(ARC) b
 (TXT) README for Gopher
 (QRY) 0
 (HTM) Gene Michael Stover's Web site
 (???) 7
 (DIR) About CyberTiggyr Team's Submission to ICFP's Annual Programming Contest (2003), by Gene Michael Stover and Pavel Repin
 (QRY) 3
 (HTM) About Jason H. Stover, by Jason H. Stover
 (QRY) 7
 (HTM) About My Web Site, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 9
 (DIR) Advanced Use of Lisp's FORMAT Function, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 4
 (DIR) Adventures with the Popsicle Zombies, by Gene Michael Stover
 (???) b
 (DIR) An Idea for Distributed Intelligence by Use of Polynomial Transforms, by Gene Michael Stover
 (???) 6
 (TXT) An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith
 (QRY) b
 (DIR) Ancient Undelete Programs, by Gene Michael Stover
 (???) 1
 (DIR) And You Thought the Printing Press was Important, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) e
 (DIR) Babbage - The Language Of The Future, by Tony Karp
 (TEL) 0
 (DIR) Book of the Forever Damned, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) a
 (DIR) Boy Defending Himself, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 8
 (DIR) C as a Portable Intermediate Language, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 9
 (DIR) CLOSminded: Slot Accessor Names Matter, by Tim Moore
 (UUE) b
 (DIR) Cliology, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) e
 (DIR) Comparing I/O Speeds of C, C++, & Lisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) c
 (DIR) Comparing Some IPC Methods on Unix, by Gene Michael Stover
 (???) f
 (DIR) Comparison of CGI Performance in Some Programming Languages, by Gene Michael Stover
 (???) e
 (DIR) Consumer Broadband and Digital Television Promotion Act (CBDTPA) Terrors, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 7
 (DIR) Contacting Me, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 0
 (DIR) Controversial Ideas about Programming, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) a
 (DIR) Conversation with Ann, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 2
 (DIR) Converting XML to Lisp via Perl, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 1
 (DIR) Copyright Quick-Start for Online Authors, by Gene Michael Stover
 (UUE) a
 (DIR) Crisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 9
 (DIR) CyberTiggyr Chill, a CGI & HTML Library for Lisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 7
 (DIR) CyberTiggyr Critters, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 1
 (DIR) CyberTiggyr Evie: Genetic Algorithms for Lisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) e
 (DIR) CyberTiggyr Flez: An event system for Lisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) a
 (DIR) CyberTiggyr Lizard: ONC RPC for Lisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) b
 (DIR) CyberTiggyr Tigris, a Library of Miscellaneous Things, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) c
 (DIR) CyberTiggyr.COM System Documentation, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) c
 (DIR) Death by Panang, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 4
 (DIR) Distributed Evolution for Improving Shellsort, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 0
 (DIR) Dolphins, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) b
 (DIR) Ecstacy, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 6
 (DIR) Editorial: Internal Changes, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 2
 (DIR) Experiment in Web Article Style, by Gene Michael Stover
 (UUE) c
 (DIR) Fables, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 9
 (DIR) Fetish Requirements, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 0
 (DIR) Gallery of Incidentals, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 0
 (DIR) Gene's JavaScript Experiments, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 4
 (DIR) Gene's OpenGL experiments (GOGL), by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) c
 (DIR) Generating HTML with Lisp & Templates, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) c
 (DIR) Generating HTML with Lisp / a tutorial for new programmers, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) e
 (DIR) Genetic Programming for Entire Applications, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 6
 (DIR) Giggle, by Gene Michael Stover
 (UUE) f
 (DIR) Gopher Space, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 5
 (DIR) Guide to Monterey for SCUBA Divers, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) d
 (DIR) Guidelines for Authors, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 6
 (DIR) Hacker's Introduction to Partial Evaluation, A, by Darius Bacon
 (BIN) 8
 (DIR) Heap (Priority Queue) Implementation in Lisp, A, by Gene Michael Stover
 (???) b
 (DIR) Highly Opinionated Guide to Lisp, by Pascal Costanza
 (TEL) d
 (DIR) How Expensive is TCP's Keep-Alive Feature?, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 8
 (DIR) How I Installed Lisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) e
 (DIR) Implementation of Mersenne Twister for Lisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 9
 (DIR) Implementation of TCPMUX using Lisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) c
 (DIR) Improving Shellsort Through Evolution, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) d
 (DIR) Introduction to Unix & SDF, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 2
 (DIR) Letters to Congressmen & Representatives, by Gene Michael Stover
 (UUE) a
 (DIR) Links, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 1
