2000 Live Online Chat with Bobby, Mickey, and Billy AOL Grateful Dead Chat Room August 2, 2000 / 6:00-6:30 PT Form but not quotes edited for clarity OtherOnes.Net Furthur page Sweeney99: Tonight we are pleased to have Bob Weir, Mickey Hart, and Bill Kruetzmann we're talking about the Furthur Festival which starts August 23rd in San Diego welcome guys MickeyHart: It's good to be alive, as a matter of fact. Billy the Kreutz: hi, it's good to be here Guitar Weir:hi all, hello to everybody in cyberland First, Billy, tell us how it feels to be back playing with these guys again Billy the Kreutz: it feels incrediable, i love being back Guitar Weir: He will have to do MickeyHart :It's a very powerful experience to be back in the tractor beam with my partner Bill again. Billy the Kreutz: hey mickey did you break bob guitar? MickeyHart: Sometimes I'd like to, but he plays too good -- and we do need guitar players. Even the smaller animals of the forest think so... Billy the Kreutz: we must feed the guitar players Guitar Weir: it is graphite Billy the Kreutz: more drums... ok, Doc Holliday30 wants to know: will the band continue to play the same style of music? Billy the Kreutz: no Guitar Weir: smae as it ever was MickeyHart: Yes and no. Billy the Kreutz: ha ha MickeyHart: You see, we're trying to retool and reset a lot of the music. Billy the Kreutz: make it new MickeyHart: Sort of reinvent it, in an interesting and passionate way. Guitar Weir: same as it ever was MickeyHart: Not really copy ourselves. It'll be a hybrid. Billy the Kreutz: very hybrid PhriendOTD sez: hey bobby, any chance well here a crazy joke/ story this tour? perhaps yello dog story??? Billy the Kreutz: no, no Guitar Weir: yes I 'll be doing selected jokes from my joke book bob weir- excellent show at hookahville last spring, how come the change in venues for the tour?? Guitar Weir: we just could not organize it so we could share the space Guitar Weir: too bad it is a nice venue MickeyHart: What a shame. We can't eat the mosquitoes at Bugeye Lake this year. here's a good one for the drummers: Will you bee bringin back a Drumz/Space type jam to the new shows? MickeyHart: Oh, yeah, you bet. Billy the Kreutz: you bet, YES!!!! MickeyHart: But it will be new -- but we're gonna go out in the zone, you'd better believe it. Zones 'are us. Billy the Kreutz: the strange remains, zones are us! Question: What is up with Phil? I know that you are sick of this...but please??????? Guitar Weir: Phil is out doing what he always wanted to do, we are not going to rain on his parade Brotherboldt sez: hello, mickey, i am reading your drumming at the edge of magic, and i love your comment about being born in any other culture, you would be considered a shaman, and not a rocknroll drummer. How impt was shamanism to jerry, and the others? anyotherthoughts MickeyHart: If you mean the connection between music, trance, and healing then it's everything. That's what a shaman does. But you have to start with yourself, before you can give it to anyone else. Guitar Weir: I ain't going to touch that! MickeyHart: But Jerry used to think of us as seat of the pants kinda shamans. And that's the way I think of it. But as we get older, we seem to have a more potent brew. Guitar Weir: The funk grows hair GratefulDead78 sez: Did you guys do anything special for Jerry's B-day yesterday? Guitar Weir: We got together and played Billy the Kreutz: we played MickeyHart: I plant a tree every year, no b.s. I have a place in the back of my yard where I plant an evergreen, the Jerry Garcia Memorial Garden. Billy the Kreutz: i plant a guitar Eadams441 says: what's the newest tune you're working on? Guitar Weir: doesn't have a name yet MickeyHart: The newest tune is called, "Would You Do It for Love?", written especially for this band. KarmanKris asks: do you ever get tired of playing Dead songs and want to focus on your own music more? Guitar Weir: half and half MickeyHart: Dead music is my music, as well. I can't separate them, really Billy the Kreutz: not when you've been away for 5 years MickeyHart: Sometimes I play music outside the GD, and some GD songs are my songs. When someone brings a song into the band, we make it our own. So whatever we play is a GD or, in this case, an Other Ones song. Guitar Weir: It is edures its ritual caning Viagra Monster wants to know: Question for Mickey, Are we going to be treated to another "Fire on the mountain"? Billy the Kreutz: we did it yesterday MickeyHart: Yeah, I would think so. It'll be another incarnation, the snake will shed it's skin again -- Alikinz says: Was Bob nervous at last week's Groove Grass festival in Colorado? (my friend was convinced that's why he had trouble remembering lyrics! I disagreed w/ her but was wondering if he could shed some light on the subject!) Guitar Weir: It was 8500 feet, I was having alittle oxygen difficulty Guitar Weir: The good part was I was out of my body for most of that show MickeyHart: 7,000 feet does it for me. Billy the Kreutz: i prefer 10,000 do you know how much you all mean to us MickeyHart: You talkin' to me? Billy the Kreutz: thank you Guitar Weir: I don't want to think about that.. LaZyLiGhTnInG420 says: do u guys know of any of the bands that are gonna jump on furthur besides u and ziggy? Billy the Kreutz: no, don't know any MickeyHart: No, that decision is up to certain local promoters. We'll check out their choices, but we don't know yet. Billy the Kreutz: but i'll be dancing to Ziggy Billy I'm so stoked to see you back in the fold; I missed the show you did as Phil's Friend. Are you excited about the tour? Billy the Kreutz: very excited, exceptionally Hi bobby. have you thought of what tune yer gonna lead the tour off with? Guitar Weir: It is a little early to be thinking about that... a recurring question: What do you guys think of the band Phish MickeyHart: I've heard them on a download -- never heard them live -- Guitar Weir: Sounds like they have a fuck of alot of fun.. MickeyHart: very attractive to my ear. I really like the way they sound. They Sound like a good band -- which isn't necessarily easy to get me to say. Not sure how this started, but we always have to ask: What's your favorite ice cream? MickeyHart: Sorry, sorry, sorry. Cherry Garcia, of course. Guitar Weir: beetle nut Billy the Kreutz: beatle nut MickeyHart: But there's not enough cherries. Spackleguy sez: Bobby -when might we be seeing a RatDog released cd? Guitar Weir: Pretty quick, it was mastered today... Guitar Weir: September 26, in all your better and not so good stores Sweeney99: here at the GDF for sure Guitar Weir: Called Evening Moods Billy the Kreutz: the worlds ugliest dog Guitar Weir: We got a dog on the cover that looks like a cross between a chihuaha and werewolf Billy the Kreutz: is this part of the ugly dog joke MickeyHart: Uglier than the first... never mind. Guitar Weir: Five times and current reigning world's ugliest dog Billy the Kreutz: where did you find it Guitar Weir: Petaluma Guitar Weir: The album says what it has to say about itself....I had fun making it Olompali4 asks: How about an Other Ones studio disc..produced by one Daniel Lanois???? Guitar Weir: Sounds good to me Guitar Weir: We got some writing to do first MickeyHart: He's a great producer, but we don't know him. I love the idea Sweeney99: somebody here must know him Billy the Kreutz: i'd like to do a studio album MickeyHart: of a studio album, though. Who are some of the bands you guys enjoy listening to now Guitar Weir: JOhn coltane quartet Guitar Weir: Right in the teeth of the monsoon Billy the Kreutz: alice coltrane MickeyHart: I'm going to Thailand in November to record, so I'm -- Billy just told me it's 3 feet deep in rain in November, so maybe I'm going in March. But whenever I'm going, I've been studying up on the music. Gamelan sounding music, big tuned metal percussion ensembles. It's 1b22 not that far from Bali, I guess... Guitar Weir: March is a great time Billy the Kreutz: journey to sasktuwain Billy the Kreutz: did you miss me Let's talk about the newest OO, Alphonso Johnson MickeyHart: He's a real bass player, a very good player. And he makes Billy the Kreutz: very big ears MickeyHart: this band sound very good. It's been a while since I played Billy the Kreutz: and we make him sound very good. MickeyHart: with someone new that was so much fun... MickeyHart: Also, he's Mr. Good Vibes -- a real addition. Billy the Kreutz: it is soooooo much fun RagefulDead: WILL MY ALVAREZ REGULATOR SERIES ELECTRIC WITH A GRAPHITE NECK EVER COME EVEN CLOSE TO THE STRING BENDING BOBBY DOES? Guitar Weir: IT is worth a try.. Mickey's live show at HOB in Chicago was great..will he sing more tunes at Furthur??? MickeyHart: Yes, I will. Surprises are in store. I'm glad you liked the Chicago show -- we had major fun on this tour. Bill, what made you come aboar the Other Ones Billy the Kreutz: i missed playing music. Billy, is Justin filming shows for future DVD???? Billy the Kreutz: yes!! you guys ain't gonna play all the same songs as 98, is ya? :^) Guitar Weir: We are going to try and work them all up plus a bunch of other ones MickeyHart: This is not the same band, of course, so even the same songs will sound quite different. And in my estimation, even more powerful than the band of '98. Plus new songs will be added. I've just finished one with Hunter, and there's two more in the wings... plus we composed one today in rehearsal. This is, after all, a jam band. Sweeney99: wow Guitar Weir: Your chances of hearing what you heard in the show last time are pretty slim MickeyHart: We just got to play -- that's the well. Guitar Weir: There is going to be alot of new stuff falling out of sky on this... DO u guys like traveling together Billy the Kreutz: oh Guitar Weir: