#!/usr/bin/env python # © 2019 ported to python 2/3 by Michael Lazar # © 1994-1997,2013 by Jeffrey C. Ollie # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import crypt import re import socket from subprocess import PIPE, Popen version = "0.4" digits = re.compile(b"^-?[0-9]+$") class CSSOError(Exception): pass class Encryptor: """Class that packages up the CCSO password encryption. This allows logging into the server without passing the password over the network in the clear.""" ROTORSZ = 256 MASK = 255 b32 = 4294967296 b31 = 2147483648 def __init__(self, password): """Uses the password to initialize the encryptor state.""" self.n1 = 0 self.n2 = 0 self.t1 = list(range(self.ROTORSZ)) self.t2 = [0] * self.ROTORSZ self.t3 = [0] * self.ROTORSZ buffer = crypt.crypt(password, password) buffer_length = len(buffer) if buffer_length <= 0: raise CSSOError("no password supplied?") seed = 123 for i in range(buffer_length): seed = (seed * ord(buffer[i]) + i) % self.b32 for i in range(self.ROTORSZ): seed = (5 * seed + ord(buffer[i % buffer_length])) % self.b32 if seed >= self.b31: sign = -1 signed_seed = seed - self.b32 else: sign = 1 signed_seed = seed random = sign * int(abs(signed_seed) % 65521) k = self.ROTORSZ - 1 - i ic = (random & self.MASK) % (k + 1) random = (random >> 8) & self.MASK temp = self.t1[k] self.t1[k] = self.t1[ic] self.t1[ic] = temp if self.t3[k] != 0: continue if k == 0: raise CSSOError("[0] can\t %% by zero. k=%i" % k) ic = (random & self.MASK) % k while self.t3[ic] != 0: if k == 0: raise CSSOError("[1] can't %% by zero. k=%i" % k) ic = (ic + 1) % k self.t3[k] = ic self.t3[ic] = k for i in range(self.ROTORSZ): self.t2[self.t1[i] & self.MASK] = i def _encode(self, cr): """Translate a list of bytes to a printable string.""" data = self._encode_byte(len(cr)) ts = cr[:3] cr = cr[3:] while len(ts) == 3: c1 = int(ts[0] / 4) c2 = int((ts[0] % 4) * 16 + (int(ts[1] / 16) % 16)) c3 = int((ts[1] % 16) * 4 + (int(ts[2] / 64) % 4)) c4 = int(ts[2] % 64) data = ( data + self._encode_byte(c1) + self._encode_byte(c2) + self._encode_byte(c3) + self._encode_byte(c4) ) ts = cr[:3] cr = cr[3:] return data def _encode_byte(self, c): """Translate a byte to a printable character.""" return chr((c % 64) + ord("#")) def encrypt(self, plain_str): """Encrypt a plaintext string.""" cr = [] for i in range(len(plain_str)): x = ord(plain_str[i]) + self.n1 x = self.t1[x & self.MASK] + self.n2 x = self.t3[x & self.MASK] - self.n2 x = self.t2[x & self.MASK] - self.n1 x = x & self.MASK cr.append(x) self.n1 = (self.n1 + 1) % self.ROTORSZ if self.n1 == 0: self.n2 = (self.n2 + 1) % self.ROTORSZ crypt_str = self._encode(cr) return crypt_str class CCSO: """Superclass that implements the generic behavior for interacting with the CCSO qi (query interpreter). Instances of this class should not be created directly. Instead, a subclass should be created that adds 'read_line' and 'write_line' methods.""" def __init__(self): """Generic initialization. Makes sure that qi is in the state that we want and gathers some information about the installation.""" self.alias = None self.siteinfo = {} self.write_line(b"set verbose=off") response = self._get_response() while response[0] < 200: response = self._get_response() if response[0] != 200: raise CSSOError(response[0], response[3]) self.write_line(b"siteinfo") response = self._get_response() while response[0] < 200: if response[0] == -200: self.siteinfo[response[2]] = response[3] response = self._get_response() if b"mailbox" not in self.siteinfo: self.siteinfo[b"mailbox"] = b"email" def write_line(self, data): raise NotImplementedError def read_line(self): raise NotImplementedError def _get_response(self): """Private method that reads and parses the response from qi. See the documentation that comes with qi for a more complete description of the format of responses.""" line = b"" while not line: line = self.read_line() i1 = line.find(b":") if i1 == -1: raise CSSOError('response does not match format "%s"' % line) result_code = int(line[:i1]) i2 = line.find(b":", i1 + 1) if i2 == -1: entry_index = None field_name = None text = line[i1 + 1 :].strip() else: if digits.match(line[i1 + 1 : i2].strip()) != -1: entry_index = int(line[i1 + 1 : i2]) i3 = line.find(b":", i2 + 1) if i3 == -1: field_name = None text = line[i2 + 1 :].strip() else: field_name = line[i2 + 1 : i3].strip() text = line[i3 + 1 :].strip() else: entry_index = None field_name = line[i1 + 1 : i2].strip() text = line[i2 + 1 :].strip() return result_code, entry_index, field_name, text def query(self, data): """Send a query to qi. The string that is passed should be exactly as you would send it to qi, minus the 'query' keyword and and 'return' clause. The 'query' keyword and 'return all' are added automatically.""" q = b"query " + data.strip() + b" return all" self.write_line(q) currentindex = None currententry = {} lastfield = None entries = [] response = self._get_response() while response[0] < 200: if response[0] == -200: if response[1] != currentindex: if currentindex is not None: entries.append(currententry) currententry = {} currentindex = response[1] lastfield = None if response[2] == b"": currententry[lastfield] = currententry[lastfield] + b"\n" + response[3] else: currententry[response[2]] = response[3] lastfield = response[2] response = self._get_response() if response[0] >= 300: raise CSSOError(response[0], response[3]) entries.append(currententry) return entries def login(self, alias, password): """Log into the server so that updates can be made. Passwords are not sent across the network in the clear.""" q = b"login " + alias.strip() self.write_line(q) response = self._get_response() while response[0] < 200: response = self._get_response() if response[0] == 200: self.alias = alias return alias elif response[0] == 301: c = Encryptor(password) length, ciphertext = c.encrypt(response[3]) self.write_line(b"answer " + ciphertext) response = self._get_response() while response[0] < 200: response = self._get_response() if response[0] >= 400: raise CSSOError(response[0], response[3]) self.alias = alias return alias else: raise CSSOError(response[0], response[3]) def logout(self): """Log out of the server so that changes can no longer be made to the database.""" q = b"logout" self.write_line(q) response = self._get_response() while response[0] < 200: response = self._get_response() if response[0] >= 400: raise CSSOError(response[0], response[3]) self.alias = None def othercmd(self, data): """Send a raw command to qi and return the response as a list of 4-tuples.""" q = data.strip() self.write_line(q) responses = [] response = self._get_response() while response[0] < 200: responses.append(response) response = self._get_response() responses.append(response) return responses def get_email(self, data): """Return a list (name, email address) tuples that result from the supplied query. The algorithm for get_email is taken from messages posted to the info-ph mailing list by Steve Dorner and Scott M. Ballew . Message-ID's: <9411102104.AA14717@pern.cc.purdue.edu> """ mailbox = self.siteinfo[b"mailbox"] mailfield = self.siteinfo[b"mailfield"] responses = self.query(data) addresses = [] if self.siteinfo.get(b"maildomain", b"") != b"": maildomain = self.siteinfo[b"maildomain"] for entry in responses: if entry.get(mailbox, b"") != b"": addresses.append( { "name": entry[b"name"], "email": (entry[mailfield] + b"@" + maildomain), } ) else: for entry in responses: if entry.get(mailfield, b"") != b"": addresses.append({"name": entry[b"name"], "email": entry[mailfield]}) return addresses def close(self): """Send the quit command to qi. The subclass will have to worry about closing any sockets, files, or pipes.""" self.write_line(b"quit") class Local(CCSO): """Subclass of CCSO that implements a connection to qi running as a subprocess on the local system. This has the benefit that you don't need to log in to make changes to the database.""" def __init__(self, command="/usr/local/sbin/qi"): p = Popen(command + " -q", shell=True, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True) self.read, self.write = (p.stdin, p.stdout) CCSO.__init__(self) def read_line(self): return self.read.readline() def write_line(self, line): self.write.write(line + b"\n") self.write.flush() def close(self): CCSO.close(self) self.write.close() self.read.close() class Network(CCSO): """Subclass of CCSO that implements a connection over the network to qi running out of inetd on a remote system.""" def __init__(self, host="localhost", port=105): self.host = host self.port = port self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect((self.host, self.port)) CCSO.__init__(self) def read_line(self): line = b"" ch = self.sock.recv(1) while ch != b"\n": line = line + ch ch = self.sock.recv(1) if line[-2:] == b"\r\n": return line[:-2] + b"\n" else: return line def write_line(self, line): self.sock.send(line + b"\r\n") def close(self): CCSO.close(self) self.sock.close()