2000 **************************************************************************** >C O M P U T E R U N D E R G R O U N D< >D I G E S T< *** Volume 1, Issue #2.00 (Aug 25, 1990) ** **************************************************************************** MODERATORS: Jim Thomas / Gordon Meyer (TK0JUT2@NIU.bitnet) ARCHIVISTS: Bob Krause / Alex Smith USENET readers can currently receive CuD as alt.society.cu-digest. COMPUTER UNDERGROUND DIGEST is an open forum dedicated to sharing information among computerists and to the presentation and debate of diverse views. CuD material may be reprinted as long as the source is cited. It is assumed that non-personal mail to the moderators may be reprinted, unless otherwise specified. Readers are encouraged to submit reasoned articles relating to the Computer Underground. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DISCLAIMER: The views represented herein do not necessarily represent the views of the moderators. Contributors assume all responsibility for assuring that articles submitted do not violate copyright protections. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CONTENTS: File 1: Moderators' Corner File 2: EFF mailing #3: About the Electronic Frontier Foundation File 3: Len Rose's Search Warrant File 4: What to Read When the SS is at the Door File 5: CU in the News: More on the NY Raids ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************** *** CuD #2.00, File 1 of 5: Moderators' Comments *** ******************************************************************** Date: August 24, 1990 From: Moderators Subject: Moderators' Corner ++++++++++ In this file: 1) NATIONAL COMPUTER SECURITY CONFERENCE 2) LEN ROSE/DR. RIPCO UPDATES ++++++++++++++++++ National Computer Security Conference ++++++++++++++++++ Dorothy Denning has reminded us that the 13th National Computer Security Conference will be held Oct. 1-4 in Washington, D.C. Dorothy will be moderating a panel titled "Hackers: Who are They?" The panelists will be: Frank Drake, editor of W.O.R.M. Emmanuel Goldstein, editor of 2600 Katie Hafner, author Gordon Meyer, co-editor of CuD Craig Neidorf, former publisher of Phrack Sheldon Zenner, attorney The panel will be on Oct. 4 at 9:00am. In addition, Dorothy will present my paper "Concerning Hackers Who Break into Computer Systems" on Wednesday afternoon. For more information, call Tammie Grice at 301-975-2775. Highlights of the program are in RISKS DIGEST 10.22, which can be read on comp.risks. The complete program can be obtained by FTP from cert.sei.cmu.edu. It is file ncsc.1990.program in directory pub/virus-l/docs. ------------------------------ +++++++++++++++++++ Len Rose / Dr. Ripco Updates +++++++++++++++++++ Progress is often slow, and there is little to report about the Len Rose and Dr. Ripco situations. Although the cases are unrelated, both raise similar issues about law enforcement handling of alleged computer abuse. Dr. Ripco still remains uncharged, his equipment remains unreturned. Len Rose still faces trial in February. But, the EFF is currently looking into both cases to see what legal issues they raise. ******************************************************************** >> END OF THIS FILE << *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ From: well!eff-news-request@APPLE.COM Subject: EFF mailing #3: About the Electronic Frontier Foundation Date: Sun, 19 Aug 90 21:02:14 PDT ******************************************************************** *** CuD #2.00: File 2 of 5: EFF Update *** ******************************************************************** [Our story so far: If you're getting this message, you either asked to be added to the EFF mailing list, or asked for general information about the EFF. We have sent out two mailings before this one; if you missed them and want copies, send a request to eff-news-request@well.sf.ca.us. We now have two Usenet newsgroups set up, in the "inet" distribution. The moderated newsgroup, comp.org.eff.news, will carry everything we send to this mailing list, plus other things of interest. If your site gets the newsgroup and you want to read this stuff there instead of through the mailing list, send a request to eff-news-request@well.sf.ca.us and I'll be happy to take you off the list. And now...] ************************************************************ About the EFF General Information Revised August 1990 ************************************************************ The EFF (formally the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc.) has been established to help civilize the electronic frontier; to make it truly useful and beneficial not just to a technical elite, but to everyone; and to do this in a way which is in keeping with our society's highest traditions of the free and open flow of information and communication. The EFF now has legal status as a corporation in the state of Massachusetts. We are in the process of applying to the IRS for status as a non-profit, 501c3 organization. Once that status is granted contributions to the EFF will be tax-deductible. ************************************************************ Mission of the EFF ************************************************************ 1. to engage in and support educational activities which increase popular understanding of the opportunities and challenges posed by developments in computing and telecommunications. 