4db ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Gopher from the Registrar's Office at UCI - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This information server is provided by the Office of the Registrar at the University of California, Irvine. Address questions or comments about this service to gopher@ka.reg.uci.edu. Currently the Registrar provides the following services. 1. About this menu. This file. 2. Schedule of Classes. Information pertaining to the Schedule of Classes including an electronic form of the Schedule of Classes booklet published by the Registrar's Office. Current plans are for overnight updates to this document. 3. siNet SiNet is the Registrar's Student Information Network project which encompasses student information gathered and held by the Registar's Office, Undergraduate Admissions, and Graduate Admissions. Access to this system is restricted to UCI campus employees with a demonstrable need for this information. Contact your department for more information. 4. UCI gopher service. The rest of UCI's gopherspace. . 0