46d Grateful Dead Hour no. 228 Week of February 1, 1993 Part 1 26:02 In cue: :00 :40 Introduction :40 24:54 Grateful Dead 7/17/66 Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco BIG BOSS MAN STANDING ON THE CORNER BEAT IT ON DOWN THE LINE IN THE PINES CARDBOARD COWBOY NOBODY'S FAULT BUT MINE NEXT TIME YOU SEE ME 25:34 :28 ID Out cue: ...when the Grateful Dead Hour continues. 26:02 1:05 Music bed for local announcements 27:07 :04 Pause Part 2 25:13 In cue: And now, here are some scenes from next week's... 27:11 :41 Introduction 27:52 8:00 Ken Nordine, Devout Catalyst THE MOVIE 35:52 15:42 Grateful Dead 9/20/70 Fillmore East, New York City CASEY JONES CHINA CAT SUNFLOWER-> I KNOW YOU RIDER 51:34 :50 Outro Out cue: and I'll meet you back here next week. . 0