2. to develop among policy-makers a better understanding of the issues underlying free and open telecommunications, and support the creation of legal and structural approaches which will ease the assimilation of these new technologies by society. 3. to raise public awareness about civil liberties issues arising from the rapid advancement in the area of new computer-based communications media and, where necessary, support litigation in the public interest to preserve, protect, and extend First Amendment rights within the realm of computing and telecommunications technology. 4. to encourage and support the development of new tools which will endow non-technical users with full and easy access to computer-based telecommunications. ************************************************************ Current EFF Activities ************************************************************ > We are helping educate policy makers and the general public. To this end we have funded a significant two-year project on computing and civil liberties to be managed by the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility. With it, we aim to acquaint policy makers and law enforcement officials of the civil liberties issues which may lie hidden in the brambles of telecommunications policy. Members of the EFF are speaking at computer and government conferences and meetings throughout the country to raise awareness about the important civil liberties issues. We are in the process of forming alliances with other other public interest organizations concerned with the development of a digital national information infrastructure. The EFF is in the early stages of software design and development of programs for personal computers which provide simplified and enhanced access to network services such as mail and netnews. Because our resources are already fully committed to these projects, we are not at this time considering additional grant proposals. > We are helping defend the innocent. We gave substantial legal support in the criminal defense of Craig Neidorf, the publisher of Phrack, a 2000 n on-line magazine devoted to telecommunications, computer security and hacking. Neidorf was indicted on felony charges of wire fraud and interstate transportation of stolen property for the electronic publication of a document which someone else had removed, without Neidorf's participation, from a Bell South computer. The government contended that the republication of proprietary business information, even if the information is of public significance, is illegal. The EFF submitted two friend of the court briefs arguing that the publication of the disputed document was constitutionally protected speech. We also were instrumental in locating an expert witness who located documents which were publicly available from Bell South which contained all the information in the disputed document. This information was critical in discrediting the government's expert witness. The government dropped its prosecution in the middle of the trial, when it became aware that its case was untenable. EFF attorneys are also representing Steve Jackson Games in its efforts to secure the complete return and restoration of all computer equipment seized in the Secret Service raid on its offices and to understand what might have been the legal basis for the raid. We are not involved in these legal matters as a "cracker's defense fund," despite press reports you may have read, but rather to ensure that the Constitution will continue to apply to digital media. We intend to demonstrate legally that speech is speech whether it finds form in ink or in ASCII. ************************************************************ What can you do? ************************************************************ For starters, you can spread the word about EFF as widely as possible, both on and off the Net. Feel free, for example, to distribute any of the materials included in this or other EFF mailings. You can turn some of the immense processing horsepower of your distributed Mind to the task of finding useful new metaphors for community, expression, property, privacy and other realities of the physical world which seem up for grabs in these less tangible regions. And you can try to communicate to technically unsophisticated friends the extent to which their future freedoms and well-being may depend on understanding the broad forms of digital communication, if not necessarily the technical details. Finally, you can keep in touch with us at any of the addresses listed below. Please pass on your thoughts, concerns, insights, contacts, suggestions, and news. And we will return the favor. ************************************************************ Staying in Touch ************************************************************ Send requests to be added to or dropped from the EFF mailing list or other general correspondence to eff-request@well.sf.ca.us. We will periodically mail updates on EFF-related activities to this list. If you receive