been a good day, time to cool it ~tffb ------------------------------------------------------------------ *Phew* (x's 1000) I woke up at 8:30 my a Clubhouse staffer. She said she was outside my building, to give me a ride to make breakfast there. I told her the call woke me up, that I would come in later. The latter did not come true. I knew I had to get the AC window unit into the spot where the AC *wall* unit would go (leasing manager wants it that way), so, I started to carve down the thin/soft sheets of wood that had previously taken that spot. Measuring, carving/whittling with a SOG knife (yes, no saw here, nothing else to get through the material) and sanding, trimming, refining, making *perfect* the wood sheets. Early on I got the unit into the spot in the wall with brackets I already owned (see last Midnight post I made) so everything was groovy for the window unit, itself. Getting the sheets in place to jam with insulation was another thing. I'll save the story, but it all came together and everything fits and the apartment is not cooling down :) Now, iced coffee. And a Lucky Strike. Just relaxing. so hi hi :) t