a27 ---> Welcome to JumpJet <--- JumpJet isn't about MechWarriors or AV-8B Harrier aircraft. JumpJet is instead an excellent place to begin your voyage through Gopherspace. There are several major selectors accessable from the JumpJet root: 1) access.htm = As an explorer in the underground world of Gopher, you must now realize that there is more to the Internet than the World Wide Web. This HTML link list is dedicated to listing Publicly Accessible Servers by Internet Protocol, with special emphasis on the non-Web Internet. This is an extraordinarily useful and highly recommended document. (Note: For those using a client or proxy unable to view html documents, this document has been kindly mirrored on the Web by the Metal Rat at http://www.coolbeat.biz/metalrat/index.htm ). 2) Begin_Here = This selector is for persons new to the Gopher protocol. Here you will find descriptions of the Gopher protocol, how to properly design Gopher sites, and reviews of Gopher Host and Client software. -> Sorry, this selector is not yet activated <- 3) Classic_Gamer = A selector dedicated to classic Arcade, Computer, and Cartridge video games. 4) DOS_Lives = Software utilities and applications for the Disk Operating System, with special emphasis on enhancing DOS for the new millenium. Yes, most of the latest computer gadgets can be made to work with DOS. 5) Gopher_Jewels_2 = The much loved and sorely missed "Gopher Jewels" is reborn. 6) Treasure = Miscellaneous items worthy of being hosted on JumpJet. 7) Win2k_Hosting = Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional is a frequently overlooked platform for Hosting Internet servers. This selector suggests that with PROPER software choices, Win2k can not only be enhanced, but can often beat Unix-based systems in stability, security, and ease of use. The applets found under "Enhancements" are especially useful, even if you are only using Windows as your primary desktop operating system! ====================================================================== WARNING: Avoid downloading ZIP files through the Floodgap Public Gopher Proxy (Floodgaps http server renames ALL downloaded ZIP files to "gw.zip"). Instead, choose to download ZIP files direct (using a "gopher://" URL). Note, Internet Explorer users can re-enable Gopher URL support by creating a Windows Registry Key as follows: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]"EnableGopher"=dword:00000001 . 0