30a In this file I will keep track of what has been updated on this Gopher. It's better to do it in this file than to do it in seperate Phlog entries. Newest updates are on top of the listing. 2004-01-04: Added an English document about RSBAC (used in Adamantix) in english/computer/linux, called rsbac.adamantix (txt). 2003-12-24: Added a new file in english/computer/cyberwar, titled 'Cyberwar is Coming!'. Found it on The WELL Gopher. : Added the english/computer/literature directory, where I will put quotes from computer related books I read. : Started using the 001-Updates file. 2003-12-23: Started Phlogging. The original dump of Geeklog won't be updated anymore, I removed the cronjob ;) 0