5d9 [09] CAN I GET A LIST OF EDITORS AVAILABLE HERE? Here is a list of most of the editors available on SDF. To use one of these as a default, set the environment variables EDITOR and VISUAL with the path to the editor. ed Ken Thompson's editor (original UNIX editor) ex An EXtended ed line editor (between ed & vi) vi Bill Joy's editor (VIsual editor) nvi new vi bvi Gerhard Buergmann's VI based binary hex editor vim A VI clone vilearn VI interactive tutorial vile VI Like Emacs (between vi & emacs) EMACS EMACS was written in ITS TECO and is not available for UNIX emacs Richard Stallman's emacs clone uemacs MicroEMACS beav A slightly emacs like binary editor zile Sandro Sigala's emacs clone ce Chet Ramey's emacs clone jed John E Davis' emacs clone jove Jonathan Payne's emacs clone pico Mark Crispin's MM SEND editor (?) nano a pico clone hexedit Pascal Rigaux's binary hex editor ee Hugh Mahon's Easy Editor hnb The Hierachical NoteBook browser/editor ne Cambridge Text Editor (not 64bit compatible) ve NTHU-CS Maple BBS editor (supports Chinese) id3ed Peter Karlsson's mp3 TAG editor id3 Robert Woodcock's mp3 TAG editor id3v2 Myer Carpenter's mp3 TAG editor mp3asm A command line mp3 frame level editor 0