.TH QI 8L "30-Jul-1992" .SH NAME qi \- the CCSO Nameserver server (on-line phone book) .SH SYNOPSIS .B qi .RB [ \-w ] .RB [ \-d ] .RB [ \-q ] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP .I Qi manages the database of the CCSO Nameserver. It is the "server" program of the server-client pair that make up the CCSO Nameserver (the client program is .IR ph (1)). .PP If given the .B \-w option, .I qi will run in read-only mode; commands that would change the database are not allowed. If given the .B \-d option, .I qi will be run as though invoked by a daemon; in this case, .I qi will limit the amount of cpu time it will consume. .PP \-q will cause prompts to be omitted even when run from a tty or pipe. .PP .I Qi operates in "super-user" mode when run with its standard input is a terminal, file, or pipe. If its standard input is none of the above (implying the connection comes from over the network) it runs in anonymous mode, and the operations that may be performed are limited. .PP .IR Qi 's availability may be controlled by the file .IR /nameserv/db/prod.sta . If this file exists, and the first word in it is "read", then all invocations of .I qi will be in read-only mode; no writing of the database will be allowed. If the first word of the file is not "read", .I qi will refuse to run at all. In either case, the remainder of .I /nameserv/db/prod.sta will be printed by .I qi as the reason the database is unavailable. .SH FILES /nameserver/db/prod.{dir,dov,idx,iov,seq,bdx} \- the database .br /nameserver/db/LockFile \- .IR flock (3) lock file for the database .br /nameserv/db/prod.sta \- control file for the database. .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR "The CCSO Nameserver \- An Introduction" , by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. .br .IR "The CCSO Nameserver \- A Description" , by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. .br .IR "The CCSO Nameserver \- Why" , by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. .br .IR "The CCSO Nameserver \- Server\-Client Protocol" , by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. .br .IR "How To Rebuild A Nameserver Database, In 24 Easy Steps" , by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. .br .IR "The CCSO Nameserver \- Guide To Installation" , by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. .br .IR "The CCSO Nameserver \- A Programmer's Guide" , by Steven Dorner; updated by Paul Pomes. .br .IR ph (1) .SH AUTHOR Parts written by Steven Dorner (sdorner@qualcomm.com), Qualcomm, Inc. (formerly at the University of Illinois Computing and Communications Services Office) .PP Parts derived from the CSNET Name Server. .PP Code is now maintained by Paul Pomes (p\-pomes@uiuc.edu), University of Illinois Computing and Communications Services Office.