QI(8L) QI(8L) NAME qi - the CCSO Nameserver server (on-line phone book) SYNOPSIS qi [-w] [-d] [-q] DESCRIPTION Qi manages the database of the CCSO Nameserver. It is the "server" program of the server-client pair that make up the CCSO Nameserver (the client program is ph(1)). If given the -w option, qi will run in read-only mode; com- mands that would change the database are not allowed. If given the -d option, qi will be run as though invoked by a daemon; in this case, qi will limit the amount of cpu time it will consume. -q will cause prompts to be omitted even when run from a tty or pipe. Qi operates in "super-user" mode when run with its standard input is a terminal, file, or pipe. If its standard input is none of the above (implying the connection comes from over the network) it runs in anonymous mode, and the opera- tions that may be performed are limited. Qi's availability may be controlled by the file /name- serv/db/prod.sta. If this file exists, and the first word in it is "read", then all invocations of qi will be in read- only mode; no writing of the database will be allowed. If the first word of the file is not "read", qi will refuse to run at all. In either case, the remainder of /name- serv/db/prod.sta will be printed by qi as the reason the database is unavailable. FILES /nameserver/db/prod.{dir,dov,idx,iov,seq,bdx} - the database /nameserver/db/LockFile - flock(3) lock file for the data- base /nameserv/db/prod.sta - control file for the database. SEE ALSO The CCSO Nameserver - An Introduction, by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. The CCSO Nameserver - A Description, by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. The CCSO Nameserver - Why, by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. The CCSO Nameserver - Server-Client Protocol, by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. How To Rebuild A Nameserver Database, In 24 Easy Steps, by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. The CCSO Nameserver - Guide To Installation, by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. The CCSO Nameserver - A Programmer's Guide, by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. ph(1) AUTHOR Parts written by Steven Dorner (sdorner@qualcomm.com), Qual- comm, Inc. (formerly at the University of Illinois Comput- ing and Communications Services Office) Parts derived from the CSNET Name Server. Code is now maintained by Paul Pomes (p-pomes@uiuc.edu), University of Illinois Computing and Communications Services Office. 30-Jul-1992 QI(8L)