnancy ... Sexuality education must be a fundamental part of the school curricula from kindergarten through twelfth grade in every school district in the country ... Easier access to contraception must be another priority access without any barriers. We must establish many more school-based health clinics that provide contraceptives as part of general health care.

Faye Wattleton, former president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). The Humanist, July/August 1986 page 7.

If, however, you have separated your sex and love needs ... then you could have a hundred partners and still be a perfect candidate for a good close relationship later on. So having multiple sexual partners in itself doesn't mean anything.

Harvey Caplan, M.D., staff clinician at Planned Parenthood/World Population of Alameda-San Francisco. Quoted in The Joy of Birth Control by Stephanie Mills, Planned Parenthood Federation of America board member.

Premarital intercourse does have its definite values as a training ground for marriage or some other committed relationship ... to make everyday comparisons again, it's like taking a car out for a test run before you buy it ... I have known cases of farm boys who have had a loving sexual relationship with an animal and who felt good about their behavior until they got to college, where they learned for the first time that what they had done was 'abnormal.' Then they were upset...

Wardell Pomeroy, Ph.D. Boys and Sex. Delacorte Press, New York, 1981. Page 117. This book is used in numerous public school systems in the United States.

Do you want a convenient warm body? Buy one. That's right. There are women who have freely chosen that business; buy one. Do you want a virgin to marry? Buy one. There are girls in that business, too. Marriage is the price you'll pay, and you'll get the virgin. Very temporarily.

Sheri Tepper. "You've Changed the Combination!" Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood, Denver, Colorado, 1977, page 18.

No religious views, no moral standards, are to deflect the child from the overriding purposes of self-discovery, self-assertion, and self-gratification.

Planned Parenthood Sex Education and Mental Health Report, 1979.

Sex is too important to glop it up with sentiment. If you feel sexy, for heaven's sake, admit it to yourself. If the feeling and the tension bother you, you can masturbate.

Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood pamphlet, "The Perils of Puberty."

You can say to your male boyfriend, My parents won't be home until 2 AM, why don't you stop at Lucky's and get some condoms ... If you're out in Waller Park, and you've got about half your clothes off, and you say to your boyfriend, Freddie, let's get our clothes back on and drive home and get my diaphragm and come back to the park ... And the advantages of the pill are that a woman can take a pill for breakfast every morning and then later on that day nobody has to stop and do anything, nobody has to be embarrassed finding a diaphragm, putting on a condom, or anything else. And let's face it, when you males like to get into your females, it's fun, enjoyable ...

Robert Webber, Director, Santa Barbara North County Planned Parenthood, during a sexuality class given at Santa Maria Catholic High School, California, November 16, 1983.

There are certain things that you do not want to talk about to your parents. There are certain things they don't want to talk about to you. The only thing you owe anyone is courtesy. You don't owe anyone 'love.' If you think your parents are great, that's wonderful. If you don't get along, that's too bad but it's no lifetime tragedy. How you feel about them isn't nearly as important as how you feel about yourself. And if you start thinking and talking about them all the time, you may find yourself still doing it at age fifty with no one listening.

Sheri Tepper, "You've Changed the Combination!" Rocky Mountain Planned Parenthood, Denver, Colorado, 1977, page 18.

Sado-masochism may be very acceptable and safe for sexual partners who know each other's needs and have established agreements for what they want from each other ... Some people are now saying that partnerships married or unmarried should not be exclusive. They believe that while a primary relationship is maintained with one person, the freedom for both partners to love and share sex with others should also be present.

A fair percentage of people probably have some sort of sexual contact with an animal during their lifetime, particularly boys who live on farms. There are no indications that such animal contacts are harmful, except for the obvious dangers of poor hygiene, injury by the animal, or guilt on the part of the human.

Gary F. Kelly. Learning About Sex: The Contemporary Guide for Young Adults. New York: Barron's, 1968. Pages 61 and 136. Quoted in Gene Antonio. "America's XXX-Rated Sex Education Curricula." New Dimensions Magazine, September 1990, pages 72 to 77.

Young people are not paying any attention to us because we have these dumb messages ... and the dumbest one is "just say no!" ... If I was going to sue anybody ... the 38th person, in order of importance, that I would sue, would be the pornographer, in order of influence on the rape ... Don't you [teachers] dare try to implement anything I say unless you have job security and tenure ... If a supervisor says to you, "But you're not supposed to do this stuff," always say, "Oh, I didn't know."

Sol Gordon addressing the October 1988 meeting of the National Organization of Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting (NOAPP), in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Quoted in Margo Szews. "The Pied Piper of Sex and Sleaze: Dr. Sol Gordon and Friends Tell Kids to "Just Say Yes!"" ALL About Issues, June-July 1989, pages 40 to 42.

FIGURE 139-3

Abortion Reform Association
Adolescent Pregnancy Child Watch Project (APCW)
Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Clearinghouse
Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI)
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
American Association of Marriage Counselors (AAMC)
American Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians
American Association of Sex Educators and Counselors
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
American Eugenics Society
American Humanist Association (AHA)
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Public Health Association (APHA)
American School Health Association (ASHA)
American Social Hygiene Association (ASHA)
Association for the Study of Abortion (ASA)
Association for Voluntary Sterilization (AVS)
Carnegie Corporation of the New York Foundation
'Catholics' for a Free Choice (CFFC)
Center for Population Options (CPO)
Children's Defense Fund (CDF)
Churchill Films of Los Angeles
Clergy Consultation Service
Concern for Dying
Contemporary McGraw-Hill Films of New York
Council of Churches of Christ in the United States
Dignity (unrepentant former Catholic homosexuals)
Euthanasia Educational Council
Euthanasia Society of America
Family Source Association of American (FSAA)
Ford Foundation
Gay Caucus of Public Health Workers
Gay Caucus of the American Bar Association (ABA)
Gay Caucus of the American Psychiatric Association
Gay Teacher's Caucus, National Education Association
Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender, and Reproduction
Metropolitan Community Churches (formerly the 'Sodomy Church'
Multi-Media Resource Center, California
National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL)
National Association of Sex Education (NASE)
National 'Catholic' Education Association
National Education Association (NEA)
National Organization for Women (NOW)
National Sex and Drug Reform
National Support Center for School-Based Clinics
Negative Population Growth (NPG)
North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)
Noyes Foundation
Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)
Office of Population Affairs, Department of Health, Education and Welfare
Packard Foundation
Pathfinder Fund
Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)
Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)
Playboy Foundation
Population Council (PC)
Population Crisis Committee (PCC)
Population Institute
Population Reference
Masters and Johnson
'Religious' Coalition for Abortion Rights (RCAR)
Robert Sterling Clark Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rockefeller Family Fund
Rockefeller Foundation
Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS)
Society for Humane Abortion
Unitarian Universalist Association
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
United Methodist Church (Board of Church and Society)
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
United States Catholic Conference (USCC)
United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW),
later United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Victor Bostrum Population Fund
William C. Brown Company, Iowa
World Health Organization, United Nations (WHO)
World League for Sexual Reform
Young Women's 'Christian' Association (YMCA)
Zero Population Growth (ZPG)

It is very interesting indeed to see how the sex reformers react to having their own children immersed in the ethical morass that they have helped to create.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America is the most prominent organization pushing for the goals listed in Figure 139-1. PPFA's president, Faye Wattleton, said in 1985 that "My daughter is ten, and like other ten-year olds, she has got the world on a string. My solace in confronting her sexual maturation is the knowledge that she attends an all-girl school, and that's exactly where I intend to keep her for as long as I can."

This is an attitude typical of the sex educators. They feel free to experiment on other people's children, but they would never allow their programs to be inflicted upon their own children!

This double standard tells us volumes.

Goal #3: Eliminate 'Restrictive' Laws.

The sex education cartel has been devastatingly effective in meeting this goal. It may seem imaginable in this age, but in 1965, it was illegal to sell contraceptives to married couples!

Through a decade-long campaign of agitation in the courts, the Neoliberal 'sexperts' not only struck down all limits on contraception and abortion, but laid the foundation for the ushering in of euthanasia and "gay rights" as well with their malignant "privacy doctrine."

Chapter 89 in Volume II, "Supreme Court Decisions on Abortion," shows the progressive elimination of all laws governing sexual behavior. The sex educators have almost completed their drive to legalize all of the behaviors listed in Figure 139-1.

Goal #4: Neutralize the Enemy.

As in all wars, in order for an army to win, it must effectively eliminate, confuse, or neutralize the enemy in this case, the moral standards of Western civilization in general and the Catholic and evangelical churches in particular. The most powerful weapon in the Neoliberal/Humanist is the strategy of infiltration and subversion, as described in Chapter 10 of Volume I.

There have always been five traditional teachers of morality in any culture: The law, the schools, the media, the churches, and the family. The sex reformers have succeeded in turning the first three of these against traditional morality. The Church has also been neutralized and now sits helplessly on the sidelines.

The only remaining bulwark against the moral revisionism taking place in our society today is the family. This is why it is being attacked by Neoliberals so relentlessly and so viciously. If the last teacher of morality in the country the family can be destroyed, redefined out of existence, or simply marginalized to the point of invisibility, the Neoliberals can write their own ticket, and no voice will be raised in protest.

Strategies of the Sex Educators.


The 'sex education complex' c consisting of SIECUS, NFPRHA, Planned Parenthood, the PTA, and all of the other sex pushers must accomplish two concurrent tasks if it wants to be totally in charge of molding the sexual morals of our children.

The first task is to design and establish a secular sex education program, and the second is to eliminate all other programs that might conflict with Humanist goals.

Figure 139-4 outlines the tried and true five-step program that has been used by the sexperts all over the country to get sex education and school-based clinics (SBCs) into public schools.

FIGURE 139-4

STEP 1: Lay the foundation for implementing the school-based clinic or sex education curriculum. This involves three basic simultaneous tasks: (1) Create the impression that there is a need, (2) make connections, and (3) attack the opposition.

To begin with, get one or more major public officials concerned about the high teen pregnancy rate by using doctored statistics. Preferably, this person or persons will be school district superintendents or the mayor of the city and city council members.

