2000 From: Digestifier To: Subject: Dead-Flames Digest #557 Dead-Flames Digest #557, Volume #48 Wed, 12 Oct 05 08:00:01 PDT Contents: ::::::::::::: Marriage In Ur Mind :::::::::::::::::: (net4matrimonials@gmail.com) Re: Cramps & What's Everyone Planning for Halloween? (NDC) ("band beyond description") Schadenfreude Alert! (NDC) (John Doherty) Re: Hard ttimes in NE ("Rogues Island's finest") Re: Genesis Reunion in the works? ("Bzl.") Re: Libby Scootin' off to the Pen? (NDC) ("Bzl.") Old lady- 1, Yuppie- 0 (ndc) ("Rogues Island's finest") Re: The text of a brilliant speech by Granny D ("The Iron Muffin") Re: Libby Scootin' off to the Pen? (NDC) ("The Iron Muffin") Re: Genesis Reunion in the works? (pbuzby2002@yahoo.com) Re: "they're all the same" (ndc) ("Sean G.") Re: alternate to 11/70 Portchester Run for DP (pbuzby2002@yahoo.com) Re: who on rmgd would you like to meet? ("Carlisle") Re: A Conservative viewpoint.... ("Sparky the Wonder Dog") Re: alternate to 11/70 Portchester Run for DP ("Sparky the Wonder Dog") Re: Have you Seen XXXene? ("Sean Baker") Re: "Presidential" fidgeting (NDC) (John Doherty) Re: Gettin' cleaned up fo' Chuich ("Sean Baker") Re: who on rmgd would you like to meet? ("AirtimeJunkie") Re: Pigpen... (Aquedian) Re: YIPPIE MUSEUM PRESS PRESENTS THE DYLAN TO ENGLISH DICTIONARY (Abby Sale) Re: (ndc) Ever Wonder.... (JC Martin) Re: who on rmgd would you like to meet? (JC Martin) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: net4matrimonials@gmail.com Subject: ::::::::::::: Marriage In Ur Mind :::::::::::::::::: Date: 12 Oct 2005 00:59:33 -0700 Marriages are made in heaven but we have to make it success on the earth!!! FREE FREE FREE...... Matrimonials http://www.Net4Matrimonials.com (HERE YOU WILL GET FIVE TIMES MORE THAN EXPECTATION; FREE...) 1) Create/Manage Your/Your Friend/Relative Matrimonial Profile FREE 2) Search Your Desired Partner FREE 3) Send Him/Her Matrimonial Messages FREE 4) Win FREE Gift every month 5) FREE LOVE METER ONLINE SOFTWARE However Paid Membership entitles you to more services and facilities than free membership, which make your partner search more effective 1) Messages of paid member can be viewed by all PAID/FREE Members 2) Paid members will get Priority in all search/display modules, as Sorting of profiles is done according to payment amount 3) Paid Member can upload 3 Photos to create your Photo Album 4) Paid Member can Browse Incoming Messages and Replies. 5) MOREOVER PAID MEMBERS CAN VIEW PHONE/MOBILE OF ANY MEMBER 6) PLAN 1000 Members will get Classified Profile Link on HOME page free 7) PLAN 2500 Members will get Picture Profile Link on HOME/Account page 8) PLAN 3000 Members will get Picture & Classified Profile Link on HOME page and HOME/Account page respectively - This website is a combination of state of Art and Technology - Build With Latest DotNET Technology - Images on this website are Safe, Nobody can save/alter it on his/her system you can also join our group http://groups.yahoo.com/group/net4matrimonials http://groups.msn.com/net4matrimonials ************************** SPECIAL PACKGES FOR MATRIMONIAL DEALERS (Click on contactus and send query thru our website http://www.Net4Matrimonials.com) ************************** LOVELEEN (MARKETING EXEC. ) A2Z MATRIMONIAL SERVICES (INDIA) THE COMPELETE MATRIMONIAL SERVICES PROVIDER... http://www.Net4Matrimonials.com Where marriages are made ------------------------------ From: "band beyond description" <123@456.com> Subject: Re: Cramps & What's Everyone Planning for Halloween? (NDC) Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 18:39:50 +0900 "Kelly Humphries" wrote in message news:f33pk1tph3jl74alts9tvjvmkm4io39gl6@4ax.com... > Also sprach band beyond description <123@456.com>: > > > and the main point of this thread: what's everyone planning for > > Halloween? me? I'm gonna be a Chicago Cub!! > > You bought a Walkman, cap and eyeglasses?! Now THAT'S one scary > outfit! > > Oh, I get it. "Cub," not "Cub Fan." > > Where's Larry Biittner when you need him?! or Hollywood Squares host Peter Marshall's son, 1973 first baseman Pete Lacock! -- Peace, ~ Steve ------------------------------ From: John Doherty Subject: Schadenfreude Alert! (NDC) Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 06:26:47 -0400 There are rumors that a certain Vice President