Seriously? ... SERIOUSLY? ~inquiry ------------------------------------------------------------------ I'll be danged if I can solve what seems like a DNS problem that lives somewhere between my Chromebook and our new T-Mobile "wireless 5G" router. I thought I had it licked several times, from modifying network settings in Chrome (DNS servers associated with the wifi connection), to doing the same in the Linux container-ed in Chrome's "Terminal" app (changing /etc/resolv.conf content, and running whatever makes such changes "take" (until next reboot, of course...), to flushing iptables. Bah.... What seems to work is trying to keep data flowing. It's as though something in the "pipe" goes to sleep, and needs to be re-awoken, leading me to writing the following Lua script, and running it in the background: ``` #! /usr/bin/env lua local stop_file = os.getenv('HOME') .. '/stop-alive' if arg[1] then os.execute('touch ' .. stop_file) else while true do local handle = if handle then handle:close() os.execute('rm -f ' .. stop_file) break end os.execute('pg 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; sleep 30') end end ``` where "pg" is another script (separated out so I can run it manually from time to time): ``` ping -c 10 ``` It just seems so silly to have to be doing such in 2024. And yet it's seemingly par for the "how software perpetually finds a way to become worse" course. But despite being annoyingly unsatisfying, it's improved the situation quite a bit. Oh, so be sufficiently "ignorantly blissful" to be happy with Windows or MacOS, and just buy another device and throw the old one away whenever encountering said unavoidable "evolution of the situation"....