828 XBALLS.MPG is an Xing-compatible mpeg (160x120 x 36 frames). The scene is of 4 chrome and 4 mirrored balls rotating around a larger glass sphere. After generating 36 frames (2.5' rotation each) I passed the resulting TGA's thru CMPEG which generated my animation. NOTE: it may appear to run very slow on some machines... this is because of the small increment of rotation. The advantage is that on a fast machine, its very smooth in its motion! Please mail any comments to kaminsky@cse.psu.edu Here is the Pov-Ray2.0 file I used for each frame of motion: > #include "colors.inc" > #include "shapes.inc" > #include "textures.inc" > > max_trace_level 5 > > camera { > location <-0, 10, -28> > direction <0, 0, 4> > up <0, 1, 0> > right <4/3, 0, 0> > look_at <0, 1.8, 0> > } > > light_source { <-5, 50, -5> color rgb <1,1,1> } > > union { > object { Cube > scale <5, 0.001, 7> > > pigment { > checker color Red color White > translate <1, 0, 7> > } > finish { > ambient 0.35 > diffuse 0.65 > crand 0.015 > } > } > > sphere { <0, 2.15, 0>, 2.15 > pigment { White filter 0.75 } > finish { > ambient 0.2 > diffuse 0.0 > reflection 0.12 > refraction 1.0 > ior 1.45 > specular 1.0 > roughness 0.001 > } > } > } > > union { > sphere { <3, 2.15, 0> 0.75 texture { Polished_Chrome } } > sphere { <0, 2.15, 3> 0.75 texture { Polished_Chrome } } > sphere { <-3, 2.15, 0> 0.75 texture { Polished_Chrome } } > sphere { <0, 2.15,-3> 0.75 texture { Polished_Chrome } } > sphere { < 2.12, 2.15, -2.12> 0.6 texture { Chrome_Metal } } > sphere { < 2.12, 2.15, 2.12> 0.6 texture { Chrome_Metal } } > sphere { <-2.12, 2.15, 2.12> 0.6 texture { Chrome_Metal } } > sphere { <-2.12, 2.15, -2.12> 0.6 texture { Chrome_Metal } } > rotate (-2.5*clock)*y > } . 0