of the US may be a target of the Fitzgerald investigation...! Also, it appears that a the unnecessary war in Iraq has made this VP $10 billion richer, despite his denials to the contrary. Yikes!! (see note below) But first, the big picture from talkingpointsmemo.com: There are certainly a lot of hints, allegations and murmurs out there tonight, particularly on the bloggier part of the web, about what might be coming down the pike from Patrick Fitzgerald. My favorite is this snippet from Hardball -- caught  and excerpted on John Aravosis' Americablog -- which has Howard Fineman describing an alleged pre-indictment (political) death struggle pitting Karl Rove against Andy Card. Gotta love that. Whether it's true or not, who knows? In any case, an article (sub.req.) in tomorrow's Wall Street Journal contains this pleasant sounding sentence: "Mr. Fitzgerald's pursuit now suggests he might be investigating not a narrow case on the leaking of the agent's name, but perhaps a broader conspiracy." And then further down there's this: "Lawyers familiar with the investigation believe that at least part of the outcome likely hangs on the inner workings of what has been dubbed the White House Iraq Group. Formed in August 2002, the group, which included Messrs. Rove and Libby, worked on setting strategy for selling the war in Iraq to the public in the months leading up to the March 2003 invasion. The group likely would have played a significant role in responding to Mr. Wilson's claims." First of all, it did play a big role. That's where the push back came from. If this description is accurate, it must have many folks at the White House in cold sweats. If Karl Rove goes down in this investigation it'll be a disaster for the president, both in terms of the damage occasioned by such a high-level White House indictment and, frankly, because he needs the guy like most of us need legs. But this WHIG thing is a whole 'nother level of hurt. This group was the organizational team, the core group behind all the shameless crap that went down in the lead up to the Iraq war -- the lies about the cooked up Niger story, everything. If Fitzgerald has lassoed this operation into a criminal conspiracy, the veil of protective secrecy in which the whole operation is still shrouded will be pulled back. Depositions and sworn statements in on-going investigations have a way of doing that. Ask Bill Clinton. Every key person in the White House will be touched by it. And all sorts of ugly tales could spill out. -- Josh Marshall On the Cheney "Bigtime" War Profiteering: About two years ago, Dick Cheney told a national television audience, "[S]ince I left Halliburton to become George Bush's vice president, I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interests," Cheney said. "I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't had now for over three years." Even at the time, the claim wasn't true. A non-partisan congressional report requested by Sen. Frank Lautenberg's (D-N.J.) office showed that Cheney still has substantial financial interests in Halliburton, including lucrative deferred compensation and more than 433,000 stock options. But instead of acknowledging the ties divesting himself from his former company, Cheney denied everything. Lautenberg, to his enormous credit, has stuck with this story, and issued a rep 2000 ort today explaining that the value of Cheney's Halliburton stock options rose in value 3281% in one year. An analysis released today by the Office of Senator Frank R. Lautenberg reveals that Vice President Cheney's Halliburton stock options have increased in value 3,281 percent in one year. The stock options, which were worth $241,498 one year ago are now valued at $8,165,489.07. In light of the surging value of Vice President Cheney's holdings, Senator Lautenberg reiterated his call for the Vice President to forfeit his continuing financial interest in the Halliburton Co (HAL). Vice President Cheney continues to hold 433,333 Halliburton stock options and receives almost $200,000 a year in deferred salary from Halliburton. "As Halliburton's fortunes rise, so do the Vice President's, and that is wrong," said Senator Lautenberg. "Halliburton has already raked in more than $10 billion from the Bush-Cheney Administration for work in Iraq, and they were awarded