377 Grateful Dead Hour no. 573 Do not broadcast before September 13, 1999 Pgm ID: 98-K28-00036 Uplink: Thu, Sep 9, 1999 23:00 ET Part 1 13:05 In cue: :00 12:53 DICK'S PICKS VOL. 7 feature 12:53 :12 ID Out cue: ...music from October 1972. 13:05 :30 Music bed 13:35 :05 Pause Part 2 40:28 In cue: You're listening to the Grateful Dead Hour. 13:40 :27 Introduction 14:07 38:49 Grateful Dead 10/28/72 Public Hall, Cleveland OH Dick's Intro 4/19/95 DARK STAR-> PHILO STOMP-> JAM-> SUGAR MAGNOLIA 52:56 1:12 Outro Out cue: ...and I'll meet you back here next week. 54:13 2:00 Promo for next week: 11/6/79 . 0