Secondly, make contacts with only pro-abortion groups while ignoring conservative or pro-life groups. A Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) publication entitled Winning the Battle for Sex Education advises networking specifically with the National Abortion Rights Action League, the National Organization for Women, Planned Parenthood, the YWCA, and the League of Women Voters. The same book says that

The key word for successful public relations for a sex education program is anticipation: Preparing in advance. Initial contacts should in any case be made at the latest several weeks before you have agreed to "go public" with information/details about the program. Public relations is in certain respects the art of knowing when you want publicity and when you don't.

Finally, begin a series of confidential meetings with high-ranking personnel from friendly media outlets. Supply them with derogatory material about people who might be concerned about the program and who might voice any objections whatever. The SIECUS "how-to" publication entitled Winning the Battle: Developing Support for Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Education shows how to paint any opposition as "fanatics" by ruthlessly stereotyping them and lying about their objectives; "Regardless of their official platform, their goal is often to curtail freedom of expression and academic freedom as well as the right to one's privacy, the right to sexual information, and right to a healthy, sexual life ... They mistakenly believe that telling young people about sexuality causes them to have sexual intercourse, become promiscuous, and get pregnant." Specific groups are targeted by SIECUS: The American Family Association, American Life League, Concerned Women for America, Eagle Forum, Focus on the Family, and the National Association for Abstinence Education.

The same publication shows how to attack abstinence-based sex ed programs like Sex Respect, regardless of their effectiveness. Instances of coercing schools to drop the Sex Respect course in favor of explicit sex ed are labeled "success stories" in the book, showing that SIECUS does not believe in plurality, and that, in its mind, its solution is the only right one.

STEP 2: Get the "concerned citizens" to appoint a "Blue Ribbon Committee" to study the problem. Pack this committee with church, political and school leaders who have the appearance of being open-minded, but who are in fact sympathetic to Planned Parenthood/SIECUS-type goals. Insure that one (and only one) committee member is a Catholic priest, prominent Evangelical pastor, or other such representative of the conservative view, but make certain that this person is not really informed about the life issues. The presence of this one person will deflect criticism that the Committee is "loaded," and will give the appearance of fairness. As SIECUS says, "In Memphis, Tennessee, a Catholic priest who was a member of the [sex education planning] committee effectively neutralized the opposition's charge that religious values were being ignored."

The (SIECUS) publication entitled Winning the Battle: Developing Support for Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Education advises

In many communities, opponents are invited to serve on the planning committee for new programs. Although it may seem easier to have only proponents on this committee, it is one way to defuse the opposition at an early stage. According to sexuality educator Mary Lee Tatum, "Listen to them and let them participate on committees; then make committee statements using facts and data, underscoring the majority opinion."

In other words, put one or two of the "opposition" on the 12- to 14-member board for appearance's sake, and then act as if they and their viewpoints do not exist by emphasizing only the pre-ordained "majority opinion."

STEP 3: Insure that the Committee makes the proper recommendations (i.e., in favor of school-based clinics or sex education). These recommendations are usually copied almost verbatim from previous Committee releases that have been issued in other areas. Insure if possible that NO PUBLIC MEETINGS ARE ALLOWED! Public recommendations may only be submitted by letter, which are ignored if they attack the proposed SBC or sex ed program. Always claim that at least 80 percent of all mail favors the proposed SBC or sex ed curriculum. When dealing with unfavorable comments, SIECUS recommends "In fact, if possible, the [responding] statement can ignore the charges entirely and consist of a positive statement about the program and its real or potential accomplishments."

Parental involvement in the decisionmaking process is encouraged only if the parents are "enlightened." This exalted term applies only to those parents who share the views of the sex educators and SBC pushers. Of course, in their opinion, the vast majority of parents are by no means "enlightened."

STEP 4: If intense opposition surfaces against the birth control and abortion referral features of the SBC, install the SBC anyway, but without these features. A simple amendment to the charter can be made adding these features when the original uproar has died down and people have forgotten about the SBC. It is much easier to add birth control and abortion referral after the clinic has been established than it is to include these features in the original plan.

Joy Dryfoos of the Center for Population Options stated in the March/April 1985 issue of the Alan Guttmacher Institute's Family Planning Perspectives that clinics "Can avoid local controversy by starting with primary health care and then adding family planning services."

STEP 5: Trumpet the "fact" that the teenage birth rate is down, and conceal the fact that abortions have gone up. Use this "success" story to spread the clinics or the sex ed program to other high schools in the area.

Just in case opposition surfaces at some future date, entrench sex education by blending it with instruction in other courses. SIECUS advises "They [strategists] agree with many experienced sex educators that various facets of sexuality can and should be incorporated into biology, physiology, English, history, and other courses in a natural context."

References. (1) Irving R. Dickman. Winning the Battle for Sex Education. The Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 801, New York, New York 10011. 1982, 60 pages. (2) Debra W. Haffner and Diane de Mauro. Winning the Battle: Developing Support for Sexuality and HIV/AIDS Education. SIECUS, March 1991.

Attacking Effective Programs.

The secular sex educators correctly recognize that they are engaged in a tremendous battle for the hearts of our nation's youth.

They have chosen their battlefield well: The public school system is a natural indoctrination ground for Neoliberals. As Alexander Cockburn has written, "The Left can't survive politically without a public school system to spread leftist attitudes."[11]

Alan Guttmacher revealed one of the primary purposes of value-free sex education when he admitted that "The only avenue the International Planned Parenthood Federation and its allies could travel to win the battle for abortion on demand is through sex education."[12]

The sex educators have also correctly identified the Achilles heel of our youth: Their sexual instinct.

Therefore, whenever a "counterattack" against their programs is launched in the form of an effective values-based sex ed curriculum, the secularists believe that such teachings will undermine their influence.

The sex educators not only want to insure that their programs are mandatory, they want to make certain that all other programs are banned completely, even if the alternatives are more effective than their own. This shows that the secular sex educators' highest goal is not a decrease in teen sexual activity, but the perpetuation of their own curricula. Obviously, any alternative sex ed program that stresses responsibility and chastity undercuts the Humanist view that children have no loyalty to anyone but themselves.

Such a program is Sex Respect. This value-based sex education curriculum, which emphasizes abstinence, was adopted by 1,800 school districts in all 50 states. The results of the program were literally spectacular; in those school districts where the Sex Respect program was initiated, the teen pregnancy rate fell by an average of 45 percent over an average period of two years.

Despite (or perhaps because of) this success, the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood bitterly attacked the Sex Respect program in the courts, alleging that it violated the principle of separation of church and state.

In an undated form letter entitled "The Sex Respect curriculum, and alternatives," written to "Interested individuals," Susan Newcomer, the Director of Education, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., wrote that

The [Sex Respect] program is inappropriate because it is a text with a religious point of view. A major portion of the references are from authors, organizations or publishers with specific religious agendas:

Couple to Couple League ----------------- CATHOLIC
Human Life Center ------------------------ CATHOLIC
Hayes Publishing Co. -------------------------- Pro-Life
Franciscan Herald Press --------------- CATHILIC [sic]
Augsburg --------------------------------- LUTHERAN
Our Sunday Visitor Press ----------------- CATHOLIC
Womanity Publications ------------------------- Pro-Life
Dr. J.C. Willke ----------------------------- Right to Life
Tyndale House Pub. ---------------------------- Biblical
Pearson Institute -------------------------- CATHOLIC
Life Cycle Books ------------------------------ Pro-Life

The question is; can you use any or all of a textbook with strong religious leanings? I think that utilization of this text violates the separation of church and state."

One would think that allegedly educated people like Newcomer could think of a more original premise under which to oppose a sex education program that has been proven effective.

Of course, Newcomer's real reason for vilifying the Sex Respect program is clear: Planned Parenthood doesn't make any money off of chastity, only from school-based clinics, condoms, birth control pills, and abortions. Note, in the above list, that any group that Newcomer cannot link to a particular religion even a group that does not even mention religion is simply labeled "Biblical," "Right to Life," or "Pro-Life," and lumped in with all of the other organizations.

This attack proved conclusively that the objective of the secular sex educators is not to reduce teen pregnancy, but to indoctrinate our children in their own values.

What Are Your Kids Learning About Sex?

For years I thought the pill would not lead to promiscuity, but I've changed my mind. I think it probably has.

Dr. Robert Kirstner of Harvard Medical School, one of the original developers of the birth control pill.[13]


Our children spend more than one-third of their waking hours in the public school system. Therefore, the schools inevitably exert a profound influence upon their morals and attitudes.

Most of the time, our children are exposed to an indirect erosion of Christian values through censorship and omission. The Bible and school prayer are officially banned. Texts entirely omit the role of God or religion in the formation and development of our country. And situational ethics the absolute antithesis to the teachings of Christ defines student behavior.

While these constitute an indirect erosion of Christian values, there exists one area of instruction where the entire considerable might of the public school system is arrayed in a posture that directly attacks Christian values. This area is sex education.

Where Christianity emphasizes chastity before marriage and faithfulness to God and spouse afterward, public schools have diligently banned God, and tell our kids that contraception, abortion, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and even sex with animals is value-free and therefore involve rights that cannot be tampered with or interfered with especially by parents.

The following paragraphs describe the contents of some of the most common sex education books and curricula used by public schools today. Please recognize that all of them emphasize the "rights" to birth control, abortion, free sex, adultery, homosexuality, and even sex with animals; they are all objectionable throughout. The quotes given below are typical of their entire contents.

Guide For Young Adults. Dr. Patricia Shiller, founder of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), says that Gary F. Kelly's Learning About Sex: The Contemporary Guide for Young Adults is "A must for all young people." It includes the following statements;

Sado-masochism may be very acceptable and safe for sexual partners who know each other's needs and have established agreements for what they want from each other ... Some people are now saying that partnerships married or unmarried should not be exclusive. They believe that while a primary relationship is maintained with one person, the freedom for both partners to love and share sex with others should also be present.

