2000 From: Digestifier To: Subject: Dead-Flames Digest #495 Dead-Flames Digest #495, Volume #48 Wed, 5 Oct 05 01:00:02 PDT Contents: Re: One man takes on the scalpers ("DGDevin") Re: DeLay Indicted! (ndc) ("Ray") Re: Bimbo's! ("Dave Kelly") Re: Favorite Space (william weaver) Re: I tried to grow a beard (william weaver) Re: 7-13-84 question ("alex sandoval") Re: Favorite Space ("alex sandoval") Is it just I? ("alex sandoval") greatest song ever ("alex sandoval") Re: gdead (william weaver) Re: Bimbo's! ("alex sandoval") phil hates bobby ("alex sandoval") Bob Dylan sued over "Dignity" ("Law") Bob Dylan sued over "Dignity" ("Law") Re: Favorite Space ("Bill") Re: gdead ("Bill") Re: AFC at the 1/4 pole... ("band beyond description") Re: 6-12-92 re-appreciation post ("band beyond description") Re: I tried to grow a beard (Junter522) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "DGDevin" Subject: Re: One man takes on the scalpers Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 04:51:56 GMT "DG" wrote in message news:apg5k15qkiegujb1rk1q1e3gbtpt2gigds@4ax.com... > What is corrupt about two people agreeing on a price? So when Enron and other companies engineered power shortages in California and hiked up the price of electricity, did consumers "agree" to those prices? Did you "agree" to gas going over three bucks a gallon? How exactly did consumers "agree" to see up to two thirds of the tickets to popular concerts or shows or sporting events held back from public sale at the prices printed on the tickets and instead go to brokers who would increase the selling price several hundred percent? "Corruption" is fairly easy to spot when an Attorney General's Office known for busting corporate misbehavior says the diversion of tickets from public access is widespread, that the public *never* has a chance to buy many tickets at face value, or does the payment of bribes to hijack a scarce commodity not bring to mind the word "corruption" for you? > Sounds like you need a better job if you can't afford tickets. Sounds like your reputation for pointless stupidty is still well-deserved, and I'll match pay stubs with you any time sunshine. >>That isn't what you posted, you actually seemed to think oil was still >>being >>formed, > > > What makes you think it isn't? Right, back to the cartoon network kid, you've run out of silly things to say. >>your zeal for argument is rarely matched by your knowledge of the >>subject being discussed. > Again, at what point did the earth quit squeezing petroleum out of > porous rock? At the point when it started squeezing the last particles of brain matter out of the porous rock between your ears.... Geez, how did I forget what an airhead you are, adios.... ------------------------------ From: "Ray" Subject: Re: DeLay Indicted! (ndc) Date: 4 Oct 2005 21:57:30 -0700 Chunk wrote: > I would bet they go on an all out offensive on this. According to Mr. > Delay, Texas Democrats were doing the same thing. Oh. And if Mr. DeLay says it then therefore it must be true. ### > I'll hold my breath and > wait for Ronnie Earle to hand out endictments on those guys too. At first, > I had the thought that Delay might have been guilty of something but after a > little more study, this thing stinks on ice. Of course, if he did do > something he shouldn't have, then he should be punished. But unitl then, > conspiracy to do whatever seems like a sham attack to me. True to form you've thrown some mud here, but you have yet to show how, exactly, is it a "sham attack". So what else is new. Ray ------------------------------ From: "Dave Kelly" Subject: Re: Bimbo's! Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 05:11:48 GMT "Carlisle" wrote in message news:1128487721.444991.99030@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com... > Yeah for real. Bimbos, Hooters and Mellons are just fine,,,but don't > you dare say spade. It could offend the many African-American Deadheads > that hang out around here. BTW, no one ran to MY defense when I got > called a "Cracker"..How's that fair??!! ;> > Good nite dear brothers. > Carrie * I applaude this young sister for stepping up to the old guard on this chatgroup and not ONLY kicking ass...but taking names! Right ON, my righteous goddess! I will be conducting a ritual "Cleansing Fire" of my shick disposable razors in your honor! Now if you will EXCUSE me..."Sex & The City: Season 2 "awaits! In Shallah! Sweetbac Productions ------------------------------ From: ttotto@webtv.net (william weaver) Subject: Re: Favorite Space Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 22:13:07 -0700 85 , chula vista , twilight zone ------------------------------ From: ttotto@webtv.net (william weaver) Subject: Re: I tried to grow a beard Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 22:22:41 -0700 i wus wondering the same ------------------------------ From: "alex sandoval" Subject: Re: 7-13-84 question Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 05:39:27 GMT yes the men were on....on something. on fire? for the encore there were huge projections of space from a recent NASA exploration (sunday lesh had a NASA T shirt on) behind them, perhaps my fave light show ever. the stars seemed to