digital blips, their platforms, and the intent behind them ~tffb ------------------------------------------------------------------ I sometimes still read I also check, as an old friend turned me onto Bearblog some time back, though I do not post on my account. Most blogs I see/read these days are what someone has on their own server, and I see via RSS. Other hubs, like The Midnight, are cool as well, because it has a role-playing element to it - and a nice atmosphere of a dark, off-Main Street, bespeckled neon trim bar, that almost props at the corner of the Smol Web, it makes for a spot I *want* to come visit, say hi, and make observations and comments about the dim (and grim) realities of "out there" on the bigger Web. But the two platforms mentioned before, Bearblog and, they seem similar to one another in one particular way, but also they are the opposite representation of one another for this very same way. What I mean is, Bearblog has a "hope/optimism" element to the content there, dev logs and indie software tinkerers, writers, some daily, and less doom and gloom. As where (as it has become, wasn't always this way) is very Serious As A Heart Attack(tm) type of "tone"/narrative to what gets written there. Less "I'm happy with things and life, let's write it on", and more "these direct, text words have depth and meaning, damnit, listen and read their meaning and seek pertinence in their deep, bleeding ink". I likely took this bait, drank that strychnyne, fussed folly with that rattlesnake many times in years past, but now I see few who have a positive outlook on a/their blog there, and sort of feel as though it's a foolish void of where to put words. I used to write a lot. Less so now. But should I increase my writing, I wouldn't do so on a platform that's sure to bring out (not the worst, but..) not the best in me. So many platforms and text editors are shite these days, but a few are worth their salt. I may look into some stuff that doesn't rhyme with PordWress, or Globber, or Bumtler or Hogst (these are very much so pig latin and not as much rhymes, I realize, lmao!). And the *ultimate*, the Ultimate Of The Best, would be to just hammer the words in a local text editor, then use Git to put the post live, like Github Pages, or whatever CMS (is the term?) thing, but who knows what will land where? ~bartender, a 2:30 AM coffee, if I may. These nicotine lozenges have my head spun and it's hours before the tobacco shop opens to purchase cigs. A cigarette machine for The Midnight? Would be promising, insofar as we invent Smell-o-vision or/and Inhale-o-vision at the same time ;) [EDIT: just now remembering - hmmmmm]