A fair percentage of people probably have some sort of sexual contact with an animal during their lifetime, particularly boys who live on farms. There are no indications that such animal contacts are harmful, except for the obvious dangers of poor hygiene, injury by the animal, or guilt on the part of the human.[14]

Changing Bodies. Changing Bodies, Changing Lives: A Book for Teens on Sex and Relationships is probably the most popular sex education textbook in the country today and has been in continuous use in thousands of high schools since it was published more than a decade ago. It includes the statement "Bisexuality is an openness to loving, sexual relationships with both sexes our true nature ... Gay men, too, have many ways of making love. One may caress the other's penis with his hand or his mouth. Or one may put his penis in the other's anus."[15]

Boys and Girls and Sex. Planned Parenthood veteran Wardell Pomeroy's companion books Boys and Sex and Girls and Sex are so extreme that they are the most popular "example target" used by Christians when opposing permissive school sex education programs.

These books assert that

Premarital intercourse does have its definite values as a training ground for marriage or some other committed relationship ... to make everyday comparisons again, it's like taking a car out for a test run before you buy it ... I have known cases of farm boys who have had a loving sexual relationship with an animal and who felt good about their behavior until they got to college, where they learned for the first time that what they had done was 'abnormal.' Then they were upset...[16]

Enhancing Skills. The extremely popular (and misleadingly-named) sex education program entitled Enhancing Skills to Prevent Pregnancy demonstrates how teachers can break down their student's inhibitions by using the formidable weapon of peer pressure;

Some teachers are able to combine humor with demonstration by bringing cucumbers or zucchini to class and showing how to apply and remove condoms. Open the packages and unroll condoms for students to inspect. Pass them around. If you are using cucumbers, have one student hold the cucumber while the other student puts the condom on the cucumber. Expect students to laugh at first and be embarrassed! This is healthy ...[17]

One Washington State parent testified about the coercive nature of many sex education programs. The objective of such programs is to use peer pressure to forcibly destroy the natural modesty that young people possess;

There is one teacher in Bellevue who has all the boys say 'vagina;' he calls them individually, and they all have to say it out loud in class. The boys say 'vagina' and the girls say 'penis.' One girl told me that she was so embarrassed that she could hardly bring out the word 'penis' because all these boys were sitting in the class. It just embarrassed her so. So he made her get up in front of the class and very loudly say it ten times.[18]

Expanding the Program.

Parents who demand to see the textbooks and teaching aids for a particular sex education program may be presented with material that appears to be perfectly innocuous.

However, teachers are by no means constrained to teach only what is contained in their study guides. The messages actually transmitted by adults to children are the most important influence not what is contained in the study materials.

Sol Gordon, the "Sultan of Sleaze," whose teaching have been defined as pornographic by the courts, describes how sex-ed teachers may say anything they want and get around any limitations merely by feigning ignorance of the rules;

Young people are not paying any attention to us because we have these dumb messages ... and the dumbest one is "just say no!" ... If I was going to sue anybody ... the 38th person, in order of importance, that I would sue, would be the pornographer, in order of influence on the rape ... Don't you [teachers] dare try to implement anything I say unless you have job security and tenure ... If a supervisor says to you, "But you're not supposed to do this stuff," always say, "Oh, I didn't know."[19]

In practical effect, sex educators can say anything they want to in class. Many conservative organizations have reported that Gordon's type of instruction in deception and outright lying is common in comprehensive sex education programs.

And, when one thinks about it, this is perfectly logical. What is the purpose of secular sex education other than to prepare teenagers for premarital sex (fornication)?

Other Gateways.

Christian parents should by no means assume that secular sex ed programs are the only tools available for the corruption of their children. The evil intentions of the 'sexperts' are only matched by their almost limitless imaginations.

Planned Parenthood workers, of course, have the most active imaginations of all. They have spawned literally hundreds of programs designed to 'desensitize' children to sexual acts. Translated, this means that the first step to getting kids in bed with each other is to get them used to the idea.

One entirely typical program of this nature was Vermont Planned Parenthood's "Safety Dance," where kids were instructed to use nametags and placards to arrange the sequence of events associated with putting on a condom. Another 'skit' had kids arrange some 25 "sexual activities" in order of HIV-infection potential, as shown in Figure 139-5.

FIGURE 139-5

2. "Puttin' On the Condom" (adapted from "Condom Comfort" in Positive Images: A New Approach to Contraceptive Education by Brick and Cooperman). During the course of the evening, each person receives and wears a nametag depicting a different step in condom use. During this activity, participants arrange themselves in a line (or a circle) according to how they think a condom is used (if there are a large number of participants, have several groups perform the activity at the same time, and compare the results)! After the line is formed, have the participants read off their tags in order. Acting out the steps can increase the fun of this activity. The nametags are labelled as follows:

Physical attraction
Leave space at tip
Think about having sex
Roll condom down penis
Talk about having sex
Enough lubrication?
Decide to use a condom
If no, use KY jelly
Pool money
... or, more foreplay
Go to a condom store
Decide what kind to buy
Take box off rack
Hold on to rim of condom
Pay cashier
Withdraw penis
Decide where to store them
Remove condom
Meet your lover
Loss of erection (two of these)
Decide to have sex
Decide where to throw condom away
Need to use a condom
Trash it
Open package
Wash penis
Penis hard?
Relax (throughout)
Place condom on penis
Feel good? (throughout)
Fall in love (throughout, or at all)?
Partner have an orgasm?

"5. Safer Sex Continuum Activity.
Participants tape placards containing a "sexual activity" on a wall ranking them from least risky to most risky for HIV infection.

Dry kissing
French kissing
Sex toys
Body paints
Making out/petting
Bubble bath
Candlelight dinner
Phone sex
Fast dancing
Slow dancing
Walk along beach
Showering together
Mutual masturbation
Intercourse without condom
Dressing/undressing one another
Skinny-dipping/moonlight swimming
Erotic films and magazines
Oral sex on a woman (cunnilingus)
Oral sex on a woman with a dental dam
Oral sex on a man wearing a condom
Oral sex on a man (fellatio)
Intercourse with a condom (and foam)
Oral/anal contact (rimming)
Anal intercourse without a condom
Anal intercourse with a condom
Eating fresh strawberries dipped in chocolate/sensuous feeding
Snuggling in a beanbag chair eating chocolate chip cookies

Reference. Vermont Planned Parenthood description and instruction guide for its teen "Safety Dance." Described in "PP's "Safety Dance." STOPP News, May 5, 1989, pages 1 to 3. Stop Planned Parenthood Inc., Post Office Box 8, LaGrangeville, New York 12540, telephone: (914) 473-3316.

The instruction manual for the "Safety Dance" suggested that the event be made part of a homework assignment for kids, so they would be faced with a coercive choice: Participate in the brainwashing or receive a failing grade for the day.

The "Safety Dance" is just one of the ways that Planned Parenthood deliberately and systematically undermines parental and familial values. But, like termites, PP does its most dangerous work out of sight not in high-profile contests, but in day-to-day classroom instruction.

For example, in its widely-used "Sensitivity Training" program, Planned Parenthood breaks down home training by having mixed groups of students discuss "Virginity, Oral-Genital Sex, Intercourse, Masturbation, Sterility, Group Sex, Homosexuality, Extra-Marital Relations, Abortion, and Nudity with acquaintances, with family, with the opposite sex, with the same sex, and with close friends." Those members of the group who refuse to change their attitudes "are considered non-conformists or deviants." In some schools, failure to participate in these classes results in the student being suspended from school.[20]

And in its "Positive Imaging" program, Planned Parenthood tries to establish guided and fantasy imagery in students' minds. In one scenario, they are told to have fantasies involving "... sexual feelings about people of the same or opposite sex, parents, brothers and sisters, old people, animals, nature, inanimate objects, and almost anything you can imagine."[21]

There can be no possible purpose for these and similar exercises other than to break down the inhibitions of students and get them to take the first road to an uninhibited and omnisexual lifestyle by getting them to imagine and talk about every kind of perverted sex act in the book.

On the Ineffectiveness of Secular Sex Education.

Asking schools to teach morally and ethically neutral sex education is asking for failure.

Dr. Donald McDonald, former Administrator of the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration.[22]

The Future Lies in Europe.

Europe is dying. Only one European country Ireland is replacing its population. People have simply stopped having children!

Why is this?

Because the pervasive and mandatory 'value-free' sex education programs have decisively separated procreation from the sexual union. Sex is now good for nothing but pleasure, and pregnancy is a dreaded disease, to be avoided at all costs.

The results of such programs, instituted on a national scale, are staggering. And they are utterly predictable.

Denmark is one example. Concerned about rising illegitimate births, the country instituted compulsory sex education in 1970. The result? The March 30, 1985 Human Events reports that

Illegitimate births, which were supposed to drop, instead nearly doubled; abortion rates, which were predicted to fall with the ready availability of condoms and other contraceptives in grocery stores, actually doubled; venereal disease more than doubled; and divorces doubled.

In the United States.

This country's leading sexologists have acknowledged that providing contraceptive information to teenagers is completely ineffective at stopping teenage pregnancy (some of their quotes are shown in the next section).

However, the psychological investment these "sexperts" have made in sex education is enormous. To quit or to change direction at this late date would not only mean admitting error, but liability as well. Additionally, these "sexperts" have become locked into their own self-perpetuating bureaucracy, whose primary purpose (as with any bureaucracy) is survival and, if possible, expansion.

Comprehensive sex education has definitely contributed to an exploding teen pregnancy rate by encouraging unlimited fornication. In 1970, only 4.6 percent of all girls aged 15 had fornicated before marriage. In 1990, this rate had increased more than sevenfold to 33.1 percent. Of all unmarried girls in the 15 to 19 age bracket, 28.6 percent had fornicated in 1970. This rate had more than doubled to 61.4 percent by 1990.[23]

And so, as the teenage pregnancy rate rises, the "sexperts" continue to recommend more and more of the poison that caused the illness in the first place.

In 1986, Harris and Associates performed a comprehensive poll for Planned Parenthood regarding teenage sexual activity and the effects that sex education has upon it. The results were as follows;[24]

Teenagers receiving comprehensive sex education
        46% had engaged in sexual intercourse.
Teenagers receiving no sex education whatsoever
        32% had engaged in sexual intercourse.
Teenagers receiving biological sex education
        26% had engaged in sexual intercourse.

