Things I'm Feeling ~kai ------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello everybody, I hope you are having a wonderful day. Over my time here i have gauged that im a lot younger than most of the users here. Im a teenager, I still go to school. I've had a privileged childhood. My parents are goverment workers overseas and I have spent a big portion of my childhood moving about, it's a double edged sword. I've never really had constant friends or people outside of the family I can trust, on the other hand I have gone to a variety of international schools and a privileged backround. Onto why I am making this post, I know i sound stupid but I feel like a hollow from dark souls. I feel so out of touch and empty and alone, just shambling through the days. I have also strugled with my sexuality and just being kinda fluid in that aspect. I have never really been allowed to dick around. It's always been super straightfoward. I have always had to be a certain way. I don't know, but I have ended up feeling like nobody. Just another one. My family is also close to moving back home and that has been stressful asf. I just feel like i am walking through a faceless world with faceless people. An endless ocean of monotony.