any USENET newsgroups, your site may carry two new newsgroups in the INET distribution called comp.org.eff.news and comp.org.eff.talk. The former is a moderated newsgroup of announcements, responses to announcements, and selected discussion drawn from the unmoderated "talk" group and the mailing list. Everything that goes out over the EFF mailing list will also be posted in comp.org.eff.news, so if you read the newsgroup you don't need to subscribe to the mailing list. Postings submitted to the moderated newsgroup may be reprinted by the EFF. To submit a posting, you may send mail to eff@well.sf.ca.us. There is an active EFF conference on the Well, as well as many other related conferences of interest to EFF supporters. As of August 1990, access to the Well is $8/month plus $3/hour. Outside the S.F. Bay area, telecom access for $5/hr. is available through CPN. Register online at (415) 332-6106. A document library containing all of the EFF news releases, John Barlow's "Crime and Puzzlement" and others is available on the Well. We are working toward providing FTP availability into the document library through an EFF host system to be set up in Cambridge, Mass. Details will be forthcoming. Our Address: The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc. One Cambridge Center, Suite 300 Cambridge, MA 02142 (617) 577-1385 (617) 225-2347 (fax) After August 25, 1990: The Electronic Frontier Foundation, Inc. 155 Second Street Cambridge, MA 02142 We will distribute the new telephone number once we have it. ************************************************************ Mitchell Kapor (mkapor@well.sf.ca.us) John Perry Barlow (barlow@well.sf.ca.us) Postings and email for the moderated newsgroup should be sent to "comp-org-eff-news@well.sf.ca.us". ******************************************************************** >> END OF THIS FILE << *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Undated From: Anonymous Subject: Len Rose's Search Warrant ******************************************************************** *** CuD #2.00: File 3 of 5: Len Rose's Search Warrant *** ******************************************************************** UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT District of Maryland APPLICATION AND AFFIDAVIT FOR SEARCH WARRANT In the matter of the Search of: Residence of 7018 Willow Tree Drive CASE NUMBER: 90-0002G Middletown, Maryland I Timothy Foley being duly sworn depose and say: I am a Special Agent and have reason to believe that on the property or premises known as: the residence at 7018 Willow Tree Drive, Middletown, Maryland (see attachment B) in the District of Maryland there is now concealed a certain person or property ,namely (see attachment A) which is concerning a violation of Title 18 United States code,Sections 2314 and 1030. The facts to support a finding of Probable Cause are as follows: (see attachment C) Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence February 1,1990 at Baltimore Maryland Clarence F. Goetz,U.S. Magistrate ATTACHMENT A computer hardware (including central processing unit(s),monitors,memory devices, modem(s), programming equipment,communications equipment,disks, prints,and computer software (including but not limited to memory disks, floppy disks, storage media) and written material and documents relating to the use of the computer system (including networking access files, documentation relating to the attacking of computer and advertising the results of the computer attack (including telephone numbers and location information), which constitute evidence,instrumentalities and fruits of federal crimes, including interstate transportation of stolen property (18 USC 2314) and interstate transportation of computer access information (18 USC 1030(a)(6)). This warrant is for the seizure of the above described computer and computer data and for the authorization to read information stored and contained on the above described computer and computer data. ATTACHMENT B Two level split-foyer style house with a upper story overhang on either side of a central indentation for the front door. House is white upper with red brick lower portion under the overhanging upper story. Front door is white. There is a driveway on the lefthand side of the house as you face the front. Mail box is situated on a post adjacent to the driveway and mailbox displays the number 7018. ATTACHMENT C State of Maryland ) ) SS County of Frederick ) AFFIDAVIT 1. I, Timothy Foley, am a Special Agent of the United States Secret Service and have been so 2000 employed for the past two years. I am presently assigned to the Computer Fraud Section of the United States Secret Service in Chicago. Prior to that I was employed as an attorney of law practicing in the City of Chicago and admitted to practice in the State of Illinois. I am submitting this affidavit in support of the search warrant for the premises known as the residence of Leonard Rose at 7018 Willow Tree Drive in Middletown, Maryland. 2. This affidavit is based upon my investigation and information provided to me by Special Agent Barbara Golden of the Computer Fraud Section of the United States Secret Service in Chicago. S.A. Golden has been employed by the Secret Service for 13 years, and has been a Special Agent with the Secret Service for 3 years and by other agents of the United States Secret Service. 