1890 Demos - only for Europe? / Celebrandil of PHA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hello everyone... I'm really glad to see that this newsgroup has become so popular. In the very beginning there were not so many people here at all. It seems to me that we have a little war going on between the two different continents. The problem is that most demos are made for only one configuration and don't work on all the rest. Most (all?) demos are made in Europe and are therefore only working here. You (at least the americans) are always asking why it has to be that way. I think that the reason is because of the growing competition between all democoders here in Europe. They (we) always want to be ahead of the rest and since the number of members of _The_Scene_ in the US are so few, we don't care at all. You make a demo for several different reasons, 1) to become as wellknown as possible among the others (not among the 'serious' A3000 users (I'm one of them)), 2) to reach the top of all existing charts (especially the most important one, the Eurochart), 3) to win as many competitions as possible, 4) to convince yourself that you have gain a bit of experience. Now I suppose that you (the americans) have become quite mad with me. Please be patient and go on reading. The reasons why we don't care about you over there are also important. 1) You will never be popular in Europe if you try to use 320*200 screens, instead of the ordinary 320*256 ones, just to suit all the americans. 2) To make your demo as good as possible you use about 99 percent of the CPU time in order to drain the computer completly. Since the screens are updated 60 times every second on the american computers (not 50 times) there won't time enough in the US. 3) There are NO important american demo charts at all and the competitions are very few. The reasons why most demos only work on A500s are almost the same. As a new owner of an A3000 I also think that this is a pity. The number of A3000 owners will probably grow and sooner or later we (the democoders) will be forced to change our habits in order to make the demos work on all configurations. How do we solve this then? I think that there are different ways for the americans to convince us. Why don't you start your own American Demo Chart? Only the demos working in the US will be there. Don't you understand how important the charts are for the european democoders? You can also try to arrange your own parties and code your own demos. Remember one thing: _The_Scene_ isn't only consisting of a couple of hundred freaks spread all over Europe. The number of voters for the Eurochart are about 1 thousand and every year about 1 thousand demos are released in Europe. One hundred of these are quite good and about ten are really good. If you consider these figures it's easy for you to understand that we are quite many, 20'000 or maybe ever more. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that I am. Have a nive day.... ****************************************************************** d90mj.efd.lth.se - Marten Johansson - Celebrandil of Phenomena ****************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demos - Only for Europe? / Celebrandil of Phenomena ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In article <1992Jan24.221649.16014@ringer.cs.utsa.edu> mjbrown@lonestar.utsa.edu writes: >In article <1992Jan24.205953.17049@lth.se> d90mj@efd.lth.se writes: >>How do we solve this then? I think that there are different ways >>for the americans to convince us. Why don't you start your own >>American Demo Chart? Only the demos working in the US will be >>there. Don't you understand how important the charts are for the >>european democoders? You can also try to arrange your own parties >>and code your own demos. >At any rate, I'd like to see this American Chart work. Someone start >organizing. You've already got one volunteer (it's the position with the >least obligation; crank out one decent mod every couple of months...no >sweat :). Okay, I've said what I wanted to say. Again: Volunteers!! >Let's start this! >-- >-Maruku Buranu (Marc Brown) mjbrown@lonestar.utsa.edu It seems to me that most of the people here are americans. Am I right? I don't know how easy it is to organize an American Chart at all. The major problem is how to find all these voters, they have to be at least one hundred. How many bigger groups do exist in the US? One way of doing it is to let others (europeans) vote as well. Only demos working both in NTSC and PAL will be allowed. Which charts are supposed to be there? I've a few suggestions: 1) Best demo (both oneparts and multiparts) 2) Best musicdisk 3) Best coder 4) Best musician 5) Best artist 6) Best group 7) Best American group (to help you grow up) and maybe 8) Best European group 9) Best Australian group. Note: no trader charts no game charts Most of the work must be done in the states, but I think we also need a european (and australian?) part of it. It doesn't have to be at all as professional as the EuroChart. We will grow after a while. I (Celebrandil) am willing to create a european staff if someone else try to start the same in the US. The program (not too much job) has to be coded in the US and then we will spread it all over Europe. Remember one thing: The reason why people don't care to make demos working on all configurations isn't because they don't now how to do it. It's just because they want the demos to be as fast as possible. It will never stop us from being hired as professionals for serious stuff. That's bullshit! You (some stupid americans) don't know what you are talking about. You have never been in the situation when you want to win a competition and the only way of doing that is speeding the demo up a bit and not letting the demo work in the US at the same time. Have a nice day... ****************************************************************** d90mj.efd.lth.se - Marten Johansson - Celebrandil of Phenomena ****************************************************************** 0