425 Grateful Dead Hour no. 892 Week of October 24, 2005 or later Part 1 22:12 In cue: :00 1:19 Introduction 1:19 20:36 Grateful Dead 9/20/90 Madison Square Garden, New York City EL PASO BROWN-EYED WOMEN US BLUES 21:55 :17 ID Out cue: ...when the Grateful Dead Hour continues. 22:12 :30 Music bed 22:42 :05 Pause Part 2 34:38 In cue: It's the Grateful Dead Hour. 22:47 3:22 Introduction 26:09 :23 Obray Ramsey, from The Music Never Stopped: Roots of the GD RAIN AND SNOW 26:32 28:40 Grateful Dead 3/17/68 Carousel Ballroom, SF (Download vol 6) CAUTION (DO NOT STOP ON TRACKS)-> FEEDBACK 55:12 2:03 Outro Out cue: ...and I'll meet you back here next week. 57:15 :10 Outro music bed 57:30 1:30 Promo for next week: 9/20/90 continued . 0