The Alan Guttmacher Institute, affiliated with Planned Parenthood, is the nation's foremost research institution regarding sexual practices. In 1987, it performed a survey of nearly 10,000 teenaged girls, and found that their annual contraceptive user-failure rates are as follows;


Birth control pill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 percent
Condoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 percent
Diaphragm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 percent
Spermicides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 percent
Other methods (i.e., withdrawal) . . . .38 percent

Reference: Robert A. Hatcher. Contraceptive Technology, 1986-1987. 13th Revised Edition, New York, Irvington Publishers, 1986, page 139.

Consider the above statistics for just a moment. The birth control pill is the most effective contraceptive method commonly used by teenagers. A girl on the Pill will have a one in nine chance of becoming pregnant each year. And a girl who begins using the Pill at the age of 15 and uses it for six full years (till the age of 21) will have a

50 percent chance of becoming pregnant! If her boyfriend faithfully uses condoms, this probability increases to 60 percent. If she uses a diaphragm it is 65 percent. And if she uses any other method, she is virtually assured of becoming pregnant at least once over a period of six years.

And the "sexperts" scratch their heads and wonder out loud why the teenage pregnancy rate is so high.

For more information on these calculations, see Chapter 99, "Contraceptive Effectiveness and Use."

The State's Experience.

It is very interesting indeed to compare the experiences of states that have instituted mandatory sex education programs and those that have not by comparing the changes in important indicators that occur when sex education is brought into all of a state's schools.

Maryland mandated sex ed in 1970 and it was installed in all state schools by 1974. Kentucky installed mandatory sex education in 1973.

On the other hand, Louisiana, which did not have mandatory sex education classes during the same period, had a similar population but did better than both Maryland and Kentucky on the most important statistical measures; teen pregnancies and teen abortions, as shown below.


             Maryland (with sex education)
Indicator                       1971            1978            Increase

Teen pregnancies         13,621         16,958              24.5%
Teen abortions               2,539           8,339            228.4%
Percent aborted            18.6%          49.2%            164.5%
Pregnancies/1,000              70                82               17.1%
Abortions/1,000                 13                40            207.7%

             Kentucky (with sex education)
Indicator                       1974            1977            Increase

Teen pregnancies         14,935         16,302                9.2%
Teen abortions              1,898            3,537              86.4%
Percent aborted            12.7%          21.7%              70.9%
Pregnancies/1,000              90                96                 6.7%
Abortions/1,000                 11                21               90.9%

             Louisiana (without sex education)
Indicator                       1974            1977            Increase

Teen pregnancies         16,019         19,095              19.2%
Teen abortions                  331           2,558            672.8%
Percent aborted               2.1%         13.1%            523.8%
Pregnancies/1,000               80                90             12.5%
Abortions/1,000                    2                12           500.0%

Reference: Christian S. White IV. "Ineffectiveness of Sex Ed Shown by Simple Statistics." ALL About Issues, July 1982, pages 16 to 18.

The "Sexperts" Speak.

The same people who instituted and administered these disastrously ineffective sex education programs are the best-qualified to monitor and assess the results.

Their verdict is virtually unanimous: Comprehensive sex education programs are aggravating the problems of teenaged pregnancy and STDs, not ameliorating them.

The Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI, Planned Parenthood's research arm) possesses the world's foremost experts on sex education and its effects. AGI and other experts acknowledge the abysmal failure of secular comprehensive sex education in the quotes shown in Figure 139-6.

FIGURE 139-6

It is widely believed that providing teenagers with information about pregnancy and birth control is crucial if the incidence of adolescent pregnancy is to be reduced, and that formal sex education programs are an appropriate and important vehicle for providing information. Between 57 percent and 65 percent of teenagers receive formal contraceptive instruction before initiating coitus. However, our analyses fail to show any consistent relationship between exposure to contraceptive education and the subsequent initiation of intercourse ... The final result to emerge from the analysis is that neither pregnancy education nor contraceptive education exerts any significant effect on the risk of premarital pregnancy among sexually active teenagers a finding that calls into question the argument that formal sex education is an effective tool for reducing adolescent pregnancy.

Alan Guttmacher Institute. "The Effects of Sex Education on Adolescent Behavior." Family Planning Perspectives, July/August 1986, pages 162 and 169.

Teenagers need to be reassured that it is normal not to have sex. The best people to learn that from is their parents. There are no substitutes for parental guidance. Sex education without morals and values is useless.

Sex educator Sol Gordon. Raising a Child Conservatively in a Sexually Permissive World. Quoted in Reginald C. Tsang, M.D. "Fighting Teen-Age Pregnancies." National Federation for Decency Journal, August 1987, page 12.

It is clear that the family planning programs have contributed directly to an increase in the rate of abortion among teenagers.

James Ford, M.D., and Michael Schwartz. "Birth Control for Teenagers: Diagram for Disaster." Linacre Quarterly, February 1979.

Instead of the expected reductions in overall teenage pregnancy rates, greater teenage involvement in family-planning programs appears to be associated with higher, rather than lower, teenage pregnancy rates.

Stan Weed and Sam Olson. "Effects of Family Planning Programs for Teenagers on Adolescent Birth and Pregnancy Rates." Family Perspective, Volume 20, Number 3, page 153.

Oral contraceptives, in fact, have been linked by some to increasing STD [sexually-transmitted disease] rates by (1) causing abandonment of barrier methods and (2) leading to increased sexual activity ... Epidemiologic and biologic evidence seems to indicate that infection with Chlamydia Trachomatic is enhanced by oral contraceptives.

Robert A. Hatcher, editor. Contraceptive Technology, 1986-1987. 13th Revised Edition, New York, Irvington Publishers, 1986, page 137.

More teenagers are using contraceptives and using them more consistently than ever before, yet the number and rate of adolescent pregnancies continue to rise.

Lynn C. Landma. "Anniversaries." The Alan Guttmacher Institute's Family Planning Perspectives. October 1980, page 2.

In 1982, 1,888 women (ages 15 to 19) were surveyed and researchers found that 'prior exposure to a sex education course is positively and significantly associated with the initiation of sexual activity at ages 15 and 16.

William Marsiglio and Frank Mott. "The Impact of Sex Education on Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use and Premarital Pregnancy Among American Teenagers." Alan Guttmacher Institute's Family Planning Perspectives. July/August 1986, pages 151 and 158.

Massive, federally subsidized 'sex education' programs entered the American public school system during the 1970s, often supplemented by clinics located in the schools and offering additional information and referrals on matters of sex, pregnancy and abortion. Before these programs began, teenage pregnancy was already declining, for more than a decade.

This long decline in teenage pregnancy then reversed and teenage pregnancies soared, as 'sex education' spread pervasively throughout the public schools. The pregnancy rate among 15- to 19-year-old females was 68 per thousand in 1970 and 96 per thousand by 1980...

Soaring rates of abortion were in fact offsetting soaring rates of pregnancy. Between 1970 and 1987, for example, the number of abortions increased by 250,000, even though the number of teenagers declined by 400,000.

Thomas Sowell. "The Big Lie." Forbes, December 23, 1991, page 52.

We find basically that there are no measurable I want to underline that word and put it in boldface there is no measurable impact upon the use of birth control nor upon pregnancy rates or birth rates. This is all based upon the survey data.

Douglas Kirby, Director, Center for Population Options. Session on "Education," speech given at the 16th annual meeting of the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association (NFPRHA), Washington, D.C., March 2, 1988.

Prior exposure to a sex education course is positively and significantly associated with the initiation of sexual activity at ages 15 and 16.

Results of a 1982 poll of 1,888 teenagers. Described in William Marsiglio and Frank Mott. "The Impact of Sex Education on Sexual Activity, Contraceptive Use and Premarital Pregnancy Among American Teenagers." The Alan Guttmacher Institute's Family Planning Perspectives, July/August 1986, pages 151 and 158.

From 1971 to 1981 there was a 306 percent increase in Federal expenditures on family planning 'with a corresponding 48.3% increase in pregnancies and a 133% increase in abortions for women aged fifteen to nineteen ... Those states with the highest expenditures on birth control ... showed the largest increases in abortions and illegitimate births between 1970 and 1979.

George Mosbacker. "The Final Step: Clinics, Children, and Contraceptives." School-Based Clinics, page 64.

Asking schools to teach morally and ethically neutral sex education is asking for failure.

Dr. Donald McDonald, former Administrator of the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, quoted in "Censorship is in the Eye of the Beholder." New Dimensions Magazine, December 1990, page 15.

It is important to note at the outset that most researchers agree that sex education does not decrease the rate of teenage pregnancies or the incidence of sexual activity.

D.A. Dawson. "The Effects of Sex Education on Adolescent Behavior." Alan Guttmacher Institute's Family Planning Perspectives 18:(1986)162.

Planned Parenthood programs of sex education in no way resolve the problem of teen-age pregnancies, but rather increase it by encouraging promiscuity.

Edouard Cardinal Gagnon, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, in his address to the Bishops of the United States on March 10, 1989.

The Long-Term Results of Secular Sex Education.

It is clear that the family planning programs have contributed directly to an increase in the rate of abortion among teenagers.

                                                                                              James Ford, M.D.[25]

Compulsory sex education has been with us for a long time now. Not surprisingly, Washington, D.C. the major city that has incorporated mandatory sex education programs for the longest time has the highest teen pregnancy rates and abortion rates in the country.

There can be no question that value-free and morals-free sex education has had a profound effect upon American society. When authority figures tell an entire generation of children that sex is for recreation and that all sexual expressions are good, these attitudes will inevitably be translated and incorporated into lifestyles.

Figure 139-7 shows that the sexual activity of teenagers has risen to the saturation point, and Figure 139-8 shows that our teenaged girls have a very high birthrate (it must be stressed that our country uses different measuring criteria for teenaged pregnancy than do other developed nations; if the same criteria were used for all developed countries, the United States would wind up in the middle of the pack).

