(ARC) 8
       Welcome to gopher://gopher.aerv.nl:70/
 (ERR) 3
 (UUE) 7
       This is the main page of the PCW Aerv Gopher service.
 (UUE) 9
       You are welcome to send suggestions and comments to the
 (UUE) 1
       maintainer: Roeland Kok <roeland@linux-box.nl>.
 (UUE) c
       Feel free to browse, view and download. Have a lot of fun!
 (ERR) 3
 (UUE) a
       If you're a maintainer of your own Gopher server, please
 (UUE) 0
       link us, and we'll link back :). Gopher Lives!
 (ERR) 3
 (ARC) f
 (TXT) Welcome to the Aerv Gopher Services
 (ARC) d
       Welcome message to the Aerv Gopher service.
 (ERR) a
 (DIR) dutch
 (HEX) 0
       Dutch section.
 (ERR) e
 (DIR) english
 (HEX) 2
       English section.
 (HEX) 2
 (DIR) geekphlog
 (HEX) 6
       The Gopher's Geeklog
 (ERR) e
 (DIR) general
 (ARC) a
       General section, downloads, other stuff.
 (ERR) c
 (DIR) gopher
 (ARC) 6
       All about Gopher and Gopher servers.