Nothing I would rather do MickeyHart: Yeah, I'm fine with it. I like hanging out with the people I'm playing with. Billy the Kreutz: i like travel a lot Sweeney99: [much laughter] MickeyHart: Lying bastard. This is for Mickey and Bill... Do you both feel a stronger connection when playing percussion now that you have had some personal growth time? Billy the Kreutz: how do you know we've had personal growth time. MickeyHart: I'm a better drummer than I was five years ago. And I Guitar Weir: (Laughs loudly) Guitar Weir: Personal some kind of time MickeyHart: think we're just taking up where we left off -- and going higher and further. billy it is chris digirolamo from new york long time no see! how excited are you to do the tour? Billy the Kreutz: thanks chris how's the drumming going? Do you have a date set for your next album release? MickeyHart: Which album do you mean? Guitar Weir: Ummm...which group, other ones or rat dog, or mickey or billy Sweeney99: August 8th is Stolen Roses Sweeney99: cool Vault release is Sept Sweeney99: Cool Persuasion CD soon too RAM110 says: Are TOO bringing out any GD tunes that where shelved prior to Jerry's death Guitar Weir: Yes we have a long list of them MickeyHart: There weren't any tunes that were offlimits, it was just a question of the limits of what we could cover in the time Guitar Weir: Nothing is sacro sinc MickeyHart: availavble. Luck of the draw. No limits -- hey, we're who weMickeyHart: are, after all. Guitar Weir: leave sacro sinc BabaJingo1 asks: Hey Bob, my wife wants to know how you like fatherhood? Guitar Weir: What do you think? MickeyHart: Furtherhood or fatherhood? FritzStork: willyou guys be bringing out some of the real old stuff(1969-1972) Guitar Weir: I expect so MickeyHart: You bet. Guitar Weir: We have only been rehearsing for two days! MickeyHart: I think some of the best stuff we did was some of the more experimental stuff that we were doing in the sixgties, -- very rhythmically complex, better to jam with for me than the Workingman's stuff, which is beautiful but simpler. Home territory for me. so yeah, we'll get there...; Billy the Kreutz: only been back a couple days. takes a while to get that far back into history Onpapermjw asks: There are alot of rumors about the entire terapin suite being played by The Other Ones. Is that really possible to arrange? Billy the Kreutz: we're talking about it Guitar Weir: We have been tallking about it MickeyHart: I like these rumors. Weir, are you spreading these rumors. MickeyHart: It's not a bad idea, though. I've always wanted to do the whole thing, including the Flyer -- and at a Siding -- hmm, this is one rumor that might just have good legs. Billy the Kreutz: see how it plays... 1 or 2 sets? Guitar Weir: We'll see Billy the Kreutz: not telling. One800 I Fly SCI Welcome back Billy!!! Glad to see you back with the boys :-) During the run are you going to have a tent set up in the vending area with any of your underwater documentaries? I was diving in Hawaii two years ago and fell in love with it Thanks, John Billy the Kreutz: i'm diving right now. Guitar Weir: He is going straight to the bottom of Buckeye Lake Billy the Kreutz: no, but you can get them in the almanac what do you guys think about the new generation of bands and fans that the Dead has inspired? Guitar Weir: Long as they are having fun, I think it is great and now for something completely silly: Do you guys like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Billy the Kreutz: no but i love the survivor show. MickeyHart: I've never really seen it, so can't answer. Billy the Kreutz: i'm actually getting some people ready for the show. i'm gonna enter about 20 people & sp Billy the Kreutz: split the million THEN WHY NO FURTHER FEST IN OR NEAR INDY!!!! MickeyHart: The whys and wherefores of how shows get booked are really, really complicated -- beats the heck out of us, but honest, it doesn't mean we hate Indiana. Really. Guitar Weir: I do not do the routing, I don't know... Sweeney99: as we close, I'd like to turn it over to the band for shameless plugs MickeyHart: I have a pretty good collection of drums, you may have heard, and I'll be sharing it with anybody who wants to look at the display space in the United Airlines Terminal at San Francisco Airport from 8/1 to February 1st. So if you're traveling through SF in the next six months, stop by the United Terminal and check it out. Guitar Weir: Please enjoy... Billy the Kreutz: play noble & cooley drums.. Guitar Weir: Bye folks, don't spend too much time on your computers MickeyHart: Our only other plug is a bit of friendly advice. Some serious good music coming from TOO, so see ya. Sweeney99: I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight, I'm really looking forward to the tour Sweeney99: we bid you goodnight Billy the Kreutz: so you all soon Sweeney99: [releases the hounds] . 0