3. I have also received technical information and investigative assistance from the experts in the fields of telecommunications, computer technology, software development and computer security technology, including: a. Reed Newlin, a Security Officer of Southwestern Bell, who has numerous years of experience in operations,maintenance and administration of telecommunication systems as an employee of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. b. Henry M. Kluepfel, who has been employed by the Bell System or its divested companies for the last twenty-four years. Kleupfel is presently employed by Bell Communications Research, (Bellcore) as a district manager responsible for coordinating security technology and consultation at Bellcore in support of its owners, the seven (7) regional telephone companies, including BellSouth Telephone Company and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. Mr. Kleupfel has participated in the execution of numerous Federal and State search warrants relative to telecommunications and computer fraud investigations. In addition, Mr. Kleupfel has testified on at least twelve (12) occasions as an expert witness in telecommunications and computer fraud related crimes. c. David S. Bauer, who has been employed by Bell Communications Research, (Bellcore) since April 1987. Bauer is a member of the technical staff responsible for research and development in computer security technology and for consultation in support for its owners, the seven (7) regional telephone companies, including BellSouth. Mr. Bauer is an expert in software development,communications operating systems, telephone and related security technologies. Mr. Bauer has conducted the review and analysis of approximately eleven (11) computer hacking investigations for Bellcore. He has over nine (9) years of professional experience in the computer related field. d. At all times relevant to this affidavit, "computer hackers" were individuals involved with the unauthorized access of computer systems by various means. The assumed names used by the hackers when contacting each other were referred to as "hacker handles." Violations Involved ------------------- 5. 18 USC 2314 provides federal criminal sanctions against individuals who knowingly and intentionally transport stolen property or property obtained by fraud, valued at $5,000.00 or more, in interstate commerce. My investigation has revealed that on or about January 8, 1990 Leonard Rose, using the hacker handle Terminus, transported a stolen or fraudulently obtained computer program worth $77,000.00 from Middletown, Maryland to Columbia, Missouri. 6. 18 USC 1030(a) (6) provides federal criminal sanctions against individuals who knowingly and with intent to defraud traffic in interstate commerce any information through which a computer may be accessed without authorization in interstate commerce. My investigation has revealed that on or about January 8,1990 Leonard Rose trafficked a specially modified copy of AT&T Unix source code SVR 3.2 in interstate commerce from Middletown, Maryland to Columbia,Missouri. (Source code is a high level computer language which frequently uses English letters and symbols for constructing computer programs. Programs written in source code can be converted or translated by a "compiler" program into object code for use by the computer.) This Unix source code SVR 3.2 had been specially modified so that it could be inserted by a computer hacker into any computer using a Unix operating system and thereafter enable the hacker to illegally capture logins and passwords used by legitimate users of the computer. Discovery of the Altered Unix Source Code ----------------------------------------- 7. For the past seven (7) months I have been one of the United States Secret Service agents involved in a national investigation into attacks on telephone computer switches by various computer "hackers" including an organization referred to as the Legion of Doom (LOD). 8. My investigation to date has disclosed that hackers have stolen sensitive proprietary information from various telecommunications organizations and published this information in "hacker" publications such as "Phrack" newsletter. On Janurary 18,1990 Craig Neidorf (hacker handle Knight Lightning) the editor and co-publisher of "PHRACK" was caught in possession of various stolen computer files including the source code for UNIX SVR3.2 and the text file for the Bell South's enhanced 911 (E911) system. 9. On January 18,1990 Reed Newlin, Southwestern Bell, and I conducted an examination of the computer files of Craig Neidorf, a hacker known to us as Knight Lightning,at the University of Missouri at Columbia in Columbia, Missouri (referred to hereafter simply as Neidorf computer files). Newlin's examination of the Neidorf computer files extended from the night of January 18 into the early morning hours of January 19. Later on January 19 Newlin advised me that his examination of the Neidorf computer files had disclosed the existence of what he believed to be proprietary AT&T UNIX SVR3.2 source code in among Neidorf's computer files. He further advised me that the AT&T source code appeared to have been modified into a hacker tutorial which would enable a computer hacker to illegally obtain password and login information from computers running on a UNIX operating system. 