be moving, but then my immagination was enhanced. jimmy roach from philly (RIP) came stumbling by just before the dark star. we loved roach! i had no idea he was even on the west coast let alone the show. we sat together in stunned silence for dark star and aftewards he turned to me and said, "fine, i've seen it all, i don't have to see another dead show." (sadly, it proved to be the case). garcia didn't say anyting. he didn't even look up. he looked like shit actually, but how about that envelope solo in duprees diamond? the alternative rag SF Bay Guardian wrote a preview for the show. The men hadn't played Dark Star in several years, but for some reason the Guardian, (no fans of the dead at the time) said, that the show, tho boring for most would "probably prove entertaining to their legions of fans and will no doubt include the umpteenth version of Dark Star." I remember reading that before the show and thinking, "yeah, right, Dark Star, as if...." "o tempora, o mores....." ------------------------------ From: "alex sandoval" Subject: Re: Favorite Space Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 05:40:40 GMT chula vista packs a nice scarlet as well ------------------------------ From: "alex sandoval" Subject: Is it just I? Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 05:46:11 GMT ........or is Kimoch not Garcia? ------------------------------ From: "alex sandoval" Subject: greatest song ever Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 05:50:17 GMT i remember Dick LatPick saying, "yeah, whenever i spin, people come up to me and all they can ever say is 'scarlet, scarlet, scarlet'" to which i could only add, "althea, althea, althea" but then i'm sure there're a few out there who say "peggy o, peggy o, peggy o" or even "drums, drums drums"? ------------------------------ From: ttotto@webtv.net (william weaver) Subject: Re: gdead Date: Tue, 4 Oct 2005 22:43:38 -0700 i agree ------------------------------ From: "alex sandoval" Subject: Re: Bimbo's! Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 05:56:44 GMT Scene of my first George Clinton Show. Big old hit of Acid and Bootsie Collins, Bernie Worrel in the band....and Stevie Wonder on guest spot. No, Dave Kelly, the spade in the bathroom is nothing to worry about. Maybe you need to get out more. Out of the toilet and check out the spades on stage....oops, it's Lesh. NEVERMIND! ------------------------------ From: "alex sandoval" Subject: phil hates bob 2000 by Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 06:02:31 GMT Who was it, Frank Zappa, I think, who said, "If John Lennon were alive he'd kick Michael Jackson's ass in a way we all could enjoy." And if Garcia were alive he'd keep those guys in line. Hey if Garcia were alive would you still call the Dead "the boys".....can you imagine what he would look like? not a boy.....just my opinion and no offense. ------------------------------ From: "Law" Subject: Bob Dylan sued over "Dignity" Date: 4 Oct 2005 23:07:52 -0700 Bob Dylan sued over "Dignity" James Damiano vs Bob Dylan litigation James Damiano vs. Bob Dylan / Copyright Infringement CV 95-4795 (JBS) Judge Jerome B. Simandle presiding. Judge Joel B. Rosen magistrate. It is uncontested by Bob Dylan and or Bob Dylan's law firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips formerly (Parcher Hayes & Snyder) and Gibson Dunn & Crutcher that Bob Dylan and people in Bob Dylan's entourage have solicited James Damiano's songs and music for over ten years. Few artists can lay claim to the controversy that has surrounded the career of songwriter James Damiano. Twenty-two years ago James Damiano began an odyssey that led him into a legal maelstrom with Bob Dylan that, to this day, fascinates the greatest of intellectual minds. As the curtain rises on the stage of deceit we learn that CBS used songs and lyrics for international recording artist, Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan's name is credited to the songs. One of those songs is nominated for a Grammy as best rock song of the year. Ironically the title of that song is "Dignity" Since auditioning for the legendary CBS Record producer John Hammond, Sr., who influenced the careers of music industry icons Billy oliday, Bob Dylan, Pete Seger, Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Ray Vaughan, James has engaged in a multimillion dollar copyright infringement law suit with Bob Dylan http://media.putfile.com/MusichostingysisDrPaulgreeneHarvard-Anal Additional links http://www.zippyvideos.com/6788851621250416/img_0001/*jamesdamiano ------------------------------ From: "Law" Subject: Bob Dylan sued over "Dignity" Date: 4 Oct 2005 23:07:56 -0700 Bob Dylan sued over "Dignity" James Damiano vs Bob Dylan litigation James Damiano vs. Bob Dylan / Copyright Infringement CV 95-4795 (JBS) Judge Jerome B. Simandle presiding. Judge Joel B. Rosen magistrate. It is uncontested by Bob Dylan and or Bob Dylan's law firm Manatt, Phelps & Phillips formerly (Parcher Hayes & Snyder) and Gibson Dunn & Crutcher that Bob Dylan and people in Bob Dylan's entourage have solicited James Damiano's songs and music for over ten years. Few artists can lay claim to the controversy that has surrounded the career