FIGURE 139-7

                         Not Currently                              Sexually Active
                        Sexually Active                 Unmarried                Married
Age               Male       Female               Male    Female     Male     Female

13                 88.0%        98.3%               12.0%      1.7%
14                 75.8%        89.1%               24.2%    10.8%                       0.1%
15                 64.7%        80.1%               35.3%    19.5%                       0.4%
16                 54.7%        66.7%               45.3%    31.6%                       1.7%
17                 47.7%        52.3%               52.3%    41.9%                       5.8%
18                 33.1%        42.3%               64.1%    45.3%      2.8%       12.4%
19                 21.0%        32.0%               72.3%    47.7%      6.7%       20.3%
20                 16.6%        25.7%               71.6%    45.3%     11.8%       29.0%
21                 22.8%        23.8%               56.3%    39.2%     20.9%       37.0%

Reference: Alan Guttmacher Institute. "Teenage Pregnancy: The Problem that Hasn't Gone Away." 1981, 79 pages. Figure 1, page 7. A "sexually active" teenager is defined as one having intercourse at least once during the last twelve months.

FIGURE 139-8

                                             ANNUAL BIRTHS PER
COUNTRY                         1,000 TEENAGED GIRLS

Japan                                                       3
Switzerland, Netherlands                         10
Singapore                                               14
USSR                                                    16
Hong Kong                                            17
West Germany                                       18
Spain                                                      21
Denmark, Ireland, France                       23
Sweden                                                  25
Belgium                                                  27
Finland                                                   28
Norway, United Kingdom                      32
Canada, Australia                                   33
Poland                                                    34
Portugal                                                  37
Tunisia                                                    39
Israel                                                      41
Philippines                                              43
Malaysia                                                44
Fiji                                                         46
Greece                                                   48
New Zealand, Martinique                        50
Italy, Brunei                                            51
UNITED STATES                                 52
Thailand                                                 54
Czechoslovakia                                      56
East Germany                                         60
Yugoslavia                                              69
Romania                                                 70
Hungary                                                 74
Bulgaria                                                  78

Reference: United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Demographic Yearbook 1978. New York: United Nations, 1979, Table 11. Also described in Alan Guttmacher Institute. "Teenage Pregnancy: The Problem That Hasn't Gone Away." Figure 18, page 22.

From 1970 to 1985, a span of just fifteen short years, we have seen the following;[26]

• Abortions have increased 333 percent;
• Illegitimate births have increased 103 percent;
• Child abuse has increased 382 percent;
• Divorces have increased 72 percent; and
• 'Shacking up' has increased 279 percent.
• Sexually transmitted diseases have increased 245 percent.

It is not at all surprising that the sex educators have had such a profound effect upon our society. Figure 139-3 shows that their combined power and scope is worldwide. Their network is extremely well-organized and richly funded, and they rigidly control the sexual mores of this country.

Thank you, sex educators. You have done your job very well very well indeed.

Our Teenagers Are Not Uncontrollable Animals.

Then said He unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offenses will come: But woe unto him through whom they come! It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

                                                                                                            Luke 17:1-2.

Transference Personified.

Nowhere is the principle of transference more evident than in school sex education programs. The sexologists are ruled by their gonads instead of their brains, so they arrogantly assume that everyone else is just like them and you can almost hear them thinking that this applies especially to those uncontrollable teenagers, whose gushing hormones drive them to fornicate endlessly whenever they get the chance!

The sex educators call our society "prudish" yet every drug store and convenience store stocks a dazzling display of condoms, thousands of rock records urge instant capitulation to sexual urges, sex saturates TV, Playboy and Penthouse and Screw and Hustler are available at local newsstands, X-rated videos can be rented for a dollar a night, motels rent beds by the hour and all of this is easily accessible to our teenagers.

Teenagers Aren't Animals.

The sexologists don't bother to ask the opinions of parents or students. They just go right ahead and put their programs in place over everyone's protests. The social realities and attitudes are far different from their pornographic fantasies;

Seven out of eight teenagers do not want a contraceptive-dispensing clinic in their schools. Sixty percent do not want clinics that dispense contraceptives located anywhere close to their schools ... Three out of four teenagers believe that teenagers should wait until they are adults before engaging in sexual intercourse.

"The Planned Parenthood Poll." American Teens Speak: Sex, Myths, TV, and Birth Control. This comprehensive poll of teenagers was conducted for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America by Louis Harris and Associates, September and October of 1986. See pages 18 and 71. Also see the discussion of this poll in Robert H. Ruff's Aborting Planned Parenthood. New Vision Press, 1988.

A teen services program at Atlanta's Grady Memorial Hospital found that of the girls under age sixteen it surveyed, nine out of ten wanted to learn how to say 'no'.

Public School Sex Education: A Report. "Key Players in the Sex Education Game." American Family Association Journal, October 1990, page 15.

Science supports mothers and fathers in wanting their children spared the trials of sexual precocity, AIDS or not. And it supports the children in asking not to be underestimated. Self-discipline isn't beyond them, if they're told the truth ... The truth is summed up in six words: Abstinence before marriage, fidelity within it. Our children and grandchildren don't deserve to be judged sexually insatiable.

William R. Coulson and J.D. Coulson. "Confessions of an Ex-Sexologist." Social Justice Review, March/April 1988, pages 43 to 47.

Psychiatrist Melvin Anchell, M.D., who has written several books on human sexuality, summed up our country's sex education situation concisely and accurately when he wrote that;

Some educators have a compulsion to teach sex, beginning with the three-year-old and continuing until high school graduation. Paradoxically, the effects of their schooling produce the very abnormalities that parents and, perhaps, some well-meaning sex educators wish to prevent.

Devoid of real clinical experience and, in some cases, sexual maturity, sex educators can cause severe maladjustments by undue meddling.

Such interferences can prevent the 'capability' to feel compassion. The results can be increasingly noted in the antisocial behavior of sexually overstuffed youths.

In natural development, preteen children derive sexual pleasure from sensual excitements caused by sexual fantasies. Sex educators who catapult the child into a world of authoritative sexual knowledge shatter these normal fantasy satisfactions ... Later in life, drugs and pornography are used as adjuncts to help recapture the pleasures from thwarted childhood fantasies that had not been allowed to resolve naturally.

By their loyalty, normal parents teach children that sex is a one-woman/one-man affair. The sex educator's advice, 'Sex is for fun,' desecrates the affectionate and monogamous nature of human sexuality.[27]

Homosexual Recruiting and Indoctrination.

Some changes are desperately needed. Schools can no longer be permitted to carry out such a horrendously effective program for drying up students' sense of their own sexual identity. The schools must not be allowed to continue fostering the immorality of morality. An entirely different set of values must be nourished.

Values Clarification: A Handbook of Practical Strategies for Teachers and Students.[28]


It is obvious that sex perverts (homosexuals) cannot reproduce, so they must recruit. And what better place could there possibly be for recruiting and for enacting the homosexual agenda than so-called "sex education" classes?

Homosexuals moan long and loud and beat their chests whenever they are confronted with this accusation.

If this sounds like a paranoid and fanciful Christian delusion, consider that all known comprehensive sex-ed classes teach the following principles;

• that homosexuality is a perfectly legitimate 'lifestyle,' on a par with heterosexuality;

• that we mustn't be judgmental or intolerant of other lifestyles, no matter how repugnant they may seem (this initial revulsion will be "desensitized" out of the children after rigorous exposure);

• that ten percent of all teenagers are "gay," and this is perfectly normal and nothing to be ashamed of; and

• that sodomy can be committed safely here's how to practice "safe(r) sex" and avoid social diseases, including, of course, the deadly AIDS.

Training Grounds.

The more aggressive sodomite activists fully recognize the extraordinary value of the public schools as recruitment grounds. Therefore, every major national sodomite group has issued resolutions and/or demands that every public school include comprehensive sex education to all students as part of its mandatory curriculum. This education, they say, must include homosexual "sensitivity training."

Keep in mind that such unanimity would not be forthcoming unless homosexual groups had something very concrete to gain from such sex education programs.

One example of such a set of demands is the 1987 New York State Gay and Lesbian Youth Caucus' "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions." This Declaration, which is reproduced in its entirety in Chapter 117, "Homosexual Objectives."

This document includes the demands listed below. Editorial comments are in brackets.


RESOLVED, that all federal, state, and local funding for public and private schools and universities be cut off until all discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation be eradicated" [note the sodomite's willingness to force their beliefs down everyone else's throats].

RESOLVED, that all schools and universities, public and private, cover all sexualities in the curricula" [this is 'Newspeak' for enforced and mandatory "sensitivity training," whose purpose is to propagandize and force students into accepting that sodomy is 'just another lifestyle].

RESOLVED, that all schools and universities, public and private, mandate sensitization workshops on gay and lesbian issues, beginning at the elementary level" [Note that this objective has already largely been met in our public school system].

Example Homosexual Propaganda.

The AIDS outbreak was a Godsend in one way for the homosexuals. Normal people who were at first perplexed by the slogan "AIDS IS OUR STRENGTH!" now understand that the disease greatly enhanced the homosexual's treasured status as a privileged "victim class" worthy of public sympathy and general support.

This victim status allows the homosexuals to transgress all normal tactical bounds, and gives them the ability to foist off the most useless and outrageously propagandistic disinformation on our children in the name of "AIDS Education."

For example, a $161,000 Title 10-funded program entitled "Mutual Caring/Mutual Sharing" was prepared by sodomite activist Cooper Thompson, a key figure of the "Homophobia Task Force."

Recognizing that parents must be kept entirely ignorant of the type of blatant propaganda that their children are being fed, the instructions included with the program state that "it is unrealistic and even undesirable to include parents in this program."[29]

The primary objective of the program is, according to the literature, "to foster an acceptance of the various sexual preferences and orientations of their peers, and an acceptance of their own preference or orientation."[29]

Another sodomite propaganda program begins with instructions to the students to make certain that their parents do not know what they are being told in class; "Caution: Participants should not be given extra copies of the form to show to their parents or friends. Many of the materials of this program shown to people outside the context of the program itself, can evoke misunderstanding and difficulties."[30]

This program, currently used by more than one thousand public high schools, features color slides of homosexual intercourse and hard-core pornographic audio tapes of sexual perverts talking about the many rewards of their strange "orientation."

