Date: Mon, 21 Sep 92 11:27:40 EDT From: (Steve Howie) Subject: Re: CMS client for PH WHO is a simple PH client which allows queries to be made to a CSO server CMS. No other functions such as login, edit, etc. are supported. This code is ugly in bits - if anyone feels like tidying it up, feel free :) Software requirements: ====================== TCP/IP for VM Version 1.2 or later IBM C/370 Compiler and Runtime library (Version 1.2.0) Creating the module: ==================== You should have 3 files: 1) WHO C - the program itself 2) WHO EXEC - a front-end EXEC which calls WHO C 3) XLATE H - Translate table 4) WHO README - This file Change the #define DIRECTORY line in the source to point to the server you use. You can easily change this to pass the server as an argument from the front-end exec. Make sure you have the C/370 disks accessed. You should check the front-end EXEC and change the code which checks for the availability of the TCP/IP public code as well as the C/370 library. You should modify this segment of code to conform to your local sites needs. CC WHO LOAD WHO GEN WHO Pretty complex, eh? :-) To run: ======= WHO [] Where is the first or last name of the person, and lets you optionally refine the search further. Examples: 1) WHO Fred Will retrieve all people with 'fred' as their first or last name 2) WHO JO* Will retrieve all people whose first or last names begin with 'JO' e.g. John Smith or Bill Jones 3) WHO SM* B* Retrieves all those whose first or last names begin with SM and the other name starts with a B e.g. Bill Smith or Smiley BLOGGS Author: Steve Howie, University of Guelph Sept. 1992 Disclaimers: This code is totally free. Use it in any way you want, but don't hold me or the University liable in any way:) If you want to hack/modify it for the better, I'd appreciate a copy of the changes. Thanx!