of songwriter James Damiano. Twenty-two years ago James Damiano began an odyssey that led him into a legal maelstrom with Bob Dylan that, to this day, fascinates the greatest of intellectual minds. As the curtain rises on the stage of deceit we learn that CBS used songs and lyrics for international recording artist, Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan's name is credited to the songs. One of those songs is nominated for a Grammy as best rock song of the year. Ironically the title of that song is "Dignity" Since auditioning for the legendary CBS Record producer John Hammond, Sr., who influenced the careers of music industry icons Billy oliday, Bob Dylan, Pete Seger, Bruce Springsteen and Stevie Ray Vaughan, James has engaged in a multimillion dollar copyright infringement law suit with Bob Dylan http://media.putfile.com/MusichostingysisDrPaulgreeneHarvard-Anal Additional links http://www.zippyvideos.com/6788851621250416/img_0001/*jamesdamiano ------------------------------ From: "Bill" Subject: Re: Favorite Space Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 06:12:25 GMT "Andrew Murawa" wrote > > How about 2/27/81... very spooky, doors creaking, barking dogs, women > shrieking, rusted gates swinging. Sounds like a winner! It just went on my "must get" list. 12-31-84 has a nice space segment (along with all the other nice things in that underrated show) until it goes into Spanish Jam unfortunately (SJ bores me). I think the best space, though it wasn't called that, is probably in the '68 and '69 years (and maybe '67 too). They seemed to be into playing with the electronics then and getting feedback and thus really did some brilliant stuff. I don't think post-hiatus spaces had that element of craziness that they pre-hiatus ones had. Mickey seemed to be the only one way into it in the post-hiatus space segments. And would great jams in the pre-hiatus Playins and Dark Stars be called "space"? They sure get pretty out there. Bill ------------------------------ From: "Bill" Subject: Re: gdead Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 06:41:50 GMT "bossgobbler" wrote > > The only thing worse than wading though tour scum to see a gig is wading > though all the polical commentary in this so called Dead newsgroup. > rec.music.gdead was soooo much better 15 years ago...Shut up and talk > about the tunes...I don't remember Jerry running his mouth about politics > endlessly. Go to "I hate Bush" or "I hate Republicans" or "Liberals ARE > open minded, really". I'm sure they exist somewhere. (no, thank you!) http://progressive.org/?q=mag_wx100205 Republicans Endanger the Endangered Species Act By Matthew Rothschild October 2, 2005 The Republican House, so worried about attending to the crises facing this country in the wake of Katrina and in the midst of the Iraq War, last week took time out to clip the wings of the Endangered Species Act. This Act, which has done so much to bring the bald eagle and the peregrine falcon and many other species back from the brink, may never be able to do the same if the House bill becomes law. "There are a lot of losers in this bill," says Maribeth Oakes, lands director for Sierra Club. "It turns its back on the Endangered Species Act, which has a proven record of success. And as a result, future generations that may lose species." For one thing, it would repeal rules that protect the eagle and the falcon and other species from pesticides like DDT. It also eliminates the Act's authority to designate critical habitat protections. Now you can't very well protect an endangered species if you're not going to preserve its habitat. Just consider the plight of the ivory-billed woodpecker, which all but vanished due to the destruction of the southern forests. "It defies common sense to expect an endangered species to recover if the place it calls home is converted to condos or paved for a parking lot," says Andrew Wetzler, senior attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council. The bill would also make it much more difficult to place a species on the endangered or threatened list. It would require a balancing act of environmental benefits against economic costs, as well as national security costs-and how preserving a species adversely affects national security is beyond me, but the Republicans put that in there anyway. Like most Republican efforts, this bill would be a giveaway to the rich. The Sierra Club says it might cost taxpayers $3 billion over the next five years. It would "fleece U.S. taxpayers by paying wealthy developers to comply with endangered species protections," says the NRDC's Wetzler. "Under a loose compensation scheme, land developers would be able to name their price for lost profits. In America, we don't pay people not to pollute." But in the America of George Bush, who, needless to say, supports the bill, we're getting to that point. ------------------------------ From: "band beyond description" <123@456.com> Subject: Re: AFC at the 1/4 pole... Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 16:14:57 +0900 "Effty" wrote in message news:1128449092.953687.223150@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com... > > band beyond description wrote: > > On 2005-10-03 06:18:29 1567 +0900, "Steve Terry" said: > > > > > -Patriots are a shadow of themselves > > > > > > -Colts have a defense to go with their offense now. They are the team to > > > beat. > > > > > > -Bengals will challenge for the conference title. > > > > > > -All the rest are pretenders, no? > > > > why, I ask you, must I watch only Colts games on my cable TV system > > here in Tokyo?! the programmer must like that team, because it's > > always on the sports channel! makes no sense; there is no innate > > connection between Japan and the Indianapolis Colts! (unlike in MLB > > baseball, where there's obviously some fan interest due to the Japanese > > players when they televise Yankees, Mariners, White Sox and whatever > > teams Nomo and Ohka are on this week.) > > > > rant off. go Bears! > > -- > > Peace, > > Steve > > That's odd. I live in Indiana, but I love the Steelers. I'm always > pissed when I have to watch lousy local games instead of being able to > watch good Steelers football. For secondary games the Bears, Lions, > Titans, Bengals and Browns are all considered more "local" than the > Steelers. I listen on AM sports radio, or go to my friend that has NFL > package to watch. A lot of the time I get stuck watching the Bears or > the Lions. I hate that. I enjoy watching the Colts, but going to the > games shows you just how lame the fans can be. Typical unenthusiastic > Hoosiers. Perhaps the Japanese like those clean uniforms, that lucky > horseshoe, and Peyton's goodie-two-shoes-ness. > Must be... > Sorry about yer Bears though. Yeah, well, we'll just have to party like it was 1985! -- Peace, ~ Steve ------------------------------ From: "band beyond description" <123@456.com> Subject: Re: 6-12-92 re-appreciation post Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 16:19:46 +0900 "DB" wrote in message news:dhu0ht$40i$1@eri0.s8.isp.nyc.eggn.net... > Nick's Picks wrote: > > bring it on baby!! > > :) > > > > its a great B&K recording. FAT phil. great detail. amazing soundstage. > > > > I don't know...... I just played part of the first set and the > Scarlet>Fire through drums on some relatively cheap Sennheiser > headphones and a Sony discman on the train this morning. The recording > sounded like it had potential on a good system, but it did not jump our > at me as being a "reference" audience recording. There was a lot of > Phil and it was not distorted, so I certainly liked that. The vocals and > other instruments were clear as well. There was a bit of chatter, but I > guess that is to be expected for an FOB with cardiods (aren't they?) and > a very drunken update NY crowd. > > So I'll continue to give you the benefit of the doubt until I can play > it a few times through my home system -- McIntosh amp & preamp, ADCOM CD > player and Joseph Audio RM 25's. That will be the "acid" test, so to speak. > > DB and in my case, my Sony MDR Z700 DJ headphones are decent enough, but I only have a Sony Discman with relatively little sound-sculpting/pre-amp abilities other than tone setting 1/tone setting 2, but the show had its moments -- lots of punch in set 2 especially, but the out-of-the-gate set 1 stuff at times was a bit muddy and less well-defined. i do get what Nick's saying about ambiance, and if I had a better home stereo/amp setup, i'd probably be able to appreciate it more. not a bad show, even with the "wince" factor...ymmv... -- Peace, ~ Steve ------------------------------ From: Junter522 Subject: Re: I tried to grow a beard Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 07:28:56 GMT Andrew Murawa wrote: > "Jerry Lobrowski" wrote in message > news:1128209911.563895.216210@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com... > >>So I could look like my hero Jerry Garcia when I start my Grateful >>Dead >>tribute band. But my face felt hot and tight so I gave up and shaved >>so >>I could be more comfortable. I know a guy who works as a shopping mall >>Santa. I will see if he will let me use his. Has anyone here ever >>grown >>a beard? > > > I've had a beard since I was about 14... It sure beats shaving... I > generally trim it back about once a year, whenever I get sick of it, > usually one of the really hot days of summer, but I actually made it > through summer without cutting my beard, so I should have a pretty bushy > bird's nest by next summer... > > I can't even imagine shaving.Mines been on since I was in high school 40 yrs ago. I trim it to like 4 inches but no razor touches my skin.Damn I probably have 40 chins there,right? Peace & beards Gary ------------------------------ ** FOR YOUR REFERENCE ** The service addresses, to which questions about the list itself and requests to be added to or deleted from it should be directed, are as follows: Internet: dead-flames-request@gdead.berkeley.edu Bitnet: dead-flames-request%gdead.berkeley.edu@ucbcmsa Uucp: ...!{ucbvax,uunet}!gdead.berkeley.edu!dead-flames-request You can send mail to the entire list (and rec.music.gdead) via one of these addresses: Internet: dead-flames@gdead.berkeley.edu Bitnet: dead-flames%gdead.berkeley.edu@ucbcmsa Uucp: ...!{ucbvax,uunet}!gdead.berkeley.edu!dead-flames End of Dead-Flames Digest ****************************** . 0