(UUE) b
       If you've installed a Gopher server after 1999, we'd love to list
 (UUE) c
       new Gophers here. (This list is now resorted to put newest servers
 (ERR) 6
       on the top.)
 (PHO) b
 (UUE) c
       Please note that these links go to servers that are not maintained
 (UUE) b
       by Floodgap and no opinion is expressed over the content therein.
 (HEX) 7
       Your use is at your own risk.
 (PHO) b
 (UUE) 8
       List your gopher resource here by mailing gopher@floodgap.com.
 (ARC) a
       Please also report any dead servers listed here.
 (PHO) b
 (UUE) c
       ** NOTE: new links listed here may not yet be available for search
 (ARC) 5
       in Veronica-2 or in the global database. **
 (PHO) b
 (HEX) 3
 (DIR) gopher.sm5sxl.net
 (HEX) 8
 (DIR) JBother Jabber Client
 (HEX) 6
 (DIR) Igneous Rock
 (HEX) 0
 (DIR) Bits-N-Bytes BBS
 (ERR) d
 (DIR) Vertrauen BBS
 (ERR) 9
 (DIR) JumpJet
 (ARC) 5
 (DIR) gopher.mainzi.homeunix.net
 (HEX) b
 (DIR) QuIX - Quasi-Indefatigable Xenolith
 (HEX) 3
 (DIR) gopher.goiaba.net
 (ERR) d
 (DIR) selene.yule.nl
 (ARC) a
 (DIR) Route-add.net experimental gopher
 (HEX) 9
 (DIR) shamrockshire.yi.org
 (ERR) 3
 (DIR) zedah.org
 (ERR) 5
 (DIR) hal3000.cx
 (HEX) 1
 (DIR) gopher.rp.spb.su
 (ERR) f
 (DIR) Simple Machines
 (HEX) 6
 (DIR) PCW Aerv Gopher Service
 (HEX) a
 (DIR) Rachael/Amiga Gopherexx
 (ERR) 8
 (DIR) YOW Gopherspace
 (HEX) 4
 (DIR) SDF Public Access UNIX
 (HEX) d
 (DIR) Lost Wizard Enterprises Gopher
 (ERR) f
 (DIR) quux.org Gopher
 (HEX) 7
 (DIR) Kostecke.net Gopher
 (UUE) 0
 (DIR) Gopher Server von Martina und Hauke (German)