2000 Subject: Porsche Guy's *LAST* Posting X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0] Message-ID: <1993Jul8.144741.16259@unislc.slc.unisys.com> Organization: Unisys Corporation SLC Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1993 14:47:41 GMT Lines: 210 [Note: This is my *last* submission to your group, possibly forever. It is rather long and I apologize, but I wanted to go out with a bang. - But please, don't shoot me :-) ] PROLOGUE -------- Some of you have wondered (many with heated rancor), why I read this group and/or post to it. Some have had the temerity to suggest that I seek some form of adoration from the net. Ridiculous. I read this group because I was attempting to find out more about the followers of the dead, why someone could exist in abject servile committment to a mere band, and, simply, to determine the attraction. So, for the last time I make a final submission as I am on my way out the door, hopefully to bigger and better things. In any event, I will again, no doubt in vain, to at least try to say that the things being described below do NOT, I repeat NOT, NOT apply to everyone. I am not calling everyone or any individual names or attempting to group all fans of the grateful dead into one catagory. Many of you have sent me very kind remarks over the years, unfeigned or affected, and I have appreciated it very much. It is these people who have had good laughs and appreciate the substance of sarcasm. It has been a pleasure to talk with you. And now, hopefully this will hit close to home... :-) G-DEAD NET AND THE STEREOTYPES ------------------------------ As I have said, reading your news group has satisfied a great deal of my curiosity. Satisfied it to the point that what you are about to read is based largely on this information. The net furnishes a large cross section and therefore was an excellent way to confirm my suspicions. There are obviously a plethora of different types of people, many are normal, hard- working, decent people, however, if one were to stereotype two main types of ardent devotees to the dead, who are out of the main-stream of reality, I believe they would be these: TYPE 1: ------- While many of the followers of the dead are nihilistic left-overs from the 1960s, some appear to be 'diphasic yuppies', who quietly sneak out of their Central Park West Penthouse, climb on a bus or into a VW van, and set out for the next spectacle, not before slipping into archiac tie-dyed garb. They then proceed to loudly pretend to detest money, jobs, opulence, Aspirin, Top-siders and Rolex watches - all of which they have back home. When I have received mail from these types, severely reproofing the fact I have a certain type of automobile, I've had to reach into the desk drawer for bromides I keep next to the bottle of Percodan. News like that has signaled my duodenum on some occasions to march out the gastrointestinal gestapo. This type generally keeps a low profile to avoid getting flamed for being what they are. There was one man, no longer employed here, who followed the gdead net and went to many concerts. I shall keep his name anonymous for obvious reasons, but I will recount one of the several conversations we had about the dead. His 'cube' was a disorganized array of bewildering objects. He usually appeared late, and often hungover, in dishabille attire. Even when important eschelons were in town he would show up wearing bizarre costumes that looked like they were designed by Rouben Ter-Arutunian on acid. He had a wild concupiscence for women, and drove a rust-contaminated, bowel-brown, Dodge- van with the familiar 'skull and cross-bones' in a dirty, cracked rear window. "Hey man." he said to me in the hall, after reading the first posting I made back in 1988, "I'd like to talk to ya." He was friendly, make no mistake. I came back later and sat next to his desk, and was intrigued about his point of view. "Man, Dale." he said with a smile, as he leaned over so close I could count the pits and holes in his nose. "You really got a lot of people pissed-off. Shouldn't insult the dead-heads man, they'll get nasty." We spent the next several minutes talking about the dead and their followers and he confessed to being an avid pursuer of the band, but harbored no ill-will towards me. The conversation turned more serious as I asked him, "Why all the hubbub? Are these fanatic servants of the dead just hippie victims who refuse to admit the third digit in the year is no longer '6', or is this really such a magnetic, nearly sanctimonious, commune who disect the lyrics in the hope of finding a sacred code to guide them through life?" He pinched the corners of his mouth just a tad tighter, revealing the black abyss where his bridgework stopped and gave way to naked gum. The snarl wrinkles on the bridge of his nose suddenly rolled into each other, and he thought for a while. I think the question kind of made him angry as he told me, rather curtly, the Grateful Dead was nothing more than a band with a devoted type of following. He was a yuppie who just liked to 'change' into hippie clothes and "get away from work sometimes. It's like a hobby." "Why the resentment for today's mores? The rejection of society? This really is one of the few remaining appendages of the 60s isn't it?" I asked. It was becomming clear that underneath his wired smile he didn't like me, and more important, my lifestyle. Underneath you could tell he longed for the 60s to somehow return and his eyes would sparkle and become cloudy every time he recalled it. "Yeah, a lot of us miss those days, and people on the net talk about it a lot, so what?" he said, barking out a foul belch redolent with day-old luncheon meat and decades-old disillusionment. Making comments about the 1960s era had made him more angry than discussing the dead. I was suddenly tempted to think he had just picked up a pine cone in his anal canal except when he passed gas it was foul. He liked to fart and really enjoyed it. One could almost say he was downright proud. It was disgusting to everyone but him, he only thought it was funny. In fact, he