10. On January 29, 1990 I interviewed Craig Neidorf and he advised me that Leonard Rose (hacker handle "Terminus") had provided him with the AT&T UNIX SVR3.2 source code which had been taken by me from his computer files on the computers at the University of Missouri. (Neidorf is soon to be indicted in Chicago for violations of 18 USC 1030,1343, and 2314. Neidorf's interview took place while he was aware of the potential charges which might be brought against him.) 11. Neidorf's identification of Leonard Rose (Terminus) as his source for the stolen UNIX source code is corroborated by the physical evidence. That evidence also shows that Terminus knew the code was stolen. On January 20, 21, and 31, 1990 I personally examined the 19 pages of AT&T UNIX SVR3.2 found in the Neidorf computer files by Newlin. On pages one and two of the AT&T document the author of the file identifies himself by the hacker handle "Terminus". On the first page of the document Terminus advised Neidorf that the source code came originally from AT&T "so it's definitely not something you wish to get caught with". Terminus also inserts the following warning into the text of the program on the first page: "Warning: this is AT&T proprietary source code. Do NOT get caught with it.." 2000 On page 26 of the program Terminus also states: "Hacked by Terminus to enable stealing passwords.. This is obviously not a tool for initial system penetration, but instead will allow you to collect passwords and accounts once it's been installed. Ideal for situations where you have a one-shot opportunity for super user privileges.. This source code is not public domain..(so don't get caught with it). In addition to these warnings from Terminus the AT&T source code also carries what appears to be the original warnings installed in the program by AT&T on pages 2,5,6,7,26 and 28: Copyright (c) 1984 AT&T All rights reserved THIS IS UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE OF AT&T The copyright notice above does not evidence and actual or intended publication of the source code. 12. On January 26 and 30, 1990 copies of the UNIX SVR 3.2 source code found in the Neidorf computer files and discussed above were sent to UNIX experts with AT&T (Mr. Al Thompson) and Bellcore (Mr. David Bauer and Mr. Hank Kleupfel) for their evaluation. 13. On January 30, 1990 Al Thompson of AT&T advised me that his initial review of the document and the initial review of the document by AT&T's software licensing group had disclosed the following: a. The document was in fact a copy of the AT&T UNIX SVR3.2 source code login program. b. The program's value was approximately $75,000.00 c. Neither Leonard Rose nor Craig Neidorf were licensed to own or possess the source code in question. d. The source code provided to him had been made into a tutorial for hackers which could be used to install "trap doors" into a computer and it's operating system. These trap doors would enable a hacker to illegally obtain the passwords and logins of the legitimate users of a computer running on a UNIX operating system. Identification of Leonard Rose as Terminus ------------------------------------------ 14. The AT&T Unix SVR3.2 source code described in paragraphs 9 through 13 above reflected that a hacker named Terminus was the author of the modifications. 15. On January 15 and 30, 1990 David Bauer of Bellcore advised me that Terminus is the hacker handle for an individual named Leonard Rose who resides in Maryland. Bauer advised me that in e-mail between Terminus and a hacker known as the Prophet (Robert Riggs), on October 9, 1988 Terminus had identified himself as: Len Rose Len@Netsys.COM,postmaster@Netsys.COM 301-371-4497 Netsys,Inc. 7018 Willowtree Drive Middletown MD 21769 16. In addition, Bauer's examination disclosed that Terminus received e-mail at the following addresses: "len@ames.arc.nasa.gov" or "len@netsys.com". The address "len@ames.arc.nasa.gov" indicates that the author has the account "len" on the system named "Ames" in the domain "arc" that is owned and operated by the National Air and Space Agency of the United States government. 17. My continuing review on January 25,1990 of the Neidorf computer files disclosed that Rose was continuing to send e-mail to Neidorf and to receive e-mail from Neidorf. On December 28,1989,Leonard Rose (Terminus) sent an e-mail message to Neidorf in which Rose gives his address as 7018 Willowtree Drive in Middletown, Maryland 21769 and gives his e-mail address as follows: "len@netsys.netsys.com" 18. On January 30, 1990 I was advised by individuals with the Computer Emergency Reaction team (CERT) that the e-mail address "len@netsys.netsys.com" is located at 7018 Willowtree Drive,Middletown, Maryland 21769. CERT is an organization located at the Carnegie-Mellon Institute and funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. It records contain information about the location of many computers in the United States. 