The purpose of this program is stated in the literature: "To make clear that sexual relationships with the same sex during youth are normal."[30]

One of the several textbooks used to push the homosexual agenda under the guise of "AIDS education" is entitled One Teenager in Ten, which is designed to give the now-discredited impression that ten percent of all individuals are prone to sodomy.

One Teenager in Ten is filled with fabricated "case histories" that are nothing more than a pornographic come-on to the homosexual deathstyle. Its purpose is to ensure that any child who has the slightest inclination or curiosity towards perversion (and even many who don't) will be influenced towards participating in homosexual activity.[18]

One of the many "case studies" involves a 13-year old girl, "Amy," who describes various perversions inflicted upon her after she was seduced by a 23-year old lesbian. She gushes that "I became a lesbian and a woman that weekend!"

Another phony "case study" centers on "Rick," who, at the age of 15, was sodomized by a drifter: "He came back with a tube of KY [lubricant] stuck in his towel ... I felt like a bride on her honeymoon ... I was in love."

There is no mention of the depression or the loneliness, not a word about the dozens of diseases that infect sodomites, nothing at all about the overtly exploitative nature of homosexual "love."

In this book, everything is sweetness, light, flowers, and KY lubricant.

This is the type of homosexual propaganda that our children are being regularly exposed to in high school. Why do they need it? What purpose can it possibly serve? Has anyone asked these questions?


The above examples are typical of homosexual propaganda that is being forced onto millions of children every year with the full and hearty complicity and approval of the public school system, the National Education Association, the PTA, and all of the other Neoliberal quasi-intellectuals.

Even the school textbook publishers have abandoned all pretense of selectivity and enthusiastically endorse everything that is "politically correct" (P.C.), regardless of its moral content or potential damage to individuals and society in general.

All that matters now is the ideology. In the foreword to One Teenager in Ten, Publisher's Weekly describes the contents: "Heard here are the courageous voices, voices of young people wise beyond their years."

Wise? What kind of wisdom could they possibly be referring to? Haven't any of these people heard of growing up too fast?

The World's Foremost Sex Researcher.


It is instructive indeed to examine the life and methods of the world's foremost sex researcher, Alfred Kinsey, and the research organization he founded, the "Kinsey Institute for Research on Sex, Gender, and Reproduction." The methods used by this man and his organization reveal much about how the sex researchers and sex educators operate.

His Methods.

Kinsey's Institute swallows millions of tax dollars and produces volumes of information every year that form the basis for much of our country's sex education 'industry.' However, the information and 'research' generated by Kinsey's institute is dubious at best, because the Institute steadfastly refuses to reveal its sources and study methods. This, in and of itself, is enough to render its research utterly meaningless, because it cannot be checked by replication.

The prime directive of scientific research is that it is useless without verification or replicability.

Kinsey was so fanatical about secrecy that he told his staff photographer William Dellenback that he would destroy all his files and risk imprisonment rather than let authorities see his files.[31]

Kinsey's unbendable rules included having no journalists present when he talked, and demanding journalists submit any articles mentioning him or his institute to him for approval before publication, in order to screen them for unfavorable remarks or implications.

All of this renders meaningless the Kinsey Institute slogan; "All Kinsey Institute activities derive from the belief that social policy and personal decisions about sex, gender, and reproduction should be made on the basis of factual information rather than on ignorance. The Kinsey Institute continues its commitment to providing such information."[31]

In summary, the Kinsey Institute has received tens of millions of dollars in tax money but allows no inquiries whatever into its research methods. It is supposedly a library of information on sex, but it allows nobody to peek into its files, not even for the purpose of scientific verification.

Typical Kinsey 'Research.'

Some of Kinsey's 'research' was both pornographic and abusive of young children.

For example, Kinsey's book Sexual Behavior in the Human Male describes mechanically-induced orgasm in young children. Kinsey's staffers manipulated a four-year old boy's genitals for 24 consecutive hours, during which time he attained 'orgasm' 26 times.

Many other incidents described in the book appear to be physically impossible.

According to Kinsey's book, an 11-month old infant had 14 'orgasms' in a period of 38 minutes. One 13-year old had three orgasms in one minute. Such intense physical stimulation appeared to be agonizing to the youngest children, as evidenced by the description of their reaction when being "manipulated;"

Extreme tension with violent convulsion, often involving the sudden heaving and jerking of the whole body ... gasping, eyes staring or tightly closed, hands grasping, mouth distorted, sometimes with tongue protruding; whole body or parts of it spasmodically twitching ... violent jerking of the penis ... groaning, sobbing, or more violent cries, sometimes with an abundance of tears (especially among younger children).[31]

When syndicated columnist Patrick Buchanan read this material and dared to publish charges against Kinsey, Harriet Pilpel of the American Civil Liberties Union threatened him with legal action.

The 'Right to Privacy' In the Schools.

Kinsey's preoccupation with privacy could only have one purpose: self-protection. This obsession with concealment naturally spills over into the public school system.

Homosexuality is uniformly presented as a higher good in secular sex education programs. This is perhaps the primary reason the school sex education experts will do anything to prevent parents from seeing the materials that their children are exposed to.

For example, the paganistic Unitarian Universalist Association's sex education program entitled About Your Sexuality depicts, among other things, explicit scenes of anal intercourse which it labels "harmless," and "only one possible variation of sexuality," equal to all the others. There have been many instances of parents being banned from even previewing these and like materials because of a lack of "open-mindedness," "good faith," or some other indefinable fault.

In summary, parental involvement in secular sex education programs is encouraged only when the parents are deemed to be "enlightened." This terms applies only to those parents who exactly share the views of the sex educators and school-based clinic pushers.

In their lofty opinion, of course, the vast majority of parents are by no means "enlightened."

Finally, the Truth. Dr. Judith Reisman and Edward W. Eichel co-authored a book on Kinsey and the sex educators entitled Kinsey, Sex, and Fraud. In this work, they refer to Kinsey's most famous works, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female as the "... most egregious example of scientific deception in this century."[31]

Despite the shoddiness of the research that backed up these "studies," they have had a profound impact upon our society, because the sex educators seized upon Kinsey's tattered results much as the population controllers seized upon Paul Ehrlich's ridiculous book The Population Bomb.

A 'Star' is Born.

Through the sheer force of publicity and compelled uniformity, the sex educators declared Kinsey to be the equivalent of Newton, Galileo, or Einstein. They had to make such comparisons because they knew full well that no proper research would support their views. Therefore, they had to make a "star:" Alfred Kinsey.

Kinsey's most famous statistic held that ten percent of the male population is "more or less exclusively homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55." Kinsey also claimed that four percent of all males are exclusively homosexual throughout their entire lives.

This is the source of the sodomite claim that ten percent of all people are homosexual.

How did he achieve this result? First, by hiring biased researchers (several applicants who believed that homosexuality was wrong were not hired).

Then, he deliberately biased the result of the study by including, in his sample, at least 25 percent of prison inmates and convicted sex offenders (the actual percentage of the population that meets this description is less than one percent).

Reisman and Eichel have concluded that the actual percentage of male homosexuals in the United States is at most one to two percent.

What Can You Do?

"How Could this Happen?"

The vast majority of American parents do not even know whether or not their children are receiving sex education in their school. Those who do know are usually entirely ignorant of the contents of the program, if such is being taught. And most of those who know the contents of the program couldn't care less what effect the course of instruction has on their children. They mindlessly and unquestioningly trust the "sexperts."

This haze of indifference lasts only until their daughter turns up pregnant. Or damaged by a "safe and legal" abortion. Or when their son contracts a sexually-transmitted disease that threatens his health.

Or when their child contracts AIDS.
Then they begin to care very much.
And then they ask "How could this happen?"

The Brutal Truth.

The brutal truth of the matter is this: Parents who do not very carefully inform themselves about the sex education that their children are receiving are, by default, allowing their children assume the values of others. They are allowing their children to venture into a sexual minefield without the necessary armor of moral standards. These parents simply do not care about their children as much as they say they do.

They are abandoning their children to a system that they simply are not equipped to cope with.

The Results of Promiscuity.

The way we conduct ourselves sexually is an indication of how we live the rest of our lives. This is particularly true of teenagers, who are in the process of constructing the moral framework that they will use to guide the way they think and act.

Drs. Donald Orr and Gary Ingersoll of Indiana University Medical School studied thousands of unmarried teenaged girls who fornicated and thousands who did not. They found that teenaged girls who fornicate are five times as likely to be suspended from school for a serious offense, ten times more likely to have used illegal drugs, and six times as likely to have attempted suicide. Boys who fornicate are six times as likely to abuse alcohol and five times as likely to use marijuana.[32]

Significantly, girls who fornicate experience severely diminished self-esteem, while boys who fornicate actually experience an increase in self-esteem. The implications of this comparison are obvious. Dr. Ingersoll states that "Girls with low self-esteem may be using sex as a way to build esteem, but then it only makes them feel worse about themselves. Early experience is still regarded as more deviant for girls."[32]

Those people who fornicate, use illegal drugs, and commit other illegal and/or immoral acts are tortured by their guilt, which builds until it is unbearable. There are only two ways out of this agonizing situation: Repentance or rationalization, as explained in Chapter 2 of Volume I, "The Anti-Life Mentality."

Take Action!

The New Liberals ("Neoliberals") tend to chuckle condescendingly at conservatives who worry about their kids. Neoliberals like to think of concerned parents as control-oriented, paranoid religious fanatics who see a conspiracy around every corner.

Although the "sexperts" do not themselves operate in a conspiracy per se, they think in a similar manner and utilize similar tactics when attempting to achieve their goals.

The only defense against the well-organized sex educators and reformers is to maintain positive and constant contact with your children. It is also essential to know what they are being taught in school.

If the gaining of this knowledge requires parents to conduct a little overt surveillance in class or to make themselves a royal pain in the neck to the local "sexperts," then so be it. We should not be apologetic about monitoring our children and guiding their development. Despite what the Humanist experts say, the upbringing of our children is our God-given duty not theirs!

