Laying back after a satisfying day ~inquiry ------------------------------------------------------------------ Glorious day with kids and grandchild, spending most of it at a farm-themed destination, then in the pool. Had more fun experimenting with bash jobs as sort of a tmux substitute. Need practice to develop muscle memory, and the habit of Ctrl-Z'ing terminal apps instead of quitting them. It's rather wonderful to be able to pick up where I left off with them without having them in separate tmux windows/panes. I'm thinking perhaps the only time I really need tmux is for panes when side-by-side is truly relevant to accomplishing something. Not that I dislike tmux windows/panes. The main problem is the inconvenience of having to name them if I wind up with a bunch and over time forget with window/pane indices correspond to what application. Naming them is extra work, which is accomplished for me by the bash jobs mechanism, the name of the program/script automatically associated with the job ids revealed by the jobs command: ``` $ jobs [1] Stopped digg (wd: ~) [3] Stopped usenet (wd: ~/News) [5] Stopped mp [6] Stopped weblist x [7]- Stopped gopher [8] Stopped cl [9]+ Stopped vic z ``` And, of course, in tmux I'd invariably wind up reusing windows/panes for other things, meaning more work renaming them. Bah. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. We've a performance that's a solid three hour drive (without traffic/road-construction issues) from home. I think I've finally gotten my wife to see the light on staying within a half hour from home - see also: we're not getting any younger. The day after, a musician friend arrives from Florida. The day after that we perform with him and others at an private residence outdoor event, that thankfully we don't have to host. The problem with all that is I just don't have the energy for all that on back-to-back-to-back days, which means at this point my attitude is far and away nearer to looking forward to the day after it all than anything else. Just want it all over with.