was such a windbag that he is even known by former workers and associates (and probably toilet attendants) for this trait from coast to coast. He would even walk up to managers or supervisors, shake hands and and while smiling say something like, "Hey man, how's it hangin'?" and let off a bomber, all in the same breath. If we really wanted to get back at someone, we'd just ask him to sneak up on someone in their cube and let go a long, drawn out silencer that would stagnate around their area and leave a putrid odor drifting around for hours. "Sort of goes along with what I've been saying, dosn't it?" I asked, "That a lot of these people are remnants of the 60s?" "Maybe.", he said, unaware he was nervously picking open an old eczema scab on his wrist. We ended the conversation, but had several more over a short period of time before he left the company. I have no idea where he is now. If he's somewhere reading this, please believe I appreciated your point of view and enjoyed our conversations. We never were able to 'pin-down' my suggestion about othe 60s though. TYPE 2: ------- The majority of net postings from heads with an excessive and irrational zeal for the dead will invaribly at some point, post articles reflecting on Great Dope Droughts of the sixties; sweatings over yearly shortfalls of pot in January when new crops are being harvested; worres in September when they run out of Panama Red and are down to musty Mexican or lousey homegrown. The worst, of course is when their personal stash is down to sticks and seeds. Many are convinced the CIA monitors the net, the band, and them, and are trying eagerly to ferret out traitors of the United States which they are convinced will be them if they give out their real name or address. This type of follower is in general an 'paranoid paras 1195 itical Maoist.' Usually in deep financial shit; i.e., credit cards (if they have any) are tapped to the top, they are heavily into the cash reserve of a checking account, and their 'fascist' landlord wants them to square-up the past due rent. So, they pack-up the miserably few destitute belongings they have and leave everyone hip-deep in shit, all the while convincing themselves they are on some kind of personally invigorating religious quest for truth and beauty - so society 'owes' them financial freedom. The only thing which seems to flush away their toilet of worries and concerns is to attend g-dead concerts where there always seems to be someone they can dig-up who will sucker-in to their surreptitious rapaciousness and provide them with tuna sandwiches and clean sheets. Even if it's only for one or two days, they will then find another gullible lolipop and puddle jump to the next nearest purlieu which in turn gradually gets them across the States to follow the dead. The network seems to assist them on their expedition of bloodsucking. They locate a sucker and appear grateful, all the while holding the poor victim up to ridicule behind their back for having gainful employment. They haven't much longanimity and bitterly complain and whine in effort to obtain the maximum yield from each person being duped. Sometimes you see them on the way to a concert, giving a lift to as many people as they can stuff into their car like a sausage (usually in exchange for filling their car up completely with gas, lodging, meals, and anything else comestible, or for that matter, pawnable). They either spoil the show for everyone else or wear out their welcome with frightening speed, as they walk into your abode as if it's their own, unpack where they please, and waltz directly into the kitchen where they open the refrigerator door and, while helping themselves to whatever you have, ask what's coming up on TV tonight and tell you you won't mind if they make a few phone calls - will you. The end up being ejected after one or two days, leaving behind a ransacked, soiled house and a person who now questions the goodness of the human race and vows "never to do that again." Finding the next sucker, they'll apply an overdose of unctuous balm, making the person feel they have just found a good friend and comrade, at the same time they'll curse the last victim as being a "cheap and rude sonuvabitch who threw us out." This process continues like a chain of dominos as they pillage and take advantage of the generosity of host to host. They either dress in tattered scraps purchased from shows or whatever they can get from the Dorcas society. Generally, they will at some point in their lives obtain employment, but usually for only very brief periods of time and in wholly facile, undignified and unworthy occupations. Sometimes they will quit the same day they start, claiming either that the company executives are 'shitstain dictators', or that someone stole their wallet, and violently storm out. Normally they either gain admittance to shows without paying admission, vend shoddy products to pay for a ticket, or acquire admission by begging and sponging. If they fail to attend a single exhibition it can induce profound extended depression and they'll sulk about it for years. As soon as they return from a show, they are known to instantly insert the cassette they covertly made of the band and turn it up a deafening level, yearning that the entire performance was commencing again and would continue incessantly until time itself came to an end. Well, those are the two 'worst' types that can be 'pegged.' I hope you enjoyed this posting - I am sure most of you know someone who falls into the type 1 or 2 catagory. Have fun at concerts - hope you don't run into any of these types, or, if you do, make sure you greet them with their proper form of address: "Stay back!" Dale Clark aka. The Porsche Guy -- O ____ /|\o_______________________________________________________^ / / \ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////^/ 7-10 |`````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````| split | Dale W. Clark (801) 594-4982 | again! | dale@unislc.slc.unisys.com UNISYS Corporation | |_________________________________________________________________| . 0