3fa Grateful Dead Hour no. 551 Do not broadcast before April 12, 1999 Pgm ID: 98-K28-00014 Uplink: Thu, Apr 8, 1999 23:00 ET Part 1 35:20 In cue: :00 1:52 Introduction 1:52 33:08 Grateful Dead 6/30/74 Civic Center, Springfield MA PLAYING IN THE BAND-> UNCLE JOHN'S BAND-> PLAYING IN THE BAND 35:00 :20 ID Out cue: ...when the Grateful Dead Hour continues. 35:20 :30 Music bed 35:50 :05 Pause Part 2 18:48 In cue: You're listening to the Grateful Dead Hour. 35:55 :08 Introduction 36:03 5:06 Grateful Dead ??/??/66 HEY LITTLE ONE 41:09 12:39 Grateful Dead 10/9/84 Centrum, Worcester MA LET IT GROW 53:48 :55 Outro Out cue: ...and I'll meet you back here next week. 54:48 2:00 Promo for next week: Dick Latvala's vault party cont'd. . 0