(UUE) 2
       You are in the underground world of Gopherspace!
 (ERR) 3
 (ARC) d
       This is Quasi-Indefatigable Xenolith (QuIX)
 (HEX) 5
       run by Jason Nemrow
 (ERR) 3
 (ARC) 0
       This is the Home of O3IXI8E0OC
 (UUE) 0
       God's Plan for Happiness in Ten Simple Symbols
 (ARC) 2
       also known as the Salvation Code
 (ARC) 2
 (DIR)  Discovering The Salvation Code
 (ARC) f
       God's Plan of Happiness in Ten Simple Symbols
 (HEX) 8
       AKA The Salvation Code
 (ARC) 1
 (TXT)  Using FireFox 1.5 in Gopherspace
 (ARC) e
       Use the newest and best Gopher client today!
 (ERR) 3
 (DIR) About
 (ARC) d
       All the information you ever needed to know
 (ARC) a
       about Gopherspace, QuIX, and Jay Nemrow.
 (ERR) 7
 (DIR) Gophlog
 (UUE) 6
       This is the Gopher Journal of QuIX and Jason Nemrow.
 (ARC) 1
 (DIR) Inspiring Stories by Jason Nemrow
 (ARC) 9
       These are the assorted fiction writings
 (ARC) d
       of Jason Nemrow, some popular and some not.
 (HEX) d
 (DIR) Items from Jay's Old Web Site
 (ARC) b
       Jay has written and developed many things
 (ARC) a
       which were on the old web site.  This is
 (HEX) 9
       the Gopherized version.
 (HEX) 4
 (DIR) Jay's World of Abstracts
 (UUE) b
 (TXT) Nemrow Family Guide to Prairie Survival #21
 (ARC) 9
 (DIR) Other Gopher Servers
 (HEX) 1
 (DIR) Palm IIIxe
 (UUE) c
       I am a devotee of the Plam IIIxe, the best Palm ever made.
 (ERR) f
 (DIR) Programming
 (ARC) 7
       Jay's Journey in Computer Programming
 (HEX) 5
 (DIR) Quay County MCCH Council
 (UUE) 5
       I was the caretaker of parts of the Council between
 (UUE) 4
       October 2002 and June 2004 and I kept the records.
 (ERR) 5
 (DIR) Shayna
 (ARC) e
       Shayna is She Who was Formerly Homeschooled.
 (ARC) 7
       The products of her last fateful year
 (ARC) 1
       of schooling at home (aged 13).
 (ERR) 9
 (DIR) Software
 (UUE) 4
       Here is a most interesting and eclectic collection
 (UUE) 2
       of files from my days of working with CP/M, DOS,
 (UUE) 0
       and Linux.  They are saved here for posterity.
 (HEX) 3
 (DIR) Techie Things for NMSU
 (ARC) 9
       I work for New Mexico State University.
 (ARC) f
       Here is some stuff that I have done for them!
 (PHO) d
 (DIR) gs