(QRY) 0
 (DIR) About this gopherspace (including a quick "How To" guide)
 (UUE) 5
 (DIR) Internet Outbound (Links we think are cool)
 (ARC) a
 (DIR) Art, Music, Film, Cultural works, etc
 (QRY) d
 (DIR) Authors, Books, Periodicals, Zines (Factsheet Five lives here!)
 (QRY) 8
 (DIR) Business in Cyberspace: Ventures (and Resources) on the Matrix
 (ARC) 8
 (DIR) Communications and Media
 (HEX) 4
 (DIR) Community
 (ARC) b
 (DIR) Cyberpunk and Postmodern Culture
 (ARC) b
 (DIR) Environmental Issues and Ideas
 (HEX) 0
 (DIR) Hacking
 (HEX) 9
 (DIR) K-12 Education
 (UUE) a
 (DIR) The Matrix (information about the global networks)
 (UUE) b
 (DIR) The Military, its People, Policies, and Practices
 (HEX) 2
 (DIR) Politics
 (HEX) 0
 (DIR) Science
 (HEX) 9
 (DIR) The WELL itself
 (ARC) 5
 (DIR) Whole Earth Review, the Magazine
 (HEX) c
 (DIR) Whole Systems