19. There is additional evidence identifying Terminus as Leonard Rose. On January 30, 1990 I received a May 24,1987 copy of "Phrack" magazine from Hank Kluepfel of Bellcore wherein hacker Taran King (Randy Tischler) interviewed and "profiled" Terminus (a/k/a Leonard Rose). The personal background information in the article included the following: Handle: Terminus Call him: Len Past Handles: Terminal Technician Handle Origin: Terminal Technician originated because of Len's view of himself as a hacker. Terminus was an offshoot of that and, although it is an egotistical view, it means he has reached the final point of being a proficient hacker. Date of birth: 1/10/59 Age at current date: 29 Height: 5'9" Weight: About 190 lbs. Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Brown Computers: 6800 home brew system, Apple II,Altair S100, 2 Apple II+s,IBM PC,IBM XT,IBM 3270, IBM AT, and 2 Altos 986's Sysop/Co-Sysop: MetroNet,MegaNet, and NetSys Unix Terminus is further described as an electronic engineer and he designs boards for different minicomputers like PDP-11s,Data Generals,Vaxes, and Perkin-Elmer who also writes software and writes computer code in machine language. 20. My January 25 review of the Neidorf computer files also disclosed a January 9,1990 e-mail message from Rose to Neidorf at 12:20 am which corroborated the fact that Rose had sent Neidorf the UNIX SVR3.2 source code on or around January 7,1990. In this message Rose tells Neidorf that he (Rose) lost his copy of what he sent to Neidorf the other night because his (Rose's) hard drive had crashed. 21. My January 25 review also disclosed a second e-mail message from Rose to Neidorf on January 9,1990, at 3:05 pm . This message indicates that Neidorf had sent a copy of the requested source code back to Rose as requested (see paragraph 20 above). Rose's message began: "RE: UNIX file" and stated that the copy of the stolen source code received back from Neidorf had some type of "glitch". 22. These messages reflect that Rose still has at least one copy of the UNIX SVR3.2 source code in his possession. 23. On January 29,1990 Craig Neidorf advised me that on or around January 9, 1990 he received a copy of the Unix SVR3.2 source code which was telecommunicated to him via Bitnet from Leonard Rose in Maryland. 24. On January 30,1990, Hank Kluepfel of Bellcore advised me that based upon his background experience and investigation in this case and investigating approximately 50 other incidents this year involving the unauthorized use of other computer systems,hackers that run computer bulletin boards typically keep and use the following types of hardware,software and documents to execute their fraud schemes and operate their bulletin boards: a. Hardware - a central processing unit,a monitor, a modem,a keyboard, a printer, and storage devices (either floppy disks or auxiliary disk units),telephone equipment (including automatic dialing equipment,cables and connectors), tape drives and recording equipment. b. Software - hard disks, and floppy disks containing computer programs, including, but not limited to software data files, e-mail files, UNIX software and other AT&T proprietary software. c. Documents - computer related manuals, computer related textbooks, l 2000 ooseleaf binders, telephone books,computer printouts,videotapes and other documents used to access computers and record information taken from the computers during the above referred to breakins. 25. Based upon the above information and my own observation, I believe that at the residence known as 7018 Willow Tree Drive, Middletown, Maryland there is computer hardware (including central processing unit(s),monitors,memory devices,modem(s),programming equipment, communication equipment,disks,prints and computer software (including but not limited to memory disks,floppy disks,storage media) and written material and documents relating to the use of the computer system (including networking access files,documentation relating to the attacking of computer and advertising the results of the computer attack (including telephone numbers and location information.) This affidavit is for the seizure of the above described computer and computer data and for the authorization to read information stored and contained on the above described computer and computer data which are evidence of violations of 18 USC 2314 and 1030, as well as evidence,instrumentalities or fruits of the fraud scheme being conducted by the operator of the computer at that location. Location to be Searched 26. On January 31, 1990 I was advised by S.A. John Lewis, USSS in Baltimore that 7018 Willow Tree Drive in Middletown, Maryland is a two-level split-foyer style house with an upper story overhang on either side of a central indentation for the front door. The front door is white. There is a driveway on the left side of the house as you face the front. A mail box is situated on a post next to the driveway and displays the number 7018. 