The eyes have it ~inquiry ------------------------------------------------------------------ Probably already been thought of - if not implemented somewhere - but it suddenly hit me as possibly cool for tmux to leverage the computer camera to consider eyes staring at a tmux pane/window for a configurable amount of time to mean "switch focus there". I mean, I love keyboard shortcuts as much as the next geek at/in heart... but, well, zero keys surely makes so much as one seem huge. Oh my, does this ever sound/ring familiar: => gemini:// I am a language model Elsewhere, fun/heartwarming to see young love, but hard to forget what seemingly invariably follows. Yes, licking a sharp knife clean is fun and/or exciting the first couple times, but... BUT.... If you're still not sure whether internet "information" has much value, try to find a solution to a Chromebook having DNS issues sometime. That activity is even more sadly laughable given those issues get in the way of efficiently getting to the "information" you'll likely dismiss in order to move on to the next "information". Pleasantly slow, rainy day. We're looking forward to receiving the glorious news that a gig 90 miles away is being cancelled, because it looks like precipitation will be more severe than on the home front, and the venue is outdoors only. No fun at all to try to be creative while mostly focused on the possibility of a deluge buying your equipment a one-way ticket to a landfill.