I've long loved the word 'willow' ~inquiry ------------------------------------------------------------------ => https://willowashmaple.smol.pub/2024-07-17-evolving-views-gender-feminism On my evolving views on gender and feminism ``` > Why not abolish gender altogether? ``` It's not difficult: practice (i.e. repeat) the thought "there is no gender" unto perfection, i.e. until it's always obviously so. But don't forget to cease and desist from language that implies - thus reinforces - gender being important. For example, I see all kinds of people all worked up about "racism", and yet they persist in talking about colors of people. Um... that implies the speaker believing deep down that skin color matters - which, of course, just so happens to be the essence of racism.... Likewise with gender. Likewise with all representation, really. Why get hung up on representations? Why not luxuriate in the unnameable underlying? Actually, I think waxed thoughtfully well in the vicinity of this topic in: => https://willowashmaple.smol.pub/2024-07-17-get-out-of-your-echo-chamber Get out of your echo chamber! such that now I'm pondering the identity of "echo chamber" and "representation chamber". No need for mere representations/echos when resting in the unnameable underlying! ``` > What if we stopped pigeonholing people into binary and > limiting categories? ``` I've stopped. You can too. But I'd recommend not expecting too much of/from "we".