some of the first Katrina contracts. It is unseemly for the Vice President to continue to benefit from this company at the same time his Administration funnels billions of dollars to it. The Vice President should sever his financial ties to Halliburton once and for all." http://www.thecarpetbaggerreport.com/ Let's all chill the bubbly while we listen to "Masters of War" and reflect that no, not all politicians are the same. some are egomaniacs who might occasionally (or often) act in the public good, while others are greedy war profiteers evilly dedicated to the enrichment of the few over the common good. JD ------------------------------ From: "Rogues Island's finest" Subject: Re: Hard ttimes in NE Date: 12 Oct 2005 05:05:19 -0700 Neil X. wrote: > > Andrew Murawa wrote: > > > > Don't start whining about a few injuries now after > > having been left relatively unscathed during the past two seasons... > > > > Damn man, last year we lost our 5-time All-Pro cornerback Ty Law. We > also played more than half the season without Super Bowl MVP Deion > Branch and All-Pro tackle Matt Light. We lost All-Pro defensive tackle > Richard Seymour for both AFC playoff games. The year before, we lost > All-Pro linebackers Rosevelt Colvin and Ted Johnson. Don't get me > started. Was anyone else in the league forced to play wide receivers > in their defensive secondary last year?? You were kidding, right Andrew? Mark ------------------------------ From: "Bzl." Subject: Re: Genesis Reunion in the works? Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 08:18:27 -0400 "Rupert" wrote in message news:1129081915.549679.113500@g47g2000cwa.googlegroups.com... > Shit yeah! I've only been waiting my entire adult life for these > geezers to get back together. I think Gabriel finally realized that no > matter how goofy he makes himself look, his solo work is no longer > getting anyone's attention. Time to see if the 'ol Slipperman costume > fits! > Only with (very) expanded waistline. I hope this tour happens!! Supper's Ready for You..ooo ------------------------------ From: "Bzl." Subject: Re: Libby Scootin' off to the Pen? (NDC) Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 08:20:37 -0400 Off topic, but I went to college with Scooter's very left-leaning (and much younger and attractive) wife. I'm sure that's one interesting household. ------------------------------ From: "Rogues Island's finest" Subject: Old lady- 1, Yuppie- 0 (ndc) Date: 12 Oct 2005 06:02:53 -0700 http://www.snabbstart.com/film/cabriolet-vs-farmor.aspx Mark ------------------------------ Reply-To: "The Iron Muffin" From: "The Iron Muffin" Subject: Re: The text of a brilliant speech by Granny D Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:10:26 -0400 Bill wrote: > http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/101105E.shtml > > Politics of Nonviolence > > By Doris "Granny D" Haddock Wow. Thank you, Granny D! -- The Iron Muffin DEAD FREAKS UNITE Who are you? Where are you? How are you? ------------------------------ Reply-To: "The Iron Muffin" From: "The Iron Muffin" Subject: Re: Libby Scootin' off to the Pen? (NDC) Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:14:09 -0400 JimK wrote: > leftie wrote: > > If there's any justice he will be! > > > > And Rove will be going too! > > > >"by by, baby, by by...." > > We want handcuffs and raincoats. Keep yer sick, twisted sexual fantasies to yerself! -- The Iron Muffin DEAD FREAKS UNITE Who are you? Where are you? How are you? ------------------------------ From: pbuzby2002@yahoo.com Subject: Re: Genesis Reunion in the works? Date: 12 Oct 2005 06:32:00 -0700 Steve Terry wrote: > > I bought those two albums off a used rack a few years back and sold them > right back shortly thereafter. Maybe I didn't give them a chance, but they > paled in comparison to their earlier stuff, IMHO. I like them. Phil Collins was playing some blazing fusion at that time with Brand X and some of that bled over into Genesis. Banks and Hackett had some of their best writing and playing on those albums, too. Pat Buzby Chicago, IL ------------------------------ From: "Sean G." Subject: Re: "they're all the same" (ndc) Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:36:38 -0400 : it wasn't "just : > about a blow job". There is compelling evidence that Clinton was (and may : > still be for all I know) a sexual predator, and if you believe Juanita : > Brodrick, a rapist. He used his power and position to seduce women who : > worked for him. So rather than president, Clinton is more qualified to be a Supreme Court justice? ------------------------------ From: pbuzby2002@yahoo.com Subject: Re: alternate to 11/70 Portchester Run for DP Date: 12 Oct 2005 06:40:21 -0700 Seth Jackson wrote: > On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 11:23:41 -0700, "Andrew Murawa" > wrote: > > >"Sparky the Wonder Dog" wrote in message > >news:1128975674.500710.324870@z14g2000cwz.googlegroups.com... > >> As an alternative to the 11/70 Portchester run at the Capitol Theater, > >> how about the 2/71 Capitol Theater run? (2/18-2/24 or thereabouts). > > > >Most overrated run evah! IMHO... > > You beat me to it. I'd disagree if only because I've never seen evidence that the run (except perhaps 2/18) is highly rated. Pat Buzby Chicago, IL ------------------------------ From: "Carlisle" Subject: Re: who on rmgd would you like to meet? Date: 12 Oct 2005 06:45:17 -0700 k sturm wrote: > "Neil X." wrote in message > news:1129090097.624960.129930@g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com... > > > >> Kurt asked: > >> > >> OK folks, who on rmgd would you like to meet? > > > > > > I've been fortunate enough to meet nearly two dozen RMGDers, and > > without exception, it has been a pleasure to get to know them. RMGDers > > I've met include Ray Lee, Nick Georges, booie, leftie, Dave Kelly, Joe > > Kohn, Walter Karmazyn, Tom K., Sue Weiand, Scratchie, Ted Thomas, Andy > > Gefen, Volkfolk, brew ziggins, Ratdog Tim, Matt/Wyenot, Mark/Rogue > > Island's Finest, Pam, Ira. The Iron Muffin will soon be added to the > > list. I almost met Jeff/frndthedevl, but a nasty flu (mine) > > intervened. > > > > As for who I still would like to meet, well, I'd like to meet a lot > > more of y'all. I've traded or B&P's with so many folks here--Kathy, > > Theresa, JC, Sean, Olo, ecocats, Steve Lenier, Garry Bryan, Bzl, Steve > > Terry, Richard Morris, rcb. I'd love to meet all of these folks. I'm > > a Chicago native, so I am of course especially interested in taking in > > a sermon at the Chuich...... > > > > Peace, > > Nei 2000 l X. > > > > Well as long as we're hiring a bus to take us to San Francisco, why don't we > make it a real party and all go? The Merry Pranksters ride again!! If you're going to San Francisco Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair If you're going to San Francisco You're gonna meet some gentle people there For those who come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there In the streets of San Francisco Gentle people with flowers in their hair All across the nation such a strange vibration People in motion There's a whole generation with a new explanation People in motion people in motion For those who come to San Francisco Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair If you come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there If you come to San Francisco Summertime will be a love-in there ------------------------------ From: "Sparky the Wonder Dog" Subject: Re: A Conservative viewpoint.... Date: 12 Oct 2005 06:51:41 -0700 Seth, if you had bothered to actually read my post, perhaps moving your lips would have assisted you, I did substantively refute the central argument of Roberts by noting that the man's rhetoric, his argument, was founded on ignoring the substance of the criminal activities of Lynne Stewart, whose activities cannot be defended by merely repeating over and over attorney-client priviledge. This attorney disobeyed direct court orders and placed her client in contact with his network. Subsequent court remedies had nothing to do with intimidation or breach of habeas corpus. The supposed example of Roberts' syllogistic exercise simply did not support his claims. The point then of these patronizing, drive-by tags is what, then? Your "most overrated show evah" re 2/70 "transgressive" provocation showed what? Your appreciation of the music? You know habeas corpus from a hole in the ground? You read the damn article yourself? You know who Lynne Stewart is or what the case was about? Who the fuck appointed you Ms. Manners? ------------------------------ From: "Sparky the Wonder Dog" Subject: Re: alternate to 11/70 Portchester Run for DP Date: 12 Oct 2005 06:55:02 -0700 Pat, if 2/18 is highly rated, then the other shows can ride its glory. For you, we'll release a Rhino one-disk version. ------------------------------ From: "Sean Baker" Subject: Re: Have you Seen XXXene? Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 08:58:36 -0500 "Neil X." wrote in message > I'm still pretty hairy, though--beard, mustache, hair as long as > a corporate scientist can have it. > > Peace, > Neil X. And accordin' to the folks at the U of C underground PUB that's just under the KILT!! Peace, Sean -- "Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only real cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas." Hunter S. Thompson My music list for trades: http://db.etree.org/FionaRCB ------------------------------ From: John Doherty Subject: Re: "Presidential" fidgeting (NDC) Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 10:02:59 -0400 I haven't watched Letterman in a while, but last night he was riffing on this photo op for GW. He first played a reel of "footage" that consisted of a silent film comedian playing the buffoon in braod physical comedy. then he showed actual footage of Bush attempting to hammer a nail. Dave went on a rant "He's holding the hammer up at the neck! He hammers like a little girl!" he then mercilessly mocked Bush's cluelessness about the basic manly art of home repair, saying "Once you learn it, you never lose it " (implying he never did learn it). He capped off the segment by pulling out a hammer, nail, & board & doing a ten second demo for our First Stooge. the worm has turned, methinks... ------------------------------ From: "Sean Baker" Subject: Re: Gettin' cleaned up fo' Chuich Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:01:36 -0500 "Neil X." wrote in message > I'm > a Chicago native, so I am of course especially interested in taking in > a sermon at the Chuich...... > > Peace, > Neil X. Debs, the boys, Jualita n' Juanita are puttin a special "room" together fo' ya as we speak. Do you believe in the Miracle of Imaculate Contraception? Yer gunna love this NIEL, we promise!!! Peace, Sean -- "Every now and then when your life gets complicated and the weasels start closing in, the only real cure is to load up on heinous chemicals and then drive like a bastard from Hollywood to Las Vegas." Hunter S. Thompson My music list for trades: http://db.etree.org/FionaRCB ------------------------------ From: "AirtimeJunkie" Subject: Re: who on rmgd would you like to meet? Date: 12 Oct 2005 07:06:45 -0700 Grapefruit Ed kpnnews@yahoo.com wrote: > OK, let's face it. There are folks here who peak our > curiousity. Joe? Booie? What the hell are these folks > like in real life. Usenet is somewhat of an illusion. > We all perceive based on our preconceived notions. > However, over time, we think we know each other, but > do we really? After hanging out here for a couple of > years (and on other ng), I'd have to say my vote for > a meet and greet would be with JC. Don't get flattered, > but my preconceived notion is that you are an older > version of myself in a lot of ways. I think it would > be kind of cool to actually meet you in person and > probably shatter that myth :) At least, you have very > good taste in music. > > OK folks, who on rmgd would you like to meet? > > Please, don't everyone vote for Booie :) He's on > my list as well. At least I know where to find him, > next to a taping rig at any Kimock show in New > England. > > Kurt ------------------------------ From: Aquedian Subject: Re: Pigpen... Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 14:11:07 GMT Walter Karmazyn wrote: > Steve Terry wrote in message ... > >>Maybe it's just me, but Pig's lengthy "raps" get rather boring pretty > > fast. > >>Thank god the band is cookin' behind him otherwise I'd be snoozin. Don't > > get > >>me wrong, I like his singing, Mr. Charlie, Hard to Handle, Easy Wind, for >>example. It's just those mindless ramblings during Lovelight and Good > > Lovin > >> > > You missed it, and the Memorex didn't help you catch it. From Bobby > Petersen, about his friend Ron, something I post every year about the time > he died...... (though the whole poem, not just this bit). > > shut my eyes > & see him standing > spread-legged > on the stage of the world > the boys prodding him > egging him on > he telling all he ever knew > or cared to know > > mike hand cocked like > a boxer's > head throwed back > stale whiskey blues > many-peopled desolations > neon rainy streets > & wilderness of airports > thousands maybe millions > loved him > were fired instantly > into forty-five minutes of > midnight hour. > > The boys prodding him egging him on...were fired instantly > into forty-five minutes of midnight hour. > > Not to mention how many people just might've gotten laid (and in some cases > with somebody they didn't know existed at the top of the evening) behind Mr. > Pen's telling you it ain't so cool to be playing pocket pool so just get > yer hands out of yer pockets and say hello to that sweetie next to ya... and > there were those lines here to the women too...... But as somebody else > said.... > > > You really hadda be there. > > I guess. > > W > It took many years for me to get over his death.His ability as a band member he was able to work the band into many high dynamics.Steve you are so lucky to have been there.There was nothing commercial about pig pen. > .. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > It took many years for me to get over his death.His ability as a band membe cf9 r he was able to work the band into many high dynamics.Steve you are so lucky to have been there.There was nothing commercial about pig pen. ------------------------------ From: Abby Sale Crossposted-To: alt.culture.us.1960s,rec.music.folk,rec.music.dylan,alt.music.byrds Subject: Re: YIPPIE MUSEUM PRESS PRESENTS THE DYLAN TO ENGLISH DICTIONARY Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 10:30:28 -0400 Reply-To: Abby Sale On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 04:45:26 GMT, RB wrote: >In article , > "Stig" wrote: > >> Perhaps Bob had a good reason to kick the shit outa this >> clown. > >... if nothing else, for the incredibly lame out-dated Hipster schtick. >Hey Pal!! The Beat Generation is just that - beat. Not beat. Moved on. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- I am Abby Sale - in Orlando, Florida ------------------------------ From: JC Martin Subject: Re: (ndc) Ever Wonder.... Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 14:38:11 GMT Walter Karmazyn wrote: > What 2,000 dead soldiers look like? > > http://tinyurl.com/b7vp4 > > > This is like a 9 meg download, modems be forewarned. Music by Pink > Floyd, lies by Bush & Co. No offense to you Walter, but there may be 40k dead in Pakistan due to a natural disaster. We all die, and necessarily so...not always within nature's calmest waters. But death doesn't warrant fear. If a cause is worthy, sacrifice of life may indeed be necessary for the better survival of mankind. This war in Iraq stinks not one bit because 2000 soldiers are dead. It stinks because it was the wrong action for this country to take, and it obviously to the sane person decreases Islamic terrorism not one bit. But it's a cheap tactic IMO to use fear to influence or change minds. And in this case, it doesn't work. -JC ------------------------------ From: JC Martin Subject: Re: who on rmgd would you like to meet? Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 14:47:28 GMT I'd love to some day meet Scot aka Volkfolk, Neil X., Brew, Iron Muff, Rogue (so I can razz him when the Patriots lose in the playoffs this season), DKell, Kurt, Theresa (cause I'm curious that way ;-)), Sue W. and many others I'm forgetting. So far I've met only Joe and Gary. Joe is actually a pretty nice guy. Not all of us are capable of expressing our full selves in a Usenet forum. -JC ------------------------------ ** FOR YOUR REFERENCE ** The service addresses, to which questions about the list itself and requests to be added to or deleted from it should be directed, are as follows: Internet: dead-flames-request@gdead.berkeley.edu Bitnet: dead-flames-request%gdead.berkeley.edu@ucbcmsa Uucp: ...!{ucbvax,uunet}!gdead.berkeley.edu!dead-flames-request You can send mail to the entire list (and rec.music.gdead) via one of these addresses: Internet: dead-flames@gdead.berkeley.edu Bitnet: dead-flames%gdead.berkeley.edu@ucbcmsa Uucp: ...!{ucbvax,uunet}!gdead.berkeley.edu!dead-flames End of Dead-Flames Digest ****************************** . 0