2000 From: owner-deadlists-digest@EECS.Berkeley.EDU (deadlists-digest) To: deadlists-digest@EECS.Berkeley.EDU Subject: deadlists-digest V5 #24 Reply-To: deadlists Sender: owner-deadlists-digest@EECS.Berkeley.EDU Errors-To: owner-deadlists-digest@EECS.Berkeley.EDU Precedence: bulk deadlists-digest Tuesday, November 9 2004 Volume 05 : Number 024 In this issue: Santa Monica Civic 3/08/1970 re:4-6-87 "11/16/68", Vancouver BC 3/18/77 6-28-70 thru 7-3-70 See the end of the digest for information about deadlists-digest ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 08:16:33 -0800 (PST) From: Michael Mcqueen Subject: Santa Monica Civic 3/08/1970 Hi, While surfing the net in my never ending quest to find a recording of my 1st Grateful Dead concert I came across your database of recordings. My 1st show was 3/08/70 at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. You had mentioned that there is a recording (albeit not in its entirety) floating around that was mislabeled 3/08/70 and that it was actually held on 3/07/70. I was at that show and the original labal date is correct. I know this because it was the night of my best friend's mothers birthday and they gave him so much grief about going to the show on her birthday. I have since talked to some people at the Grateful Dead offices about finding and releasing the show on Dick's Picks. I'm not sure if the Dead were even recording that night. The Civic was a union hall and i can quess that they would only let union help touch the sound board and knowing "Bears" penchant for doing things his own way, they just didn't hassle it. You were also correct that songs came before Black Peter. I know they opened with Too Hard to Handle. When talking with the Dead staff they inquired why it was so important to find that show. Besides being a show thta ranks in the top 3 of shows i've seen out of hundrerds in 34 years of seeing them and was also a once in a lifetime expirence as we were sort of allowed to expirence the Dead on an upclose and personal way. Below synopsis of the nights events as best as I can remember them.(the staff wanted me to write to them my expirence after talking briefly on the phone) Below is the email I sent . If you have a way to connect me with that recording please email me. Greetings and Salutations; I am writing to inquire about the possibility of putting out a dick's picks of the above mentioned show( Santa Monica Civic Auditorium March 8th 1970.) This has special significance to me not only because it was my 1st show but musically it ranks as one of my top 3 shows to this date out of the hundreds i have heard over my 34 year journey with the Grateful Dead. While asking a customer service question of one of your helpful staff. I gave a sort of "Reader's Digest" version of why I got on "The Bus." We enjoyed talking about my 1st show so much that he wanted me to e-mail my experience so here goes. My friend had just bought Live Dead because he had listened to the "Anthem of the Sun" album and it blew his mind on so many levels. After playing St. Stephen about a twenty times in a row he said he heard that the Dead were going to play Santa Monica in March. I must admit that I didn't get it just by hearing the record and I wasn't going to go just on principle after the 21st listening of St. Stephen in a row. He eventually talked me into it with the promise of a Window-Pane dosing. We got tickets at the box office 12th row center. I must admit I was starting to feel excited as the days got closer. The night of the show was also my friend's Mother's birthday and they were angry that he was going instead of staying home. They laid a pretty healthy guilt-trip on him so he was a little bummed out so I suggested dosing early to elevate his spirits. So we left for the show and halfway down realized in our haste that we left the tickets at home. We turned around and headed back. The Dead didn't just play by themselves back then so we figured if we miss the 1st act, which was the band Cold Blood, we didn't care. When we got to his house the 1st sparks of the Trip were firing in our brains. We grabbed the tickets and were about to leave when his Dad confronts him again and he kind of grabs him by the shoulders and starts wrestling him to keep him from leaving and the next thing I know they are rolling around on the bed. It seemed like it was happening in slow motion. No punches were thrown but it was still pretty hairy watching especially in the shape I was in. Somehow we made it out the door and back on the freeway. Well he was in a bad way emotionally and I sort of had to talk him down. He said " Maybe we shouldn't go after all." I said after all we went through we were going no matter what. We got to the show and the opening act was still on and we weren't really into them but we were starting to really "come on" so it wasn't that bad and we started to laugh about the strange start to our night. Anticipation turned to giddiness as the lights went out for The Dead. I noticed that as soon as the lights went out there was a rush of energy like nothing I had ever felt before in my life to this point, and noticed people rushing down both aisles to the front of the stage. Our seats were pretty good but when the 1st few notes of " Too Hard to Handle" were played and I saw this Hells Angel looking dude grab the microphone and start singing. My friend said I got up almost in a trance and mumbled " The music has got to sound even better down there" (pointing to the front of the stage) I started into to the isle with my friend in hot pursuit. We hit resistance from the security for a brief instant and then it was like the seas parted for a brief moment and we were almost pushed back and forth by the crowd until we were so how right in front of the stage. Pig pen was belting this Otis Redding song out like nothing I had ever heard in my life. We are literally leaning on the stage with all of these people dancing and trying to push there way to where we were. Next thing I know I'm sitting kind of side ways on the stage with my legs dangling in the crowd. It felt better not getting shoved so much, so i just kind of swung my legs around and I was sitting cross-legged on stage. Well my friend kind of nudges me to move over so i did so he could kind of