4a8 Grateful Dead Hour no. 586 Do not broadcast before December 13, 1999 Pgm ID: 99-K28-00049 Uplink: Thu, Dec 9, 1999 23:00 ET Part 1 25:19 In cue: :00 :55 Introduction :55 24:06 Grateful Dead 6/28/91 Mile High Stadium, Denver CO TOUCH OF GREY GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD MISSISSIPPI HALFSTEP WANG DANG DOODLE 25:01 :18 ID Out cue: ...when the Grateful Dead Hour continues. 25:19 :30 Music bed 25:49 :05 Pause Part 2 31:16 In cue: You're listening to the Grateful Dead Hour. 25:54 :27 Introduction 26:21 12:50 Grateufl Dead 2/11/70 Fillmore East, NYC NOT FADE AWAY 39:11 7:20 Interview: Michael Getz part 1 46:31 3:03 Grateful Dead 12/7/68 Bellarmine College, Louisville KY ROSEMARY 49:34 6:31 Interview: Michael Getz part 2 56:05 1:05 Outro Out cue: ...and I'll meet you back here next week. 57:15 1:30 Promo for next week: 6/28/91 set 1 concl. . 0