(UUE) 1
       The Burrow of the Naked Mole
 (HEX) 6
 (QRY) 9
       Welcome to my poetry, short fiction, and prose site!
 (QRY) a
       Please feel free to roam about. Please read the INDEX
 (UUE) 1
       file before getting started.
 (HEX) 6
 (UUE) 2
       baldinux at freeshell dot org
 (UUE) 3
 (HEX) 6
 (ARC) f
 (TXT) Index [Please read first]
 (UUE) 3
 (TXT) Legal [Copyright and License]
 (UUE) 5
 (TXT) License [License in legalese]
 (HEX) f
 (DIR) My Poems