The Girl Tech IM-Me and My Desire for a Modern Version ~immy ------------------------------------------------------------------ # The Girl Tech IM-Me and My Desire for a Modern Version Recently I’ve become aware of a device from the early 2000s called the IM-ME. It’s a handheld instant messaging tool created by Girl Tech, a company that was known for producing tech toys aimed at young girls during the late 90s and early 2000s. They are perhaps most well known for their voice activated diary (or their annoyingly catchy slogan.) > So Cool, So Connected! The IM-ME is a simple device. It features a simple monochrome display, small QWERTY keyboard and the radio guts required to interface with a USB dongle that could be connected to a computer. The device also features enough pink to horrify a unicorn. The device worked by sending messages to a computer running Girl Tech's proprietary (and now defunct) messaging software. Messages would then be received either by another IM-ME device using a similar setup or simply in an application that could be run on any regular computer. The idea of having a simple handheld messaging tool that could be used from anywhere in the house (or maybe anywhere through wi-fi) really intrigues me. If somebody were able to mod an IM-ME to interface with IRC I'd buy one on the spot no matter the cost, doubly so if somebody made a modern version with an e-ink display, USB-C, etc... Surely there must be a market for this kind of thing.