4dc Article 58483 of rec.music.gdead: Newsgroups: rec.music.gdead Path: wam.umd.edu!ni.umd.edu!haven.umd.edu!darwin.sura.net!uvaarpa!mmdf From: Scott Hammer Subject: Setlist - Hampton - 3/5/92 Message-ID: <1992Mar6.060908.12064@uvaarpa.Virginia.EDU> Sender: mmdf@uvaarpa.Virginia.EDU (Mail System) Reply-To: SCOTH@wmvm1.cc.wm.edu Organization: The Internet Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1992 06:09:08 GMT Set I 7:35-8:40 Set II 9:20-11:00 ------------------- ------------------- Help->Slip->Franks! Eyes of the World!!-> Same Thing Long, Long, Long, Long Way!* Jack-A-Roe Estimated Prophet-> Tom Thumb Blues* He's Gone-> WRS II (Let it Grow) Drumz/Space!!!-> The Wheel I Need a Miracle-> So Many Roads-> Good Lovin'!!! E: U.S. Blues With Bruce Hornsby on Grand Piano * Bruce on Accordian YOWZA! !'s should be self-exclamatory, er, explanatory. I'll post more when I come down out of orbit. . 0