blog resist him ~tffb ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ever see the painting "Hands Resist Him"? It was the original "cursed" image of the Internet. Circulating in the mid/late-90s. An actual painting, spooky. Blogging is that, for me - a thing to avoid, so much (mentally) making me NOT avoid it. I took issue on just now, b****ing at anyone/everyone about how I bulk deleted (actually, one at a time) HUNDREDS of photos from - which I've used since the week it was introduced, and after 150+ photos of deleting, I refreshed the page which ahd frozen. All the "deleted" photos, right back where they had started! No deletion occurred. I suggested a bulk deletion option on D.w.a, or the option to delete a account entirely. idk if the admin or anyone will agree, but it is there! :) Yea, it dried up - photos, blogging, having a "written life" online - stream of consciousness, ego-centric text entries and the fallout therein (responses, lack thereof, mental reassurance, or, lack thereof) - trying, hammering, doing my best to DO my best at writing (blogging) to be a decent "Netizen" but also keep the integrity of a thing I've done diligently since age 8 - writing. All for nothing, or nothing was all? It came/went - like the campground I swooned over as a kid: perfect memories, to be turned into a car lot years later, yet making those memories intrinsically more sacred/fun. Never let what "was" hamper what you are doing or or that the was *was*, but that it was special in itself. Sorry for the philosophical jabbering, just wanting to delete some photos...