5b3 About the files "SMOKE___.JPG & SMOKE___.GIF": These are stills captured from the Jerry Garcia Band video "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" released August 1995. The letter that came with the video included a statement that the video could be copied and shared. Stills captured from the video aren't usually as clear as a frame from a still camera, especially since my copy of the video is indeed a COPY of the original tape that was sent out. Because of this I have cleaned up the stills, occasionally altering them. The files with the letter W before the .JPG or .GIF are heavily altered, usually to look like water colors. The JPGs are either 480x360 or 640x480. The GIFs so far are 320x240. The numbering system on the pictures is based on when I captured them. Other than that the numbers mean nothing. I'm sending four or five files tonight. I'll send more as I finish them. I hope someone gains some enjoyment from these pictures. I claim no copyright on any of my modifications to these. Please share them freely. They should not be used on any product sold for a profit without contacting the video distributor for permission. I'm working on putting the entire JGB Smoke video on disk for playback on Mac or Windows machines. I hope to have that finished very soon. A huge thank you goes to Jeff Brusig. October 4, 1995 Phil Johnson (pj@unl.edu) "Don't give it up. You've got an empty cup only love can fill." . 0