27. Request is made herein to search and seize the above described computer and computer data and to read the information contained in and on the computer and computer data. Special Agent TIMOTHY FOLEY United States Secret Service Sworn and Subscribed to before me this 1st day of February, 1990 Clarence E. Goetz United States Magistrate ******************************************************************** >> END OF THIS FILE << *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 20 Aug 90 21:03 EDT From: Subject: What to Read When the SS is at the Door ******************************************************************** *** CuD #2.00: File 4 of 5: Cyber Reading List *** ******************************************************************** ******************** Mr. Mage is our resident cyberczar, and he passed along the following list of his favorite cyber-related books and games for those wanting more info on what it's all about (J&G). ********************* Cyberpunk Book List "Remember, What was once science fiction usually ends up as science.." Title Author ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Johnny Zed Betancourt, John Gregory When Gravity Fails Effinger, George Alec The Long Orbit Farren, Mick The Company Man Faust, Clifford A Death of Honor Faust, Clifford Cyber Way Foster, Alan Dean Neuromancer Gibson, William Mona Lisa Overdrive Gibson, William Count Zero Gibson, William Burning Chrome Gibson, William Barking Dogs Green, Terrence M. The Glass Hammer Jeter, K.W. Farewell Horizontal Jeter, K.W. Bad Voltage Littel, Jonathan Armageddon Blues Moran, Daniel Keys Emerald Eyes Moran, Daniel Keys Yesterdays Pawn Quick, W.T. Dreams of Flesh and Sand Quick, W.T. Dreams of Gods and Men Quick, W.T. Systems Quick, W.T. Eclipse Penumbra Shirley, John Eclipse Shirley, John Little Heroes Spinrad, Norman Other Americas Spinrad, Norman Islands in the Net Spinrad, Norman Mercedes Nights Weaver, Michael D. Angel Station Williams, Walter Jon Hardwired Williams, Walter Jon Voice of the Whirlwind Williams, Walter Jon These book are listed in alph order by author. Be careful since some of these books are parts of a series and are not in order. ALSO, BEWARE that these books deal with the genre of science fiction called Cyberpunk and have been called questionable by the U.S. government. Some Cyberpunk Roleplaying Games: Cyberpunk by R. Talsorian Games Inc. CyberSpace by I.C.E ShadowRun by FASA Corp. GURPS Cyberpunk by Steve Jackson Games If you come across other Cyberpunk books or games not on this list, please send a note to the CuD moderators and they will send it on to me. Thanks. Dark Mage ******************************************************************** >> END OF THIS FILE << *************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 23 Aug 90 00:48:21 EDT From: Michael Rosen Subject: More on the NY Raids ******************************************************************** *** CuD #2.00: File 5 of 5: CU in the News *** ******************************************************************** "NY State Police Round up Hackers" Computerworld, August 20, 1990, pg. 99, (by Michael Alexander) The New York State Police rounded up 13 alleged computer hackers last week - including a 14-year-old boy who is accused of breaking into a U.S. Air Force computer at the Pentagon - and charged them with computer tampering and computer trespassing. The Hackers are suspected of altering some files and deleting others in a mainframe computer at City University in Bellevue, Wash., according to Donald Delaney, senior investigator and supervisor of the major case squad at the state police barracks in East Farmingdale, N.Y. The hackers allegedly used an 800 number to break into the computer, making it easy to identify them, Delaney said. More than 40 hackers reportedly broke into the system, but only those who allegedly spent "an extended period of time," in the computer were arrested. Eight of those arrested were juveniles, Delaney said. Police plan to arrest three more hackers this week and "probably more" later, he said. Police seized computers, modems and other gear used in the break-ins from the homes of the 13 hackers. Pentagon break-in One of the hackers, a 14-year-old boy who used the handle Zod, is also accused of breaking into a Unix-based superminicomputer at the Pentagon. He is alleged to be a member of a hacker group called MOD, an acronym for Masters of Disasters and Mothers on Drugs, among other appellations. "The information gleaned from the computer is of unclassified, administrative nature," said Major Steve Headley of the Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. "However, the office of special investigations of the Air Force is concerned primarily that the act was criminal in itself and...while it was innocuous, unclassified stuff, in aggregate, over a long period of time, it could have meaning or be perhaps sensitive." How and why the break-in occurred remains to be determined, Headley said. The arrests came after a two-month investigation by a number of agencies, including the New York State Police, the Air Force Office of Special Investigations and the U.S. Secret Service. ********************* d1 *********************************************** ------------------------------ **END OF CuD #2.00** ********************************************************************  0