brick by boring brick ~bluish ------------------------------------------------------------------ I guess this is a little personal rant but I'm genuinely baffled by how everyone seems to have everything figured out. I'm in my early twenties but genuinely I feel like a lost eighteen year old. I am trying to build myself and grow but god is it boring to try to bloom inside concrete walls. A mind can only be so creative when you are only presented with florescent lit shopping malls and 10$ horrendous coffee in minimalist coffee shops as places to explore. I often blame the space around me for what I am, but I am then presented with all those that can breathe in the same space that suffocates me. How can everyone accept that we'll work until we die? truly. no one can convince me that they adore their work enough to dedicate it 8 hours of their day. How is it that I'm the only one feeling like I'm wasting my life away? Is growing up just accepting that life will only give you 2 out of 7 days a week? Am I the immature one for not accepting? or am I just doing something wrong while everyone actually does feel alive and happy? All I wish to do is to consume the entirety of the universe's beauties, to dive deeply into the heart of humanity and the arts of it all, the blessings of the earth and the skies, to hold onto it all and give back just as much, but I guess it was decided that it's more important for me to sell stuff to some sucker and kiss some other sucker's boots so I can afford to stay alive and do it all again tomorrow. sometimes foolishly I let myself dream of a reality where I can float around the entire globe, meet everyone to have ever been anyone.