(DIR) 2018 Advent Beer Review
       Date:   Dec 20, 2018
       Beer:   The Mitten Brewing Company - Triple Crown Brown
       Style:  Brown Ale
       Source: Grand Rapids, Michigan
       ABV:    4.2%
       "A balanced, inviting, award-winning brown ale. TCB has the malt
        character of a bigger beer in a package you can session any time"
 (IMG) Triple Crown Brown
       I'm not typically a fan of brown ales. This one from the Mitten
       makes a noble attempt at changing my mind, but it's ultimately
       unsuccessful. The beer tastes only faintly nutty which is a
       positive in my eyes and one of the big complaints that I have
       against browns. I just don't see the appeal of this style. It
       tastes watered down and bland to me. It needs the addition of
       a new bold or spicy ingredient to really give it a kick.
       - Would I buy it again? No
       - How much could I drink in one night? A can before getting bored
         of it and switching to something else.