49d Welcome worldwide-web browsers, gopher browsers and ftp browsers to the Berkeley gdead Grateful Dead archives. Note to save disk space, many files have been compressed with the GNU utility gzip; such files have the ending extension ".gz". This ftp server can "gunzip" this files on the "fly" (if you don't have "gzip" on your local machine); just "get" the files without the ".gz" extension. For example: ftp> cd pub/gdead/sounds/SunAuFormat ftp> bin ftp> get zero_samba.au **************************************************** Disclaimer: The University of California is not responsible for the contents of this archive, and has not sanctioned its contents Questions and comments may be directed to kraitch@EECS.Berkeley.EDU Other anonymous ftp gdead sites include: ftp.uwp.edu (cd /pub/music/lists/gdeadstuff2) ftp.apple.com (cd /pub/gdeadstuff) xanth.cs.odu.edu (cd /pub/gdead) ***************************************************************** From kraitch@EECS.Berkeley.EDU Wed June 16, 1993 With respect to US Copyright law and GDP's and GDM's copyrights, several items (mostly graphics) have been removed from this archive. . 0