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                       '.      `.'         KatolaZ         
           Welcome to KatolaZ' gopherhole @medialab.freaknet.org  
 (TXT)  About
 (DIR)  Contacts
 (DIR)  My Phlog @republic.circumlunar.space
 (DIR)  My gopherhole @katolaz.net
 (DIR)  My gopherhole @republic.circumlunar.space
 (DIR)  My gopherhole @sdf.org
 (DIR)  Burrow the Burrows (crawling the gopherspace)
 (DIR)  gosher - a gopher server in a shell script
 (TXT)  goval - a simple gopher validator
 (DIR)  phrollo - a phlogroll manager in a shell script
 (DIR)  cgit-70 - cgit with a gopher interface
 (DIR)  All my software repos over gopher
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