(UUE) 8
       Welcome to Bucktooth, the miniature Gopher server for Perl and
 (UUE) 8
       inetd. This is pre-alpha software and is probably riddled with
 (UUE) 7
       more security holes, bugs and unpleasantness than we know of.
 (ARC) 7
       (However, we're running it here at Floodgap.)
 (PHO) b
 (UUE) 7
       Last modify 2 September 2005. The current version is 0.1-pr6.
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) 1
       Use at your own risk! -- Cameron Kaiser
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) 7
 (DIR) Back to the Floodgap gopher server
 (PHO) b
 (ARC) a
 (TXT) License -- READ ME FIRST!
 (HEX) 8
 (TXT) Change log
 (HEX) a
 (DIR) Download
 (QRY) 1
 (DIR) Installing and configuring Bucktooth
 (QRY) 1
 (DIR) Interactive user's guide to Bucktooth
 (UUE) b
 (DIR) Browse the Bucktooth glossary
 (UUE) 8
 (DIR) Gopher-related RFCs, technical documents
 (PHO) b
 (UUE) 5
       For user questions, we recommend subscribing to the general
 (ARC) 6
       gopher advocacy list hosted by complete.org.
 (PHO) b
 (UUE) d
 (TXT) Subscription information