43a [01] WHAT UNIX SHELLS ARE AVAILABLE HERE? A 'shell' is how you interact with the 'kernel'. The kernel is the software that translates your commands into instructions that the hardware (machine) can understand. The origin of the word 'shell' actually comes from MULTICS, which UNIX attempts to mimic. /bin/sh Stephen Bourne's Shell /bin/csh A shell with a C-like syntax /bin/ksh David Korn's Shell (default) /usr/pkg/bin/bash GNU's Broken Again SHell /usr/pkg/bin/tcsh BBN TENEX Shell .. Not quite like EXEC /usr/pkg/bin/rc PLAN 9 'Run Commands' Shell /usr/pkg/bin/zsh Paul Falstad's Shell The best thing to do is read up on the shell using the 'man' command. You can run the shell by just executing it. When you are sure you really want to change to that shell you: TELNET to 'ol.freeshell.org' to run password/shell maintenance. Note, you can ssh into 'tty.freeshell.org' to encrypt your session before your telnet to 'ol.freeshell.org' 0