Parents should band together to accomplish their objectives. They should demand to know the details of sex education curricula, and they should study these materials diligently. If the materials are offensive, or if they are stonewalled by the bureaucracy, parents should pull their kids out of the class with no apologies!

If the situation is really bad, parents might make the ultimate statement of disgust with the school system by pulling their children out of school completely and educating them at home.

Pro-Chastity Organizations.

It is not enough to be against secular sex education programs; parents must be armed with facts and with the most up-to-date materials.

The organizations listed below can provide information, guidance, and materials that are useful in educating other parents and children on chastity and Christian sex education.

Alliance for Chastity Education (ACE)
Post Office Box 11297
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211-0297

American Life League (ALL)
Post Office Box 1350
Stafford, Virginia 22554
Telephone: (703) 659-4171

Americans Against Abortion (AAA)
Post Office Box 70
Lindale, Texas, 75771-0070

686 North Broad Street
Woodbury, New Jersey 08096
Telephone: (609) 848-1819

Catholic Bishop's Committee
For Pro-Life Activities
1312 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20005
Telephone: (202) 659-6673

Catholics United for Life (CUL)
New Hope, Kentucky, 40052

Family of the Americas Foundation
Post Office Box 1170
Dunkirk, Maryland 20754
Telephone: (301) 627-3346

Focus on the Family
Post Office Box 35500
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80935

Human Life International (HLI)
7845-E Airpark Road
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879
Telephone: (301) 670-7884

Last Days Ministries
Post Office Box 40
Lindale, Texas 75771

National Chastity Association
Post Office Box 402
Oak Forest, Illinois 60452
Telephone: (708) 687-1767

National Right to Life Committee (NRLC)
419 7th Street NW
Washington, DC 20004
Telephone: (202) 626-8800
FAX: (202) 737-9189

National Teens For Life
419 7th Street NW, Suite 402
Washington, DC 20004

National Youth Pro-Life Coalition
99 Jackson Avenue
Hastings-on-Hudson, New York 10706
Telephone: (914) 478-0103

Teen Aid
West 22 Mission
Spokane, Washington 99201
Telephone: (509) 466-8679

References: Sex Education.

[1] Mahatma Gandhi, quoted in Father A.S. Antonisamy. Wisdom for All Times: Mahatma Gandhi and Pope Paul VI on Birth Regulation. Family Life Service Centre, Archbishop's House, Pondicherry 605001 India. June 1978. Quotes are taken from D.G. Tendulkar (Editor). The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Volumes 2 and 4. Published by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

[2] Irving R. Dickman. Winning the Battle for Sex Education. The Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 801, New York, New York 10011. 1982, 60 pages.

[3] Faye Wattleton, former president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). How to Talk with Your Child About Sexuality. Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1986, 150 pages. A detailed review of this book may be obtained from Jim Sedlak, Director, Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP), Post Office Box 8, LaGrangeville, New York 12540.

[4] "Brooke Shields on Virginity's Virtues." USA Today, July 21, 1991, page 2D.

[5] Concerned Women for America Newsletter, March 1989, page 3.

[6] Liberal columnist Carl Rowan, News America Syndicate, Washington Post, May 28, 1985.

[7] David Perkins, quoted in Fidelity Magazine, October 1987, page 16.

[8] Faye Wattleton, former president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA). The Humanist, July/August 1986 page 7.

[9] Edouard Cardinal Gagnon, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, in his address to the Bishops of the United States on March 10, 1989.

[10] Washington Post syndicated columnist William Raspberry, quoted in Barrett Mosacker. "Teen Pregnancy and School-Based Health Clinics." National Federation for Decency Journal, November/December 1986, page 5.

[11] Alexander Cockburn, quoted in Joseph Sobran. "The Abortion Culture." Human Life Review, Spring 1981, pages 7 to 19.

[12] Alan Guttmacher, May 3, 1973, quoted in Humanity Magazine, August/September 1979, page 11.

[13] Dr. Robert Kirstner, Harvard Medical School, one of the original developers of the birth control pill. Quoted in ALL About Issues, June 1981, page 5.

[14] Gary F. Kelly. Learning About Sex: The Contemporary Guide for Young Adults. New York: Barron's, 1968. Pages 61 and 136. Quoted in Gene Antonio. "America's XXX-Rated Sex Education Curricula." New Dimensions Magazine, September 1990, pages 72 to 77.

[15] Changing Bodies, Changing Lives: A Book for Teens on Sex and Relationships. Random House: New York, 1980. Pages 117 and 122.

[16] Wardell Pomeroy, Ph.D. Boys and Sex. Delacorte Press, New York, 1981. Pages 117, 171, and 172.

[17] R.P. Barth. Enhancing Skills to Prevent Pregnancy. School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley, Network Publications. Page 95.

[18] Gene Antonio. "America's XXX-Rated Sex Education Curricula." New Dimensions Magazine, September 1990.

[19] Sol Gordon addressing the October 1988 meeting of the National Organization of Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting (NOAPP), in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Quoted in Margo Szews. "The Pied Piper of Sex and Sleaze: Dr. Sol Gordon and Friends Tell Kids to "Just Say Yes!"" ALL About Issues, June-July 1989, pages 40 to 42.

[20] Eleanor S. Morrison and Miln Underhill Price. Values in Sexuality. New York: Hart Publishing Company and A&W Publishers. 1974, page 100.

[21] "What is Sexual Fantasy?" What's Happening? Atlanta: Emory University, Grady Memorial Family Planning Program. 1976, page 4.

[22] Dr. Donald McDonald, former Administrator of the Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, quoted "Censorship is in the Eye of the Beholder." New Dimensions Magazine, December 1990, page 15.

[23] "The US Family Staggers Into the Sexy Secular Future." Family Research Newsletter, January-March 1991, page 1, Table 1 entitled "Percentage of Women Aged 15-19 Who Reported Having Had Premarital Sexual Intercourse, By Race and Age United States, 1970-1988." Numbers from 1988 to 1992 linearly extrapolated using 1985-1988 rates.

[24] For an excellent overview of how to find out what is going on in your school's sex education program, and how to respond to it, read Chapter Six of the Public School Sex Education Report in the October 1990 issue of the American Family Association (AFA) Journal. This completely documented, 23-page summary is available from the AFA, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803.

[25] James Ford, M.D., and Michael Schwartz. "Birth Control for Teenagers: Diagram for Disaster." Linacre Quarterly, February 1979.

[26] United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Reference Data Book and Guide to Sources, Statistical Abstract of the United States. 1990 (110th Edition).

[27] Psychiatrist Melvin Anchell, M.D. Sex and Insanity. Portland, Oregon: Halcyon House Publishers, 1983.

[28] Simon and Sidney, Values Clarification: A Handbook of Practical Strategies for Teachers and Students. New York: Hart Publishing Company. 1978, pages 18 to 20.

[29] S.G. Philliber and M.L. Tatum. "The Impact of Sex Education on Students, Parents, and Faculty: A Report from Falls Church." November 1979, page 11.

[30] "Public School Sex Education: A Report." Published in the October 1990 issue of the AFA Journal. Also available from the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. This is an excellent encapsulation of the incredible nonsense being drilled into our children by sex educators posing as teachers. If this is not a powerful incentive to home school, nothing else will be.

[31] E. Michael Jones. "The Case Against Kinsey." Fidelity Magazine, April 1989, pages 22 to 35.

[32] Marilyn Elias. "Early Teen Sex May Indicate Drugs, Drinking." USA Today, February 6, 1991, page D1.

Further Reading: The Threat Posed By Secular Sex Education.

American Family Association. "Public School Sex Education: A Report."
Published in the October 1990 issue of the AFA Journal. Also available from the American Family Association, Post Office Drawer 2440, Tupelo, Mississippi 38803. This is an excellent encapsulation of the incredible nonsense being drilled into our children by sex educators posing as teachers. If this is not a powerful incentive to home school, nothing else will be.

Melvin Anchell, M.D. Sex and Insanity.
Halcyon House, Portland, Oregon, 1983. Order from Christian Family Renewal, Box 73, Clovis, California 93613. Reviewed by Murray Norris, Ph.D., J.D., on page 27 of the November 1983 issue of All About Issues. A Freudian psychiatrist presents logical arguments against pornography, comprehensive sex education, moral relativism, and other peculiarities of our sex-crazed society.

Claire Chambers. The SIECUS Circle: A Humanist Revolution.
Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands Press. 1977, 506 pages. The philosophy and comprehensive goals of the Humanist revolution. Includes detailed information on 35 Humanist organizations.

Irving R. Dickman. Winning the Battle for Sex Education.
The Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), 80 Fifth Avenue, Suite 801, New York, New York 10011. 1982, 60 pages. This short "how-to" book, written by one of the shills for the pro-abortion, pro-SBC, pro-sodomite, and pro-anything that trashes the family SIECUS, shows school boards and operatives how to blunt, ignore, or confuse parental opposition to permissive sex education programs. This book would be extremely valuable to those parents who want to effectively work against permissive sex education programs in the schools, because it gives them an idea of how the school sex-ed pushers will react. Includes a lengthy section entitled "20 Questions Parents Ask About Sex Education."

Thomas E. Elkins, M.D. "On the Need for More Careful Consideration by Gynecologists of Sex Education Programs in Public Schools."
1989: 22 page booklet available from American Life League, Post Office Box 1350, Stafford, Virginia 22554, telephone: (703) 659-4171.

Family Foundations.
This bimonthly newsletter is published by the Couple to Couple League (CCL). Main topics are the technical and 'how-to' aspects of natural family planning (NFP) and information on teen sex clinics, chastity, and Planned Barrenhood. Write to Couple to Couple League, PO Box 111184, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45211.

P.H. Gebhard and A.B. Johnson. The Kinsey Data: Marginal Tabulation of the 1938-1963 Interviews Conducted By the Institute for Sex Research.
New York: Saunders Publishing, 1979.