do the same thing i did. The Dead had already started another song and Jerry was kind of looking down at us at his feet with a kind of funny smurk on his face when we saw this big guy coming from the side of the stage curtain moving toward us. We later recognized him as Steve Parrish and he was of course going to dump us back into the audience when Jerry,, who was just tearing into the fabric of our mind, takes his right hand off of the strings of his guitar and holds his hand up to Steve as if to say it's cool leave them alone.That was the 1st time i saw that he was missing part of his finger on his right hand. Parrish, i quess, stopped in his tracks and disappeared back into the side curtains. Jerry then proceeded to look down at us and started bending our minds like he was so capable of doing with these guitar licks that were right out of outer space. He kept making faces and laughing at us. He knew we were tripping and he was having a good time with us. We just sat there with our mouths open. Next thing we know he turns away to engage the band all the while grinning from ear to ear and the band started really taking off. They were rocking so much they just sort of "willed" us to our feet and we started to dance. Song turned into song and when they started into China Cat we just lost it and started dancing all over the stage. All the other band members started taking turns goofing on us with Phil thundering his bass at us and laughing. We ended up standing between Bill & Mickey while they crashed the symbols just inches from us. I don't remember all of what happened, but I get fla 15ae shes of new things from time to time over the last 34 years and my friend, who has a good memory, gets together with me from time to time and we collectively remember more and more things. I'm sure we have some sort of cellular memory of the entire event kicking around somewhere in our heads. The last vivid thing I remember was the The Dead Playing " Not Fade Away into Lovelight at the end with Pigpen leaning on the microphone and the crowd, maybe emboldened by us, rushing on stage. The Dead were at their best that night and the crew ended up kind of holding the crowd back with us in the middle of the band just dancing away. We decided then and there to see these guys as much as was humanly possible for 17 year olds of the time. That is why I would like to know if the show was even recorded because I can't even remember all the songs they played. I have since found snipets of songs from tapers in the audience over the years but never the show in it's entirety. I also mentioned to the staffer who suggested I write to him what i remember about that night that because of my love and passion for this music that I would love to assist Stu in whatever capacity he sees fit to help with the archival process and maybe make suggestions about shows that I have attended for future releases for Dick's Picks, I hope this finds all of you in Love & Light. Best Regards, Michael McQueen My E-mail Address is soulm8s1@aol.com or soulm8s1@sbcglobal.net ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:46:00 -0500 From: Steve Fukawa Subject: re:4-6-87 hiya, thanks to everyone who responded to my inquiry in regards to the venue name. thanks to james < james@atticsofmylife.com> for the original heads-up and especially to kevin for sending me a scan of a ticket stub. i have notified the venue caretaker and will change the venue name when he enters it into the database. another fine example of the community's involvement in helping to make deadlists THE reference for grateful dead setlists. thanks again everyone, steve/ 1987 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 02:23:38 -0700 From: "G. M. Watson" Subject: "11/16/68", Vancouver BC Hi there: You seem to be listing a Dead concert as having taken place in Vancouver BC on 11/16/68. Sorry; never happened. I was a rabid 16-year-old Dead fan in those days (and a Chuck Berry fan, for that matter) and living in Vancouver-- I'd seen the GD in concert the year before in the Agrodome in Vancouver (7/13/67), and I would rather have cut my throat than miss them in the fall of '68. I believe they played the Eagle Auditorium in Seattle in the fall of '68, but they never made it across the border, more's the pity. After the '67 gig the Dead did not play Vancouver again until May(?) 1973. Their final Vancouver gig was a year later, in 1974 (I was at the '73 show but missed the '74). I have a vague memory of the purported '68 concert you list-- it was briefly advertised, IIRC, but was cancelled (if there were in fact any serious plans for it at all). Need further details? Let me know. Gordon Watson Vancouver BC ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 22:35:20 -0700 (PDT) From: Giancarlo Sadoti Subject: 3/18/77 Hi, recently heard the copy on the llama, noticed an anomaly in Fire (source notes reel change at ~5:40). I never noticed this cut on my old tape because it and around 30-40 seconds were 'surgically' cut out at some point in the lineage - this 'modified' version seems to be the same timing as you list (Scarlet Begonias [6:49] > Fire On The Mountain [9:28]). The version on the llama adds this 30-40 seconds, but it seems at least 4 seconds (if not more) are missing due to the reel change. Without hearing the AUD version (which I'd love to find for patching purposes) I can't be sure. Nice work to all of you for posting and maintaining such a comprehensive database. Giancarlo ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2004 10:50:07 -0800 From: "Todd S." Subject: 6-28-70 thru 7-3-70 We someone be updating these dates based on the release of Festival Express last week? There seem to be a few inconsistencies regarding the "free shows" in Toronto. On this site we list 2 dates, however, it is very clear in the movie that it is only one date. ------------------------------ End of deadlists-digest V5 #24 ****************************** To subscribe to the DeadLists-Digest, send the command: subscribe in the body of a message to "deadlists-digest-request@gdead.berkeley.edu". To unsubscribe to the DeadLists-Digest, send the command: unsubscribe DeadLists-digest in the body of a message to "majordomo@EECS.Berkeley.EDU". 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