459 If you have having difficulty viewing Gopherspace, your client might be broken or not current with current Gopher practise. Many web browsers make inadequate gopher clients; see our related document on this topic: gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/0/gopher/wbgopher Signs of a broken implementation include 1) not showing all selectors on a menu; 2) not showing informational text at all; or 3) incorrectly rendering informational text as links, which invariably fail. ** IF YOUR BROWSER RENDERS GOPHER CORRECTLY, you should have seen a title blurb before the link for this document explaining about gopher.floodgap.com, and it should not have been a link. ** To see a reference implementation in action, or if you are unlucky enough to use a browser that does not support Gopher at all (MSIE 6, Opera, Safari, etc.), you can visit the Floodgap Public Gopher Proxy here to view gopher sites translated into HTML: http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/ Please note that all access is governed by Floodgap Terms of Service. For questions, please notify gopher@floodgap.com . . 0