Sol Gordon. Raising a Child Conservatively in a Sexually Permissive World.
Read this subtle book (with the misleading title) by Planned Parenthood's "masturbation guru" for insight as to how sly the sex pushers can really be. This is what your children are being exposed to in their schools right now.

Stephen M. Krason and Robert J. D'Agostino. Parental Rights: The Contemporary Assault on Traditional Liberties.
Christendom College Press, Front Royal, Virginia 22630. 1988: 208 pages. This book covers the legal and moral dimensions of parental rights from the philosophical, legal, and psychological points of view. Subjects covered in this collection of focused articles include parental rights in all aspects of public and home schooling, including sex education and the life issues. Noted authors include Kenneth Whitehead, James Likoudis, Charles E. Rice, and Thomas J. Marzen.

Katherine B. Oettinger. Not My Daughter!: Facing Up to Adolescent Pregnancy.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 1979, 185 pages. Much useful and interesting information can be extracted from this book on the troubles and options a pregnant teen faces. The author presents abortion as just another option, however, and the fact that the book is recommended by Planned Parenthood and other population-control groups should tell the pro-life reader what perspective to take when reading this book.

Judith A. Reisman and Edward W. Eichel. Kinsey, Sex and Fraud: The Indoctrination of a People.
Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990. 237 pages. An excellent and detailed examination of the background of the Alfred Kinsey sexual studies that "showed" that children are sexual from birth and that ten percent of the population is exclusively homosexual. This book examines in detail the flaws in Kinsey's studies, and looks at the machinations of modern-day 'sexologists' who build their work on his studies. Reisman also details the impacts that Kinsey-style sex education has had on our country.

Linda Roggow and Carolyn Owens. Handbook for Pregnant Teenagers.
Zonder-Van Press, 1984. 142 pages. Reviewed by Debra Braun in the October 24, 1985 ALL News. Finally, a pro-life book for pregnant teenage girls! This book should be in every CPC and every library. It explains the three real options in such a case adoption, marriage, and single parenthood. It goes into some detail on how to approach family members and how to deal with and analyze their reactions. The last chapter encourages the pregnant girl to trust in God and have courage. The book also includes a resource list and guide to national crisis pregnancy centers. Good for calming down teens and parents and guiding them in thinking about their situation in a rational manner.

Robert H. Ruff. Aborting Planned Parenthood.
New Vision Press, 710 West 32nd Street, Houston, Texas 77018. 189 pages. Order from Human Life International, 7845-E Airpark Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879, telephone: (301) 670-7884. Reviewed by Judie Brown on page 53 of the November-December 1988 issue of All About Issues. This book is a summary of more than 50,000 medical and other records salvaged from a dumpster behind a Planned Parenthood clinic in Texas. The author covers, by the numbers, the numerous sex education myths that Planned Parenthood foists off on teenagers, and documents why they are false.

Father H. Vernon Sattler. Sex Education in the Catholic Family.
Paperback. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. This short book shows that it is impossible to teach about sexuality unless we first properly define it. It is not exclusively recreation, procreation, or romance. Helps define "love" and introduces parents to the basic principles of Catholic sex education.

Books for Christian Sex Educators.

There is a vast body of Christian literature dealing with sex education from a Godly standpoint. With all of this excellent material available, there is really no excuse for allowing the secular sex educators to destroy your child's values.

Just a few of the better-known books on Christian sexuality are listed below.

Larry Christenson. The Wonderful Way That Babies Are Made.
Hardback. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174. Telephone: (703) 586-4898. A good book for parent-guided sex education that treats the subject in the context of God's plan for us. The book includes beautiful illustrations and a short section on adoption. There are varying sizes of print and simplicity of language, so that small children and older ones may be taught out of the same book.

Raymond Dennehy (editor). Christian Married Love. Five excellent and incisive essays on the meaning of Humanae Vitae for Christian families, by Malcolm Muggeridge, Cardinal Hans Urs von Balthasar, Louis Bouyer, Jean Guitton, and Father Joseph Lestapis.

Father Robert J. Fox. Charity, Morality, Sex and Young People.
Our Sunday Visitor, Inc., Huntington, Indiana 46750. 1975. A textbook on the religious aspects of teen life with questions and answers at the end of each chapter. This book would be excellent for teens and parents to work on as a project together for the purpose of mutual understanding.

Father Robert J. Fox. Teenagers and Purity; Teenagers and Going Steady; Teenagers Looking Toward Marriage.
St. Paul Editions, 64 pages. The author shows how parents can work with their teenagers to foster respect for the opposite gender, how to develop a feeling of value towards chastity, and how to prepare for a marriage that will stand the test of time.

George A. Kelly (editor). Human Sexuality in Our Time: What the Church Teaches.
1978: Paperback. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. Proceedings of the Spring 1978 conference by St. John's University's Institute for Advanced Studies in Catholic Doctrine. Topics include Catholics and the Pill; the Bible and human sexuality; the morality and sanctity of sex; and what the Church teaches on sex.

Susan Schaeffer Macauley. Something Beautiful from God.
Paperback. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. A parent's read-aloud book that explains the miracle of life before birth. Includes beautiful photographs of babies in the womb, and treats the subjects of sex and babies in a reverent manner.

Connie Marshner. Decent Exposure.
225 pages, hardcover. Order from Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528. This book emphasizes chastity, self-esteem and family values in an examination of how parents and teenagers can safely guide themselves through the difficult period of adolescence.

Coleen Kelly Mast. Love and Life: A Christian Sexual Morality Guide for Teens.
Student text and workbook; parent's guide, teacher's guide; four pro-chastity posters; and Love and Life video. May be ordered separately from Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528. A proven and practical sex-education program for teenagers, based upon the Bible, Vatican II, the writings and lives of the Saints and contemporary Christians, and creative commentary, drawings, and illustrations. Works on a step-by-step progression that involves all participants equally.

Sean O'Reilly, M.D. In the Image of God: A Guide to Sex Education for Parents.
Hardback. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. A Catholic sex-education program for parents who want to teach their children about the human physical, psychological, and intellectual development. The material is presented in a series of nine lectures or seminars, with three lessons each on the pre-latency, latency, and post-latency periods. For individual use or for parent's use.

Stephen Parker. Life Before Birth: The Story of the First Nine Months.
Cambridge University Press, 1979; 48 pages. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. Reviewed by John Hamlon on pages 170 and 171 of the Summer 1979 issue of the International Review of Natural Family Planning. Displays from the British Museum of Natural History are drawn to illustrate life before birth and prove beyond doubt that life begins at fertilization. This is an excellent book for parent-guided sex education, in that it includes line drawings of the human reproductive systems. An effective tool for educating people as to the humanity and beauty of the preborn. Children especially will love this book.

Pope John Paul II.
A series of four books designed to explain the total Catholic Church position towards the sanctity of sex, marriage, and procreation. Order from Keep the Faith, 810 Belmont Avenue, Post Office Box 8261, North Haledon, New Jersey 07508, telephone: (201) 423-5395.

(a) Original Unity of Man and Woman.
A catechesis on the Book of Genesis. The foundations of the indissolubility of marriage. Paperback.

(b) Blessed Are the Pure of Heart.
A catechesis on the Sermon on the Mount and the Writings of St. Paul. A discussion on the sins relating to adultery. Paperback.

(c) The Theology of Marriage & Celibacy.
A catechesis on marriage and celibacy in light of the resurrection of the body. Based on Matthew 22:24-33, which describes the 'renunciation' of marriage in favor of the Kingdom of Heaven. paperback.

(d) Reflections on Humanae Vitae.
The basis of the encyclical in light of the redemption of the body and the sacredness of marriage in the Catholic tradition. Paperback.

Roman Catholic Church, Bishops of Ireland. Love is for Life.
122 pages, sewn softcover. Order from Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528. A very readable and interesting summary of the Church's teachings on love and sexuality. Very useful as a reference work or backup for Catholic sex education programs.

Father Paul M. Quay. The Christian Meaning of Human Sexuality.
122 pages. Order from: Ignatius Press, 15 Oakland Avenue, Harrison, New York 10528, telephone: 1-800-528-0559. This book shows us how divine revelation has given us guidance in human sexuality. It is for Christian adults who would like to know what kinds of sexual behavior are right and wrong and for those who seek to follow God's word.

Father H. Vernon Sattler. Sex Education in the Catholic Family.
Paperback. Order from: Life Issues Bookshelf, Sun Life, Thaxton, Virginia 24174, telephone: (703) 586-4898. This short book shows that it is impossible to teach about sexuality unless we first properly define it. It is not exclusively recreation, procreation, or romance. Helps define "love" and introduces parents to the basic principles of Catholic sex education.

Margaret Sheffield. Where Do Babies Come From? and Before You Were Born.
Alfred A. Knopf, 1982 and 1984. Each book is 32 pages. Two more very good books for children as young as six years old.

Sex Education: Anthologies.

Greenhaven Press. Sexual Values: Opposing Viewpoints.
Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1983, 155 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue. The questions asked are: "Is Nonmarital Sex Acceptable?;" "Does Sex Education Belong in Schools?;" "Is Homosexuality Acceptable?;" "Is Pornography Harmful?;" and "Should Prostitution Be a Crime?" Authors include Jeremiah A. Denton, Jr., Susan Brownmiller, Gail Sheehy, and Phyllis Schlafly. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

Greenhaven Press. Teenage Sexuality: Opposing Viewpoints.
Greenhaven Press Opposing Viewpoints Series, Post Office Box 289009, San Diego, California 92128-9009. 1988, 215 pages. Each section includes several essays by leading authorities on both sides of each issue. The questions asked are: "What Affects Teenagers' Attitudes Towards Sex?;" "What Kind of Sex Education Is Appropriate for Teenagers?;" "Are School-Based Health Clinics Beneficial?;" "How Can the Teenage Pregnancy Problem Be Solved?;" and "Should Teenagers Make Their Own Sexual Decisions?" Authors include Charles Krauthammer, Allan C. Carlson, and Sol Gordon. A catalog is available from the above address and can be obtained by calling 1-(800) 231-5163.

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This is a chapter of the Pro-Life Activist’s Encyclopedia published by American Life League.