 (DIR) Lisp & CGI / a tutorial for new programmers, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 7
 (DIR) Lisp & HTML Templates Examples, by Gene Michael Stover
 (UUE) e
 (DIR) Lisp Idioms, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 2
 (DIR) Lisp Script, by Gene Michael Stover
 (UUE) a
 (HTM) Lisp with Vim, by Larry Clapp
 (TEL) 8
 (DIR) Lisp/CGI Programming Experiments, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) a
 (DIR) List of Favorites, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 0
 (DIR) List of Inventions (for job contracts), by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 3
 (DIR) Miles Per Gallon, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) b
 (DIR) Monitor the Global Situation in Realtime, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 4
 (DIR) Notes about .hack, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) f
 (DIR) Notes about <EM>Beyond Good &amp; Evil</EM>, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 1
 (DIR) Notes about Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) e
 (DIR) Notes about Microsoft COM, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) a
 (DIR) Notes about VBScript, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 7
 (HTM) Parsing Dates in Lisp, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 6
 (DIR) Pathnames Quick-Start &amp; Quick-Reference, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) f
 (DIR) People With Holes In Their Heads, The, by unknown
 (TEL) 2
 (DIR) Phil, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) c
 (DIR) Portable Lisp Programming, by Gene Michael Stover
 (???) 2
 (DIR) Proper Use of Garbage Collection in C++, The, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) e
 (DIR) Resource Pools, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) c
 (HTM) Review of .hack soundtrack, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) c
 (DIR) Review of <EM>.hack // Infection</EM>, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) d
 (DIR) Review of <EM>Beyond Good &amp; Evil</EM>, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) f
 (DIR) Review of <EM>Lifeline</EM>, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 9
 (DIR) Review of <EM>Ratchet &amp; Clank</EM>, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 0
 (DIR) Review of Blood Rayne, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) a
 (DIR) Review of Clock Tower 3, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 0
 (DIR) Review of Rez, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 0
 (DIR) Review of Wild Arms 3, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 5
 (DIR) SLURP-FILE Performance Comparison, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 7
 (DIR) Sensitive Man, The, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 7
 (DIR) Show All GUIDs, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 7
 (DIR) Simple Speed Test Between a Bunch of Languages, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 1
 (DIR) Simulation Solution to a Salt-&-Pepper Puzzle, by Gene Michael Stover
 (???) 4
 (DIR) Source of All Tape Knowledge, The, by vax [at] linkdead.paranoia.com
 (TEL) 3
 (HTM) Speed of your Internet connection, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 8
 (DIR) Tales from the Programming Trenches, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 7
 (DIR) Tarot Card Reference, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) 4
 (DIR) Tarot Readings Log, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) d
 (DIR) Tarot Spreads, a Catalogue, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 7
 (DIR) The Truth about Type Safety in Programming Languages, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) c
 (DIR) Thoughts about Everything, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) d
 (DIR) Thoughts about Game &amp; Simulation Program Architecture, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) b
 (DIR) Timaeus, translated by Benjamin Jowett, by Plato
 (???) 3
 (DIR) Totoro, my submission for the 2001 ICFP programming contest, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 9
 (DIR) UID and EUID in CGI Programs, The, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) d
 (DIR) Untitled (Short Story 9), by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) f
 (DIR) Warp Drive Numbers in Star Trek: TNG, by Leon Myerson
 (TEL) 1
 (DIR) What Happened to lisp-p.org?, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 7
 (DIR) What a CGI Program Knows About You, by Gene Michael Stover
 (BIN) 8
 (DIR) Why You Should Use Garbage Collection in Your Program, by Gene Michael Stover
 (UUE) 9
 (DIR) Wife, by Gene Michael Stover
 (QRY) e
 (DIR) Writing Portable C/C++, by Gene Michael Stover
 (TEL) 5
 (DIR) cpio How-To and Quick Start, by Gene Michael Stover
 (UUE) c
 (DIR) resume, by Gene Michael Stover
 (PHO) 3
 (TN3) raceback (most recent call last):
 (ARC) e
 (???)  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pygopherd/initialization.py", line 82, in handle
 (ARC) e
 (???)  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pygopherd/protocols/base.py", line 87, in handle
 (UUE) 1
 (???)  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pygopherd/protocols/base.py", line 122, in writedir
 (UUE) 8
 (???)  File "/usr/pkg/lib/python2.4/site-packages/pygopherd/protocols/rfc1436.py", line 35, in renderobjinfo
 (ERR) b
 (TN3) ypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'NoneType' objects